6 resultados para Urquhart, Ewan: Stonechats : a guide to the genus Saxicola
em Publishing Network for Geoscientific
The taxonomy of Antarctic fishes has been predominantly based on morphological characteristics rather than on genetic criteria. A typical example is the Notothenia group, which includes N. coriiceps Richardson, 1844, N. neglecta Nybelin, 1951 and N. rossii Richardson, 1844. The Polymerase Chain Reaction and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique was used to determine whether N. coriiceps Richardson, 1844 and N. neglecta Nybelin, 1951 are different or whether they are the same species with morphological, physiological and behavioural variability. N. rossii was used as control. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was isolated from muscle specimens of N. coriiceps Richardson, 1844, N. neglecta Nybelin, 1951 and N. rossii, which were collected in Admiralty Bay, King George Island. The DNA was used to amplify a fragment (690 base pairs) of the mitochondrial gene coding region of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2. Further, the amplicon was digested with the following restriction enzymes: DdeI, HindIII and RsaI. The results showed a variation of the digestion pattern of the fragment amplified between N. rossii, and N. coriiceps Richardson, 1844 or N. neglecta Nybelin, 1951. However, no differences were found between N. coriiceps Richardson, 1844 and N. neglecta Nybelin, 1951, on the grounds of the same genetic pattern shown by the two fish.
The genus Calyptogena (Bivalvia: Vesicomyidae) comprises highly specialized bivalves living in symbiosis with sulphur-oxidizing bacteria in reducing habitats. In this study, the genus is revised using shell and anatomical features. The work is based on type material, as well as on the extensive collection of vesicomyids obtained during twelve expeditions to the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Nine Recent species are ascribed to the genus Calyptogena, four of which are new: C. pacifica Dall, 1891, C. fausta Okutani, Fujikura & Hashimoto, 1993, C. rectimargo Scarlato, 1981, C. valdiviae (Thiele & Jaeckel, 1931), C. gallardoi Sellanes & Krylova, 2005, C. goffrediae n. sp., C. starobogatovi n. sp., C. makranensis n. sp. and C. costaricana n. sp. The characteristic features of Calyptogena are: shell up to 90 mm in length, elongate-elliptical or elongate; presence of escutcheon; presence of broad posterior ramus (3b) of right subumbonal cardinal tooth as well as right posterior nymphal ridge; absence of pallial sinus as a result of attachment of intersiphonal septal retractor immediately adjacent to ventral surface of posterior adductor; absence of processes on inner vulva of inhalant siphon; presence of inner demibranch only, with descending and ascending lamellae with interlamellar septa not divided into separate tubes. The most closely related taxa to Calyptogena are probably the genus Isorropodon Sturany, 1896, and the group of species represented by 'Calyptogena' phaseoliformis Métivier, Okutani & Ohta, 1986. These groups have several characters in common, namely absence of pallial sinus, presence of single inner pair of demibranchs and absence of processes on inner vulva of inhalant siphon. The worldwide distribution of the genus Calyptogena suggests that methane seeps at continental margins are the major dispersal routes and that speciation was promoted by geographical isolation. Recent species diversity and fossil records indicate that the genus originated in the Pacific Ocean. Sufficient data to discuss the distribution at species level exist only for C. pacifica, which has a remarkably narrow bathymetric range. Published studies on the physiology of C. pacifica suggest that adaptation to a specific geochemical environment has led to coexisting vesicomyid genera. The bacteria-containing gill of C. pacifica and other Calyptogena species is one of the most specialized in the family Vesicomyidae and may reflect these ecological adaptations.
The genus Hinia is divided in 4 subgenera; other subgenera are not represented in the area studied. It was possible to find criteria for a better discrimination of the highly variable species H. (Hinia) schlotheimi and H. (Hinia) turbinella. The species "fuchsi" has been placed in the synonymy of H. (Hinia) turbinella. The species H. (Hinia) schlotheimi (BEYRICH) and H. (Telasco) schroederi (KAUTSKY) have been united under the name H. (Hinia) schlotheimi. The easily distinguishable species H. (Tritonella) tenuistriata and H. (Hinia) sulcata belong to two different genera. H. (Tritonella) cimbrica andersoni of the Viol- and Katzheide-Beds (Reinbek-stage) is separable from the population found in the Hemmoor-stage, it turned out to be a valuable guide subspecies for the Reinbek-stage. The species H. (Tritonella) serraticosta, H. (Tritonella) catulli, H. (Hinia) holsatica, and H. (Telasco) syltensis are all similar in respect to shape and ornamentation. Criteria have been found for a better discrimination of these species. The species contabulata, effusa and seminodifera described by SPEYER (1864), turned out to be contogenetic stages of H. (Tritonella) pygmaea. H. (Tritonella) cavata, previously described from the Tertiary of the North sea area, was proven to be absent from the area investigated. The forms described under that name, belong to H. (Tritonella) woodwardi.