14 resultados para Transgressions
em Publishing Network for Geoscientific
A principal objective at Site 820, situated on the outer shelf, upper slope of the northeastern Australian continental margin, was to test the relationships between changes in Pleistocene sea level and sedimentary packages produced on a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic continental margin. To this end, we have examined the downcore distribution of grain size, magnetic susceptibility, and calcium-carbonate content throughout Hole 820A and, in particular, the top 35 meters below the seafloor (mbsf). These data are compared with variations in the oxygen-isotope signal defined for the same hole and are interpreted as indicating sea-level oscillations. The distribution of sand, mud, calcium carbonate of the mud fraction and total sample, and magnetic susceptibility during the last 20,000 yr defines the position of a sea-level regression (41,000-18,000 yr B.P.), a lowstand, early (18,000-9,400 yr B.P.) and late transgressions (9400-900 yr B.P.), and a highstand (4900 yr to the present). The regression is seen first in a high-carbonate content peak. Calcium carbonate constituents mainly comprise skeletal carbonate grains, with abundant planktonic and benthic foraminifers, and lime muds. The lowstand is characterized by a maximum abundance of the sand fraction, which contains dominantly skeletal carbonate grains and a minor abundance of lithoclasts. Sand-sized terrigenous sediments are proposed to have bypassed the continental shelf during a lowstand of sea level. Sedimentation rates throughout the regression and lowstand are low (3.0 cm/k.y.). The early transgression, marked by highest values in magnetic susceptibility, displays a rapid increase in sedimentation rate that coincided with an increase in terrigenous mud. Highest sedimentation rates of 82.3 cm/k.y. occurred during the late transgression, with increasing percentages of lime-mud. A decrease in noncarbonate constituents in the mud fraction during the late transgression and highstand of sea level is thought to be the result of restricted inner-shelf sedimentation of terrigenous sediments. The same relationship is also seen in the major sea-level oscillation, which is interpreted as isotope stage 6.
A detailed study of strontium isotope variations in Neogene marine carbonate sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 590B, using techniques that allow the 87Sr/86Sr ratio to be determined to better than +/-0.00001, gives a high-resolution record of the Sr isotopic evolution of seawater. The data show that the rate of change of the marine 87Sr/86Sr ratio has varied significantly even on time scales as short as 1 m.y. Periods of particularly rapid growth appear to follow major marine regressions and probably reflect an increase in the delivery of radiogenic Sr from the continents coupled with a decreased submarine carbonate dissolution rate (greater carbonate compensation depth). Periods of relatively slowly changing 87Sr/86Sr follow major marine transgressions. On the basis of correlations with the marine oxygen isotope record and the times of major continental glacier growth, it is inferred that the effects of sea-level variations are modified by climatic factors that affect the intensity of continental weathering and runoff. The effects of sea-floor generation rate variations are not discernible for the Neogene. The maximum attainable stratigraphic resolution using Sr isotopes is between 0.1 and 2 m.y. for this time period.
Paleomagnetic analysis of sediment samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 133, Site 820, 10 km from the outer edge of the Great Barrier Reef, is undertaken to investigate the mineral magnetic response to environmental (sea level) changes. Viscous remanent magnetization (VRM) of both multidomain and near-superparamagnetic origin is prevalent and largely obscures the primary remanence, except in isolated high-magnetization zones. The Brunhes/Matuyama boundary cannot be identified, but is expected to be below 120 mbsf. The only evidence that exists for a geomagnetic excursion occurs at about 33 mbsf (-135 k.y.). Only one-half the cores were oriented, and many suffered from internal rotation about the core axis, caused by coring and/or slicing. The decay of magnetic remanence below the surface layer (0-2 mbsf) is attributed to sulfate reduction processes. The magnetic susceptibility (K) record is central for describing and understanding the magnetic properties of the sediments, and their relationship to glacio-eustatic fluctuations in sea level. Three prominent magnetic susceptibility peaks, at about 7, 32, and 64 mbsf, are superimposed on a background of smaller susceptibility oscillations. Fluctuations in susceptibility and remanence in the ôbackgroundö zone are controlled predominantly by variations in the concentration, rather than the composition of ferrimagnetics, with carbonate dilution playing an important role (type-A properties). The sharp susceptibility maxima occur at the start of the marine transgressions following low stands in sea level (high d18O, glacial maxima), and are characterized by a stable single-domain remanence, with a significant contribution from ultra-fine, superparamagnetic grains (type-C properties). During the later marine transgression, the susceptibility gradually returns to low values and the remanence is carried by stable single-domain magnetite (type-B properties). The A, B, and C types of sediment have distinctive ARM/K ratios. Throughout most of the sequence a strong inverse correlation exists between magnetic susceptibility and both CaCO3 and d18O variations. However, in the sharp susceptibility peaks (early transgression), more complex phase relationships are apparent among these parameters. In particular, the K-d18O correlation switches to positive, then reverts to negative during the course of the late transgression, indicating that two distinct mechanisms are responsible for the K-d18O correlation. Lower in the sequence, where sea-level-controlled cycles of upward-coarsening sediments, we find that the initial, mud phase of each cycle has been enriched in high-coercivity magnetic material, which is indicative of more oxic conditions. The main magnetic characteristics of the sediments are thought to reflect sea-level-controlled variations in the sediment source regions and related run-off conditions. Some preliminary evidence is seen that biogenic magnetite may play a significant role in the magnetization of these sediments.
