7 resultados para YUP (yhtye)
em Publishing Network for Geoscientific
Distribution of Fe, Mn, Ti, Cu, Ni, Co, V, Cr, Mo, As in bottom sediments of a section from the Hawaiian Islands to the coast of Mexico. In the surface layer and isochronic layers of sediments from biogenic-terrigenous sediments of the Mexico coast to pelagic red clays of the Northeast Basin contents of all studied elements increase, and more sharply for mobile ones - Mn, Mo, Cu, Ni, Co, As. In near Hawaii sediments rich in coarsely fragmented volcanic-terrigenous and pyroclastic material of basalt composition enriched in Ti, Fe, Cr, V, P contents of these elements in surface sediments and in sediment mass increase and contents of Mn, Mo, Ni, Co, Cu, As (for the same reason) decrease compared to red clays. An area of hemipelagic and transition sediments is identified; these sediments have much higher contents of Mn, Fe, Cu, Ni, Mo, As, (Ba) than red clays and similar sediments of the Northwest Pacific Ocean. This is due to hydrothermal activity in the tectonically active zone at the northern extension of the East Pacific Rise. Similar character of distribution of the elements in the surface layer and in the isochrone layers of bottom sediments along the most part of the section is shown. Similarity between distribution of the elements in sediments of the western and the eastern parts of the Transpacific section is established.
Sediments at the bottom of Lake Baikal are mostly oxidized at their surface, and the oxidized sedimentary deposits are enriched in Fe and Mn hydroxides. The thickness of the oxidized zone of the pelagic sediments averages at 5 cm and locally reaches 10-15, occasionally exceeding 20 cm. Both the thickness of the oxidized layer and the degree of its enrichment in iron and manganese hydroxides are controlled by the depth to which oxygen can penetrate into the sedimentary deposits, which is, in turn, closely related to the sedimentation conditions in the lake (which broadly vary). The sedimentation rate far off the shores of Lake Baikal ranges from <0.02 mm/year to 1.5 mm/year, and the content of organic matter buried in the sediments varies from 0.1 to >4%. The variability of the sedimentation process makes Lake Baikal very convenient to study its diagenetic processes related to redox reactions in sediments, first of all, processes responsible for the redistribution of Fe and Mn compounds. Although the diagenetic enrichment of Fe and Ni in bottom sediments is known to be of biogenic character, very scarce information is available so far on the microorganisms involved in the redistribution of these elements in sediments in Lake Baikal, which lately led us to explore this issue in detail. Our research was centered on the role played by the microbial community in the diagenetic transformations of Fe and Mn with reference to sedimentation conditions in Lake Baikal.
Composition of melt inclusions and age of zircons of plagiogneisses from the Kola Superdeep Borehole
A comprehensive study of melt inclusions and SHRIMP dating of zircons from trondhjemite gneisses of the sequence VIII from the Kola Superdeep Borehole has revealed presence of old primary magmatic crystals with age up to 2887+/-15 Ma. This is not consistent with the previous view, according to which the oldest zircons from the Archean Complex in SG-3 are products of granulite metamorphism. Primary magmatic zircons of early generation (from 2887 to 2842 Ma) formed in deep-seated magma chambers during partial crystallization of CO2-saturated trondhjemite estimates on duration of generation of tonalite-trondhjemite-granite melts through partial melting of mafic rocks.