331 resultados para Undegassed Mantle

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Ultrabasic rock samples collected from two areas of the crustal zone of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR): (1) 13-17°N (near the intersection of the ridge axis with the 15°20'N prime fracture zone), and (2) 33°40'N prime (the western intersection of the MAR crest with the Heis fracture zone) were objects of this study. Samples of peridotite and of plutonic and volcanic rocks associated with it were used to measure their Sm/Nd, 143Nd/144Nd, and 147Sm/144Nd ratios, which allowed to test time and genetic relationships between evolution of mantle material under the ridge crest and products of its magmatic activity. Results of this work proved ubiquitous discrepancy between melting degree values of extremely depleted mantle peridotites in the MAR area between 14°N and 16°N, obtained using petrologic and geochemical methods. This discrepancy suggests large-scale interaction between mantle material and magmatic melts and fluids enriched in incompatible elements or fluids. The results obtained suggest that repeated melting of the mantle under the axial MAR zone is an universal characteristic of magmatism in low-velocity spreading centers. The results of this study also proved the crestal MAR zone in the Central Atlantic region show distinct indications of isotope-geochemical segmentation of the mantle. It is suggested that the geochemically anomalous MAR mantle peridotite in the zone of the MAR intersection with the 15°20'N prime fracture zone can be interpreted as fragments of mantle substrate, foreign for the Atlantic mantle north of the equator.


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We report S concentrations and relative proportions of (SO4)2- and S2- in OL- and CPX-hosted glass inclusions and in host glassy lapilli from Miocene basaltic hyaloclastites drilled north and south of Gran Canaria during ODP Leg 157. Compositions of glass inclusions and lapilli resemble those of subaerial Miocene shield basalts on Gran Canaria and comprise mafic to more evolved tholeiitic to alkali basalt and basanite (10.3-3.7 wt.% MgO, 44.5-56.9 wt.% SiO2). Glass inclusions fall into three groups based on their S concentrations: a high-sulfur group (1050 to 5810 ppm S), an intermediate-sulfur group (510 to 1740 ppm S), and a low-sulfur group (<500 ppm S). The most S-rich inclusions have the highest and nearly constant proportion of sulfur dissolved as sulfate determined by electron microprobe measurements of SKa peak shift. Their average S6+/S_total value is 0.75+/-0.09, unusually high for ocean island basalt magmas. The low-sulfur group inclusions have low S6+/S_total ratios (0.08+/-0.05), whereas intermediate sulfur group inclusions show a wide range of S6+/S_total (0.05-0.83). Glassy lapilli and their crystal-hosted glass inclusions with S concentrations of 50 to 1140 ppm S have very similar S6+/S_total ratios of 0.36+/-0.06 implying that sulfur degassing does not affect the proportion of (SO4)2- and S2- in the magma. The oxygen fugacities estimated from S6+/S_total ratios and from Fe3+/Fe2+ ratios in spinel inclusions range from NNO-1.1 to NNO+1.8. The origin of S-rich magmas is unclear. We discuss (1) partial melting of a mantle source at relatively oxidized fO2 conditions, and (2) magma contamination by seawater either directly or through magma interaction with seawater-altered Jurassic oceanic crust. The intermediate sulfur group inclusions represent undegassed or slightly degassed magmas similar to submarine OIB glasses, whereas the low-sulfur group inclusions are likely to have formed from magmas significantly degassed in near-surface reservoirs. Mixing of these degassed magmas with stored volatile-rich ones or volatile-rich magma replenishing the chamber filled by partially degassed magmas may produce hybrid melts with strongly varying S concentrations and S6+/S_total ratios.


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We studied the systematics of Cl, F and H2O in Izu arc front volcanic rocks using basaltic through rhyolitic glass shards and melt inclusions (Izu glasses) from Oligocene to Quaternary distal fallout tephra. These glasses are low-K basalts to rhyolites that are equivalent to the Quaternary lavas of the Izu arc front (Izu VF). Most of the Izu glasses have Cl ~400-4000 ppm and F ~70-400 ppm (normal-group glasses). Rare andesitic melt inclusions (halogen-rich andesites; HRA) have very high abundances of Cl (~6600-8600 ppm) and F (~780-910 ppm), but their contents of incompatible large ion lithophile elements (LILE) are similar to the normal-group glasses. The preeruptive H2O of basalt to andesite melt inclusions in plagioclase is estimated to range from ~2 to ~10 wt% H2O. The Izu magmas should be undersaturated in H2O and the halogens at their preferred levels of crystallization in the middle to lower crust (~3 to ~11 kbar, ~820° to ~1200°C). A substantial portion of the original H2O is lost due to degassing during the final ascent to surface. By contrast, halogen loss is minor, except for loss of Cl from siliceous dacitic and rhyolitic compositions. The behavior of Cl, F and H2O in undegassed melts resembles the fluid mobile LILE (e.g.; K, Rb, Cs, Ba, U, Pb, Li). Most of the Cl (>99%), H2O (>95%) and F (>53%) in the Izu VF melts appear to originate from the subducting slab. At arc front depths, the slab fluid contains Cl = 0.94+/-0.25 wt%, F = 990+/-270 ppm and H2O = 25+/-7 wt%. If the subducting sediment and the altered basaltic crust were the only slab sources, then the subducted Cl appears to be almost entirely recycled at the Izu arc (~77-129%). Conversely, H2O (~13-22% recycled at arc) and F (~4-6% recycled) must be either lost during shallow subduction or retained in the slab to greater depths. If a seawater-impregnated serpentinite layer below the basaltic crust were an additional source of Cl and H2O, the calculated percentage of Cl and H2O recycled at arc would be lower. Extrapolating the Izu data to the total length of global arcs (~37000 km), the global arc outflux of fluid-recycled Cl and H2O at subduction zones amounts to Cl ~2.9-3.8 mln ton/yr and H2O ~70-100 mln ton/yr, respectively - comparable to previous estimates. Further, we obtain a first estimate of global arc outflux of fluid-recycled F of ~0.3-0.4 mln ton/yr. Despite the inherent uncertainties, our results support models suggesting that the slab becomes strongly depleted in Cl and H2O in subduction zones. In contrast, much of the subducted F appears to be returned to the deep mantle, implying efficient fractionation of Cl and H2O from F during the subduction process. However, if slab devolatilization produces slab fluids with high Cl/F (~9.5), slab melting will still produce components with low Cl/F ratios (~0.9), similar to those characteristic of the upper continental crust (Cl/F ~0.3-0.9).