The Carnian to Norian sediments, as much as 600 m in total thickness, recovered from ODP Sites 759 and 760 on the Wombat Plateau, are generally represented by fluvial-dominated deltaic successions. In general, the Carnian to Norian sandstones are quartzose. The average ratio of monocrystalline quartz grains, total feldspar grains, and total lithic fragments (i.e., Qm:F:Lt ratio) is 71:22:7. This indicates that they were derived mainly from the transitional continental and cratonic interior provenance terranes, such as the Pilbara Precambrian block to the south of the Wombat Plateau. The upper Carnian sediments, however, are characterized by more feldspathic sandstone petrofacies. They typically contain some volcanic rock fragments with trachytic texture and indicate the onset of the incipient rift-related tectonic movement, such as uplift and subsequent abrupt basin subsidence, together with volcanism in the Gondwana continental block. Mixed siliciclastic and carbonate cycles are typically intercalated in the prodelta to delta front deposits that developed mainly in a lagoon-like, restricted marine environment. The restricted marine environment developed during transgressions as the outflow of shallow water was restricted by depositional barriers. Around the barriers and/or delta lobes, carbonate shoals/banks were probably developed and the allochemical components of the neritic limestones may have been transported into the restricted marine environment by overwash processes and/or storm waves. Siliciclastic detritus, on the other hand, was mainly derived accompanied by delta progradation dominated by fluvial processes in the restricted marine environment. Therefore, we interpret the mixed siliciclastic and carbonate cycles in the deltaic successions to be a result of transgression-regression cycles in a deltaic system during the Late Triassic.
Als man nach dem ersten Weltkrieg im verkleinerten Deutschland nach der Möglichkeit von Neulandgewinnung suchte, dachte man auch an eineTrockenlegung der ostpreußischen Haffe. Aus diesem Anlaß wurden umfangreiche Bohrungen ausgeführt, um ein möglichst genaues Bild vom Untergrunde der Haffe zu bekommen. Auf Veranlassung der Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt wurde ich mit der Untersuchung der Diatomeen in den Bohrproben beauftragt. Die Arbeit wurde 1934 begonnen und Ende 1937 wurde der letzte Arbeitsbericht abgeliefert. Die beabsichtigte Veröffentlichung ist bisher unterblieben, weil die Druckvorlagen später verloren gegangen sind. Seitdem sind über die Haffuntersuchungen mehrere Teilergebnisse veröffentlicht worden, von denen hier schon wegen der Terminologie die pollenanalytischen Arbeiten von L. HEIN (1941) und HUGO GROSS (1941) erwähnt seien, auf die im Abschnitt Il 2e näher eingegangen wird. Bei der geologischen Auswertung war Zurückhaltung geboten; denn es wäre gewagt, allein aus der Perspektive der Diatomeenforschung endgültige Aussagen machen zu wollen. Darum habe ich mich bemüht, das Material so weit aufzuschließen, daß es Geologen später auch bei veränderter Fragestellung auswerten können. "Die Theorien wechseln, aber die Tatsachen bleiben." Der Initiative des Herrn Prof. Dr. K. GRIPP und der finanziellen Hilfe der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft ist es zu verdanken, daß die vorliegende Arbeit im Druck erscheinen kann. Zusammenfassung 1. Nur in den alluvialen Schichten des Kurischen Haffs wurden Diatomeen gefunden. 2. Die Diatomeenflora des Kurischen Haffs besteht zur Hauptsache aus Süßwasserformen. 3. Salzwasserformen finden sich in allen Schichten verstreut unter der Süßwasserflora. Wenn sie auch nach Zahl der Arten in manchen Proben einen erheblichen Prozentsatz der Flora ausmachen, so ist doch die Zahl der Individuen stets so gering, daß man nirgends von einer Brackwasserflora sprechen kann. 4. Die Süßwasserflora besteht in den unteren Schichten vorwiegend aus Grundformen; und zwar machen die epiphytischen Bewohner flacher Sumpfgewässer einen großen Teil der Flora aus. 5. In einzelnen Bohrungen kommt in den untersten alluvialen Schichten eine Grundflora mit zahlreichen Mastogloien vor. Dies sind die ältesten diatomeenführenden Schichten, entstanden in isolierten Sumpfgewässern. 6. Die übrigen Schichten mit überwiegender Grundflora sind vermutlich Ablagerungen der Ancyluszeit. 7. Die oberen Schichten, in denen die Planktondiatomeen überwiegen, dürften größtenteils der Litorina-Transgressionszeit angehören, jedoch ist der Transgressions-Kontakt nicht klar zu erkennen. 8. Das Ende der Litorinazeit ist noch weniger erkennbar, da eine grundsätzliche Veränderung der Flora nach oben nicht zu beobachten ist. 9. Die ostbaltischen Charakterformen sind in allen Schichten vertreten.
