4 resultados para Warm Dense Matter

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The first radiocarbon chronology for sediments of the Argentine basin has been determined using accelerator mass spectrometer (AMS) analyses of 54 total organic carbon samples from four box and two piston cores collected from the downstream and upstream sides of two central Argentine Basin mudwaves. Throughout the Holocene, sediment from the geomorphically defined upstream side of each wave accumulated at rates of 30 to 105 cm/1000 years. Sediments from the downstream side of each wave accumulated at rates of 2 to 10 cm/1000 years in the late and early Holocene, while the mid Holocene is characterized by sedimentation rates less than 1.0 cm/1000 years. During the mid-Holocene, increased aridity reduced chemical weathering and the flow of the rivers draining to the continental shelf, causing a concomitant decrease in fine-grained terrigenous input to the basin as evidenced by decreased sedimentation rates, lower N/C ratios, and depleted delta13Corg values. It is estimated that all of the organic carbon deposited in the central basin during the mid-Holocene was of a marine origin. During the late and early Holocene, however, approximately 35% of the organic carbon deposited was of terrestrial origin. Bottom water flow speeds in the late Holocene were estimated using a lee-wave model and found to average 14 cm/s. This estimate is comparable to 10 cm/s mean and 15-20 cm/s maximum flow speeds measured by current meters deployed within the basin. Flow speeds in the Argentine Basin were 10% higher than today from 8000 to 2000 B.P., and are consistent with a general invigoration of thermohaline circulation that began between 9000 and 8000 B.P. It is proposed that the introduction of warm, salty Indian Ocean water into the northern North Atlantic at 9000 B.P. was the mechanism that provided the excess salt needed to stabilize the North Atlantic Deep Water thermohaline circulation system in its present mode.


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The benthic fauna was investigated during the expedition ANT-XXIV/2 (2007/08) in relation to oceanographic features, biogeochemical properties and sediment characteristics, as well as the benthic, pelagic and air-breathing fauna. The results document that Maud Rise (MR) differs distinctly from surrounding deep-sea basins investigated during previous Southern Ocean expeditions (ANDEEP 2002, 2005). Considering all taxa, the overall similarity between MR and adjacent stations was low (~20% Bray-Curtis-Similarity), and analyses of single taxa show obvious differences in species composition, abundances and densities. The composition and diversity of bivalves of MR are characterised by extremely high abundances of three species, especially the small sized Vesicomya spp. Exceptionally high gastropod abundance at MR is due to the single species Onoba subantarctica wilkesiana, a small brooder that may prey upon abundant benthic foraminiferas. The abundance and diversity of isopods also show that one family, Haplomunnidae, occurs with a surprisingly high number of individuals at MR while this family was not found at any of the 40 bathyal and abyssal ANDEEP stations. Similarly, polychaetes, especially the tube-dwelling, suspension-feeder fraction, are represented by species not found at the comparison stations. Sponges comprise almost exclusively small specimens in relatively high numbers, especially a few species of Polymastiidae. Water-column sampling from the surface to the seafloor, including observations of top predators, indicate the existence of a prospering pelagic food web. Local concentrations of top predators and zooplankton are associated with a rich ice-edge bloom located over the northern slope of MR. There the sea ice melts, which is probably accelerated by the advection of warm water at intermediate depth. Over the southern slope, high concentrations of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) occur under dense sea ice and attract Antarctic Minke Whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) and several seabird species. These findings suggest that biological prosperity over MR is related to both oceanographic and sea-ice processes. Downward transport of the organic matter produced in the pelagic realm may be more constant than elsewhere due to low lateral drift over MR.


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Rates of organic matter (OM) transformation within the production-destruction cycle of the White Sea were estimated on the basis of measured activity values of redox enzymes of the electron transport system and of hydrolytic enzymes (phosphatase and protease). It was found that OM oxidation processes were the most intensive in the Kandalaksha Bay, while minimum oxidation rates were characteristic of central parts of the Dvina and Onega bays. It was revealed that the highest rates of phosphate mineralization were characteristic of the central part of the sea and near-mouth areas of the Onega and Kandalaksha bays, with the lowest rates in the Dvina Bay. During the period of intense primary production when resources of inorganic phosphorus were practically depleted, high rates of phosphate regeneration were observed. It was shown that populations of micro- and zooplankton in the White Sea were characterized by low activation energies of the principal metabolism reactions (3-6 kcal/mol), which allowed these populations to provide exchange intensity comparable to that of inhabitants of warm waters during all the seasons.


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Rate of CO2 assimilation was determined above the Broken Spur and TAG active hydrothermal fields for three main ecosystems: (1) hydrothermal vents; (2) 300 m near-bottom layer of plume water; and (3) bottom sediments. In water samples from warm (40-45°C) vents assimilation rates were maximal and reached 2.82-3.76 µg C/l/day. In plume waters CO2 assimilation rates ranged from 0.38 to 0.65 µg C/l/day. In bottom sediments CO2 assimilation rates varied from 0.8 to 28.0 µg C/l/day, rising up to 56 mg C/kg/day near shrimp swarms. In the most active plume zone of the long-living TAG field bacterial production of organic matter (OM) from carbonic is up to 170 mg C/m**2/day); production of autotrophic process of bacterial chemosynthesis reaches about 90% (156 mg C/m**2/day). Thus, chemosynthetic production of OM in September-October is almost equal to that of photosynthetic production in the oceanic region. Bacterial production of OM above the Broken Spur hydrothermal field is one order lower and reaches only 20 mg C/m**2/day.