10 resultados para Welded Seam

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Sphagnum moss is the dominant plant type in modern boreal and (sub)arctic ombrotrophic bogs and is of particular interest due to its sensitivity to climate and its important role in wetland biogeochemistry. Here we reconstruct the occurrence of Sphagnum moss - and associated biogeochemical change - within a thermally immature, early Paleogene (~55 Ma) lignite from Schöningen, NW Germany using a high-resolution, multi-proxy approach. Changes in the abundance of Sphagnum-type spores and the C23/C31n-alkane ratio indicate the expansion of Sphagnum moss within the top of the lignite seam. This Sphagnum moss expansion is associated with the development of waterlogged conditions, analogous to what has been observed within modern ombrotrophic bogs. The similarity between biomarkers and palynology also indicates that the C23/C31n-alkane ratio may be a reliable chemotaxonomic indicator for Sphagnum during the early Paleogene. The d13C value of bacterial hopanes and mid-chain n-alkanes indicates that a rise in water table is not associated with a substantial increase in aerobic methanotrophy. The absence of very low d13C values within the top of the seam could reflect either less methanogenesis or less efficient methane oxidation under waterlogged sulphate-rich conditions.


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Dispersed organic matter of plant origin from three sites of the Middle America Trench transect was investigated by coal petrographic methods. Samples from the slope region are rich in lipoid and inert substances. Humic matter is predominant in the trench sediments. Reflectance measurements show that the rank of the organic matter is peat, independent of the tectonic position and age of the samples in question. A slow increase of coalification with depth is observed.


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A felsic volcanic series (605-825 mbsf) overlain by upper Eocene shallow-water sediments (500-605 mbsf) and basalticandesitic sills that intruded into sediments of Holocene to Miocene age (0-500 mbsf) was drilled in the forearc region of the Lau Basin at a water depth of 4810 m. The volcanic sequence at Site 841 includes altered and mineralized calc-alkaline rhyolites and dacites, dacitic tuffs, lapilli tuffs, flow breccias, and welded tuffs. These rocks formed subaerially or in a very shallow-water environment suffering a subsidence of >5000 m since Eocene times. Calculations of gains and losses of the major components during alteration show most pronounced changes in the uppermost 70 m of the volcanic sequence. Here, Al, Fe, Mg, and K are enriched, whereas Si and Na are strongly depleted. Illite, vermiculite, chlorite, and hematite predominate in this part of the hole. Throughout the section, quartz, plagioclase, kaolinite, and calcite are present. Sulfide mineralization (up to 10 vol%) consisting mainly of disseminated pyrite (with minor pyrrhotite inclusions) and marcasite together with minor amounts of chalcopyrite is pervasive throughout. Locally, a few sulfide-bearing quartz-carbonate veins as well as Ti-amphibole replacement by rutile and then by pyrite were observed. Strong variations in the As content of sulfides (from 0 to 0.69 wt%) from the same depth interval and local enrichments of Co, Ni, and Cu in pyrite are interpreted to result from fluctuations in fluid composition. Calculations of oxygen and sulfur fugacities indicate that fO2 and fS2 were high at the top and lower at the bottom of the sequence. Sulfur isotope determinations on separated pyrite grains from two samples give d34S values of +6.4ë and +8.4ë, which are close to those reported from Kuroko and Okinawa Trough massive sulfide deposits and calc-alkaline volcanic rocks of the Japanese Ryukyu Island Arc. Calculated chlorite formation temperatures of 265°-290°C at the top of the sequence are consistent with minimum formation temperatures of fluid inclusions in secondary quartz, revealing a narrow range of 270°-297°C. Chlorite formation temperatures are constant downhole and do not exceed 300°C. The presence of marcasite and 4C-type pyrrhotite indicates a formation temperature of <= 250°C. At a later stage, illite was formed at the top of the volcanic series at temperatures well below 200°C.