Angola Basin and Cape Basin (southeast Atlantic) surface sediments and sediment cores show that maxima in the abundance of taraxerol (relative to other land-derived lipids) covary with maxima in the relative abundance of pollen from the mangrove tree genus Rhizophora and that in the surface sediments offshore maxima in the relative abundance of taraxerol occur at latitudes with abundant coastal mangrove forests. Together with the observation that Rhizophora mangle and Rhizophora racemosa leaves are extraordinarily rich in taraxerol, this strongly indicates that taraxerol can be used as a lipid biomarker for mangrove input to the SE Atlantic. The proxy-environment relations for taraxerol and Rhizophora pollen down-core show that increased taraxerol and Rhizophora pollen abundances occur during transgressions and periods with a humid climate. These environmental changes modify the coastal erosion and sedimentation patterns, enhancing the extent of the mangrove ecosystem and/or the transport of mangrove organic matter offshore. Analyses of mid-Pleistocene sediments show that interruption of the pattern of taraxerol maxima during precession minima occurs almost only during periods of low obliquity. This demonstrates the complex environmental response of the interaction between precession-related humidity cycles and obliquity-related sea-level changes on mangrove input.
This study is a synthesis of paleomagnetic and mineral magnetic results for Sites 819 through 823 of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 133, which lie on a transect from the outer edge of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) down the continental slope to the bottom of the Queensland Trough. Because of viscous remagnetization and pervasive overprinting, few reversal boundaries can be identified in these extremely high-resolution Quaternary sequences. Some of the magnetic instability, and the differences in the quality of the paleomagnetic signal among sites, can be explained in terms of the dissolution of primary iron oxides in the high near-surface geochemical gradients. Well-defined changes in magnetic properties, notably susceptibility, reflect responses to glacio-eustatic sea-level fluctuations and changes in slope sedimentation processes resulting from formation of the GBR. Susceptibility can be used to correlate between adjacent holes at a given site to an accuracy of about 20 cm. Among-site correlation of susceptibility is also possible for certain parts of the sequences and permits (tentative) extension of the reversal chronology. The reversal boundaries that can be identified are generally compatible with the calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and demonstrate a high level of biostratigraphic consistency among sites. A revised chronology based on an optimum match with the susceptibility stratigraphy is presented. Throughout most of the sequences there is a strong inverse correlation both between magnetic susceptibility and calcium carbonate content, and between susceptibility and d18O. In the upper, post-GBR, sections a more complicated type of magnetic response occurs during glacial maxima and subsequent transgressions, resulting in a positive correlation between susceptibility and d18O. Prior to and during formation of the outer-reef barrier, the sediments have relatively uniform magnetic properties showing multidomain behavior and displaying cyclic variations in susceptibility related to sea-level change. The susceptibility oscillations are controlled more by carbonate dilution than by variation in terrigenous influx. Establishment of the outer reef between 1.01 and 0.76 Ma restricted the supply of sediment to the slope, causing a four-fold reduction in sedimentation rates and a transition from prograding to aggrading seismic geometries (see other chapters in this volume). The Brunhes/Matuyama boundary and the end of the transition period mark a change to lower and more subdued susceptibility oscillations with higher carbonate contents. The major change in magnetic properties comes at about 0.4 Ma in the aggrading sequence, which contains prominent sharp susceptibility peaks associated with glacial cycles, with distinctive single-domain magnetite and mixed single-domain/superparamagnetic characteristics. Bacterial magnetite has been found in the sediments, particularly where there are high susceptibility peaks, but its importance has not yet been assessed. A possible explanation for the characteristic pattern of magnetic properties in the post-GBR glacial cycles can be found in terms of fluvio-deltaic processes and inter-reefal lagoonal reservoirs that develop when the shelf becomes exposed at low sea-level.
