36 resultados para U.S. Patents and Trademarks

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Sediment Core MD01-2454G SW Rockall BANK 747m water depth on Logatechev Mounds (Core was taken during Marion Dufresne Cruise Geosciences 2001 at 55°31'N and 15°39'W) ENAM corals from BoxCores of SW Rockall Bank and Porcupine Bank water depth 725 and 750m (Box cores ENAM 9915 and ENAM 9910 were taken from 725 m bsl on the Southwest Rockall Bank (55,32°N, 15,40°W), and ENAM 9828 from 745 m bsl on the Porcupine Bank (53,48°N, 13,54°W))


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The aim of this study was to examine the plasma concentrations and prevalence of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and hydroxylated PCB-metabolites (OH-PCBs) in polar bear (Ursus maritimus) mothers (n = 26) and their 4 months old cubs-of-the-year (n = 38) from Svalbard to gain insight into the mother-cub transfer, biotransformation and to evaluate the health risk associated with the exposure to these contaminants. As samplings were performed in 1997/1998 and 2008, we further investigated the differences in levels and pattern of PCBs between the two sampling years. The plasma concentrations of Sum(21)PCBs (1997/1998: 5710 ± 3090 ng/g lipid weight [lw], 2008: 2560±1500 ng/g lw) and Sum(6)OH-PCBs (1997/1998: 228 ± 60 ng/g wet weight [ww], 2008: 80 ± 38 ng/g ww) in mothers were significantly lower in 2008 compared to in 1997/1998. In cubs, the plasma concentrations of Sum(21)PCBs (1997/1998: 14680 ± 5350 ng/g lw, 2008: 6070 ± 2590 ng/g lw) and Sum(6)OH-PCBs (1997/1998: 98 ± 23 ng/g ww, 2008: 49 ± 21 ng/g ww) were also significantly lower in 2008 than in 1997/1998. Sum(21)PCBs in cubs was 2.7 ± 0.7 times higher than in their mothers. This is due to a significant maternal transfer of these contaminants. In contrast, Sum(6)OH-PCBs in cubs were approximately 0.53 ± 0.16 times the concentration in their mothers. This indicates a lower maternal transfer of OH-PCBs compared to PCBs. The majority of the metabolite/precursor-ratios were lower in cubs compared to mothers. This may indicate that cubs have a lower endogenous capacity to biotransform PCBs to OH-PCBs than polar bear mothers. Exposure to PCBs and OH-PCBs is a potential health risk for polar bears, and the levels of PCBs and OH-PCBs in cubs from 2008 were still above levels associated with health effects in humans and wildlife.


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Uranium content of in phosphorites from Pacific seamounts does not exceed 10ppm; it is significantly lower than in phosphorites from submarine continental margins and deposits on land. Phosphate is not the main carrier of uranium, which is inhomogeneously distributed in ferromanganese hydroxide-, phosphate-, silicate- and carbonate materials. Uranium associated with phosphate is not isomorphic admixture. Uranium occurs in rocks in fine particles of unknown composition. Ultramicroscopic inclusions of U(IV) oxides have been also found.


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Uranium (U) concentrations and activity ratios (d234U) of authigenic carbonates are sensitive recorders of different fluid compositions at submarine seeps of hydrocarbon-rich fluids ("cold seeps") at Hydrate Ridge, off the coast of Oregon, USA. The low U concentrations (mean: 1.3 ± 0.4 µg/g) and high 234U values (165-317 per mil) of gas hydrate carbonates reflect the influence of sedimentary pore water indicating that these carbonates were formed under reducing conditions below or at the seafloor. Their 230Th/234U ages span a time interval from 0.8 to 6.4 ka and cluster around 1.2 and 4.7 ka. In contrast, chemoherm carbonates precipitate from marine bottom water marked by relatively high U concentrations (mean: 5.2 ± 0.8 µg/g) and a mean d234U ratio of 166 ± 3 per mil. Their U isotopes reflect the d234U ratios of the bottom water being enriched in 234U relative to normal seawater. Simple mass balance calculations based on U concentrations and their corresponding d234U ratios reveal a contribution of about 11% of sedimentary pore water to the bottom water. From the U pore water flux and the reconstructed U pore water concentration a mean flow rate of about 147 ± 68 cm/a can be estimated. 230Th/234U ages of chemoherm carbonates range from 7.3 to 267.6 ka. 230Th/234U ages of two chemoherms (Alvin and SE-Knoll chemoherm) correspond to time intervals of low sealevel stands in marine isotope stages (MIS) 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. This observation indicates that fluid flow at cold seep sites sensitively reflects pressure changes of the hydraulic head in the sediments. The d18OPDB ratios of the chemoherm carbonates support the hypothesis of precipitation during glacial times. Deviations of the chemoherm d18O values from the marine d18O record can be interpreted as to reflect temporally and spatially varying bottom water and/or vent fluid temperatures during carbonate precipitation between 2.6 and 8.6°C.