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The age of the subducting Nazca Plate off Chile increases northwards from 0 Ma at the Chile Triple Junction (46°S) to 37 Ma at the latitude of Valparaíso (32°S). Age-related variations in the thermal state of the subducting plate impact on (a) the water influx to the subduction zone, as well as on (b) the volumes of water that are released under the continental forearc or, alternatively, carried beyond the arc. Southern Central Chile is an ideal setting to study this effect, because other factors for the subduction zone water budget appear constant. We determine the water influx by calculating the crustal water uptake and by modeling the upper mantle serpentinization at the outer rise of the Chile Trench. The water release under forearc and arc is determined by coupling FEM thermal models of the subducting plate with stability fields of water-releasing mineral reactions for upper and lower crust and hydrated mantle. Results show that both the influx of water stored in, and the outflux of water released from upper crust, lower crust and mantle vary drastically over segment boundaries. In particular, the oldest and coldest segments carry roughly twice as much water into the subduction zone as the youngest and hottest segments, but their release flux to the forearc is only about one fourth of the latter. This high variability over a subduction zone of < 1500 km length shows that it is insufficient to consider subduction zones as uniform entities in global estimates of subduction zone fluxes. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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Ocean acidification (OA) has been found to affect an array of normal physiological processes in mollusks, especially posing a significant threat to the fabrication process of mollusk shell. In the current study, the impact of exposure to elevated pCO2 condition was investigated in mantle tissue of Crassostrea gigas by an integrated metabolomic and proteomic approach. Analysis of metabolome and proteome revealed that elevated pCO2 could affect energy metabolism in oyster C. gigas, marked by differentially altered ATP, succinate, MDH, PEPCK and ALDH levels. Moreover, the up-regulated calponin-2, tropomyosins and myosin light chains indicated that elevated pCO2 probably caused disturbances in cytoskeleton structure in mantle tissue of oyster C. gigas. This work demonstrated that a combination of proteomics and metabolomics could provide important insights into the effects of OA at molecular levels.


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Marine invertebrates with open circulatory system establish low and constant oxygen partial pressure (Po2) around their tissues. We hypothesized that as a first step towards maintenance of low haemolymph and tissue oxygenation, the Po2 in molluscan mantle cavity water should be lowered against normoxic (21 kPa) seawater Po2, but balanced high enough to meet the energetic requirements in a given species. We recorded Po2 in mantle cavity water of five molluscan species with different lifestyles, two pectinids (Aequipecten opercularis, Pecten maximus), two mud clams (Arctica islandica, Mya arenaria), and a limpet (Patella vulgata). All species maintain mantle cavity water oxygenation below normoxic Po2. Average mantle cavity water Po2 correlates positively with standard metabolic rate (SMR): highest in scallops and lowest in mud clams. Scallops show typical Po2 frequency distribution, with peaks between 3 and 10 kPa, whereas mud clams and limpets maintain mantle water Po2 mostly <5 kPa. Only A. islandica and P. vulgata display distinguishable temporal patterns in Po2 time series. Adjustment of mantle cavity Po2 to lower than ambient levels through controlled pumping prevents high oxygen gradients between bivalve tissues and surrounding fluid, limiting oxygen flux across the body surface. The patterns of Po2 in mantle cavity water correspond to molluscan ecotypes.


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Marine organisms have to cope with increasing CO2 partial pressures and decreasing pH in the oceans. We elucidated the impacts of an 8-week acclimation period to four seawater pCO2 treatments (39, 113, 243 and 405 Pa/385, 1,120, 2,400 and 4,000 µatm) on mantle gene expression patterns in the blue mussel Mytilus edulis from the Baltic Sea. Based on the M. edulis mantle tissue transcriptome, the expression of several genes involved in metabolism, calcification and stress responses was assessed in the outer (marginal and pallial zone) and the inner mantle tissues (central zone) using quantitative real-time PCR. The expression of genes involved in energy and protein metabolism (F-ATPase, hexokinase and elongation factor alpha) was strongly affected by acclimation to moderately elevated CO2 partial pressures. Expression of a chitinase, potentially important for the calcification process, was strongly depressed (maximum ninefold), correlating with a linear decrease in shell growth observed in the experimental animals. Interestingly, shell matrix protein candidate genes were less affected by CO2 in both tissues. A compensatory process toward enhanced shell protection is indicated by a massive increase in the expression of tyrosinase, a gene involved in periostracum formation (maximum 220-fold). Using correlation matrices and a force-directed layout network graph, we were able to uncover possible underlying regulatory networks and the connections between different pathways, thereby providing a molecular basis of observed changes in animal physiology in response to ocean acidification.