Planktonic foraminifers from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 182, Holes 1126B and 1126C, 1128B and 1128C, 1130A and 1130B, 1132B, and 1134A and 1134B confirm the neritic record that during the early Miocene the Great Australian Bight region was in a cool-temperate regime with abundant Globoturborotalita woodi. Warm marine environments started to develop in the later part of the early Miocene, and the region became warm temperate to subtropical in the early middle Miocene with abundant Globigerinoides, Orbulina, and Globorotalia, corresponding to global warming at the Miocene climatic optimum. Fluctuations between cool- and warm-temperate conditions prevailed during the late Miocene, as indicated by abundant Globoconella conoidea and Menardella spp. A major change in planktonic foraminiferal assemblages close to the Miocene/Pliocene boundary not only drove many Miocene species into extinction but also brought about such new species as Globorotalia crassaformis and Globoconella puncticulata. Warm-temperate environments continued into the early and mid-Pliocene before being replaced by cooler conditions, supporting numerous Globoconella inflata and Globigerina quinqueloba. Based on data from this study and published results from the Australia-New Zealand region, we established a local planktonic foraminifer zonation scheme for separating the southern Australian Neogene (SAN) into Zones SAN1 to SAN19 characterizing the Miocene and Zones SAN20 to SAN25 characterizing the Pliocene. The Neogene sections from the Great Australian Bight are bounded by hiatuses of ~0.5 to >3 m.y. in duration, although poor core recovery in some holes obscured a proper biostratigraphic resolution. A total of 15 hiatuses, numbered 1 to 15, were identified as synchronous events from the base of the Miocene to the lower part of the Pleistocene. We believe that these are local manifestations of major third-order boundaries at about (1) 23.8, (2) 22.3, (3) 20.5, (4) 18.7, (5) 16.4, (6) 14.8, (7) 13.5, (8) 11.5, (9) 9.3, (10) 7.0, (11) 6.0, (12) 4.5, (13) 3.5, (14) 2.5, and (15) 1.5 Ma, respectively. This hiatus-bounded Neogene succession samples regional transgressions and stages of southern Australia and reveals its stepwise evolutionary history.
In the biologically productive area on the Southwest Africa shelf a current process of diagenetic phosphorite formation occurs. Remains of phytoplankton are the main source of phosphorus in host bottom sediments. Phosphorus concentrates in nodules due to its redistribution in bottom sediments and precipitation from interstitial waters. Accumulation of the phosphate nodules, as well as of scattered fish bone debris in sediments occurs at sudden change in hydrological conditions and removal of fine sediment fractions due to increased bottom currents or during transgressions.
Interareal correlation has been carried out; composition of the deposits has been determined; sections recovered by marine drilling have been compared; reconstructed paleogeographic conditions confirm previous views on Jurassic and Cretaceous sedimentation in the area: 1. Determinate changes of continental and shallow marine mainly sandy Middle Jurassic deposits by sandy-clayey marine ones to the north and west occur. This indicates similar direction of clastic material migration and converse direction of Jurassic marine transgressions. 2. Increase of sand contents in the deposits also to the east and to the southeast indicates an important source of clastic material. It can result from incipience and development of the epiplatform orogen of Novaya Zemlya - Pai-Khoi in the Late Triassic - Early Jurassic. 3. Compositional and facial changes as well as changes in thicknesses of some Early Cretaceous lithologic-stratigraphic complexes indicate fast change of terrigenous material transport from the north to the south - south-east in the Late Valanginian - Hauterivian. Besides within the South Barents Sea region up to the Shtokman area there occurs weak variability in lithologic parameters of Neocomian avandeltaic deposits and turbidites composed of clays, claystones, and clayey siltstones. Correlation of drilling sections from the Shtokman area and from the South Basin of the Barents Sea together with paleotectonic analysis result to the conclusion about significant structure-forming movements in the Late Jurassic - Early Neocomian. During this time there occurred maximal growth of the Shtokman structure and likely of many other structures belonging to the South Basin of the Barents Sea.
