16 resultados para Xenon

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Two silicate-rich dust layers were found in the Dome Fuji ice core in East Antarctica, at Marine Isotope Stages 12 and 13. Morphologies, textures, and chemical compositions of constituent particles reveal that they are high-temperature melting products and are of extraterrestrial origin. Because similar layers were found ~2000 km east of Dome Fuji, at EPICA (European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica)-Dome C, particles must have rained down over a wide area 434 and 481 ka. The strewn fields occurred over an area of at least 3 × 10**6 km**2. Chemical compositions of constituent phases and oxygen isotopic composition of olivines suggest that the upper dust layer was produced by a high-temperature interaction between silicate-rich melt and water vapor due to an impact explosion or an aerial burst of a chondritic meteoroid on the inland East Antarctic ice sheet. An estimated total mass of the impactor, on the basis of particle flux and distribution area, is at least 3 × 10**9 kg. A possible parent material of the lower dust layer is a fragment of friable primitive asteroid or comet. A hypervelocity impact of asteroidal/cometary material on the upper atmosphere and an explosion might have produced aggregates of sub-µm to µm-sized spherules. Total mass of the parent material of the lower layer must exceed 1 × 10**9 kg. The two extraterrestrial horizons, each a few millimeters in thickness, represent regional or global meteoritic events not identified previously in the Southern Hemisphere.


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Fifteen submarine glasses from the East Pacific Rise (CYAMEX), the Kyushu-Palau Ridge (DSDP Leg 59) and the Nauru Basin (DSDP Leg 61) were analysed for noble gas contents and isotopic ratios. Both the East Pacific Rise and Kyushu-Palau Ridge samples showed Ne excess relative to Ar and a monotonic decrease from Xe to Ar when compared with air noble gas abundance. This characteristic noble gas abundance pattern (type 2, classified by Ozima and Alexander) is interpreted to be due to a two-stage degassing from a noble gas reservoir with originally atmospheric abundance. In the Kyushu-Palau Ridge sample, noble gases are nearly ten times more abundant than in the East Pacific Rise samples. This may be attributed to an oceanic crust contamination in the former mantle source. There is no correlation between the He content and that of the other noble gas in the CYAMEX samples. This suggests that He was derived from a larger region, independent from the other noble gases. Except where radiogenic isotopes are involved, all other noble gas isotopic ratios were indistinguishable from air noble gas isotopic ratios. The 3He/4He in the East Pacific Rise shows a remarkably uniform ratio of (1.21 +/- 0.07)*10**-5, while the40Ar/36Ar ranges from 700 to 5600.


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Fractionation of the noble gases should occur during formation of a Structure I gas hydrate from water and CH4 such that CH4 hydrate is greatly enriched in Xenon. Noble gas concentrations and fractionation factors (F[4He], F[22Ne], F[86Kr], and F[132Xe] as well as R/Ra) were determined for eight gas hydrate specimens collected on Leg 164 to evaluate this theoretical possibility and to assess whether sufficient quantities of Xe are hosted in oceanic CH4 hydrate to account for Xe "missing" from the atmosphere. The simplest explanation for our results is that samples contain mixtures of air and two end-member gases. One of the end-member gases is depleted in Ne, but significantly enriched in Kr and Xe, as anticipated if the source of this gas involves fractionation during Structure I gas hydrate formation. However, although oceanic CH4 hydrate may be greatly enriched in Xe, simple mass balance calculations indicate that oceanic CH4 hydrate probably represents only a minor reservoir of terrestrial Xe. Noble gas analyses may play an important role in understanding the dynamics of gas hydrate reservoirs, but significantly more work is needed than presented here.


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We have determined the concentrations and isotopic composition of noble gases in old oceanic crust and oceanic sediments and the isotopic composition of noble gases in emanations from subduction volcanoes. Comparison with the noble gas signature of the upper mantle and a simple model allow us to conclude that at least 98% of the noble gases and water in the subducted slab returns back into the atmosphere through subduction volcanism before they can be admixed into the earth's mantle. It seems that the upper mantle is inaccessible to atmospheric noble gases due to an efficient subduction barrier for volatiles.