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Widespread silicic pyroclastic eruptions of the Oligocene Afro-Arabian flood volcanic province (ignimbrites and airfall tuffs) produced up to 20% of the total flood volcanic stratigraphy (>6*10**4 km**3). Volumes of individual ignimbrites and tuffs exposed on land range from ~150 to >2000 km**3 and eight major units (15-100 m thick) were erupted in <2 Myr, placing these amongst the largest-magnitude silicic pyroclastic eruptions on Earth. They are compositionally distinctive time-stratigraphic markers which were deposited as co-ignimbrite ashfall deposits on a near-global scale around the time of the Oi2 cooling anomaly at ~30 Ma. Two ignimbrites from the lower part of the flood volcanic succession in Yemen have been correlated to: (a) the conjugate rifted margin of Ethiopia (>500 km distant); and (b) to two deep sea ash layers sampled by ODP Leg 115 in the Indian Ocean ~2700 km to the southeast. This correlation is based on whole rock analyses of silicic units for isotope ratios (Pb, Nd) and rare earth element compositions, in conjunction with novel in situ Pb isotope laser ablation multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy analysis of groundmass and glass shards. Compositional diversity preserved on the scale of individual ash shards in these deep sea tephra layers record chemical heterogeneity present in the silicic magma chambers that is not evident in the welded on-land deposits. Ages of the ash layers can be established by correlation to precisely dated on-land ignimbrites, and current evidence suggests that while these eruptions may have exacerbated already changing climatic conditions, they both marginally post-date the Oi2 global cooling anomaly.


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To investigate the geochemistry of trace elements in coals from the Dingji Mine of the Huainan Coalfield, Anhui province, China, 416 borehole samples of coal, one parting, two floor and two roof mudstones were collected from 9 minable coal seams in 24 boreholes drilled during exploration. The abundances of 47 elements in each sample were determined by various instruments. The boron concentration in the coals suggests that marine influence decreased from coal seam 1 to 13-1. The geometric means of the elements Sn, Bi, Sb, and B are higher than the average for the corresponding elements in the coals from China, the U.S., and world. The enrichment of certain elements in the Shanxi or Upper Shihezi Formations is related to their depositional environment. The roof, floor and parting samples have higher contents of some elements than coal seams. The mineral matters in the coals from the Dingji Mine were found to consist mainly of granular quartz, clay minerals, and carbonate minerals. The elements are classified into two groups based on their stratigraphic distribution from coal seam 1 to 13-1, and the characteristics of each group are discussed. Based on the correlation coefficients of elemental concentrations with ash yield, four groups of elements with different affinities were identified.


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Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ), in the North Island, New Zealand, is arguably the most active Quaternary rhyolitic system in the world. Numerous and widespread rhyolitic tephra layers, sourced from the TVZ, form valuable chronostratigraphic markers in onshore and offshore sedimentary sequences. In deep-sea cores from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 181 Sites 1125, 1124, 1123 and 1122, located east of New Zealand, ca 100 tephra beds are recognised post-dating the Plio-Pleistocene boundary at 1.81 Ma. These tephras have been dated by a combination of magnetostratigraphy, orbitally tuned stable-isotope data and isothermal plateau fission track ages. The widespread occurrence of ash offshore to the east of New Zealand is favoured by the small size of New Zealand, the explosivity of the mainly plinian and ignimbritic eruptions and the prevailing westerly wind field. Although some tephras can be directly attributed to known TVZ eruptions, there are many more tephras represented within ODP-cores that have yet to be recognised in near-source on-land sequences. This is due to proximal source area erosion and/or deep burial as well as the adverse effect of vapour phase alteration and devitrification within near-source welded ignimbrites. Despite these difficulties, a number of key deep-sea tephras can be reliably correlated to equivalent-aged tephra exposed in uplifted marine back-arc successions of Wanganui Basin where an excellent chronology has been developed based on magnetostratigraphy, orbitally calibrated sedimentary cycles and isothermal plateau fission track ages on tephra. Significant Pleistocene tephra markers include: the Kawakawa, Omataroa, Rangitawa/Onepuhi, Kaukatea, Kidnappers-B, Potaka, Unit D/Ahuroa, Ongatiti, Rewa, Sub-Rewa, Pakihikura, Ototoka and Table Flat Tephras. Six other tephra layers are correlated between ODP-core sites but have yet to be recognised within onshore records. The identification of Pleistocene TVZ-sourced tephras within the ODP record, and their correlation to Wanganui Basin and other onshore sites is a significant advance as it provides: (1) an even more detailed history of the TVZ than can be currently achieved from the near-source record, (2) a high-resolution tephrochronologic framework for future onshore-offshore paleoenvironmental reconstructions, and (3) well-dated tephra beds correlated from the offshore ODP sites with astronomically tuned timescales provide an opportunity to critically evaluate the chronostratigraphic framework for onshore Plio-Pleistocene sedimentary sequences (e.g. Wanganui Basin, cf. Naish et al. (1998, doi:10.1016/S0277-3791(97)00075-9).