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Constraining the history of seawater (234U/238U) is important because this ratio is used to assess the validity of U/Th ages, and because it provides information about the past rate of physical weathering on the continents. This study makes use of U-rich slope sediments from the Bahamas in an attempt to reconstruct seawater (234U/238U) for the last 800 kyr. For the last 360 kyr, U/Th dating of these sediments provides ages and initial (234U/238U) values. Sixty-seven samples, largely from marine highstands, have initial (234U/238U) which scatter somewhat about the modern seawater value (~1.145) but neither this scatter nor the average value increases with age of sample. These data contrast with published coral data and suggest that seawater (234U/238U) has remained within 15? of the modern value for the last 360 kyr. This confirms the rejection of coral U/Th ages where the initial (234U/238U) is significantly different from modern seawater. Data from older highstands, dated with delta18O stratigraphy or by the presence of the Brunhes/Matuyama (B/M) reversal at 780 kyr, allow seawater (234U/238U) to be assessed prior to the range of the 230Th chronometer. Unfortunately, diagenetic scatter in the data between the B/M reversal and 360 kyr is rather large, probably relating to low U concentrations for these samples. But there is no indication of a trend in seawater (234U/238U) with age. High U samples from close to the B/M reversal show less diagenetic scatter and an initial (234U/238U) that averages 1.102. This lower value can be explained by lower seawater (234U/238U) at the time of the B/M reversal, or by progressive loss of 234U from the sediment by alpha-recoil. A simple box model is presented to illustrate the response of seawater (234U/238U) to variations in riverine input, such as might be caused by changes in continental weathering. Comparison of the Bahamas (234U/238U) data with model results indicates that riverine (234U/238U) has not varied by more than 65? for any 100 kyr period during the last 360 kyr. It also indicates that the ratio of physical to chemical weathering on the continents has not been higher than at present for any extended period during the last 800 kyr.


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Cation exchange experiments (ammonium acetate and cation resin) on celadonite-smectite vein minerals from three DSDP holes demonstrate selective removal of common Sr relative to Rb and radiogenic Sr. This technique increases the Rb/Sr ratio by factors of 2.3 to 22 without significantly altering the age of the minerals, allowing easier and more precise dating of such vein minerals. The ages determined by this technique (Site 261 - 121.4+/-1.6 m.y.; Site 462A - 105.1+/-2.8 m.y.; Site 516F - 69.9+/-2.4 m.y.) are 34, 54 and 18 m.y. younger, respectively, than the age of crust formation at the site; in the case of site 462A, the young age is clearly related to off-ridge emplacement of a massive sill/flow complex. At the other sites, either the hydrothermal circulation systems persisted longer than for normal crust (10-15 m.y.), or were reactivated by off-ridge igneous activity. Celadonites show U and Pb contents and Pb isotopic compositions little changed from their basalt precursors, while Th contents are significantly lower. Celadonites thus have unusually high alkali/U,Th ratios and low Th/U ratios. If this celadonite alteration signature is significantly imprinted on oceanic crust as a whole, it will lead to very distinctive Pb isotope signatures for any hot spot magmas which contain a component of aged subducted recycled oceanic crust. Initial Sr isotope ratios of ocean crust vein minerals (smectite, celadonite, zeolite, calcite) are intermediate between primary basalt values and contemporary sea water values and indicate formation under seawaterdominated systems with effective water/rock ratios of 20-200.


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We have performed U-Th isotope analyses on pure aragonite samples from the upper sections of Leg 166 cores to assign each aragonite-rich sediment package to the correct sea-level highstand. The uppermost sediment package from each of the four sites investigated (Sites 1003, 1005, 1006, and 1007) yielded a Holocene U-Th age. Sediment packages from deeper in the cores have suffered diagenesis. This diagenesis consists of significant U loss (up to 40%) in the site nearest the platform (Site 1005), slight U gain in sites further from the platform, and continuous loss of pure 234U caused by alpha recoil at all sites. The difference in diagenesis between the sites can be explained by the different fluid-flow histories they have experienced. Site 1005 is sufficiently close to the platform to have probably experienced a change in flow direction whenever the banks have flooded or become exposed. Other sites have probably experienced continuous flow into the sediment. Although diagenesis prevents assignment of accurate ages, it is sufficiently systematic that it can be corrected for and each aragonite-rich package assigned to a unique highstand interval. Site 1005 has sediment packages from highstands associated with marine isotope Stages 1, 5, 7, 9, and 11. Site 1006 is similar, except that the Stage 7 highstand is missing, at least in Hole 1006A. Site 1003 has sediment only from Stage 1 and 11 highstands within the U-Th age range. And Site 1007 has sediment only from the stage 1 highstand. This information will allow the construction of better age models for these sites. No high-aragonite sediments are seen for Stage 3 or Substages 5a and 5c. Unless rather unusual erosion has occurred, this indicates that the banks did not flood during these periods. If true, this would require the sea level for Substages 5a and 5c to have remained at least ~10 m lower than today.


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We report U-Pb and 39Ar-40Ar measurements on plutonic rocks recovered from the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Legs 173 and 210. Drilling revealed continental crust (Sites 1067 and 1069) and exhumed mantle (Sites 1070 and 1068) along the Iberia margin and exhumed mantle (Site 1277) on the conjugate Newfoundland margin. Our data record a complex igneous and thermal history related to the transition from rifting to seafloor spreading. The results show that the rift-to-drift transition is marked by a stuttering start of MORB-type magmatic activity. Subsequent to initial alkaline magmatism, localized mid-oceanic ridge basalts (MORB) magmatism was again replaced by basin-wide alkaline events, caused by a low degree of decompression melting due to tectonic delocalization of deformation. Such "off-axis" magmatism might be a common process in (ultra-) slow oceanic spreading systems, where "magmatic" and "tectonic" spreading varies in both space and time.