3 resultados para Voils and fats in animal nutrtion

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Summary: Summer daily activity and movement patterns and habitat selectivity by Peary caribou (Rangifer tarandus pearyi) and muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) were studied at two sites in Canada's High Arctic. Caribou showed a greater mobility and broader selection of habitat than muskoxen. Muskoxen fed more than they rested in contrast to the greater amount of time spent resting than feeding by caribou. The sedge-producing hydric-meadow vegetalion type was highly selected for by muskoxen at both study areas; caribou selected against the hydric-meadow type and preferred the polar desert and mesic-meadow types. Caribou displayed a greater variety in plant species selection than muskoxen, favouring willow (Salix arctica), grasses, forbs, and the flowers of vascular plants- Muskoxen feci extensively on sedges in the hydric-meadow. It is suggested the abundance and distribution of sedge-producing meadows may control the regional abundance and distribution of muskoxen. Winter climate is probably the ultimate factor controlling densities of muskoxen and caribou in the High Arctic.


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Effects of severe hypercapnia have been extensively studied in marine fishes, while knowledge on the impacts of moderately elevated CO2 levels and their combination with warming is scarce. Here we investigate ion regulation mechanisms and energy budget in gills from Atlantic cod acclimated long-term to elevated PCO2 levels (2500 µatm) and temperature (18 °C). Isolated perfused gill preparations established to determine gill thermal plasticity during acute exposures (10-22 °C) and in vivo costs of Na+/K+-ATPase activity, protein and RNA synthesis. Maximum enzyme capacities of F1Fo-ATPase, H+-ATPase and Na+/K+-ATPase were measured in vitro in crude gill homogenates. After whole animal acclimation to elevated PCO2 and/or warming, branchial oxygen consumption responded more strongly to acute temperature change. The fractions of gill respiration allocated to protein and RNA synthesis remained unchanged. In gills of fish CO2-exposed at both temperatures, energy turnover associated with Na+/K+-ATPase activity was reduced by 30% below rates of control fish. This contrasted in vitro capacities of Na+/K+-ATPase, which remained unchanged under elevated CO2 at 10 °C, and earlier studies which had found a strong upregulation under severe hypercapnia. F1Fo-ATPase capacities increased in hypercapnic gills at both temperatures, whereas Na+/K+ATPase and H+-ATPase capacities only increased in response to elevated CO2 and warming indicating the absence of thermal compensation under CO2. We conclude that in vivo ion regulatory energy demand is lowered under moderately elevated CO2 levels despite the stronger thermal response of total gill respiration and the upregulation of F1Fo-ATPase. This effect is maintained at elevated temperature.


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Ocean acidification (OA) is predicted to play a major role in shaping species biogeography and marine biodiversity over the next century. We tested the effect of medium-term exposure to OA (pH 8.00, 7.30 and 6.70 for 30 d) on acid-base balance in the decapod crab Necora puber-a species that is known to possess good extracellular buffering ability during short-term exposure to hypercapnic conditions. To determine if crabs undergo physiological trade-offs in order to buffer their haemolymph, we characterised a number of fundamental physiological functions, i.e. metabolic rate, tolerance to heat, carapace and chelae [Ca2+] and [Mg2+], haemolymph [Ca2+] and [Mg2+], and immune response in terms of lipid peroxidation. Necora puber was able to buffer changes to extracellular pH over 30 d exposure to hypercapnic water, with no evidence of net shell dissolution, thus demonstrating that HCO3- is actively taken up from the surrounding water. In addition, tolerance to heat, carapace mineralization, and aspects of immune response were not affected by hypercapnic conditions. In contrast, whole-animal O2uptake significantly decreased with hypercapnia, while significant increases in haemolymph [Ca2+] and [Mg2+] and chelae [Mg2+] were observed with hypercapnia. Our results confirm that most physiological functions in N. puber are resistant to low pH/hypercapnia over a longer period than previously investigated, although such resistance comes at the expenses of metabolic rates, haemolymph chemistry and chelae mineralization.