High-resolution oxygen and carbon isotope stratigraphy is presented for Miocene to early Pliocene sequences at three DSDP sites from the Lord Howe Rise, southwest Pacific, at water depths ranging from 1,300 to 2,000 m. Site 588 is located in the warm subtropics (~26°S), whereas Sites 590 and 591 are positioned in transitional (northern temperate) water masses (~31°S). Benthic foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotope analyses were conducted on all sites; planktonic foraminiferal isotope data were generated for Site 590 only. Sample resolution in these sequences is on the order of 50,000 yr. or better. The chronological framework employed in this study is based largely upon ages assigned to Neogene calcareous nannoplankton boundaries. The benthic oxygen isotope record exhibits several major features during the Neogene. During most of the early Miocene, delta18O values were relatively low, reaching minimum values in the late early Miocene (19.5 to 16.5 Ma), and recording the climax of Neogene warmth. This was followed by a major increase in benthic delta18O values between ~16.5 and 13.5 Ma, which is interpreted as representing major, permanent accumulation of the East Antarctic ice sheet and cooling of bottom waters. During the 3 m.y. 18O enrichment, surface waters at these middle latitudes warmed between 16 and 14.5 Ma. During the remainder of the middle and late Miocene, benthic delta18O values exhibit distinct fluctuations, but the average value remained unchanged. The isotopic data show two distinct episodes of climatic cooling close to the middle/late Miocene boundary. The earliest of these events occurred between 12.5 and 11.5 Ma in the latest middle Miocene. The second cooling event occurred from 11 to 9 Ma, and is marked by some of the highest delta18O values of the entire Miocene. This was followed by relative warmth during the middle part of the late Miocene. The latest Miocene and earliest Pliocene (6.2 to 4.5 Ma) were marked by relatively high delta18O values, indicating increased cooling and glaciation. During the middle Pliocene, at about 3.4 Ma, a 0.4 per mil increase in benthic delta18O documents a net increase in average global ice volume and cooling of bottom waters. During this interval of increased glaciation, surface waters warmed by 2-3°C in southern middle-latitude regions. During the late Pliocene, between 2.6 and 2.4 Ma, a further increase in delta18O occurred; this has been interpreted by previous workers as heralding the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation. Surface-water warming in the middle latitudes occurred in association with major high-latitude glacial increases in the early middle Miocene (16-14 Ma), middle Pliocene (-3.5 Ma), and late Pliocene (~2.4 Ma). These intervals were also marked by increases in the vertical temperature gradient in the open ocean. Intersite correlation is enhanced by using carbon isotope stratigraphy. The great similarity of the delta13C time-series records within and between ocean basins and with water depth clearly indicates that changes in oceanwide average delta13C of [HCO3]- in seawater dominated the records, rather than local effects. Broad changes in the Neogene delta13C record were caused largely by transfer of organic carbon between continental and oceanic reservoirs. These transfers were caused by marine transgressions and regressions on the continental margins. The dominant feature of Neogene delta13C stratigraphy is a broad late early to early middle Miocene increase of about lâ between ~19 and 14.5 Ma. This trend occurred contemporaneously with a period of maximum coastal onlap (transgression) and maximum Neogene climatic warmth. The delta13C trend terminated during the expansion of the Antarctic ice sheet and associated marine regression. The latest Miocene carbon isotope shift (of up to - 0.75 per mil) at 6.2 Ma is clearly recorded in all sites examined and was followed by relatively low values during the remainder of the Neogene. This shift was caused by a glacioeustatic sealevel lowering that exposed continental margins via regression and ultimately increased the flux of organic carbon to the deep sea. An increase in delta13C values during the early Pliocene (~5 to 4 Ma) resulted from marine transgression during a time of global warmth.
