4 resultados para VAPOR-PHASE

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Microthermometric and isotopic analyses of fluid inclusions in primitive olivine gabbros, oxide gabbros, and evolved granitic material recovered from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 735B at the Southwest Indian Ridge provide new insights into the evolution of C-O-H-NaCl fluids in the plutonic foundation of the oceanic crust. The variably altered and deformed plutonic rocks span a crustal section of over 1500 m and record a remarkably complex magma-hydrothermal history. Magmatic fluids within this suite followed two chemically distinct paths during cooling through the subsolidus regime: the first path included formation of CO2+CH4+H2O+C fluids with up to 43 mole% CH4; the second path produced hypersaline brines that contain up to 50% NaCl equivalent salinities. Subsequent to devolatilization, respeciation of magmatic CO2, attendant graphite precipitation, and cooling from 800°C to 500°C promoted formation of CH4-enriched fluids. These fluids are characterized by average d13C(CH4) values of -27.1+/-4.3 per mil (N=45) with associated d13C(CO2) compositions ranging from -24.9 per mil to -1.9 per mil (N=39), and average dD values of exsolved vapor of -41+/-12 per mil (N=23). In pods, veins, and lenses of highly fractionated residual material, hypersaline brines formed during condensation and by direct exsolution in the absence of a conjugate vapor phase. Entrapped CO2+CH4+H2O-rich fluids within many oxide-bearing rocks and felsic zones are significantly depleted in 13C (with d13C(CO2) values down to about -25 per mil) and contain CO2 concentrations higher than those predicted by equilibrium devolatilization models. We hypothesize that lower effective pressures in high-temperature shear zones promoted infiltration of highly fractionated melts and compositionally evolved volatiles into focused zones of deformation, significantly weakening the rock strength. In felsic-rich zones, volatile build-up may have driven hydraulic fracturing of gabbroic wall rocks resulting in the formation of magmatic breccias. Comparison of isotopic compositions of fluids in plutonic rocks from 735B, the MARK area of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and the Mid-Cayman Rise indicate (1) that the carbon isotope composition of the lower oceanic crust may be far more heterogeneous than previously believed and (2) that carbon-bearing species in the oceanic crust and their distribution at depth are highly variable.


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Massive, nearly holocrystalline dolerites from DSDP Hole 417D contain from 0.5 to 1.5% of granophyric patches composed mainly of Na-plagioclase and quartz. These patches are compositionally similar to other crystalline silicic rocks from oceanic spreading centers and differ from rarer abyssal silicic glasses. Crystalline varieties with SiO2 > 60 wt.% generally have Na/K >10, whereas silicic glasses have Na/K in the range 3-6. While crystal fractionation readily accounts for the Na2O and K2O contents of abyssal silicic glasses, both the 417D granophyres and other crystalline abyssal silicic rocks have much lower K2O than that predicted by any reasonable crystal-liquid fractionation model. We propose that high-temperature vapor phase transport is responsible for removal of potassium during late-stage crystallization of these rocks. This allows for the formation of cogenetic silicic glassy and crystalline rocks with greatly different Na/K ratios. These observations and interpretations lead to a more confident assignment of high Na/K silicic rocks of oceanic and ophiolitic environments to a cogenetic origin with basaltic oceanic crust.


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The backarc glasses recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135 are unique among submarine tholeiitic glasses with respect to their oxygen fugacity and sulfur concentrations. Unlike mid-ocean-ridge basalt glasses, fO2 in these samples (inferred from ratios Fe3+/Fe2+) is high and variable, and S variations (90-1140 ppm) are not coupled with FeO concentration. Strong correlations occur between the alkali and alkaline-earth elements and both fO2 (positive correlations) and S concentrations (negative correlations). Correlations between fO2 and various trace elements are strongest for those elements with a known affinity for hydrous fluids (perhaps produced during slab dehydration), suggesting the presence of a hydrous fluid with high fO2 and high alkali and alkaline earth element concentrations in the Lau Basin mantle. Concentrations of S and fO2 are strongly correlated; high fO2 samples are characterized by low S in addition to high alkali and alkaline earth element concentrations. The negative correlations between S and these trace elements are not consistent with incompatible behavior of S during crystallization. Mass balance considerations indicate that the S concentrations cannot result simply from mixing between low-S and high-S sources. Furthermore, there is no relationship between S and other trace elements or isotope ratios that might indicate that the S variations reflect mixing processes. The S variations more likely reflect the fact that when silicate coexists with an S-rich vapor phase the solubility of S in the silicate melt is a function of fO2 and is at a minimum at the fO2 conditions recorded by these glasses. The absence of Fe-sulfides and the high and variable vesicle contents are consistent with the idea that S concentrations reflect silicate-vapor equilibria rather than silicate-sulfide equilibria (as in MORB). The low S contents of some samples, therefore, reflect the high fO2 of the supra-subduction zone environment rather than a low-S source component.


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Frost flowers are ice crystals that grow on refreezing sea ice leads in Polar Regions by wicking brine from the sea ice surface and accumulating vapor phase condensate. These crystals contain high concentrations of mercury (Hg) and are believed to be a source of reactive halogens, but their role in Hg cycling and impact on the fate of Hg deposited during atmospheric mercury depletion events (AMDEs) are not well understood. We collected frost flowers growing on refreezing sea ice near Barrow, Alaska (U.S.A.) during an AMDE in March 2009 and measured Hg concentrations and Hg stable isotope ratios in these samples to determine the origin of Hg associated with the crystals. We observed decreasing Delta199Hg values in the crystals as they grew from new wet frost flowers (mean Delta199Hg = 0.77 ± 0.13 per mil, 1 s.d.) to older dry frost flowers (mean Delta199Hg = 0.10 ± 0.05 per mil, 1 s.d.). Over the same time period, mean Hg concentrations in these samples increased from 131 ± 6 ng/L (1 s.d.) to 180 ± 28 ng/L (1 s.d.). Coupled with a previous study of Hg isotopic fractionation during AMDEs, these results suggest that Hg initially deposited to the local snowpack was subsequently reemitted during photochemical reduction reactions and ultimately accumulated on the frost flowers. As a result of this process, frost flowers may lead to enhanced local retention of Hg deposited during AMDEs and may increase Hg loading to the Arctic Ocean.