The textural and compositional characteristics of the 400 m sequence of Pleistocene wackestones and packstones intersected at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 820 reflect deposition controlled by fluctuations in sea-level, and by variations in the rate of sediment supply. The development of an effective reefal barrier adjacent to Site 820, between 760 k.y. and 1.01 Ma, resulted in a marked reduction in sediment accumulation rates on the central Great Barrier Reef outermost shelf and upper slope. This marked change corresponds with the transition from sigmoidal prograding seismic geometry in the lower 254 m of the sequence, to aggradational geometry in the top 146 m. The reduction in the rate of sediment accumulation that followed development of the reefal barrier also caused a fundamental change in the way in which fluctuations in sea-level controlled sediment deposition. In the lower, progradational portion of the sequence, sea-level cyclicity is represented by superimposed coarsening-upward cycles. Although moderately calcareous throughout (mostly 35%-75% CaCO3), the depositional system acted in a similar manner to siliciclastic shelf depositional systems. Relative sea-level rises resulted in deposition of more condensed, less calcareous, fine, muddy wackestones at the base of each cycle. Sea-level highstands resulted in increased sedimentation rates and greater influx of coarse bioclastic material. Continued high rates of sedimentation of both coarse bioclastic material and mixed carbonate and terrigenous mud marked falling and low sea-levels. This lower part of the sequence therefore is dominated by coarse packstones, with only thin wackestone intervals representing transgressions. In contrast, sea-level fluctuations following formation of an effective reefal barrier produced a markedly different sedimentary record. The more slowly deposited aggradational sequence is characterized by discrete thin interbeds of relatively coarse packstone within a predominantly fine wackestone sequence. These thin packstone beds resulted from relatively low sedimentation rates during falling and low sea-levels, with much higher rates of muddy sediment accumulation during rising and high sea-levels. The transition from progradational to aggradational sequence geometry therefore corresponds to a transition from a "siliciclastic-type" to a "carbonate-type" depositional system.
Terrigenous sediment supply, marine transport, and depositional processes along tectonically active margins are key to decoding turbidite successions as potential archives of climatic and seismic forcings. Sequence stratigraphic models predict coarse-grained sediment delivery to deep-marine sites mainly during sea-level fall and lowstand. Marine siliciclastic deposition during transgressions and highstands has been attributed to sustained connectivity between terrigenous sources and marine sinks facilitated by narrow shelves. To decipher the controls on Holocene highstand turbidite deposition, we analyzed 12 sediment cores from spatially discrete, coeval turbidite systems along the Chile margin (29° - 40°S) with changing climatic and geomorphic characteristics but uniform changes in sea level. Sediment cores from intraslope basins in north-central Chile (29° - 33°S) offshore a narrow to absent shelf record a shut-off of turbidite deposition during the Holocene due to postglacial aridification. In contrast, core sites in south-central Chile (36° - 40°S) offshore a wide shelf record frequent turbidite deposition during highstand conditions. Two core sites are linked to the Biobío river-canyon system and receive sediment directly from the river mouth. However, intraslope basins are not connected via canyons to fluvial systems but yield even higher turbidite frequencies. High sediment supply combined with a wide shelf and an undercurrent moving sediment toward the shelf edge appear to control Holocene turbidite sedimentation and distribution. Shelf undercurrents may play an important role in lateral sediment transport and supply to the deep sea and need to be accounted for in sediment-mass balances.
Interstitial water analyses made at 12 sites during Leg 117 are used to define the nature of diagenetic reactions in organic-rich sediments on the Owen Ridge and Oman Margin. Minor variations in chloride concentration profiles are ascribed to past changes in bottom water salinity at two mid-depth margin sites and to upward migration of low salinity water at another. There is no evidence for subsurface brine movement, unlike the case on the Peru Margin. Dolomitization is widespread and accounts for the depletions of magnesium observed in pore waters at variable depths at nearly all sites. The mineral occurs both as disseminated euhedral limpid crystals and, in at least one location, in massive stringers. Formation of the latter is suggested to reflect precipitation during sea level transgressions when the sedimentation rate was low, but when productivity was high. Authigenic carbonate fluorapatite is also widespread, the phosphorus being derived from the breakdown of organic matter. Sulfate is quantitatively depleted at depth at most locations but the rate of depletion is markedly less than that observed on the Peru Margin where sedimentation is also similarly influenced by high rates of upwelling. The reason for this contrast is not clear and merits further investigation.