4 resultados para Tory, Geoffroy, approximately 1480-approximately 1533

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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An integrated instrument package for measuring and understanding the surface radiation budget of sea ice is presented, along with results from its first deployment. The setup simultaneously measures broadband fluxes of upwelling and downwelling terrestrial and solar radiation (four components separately), spectral fluxes of incident and reflected solar radiation, and supporting data such as air temperature and humidity, surface temperature, and location (GPS), in addition to photographing the sky and observed surface during each measurement. The instruments are mounted on a small sled, allowing measurements of the radiation budget to be made at many locations in the study area to see the effect of small-scale surface processes on the large-scale radiation budget. Such observations have many applications, from calibration and validation of remote sensing products to improving our understanding of surface processes that affect atmosphere-snow-ice interactions and drive feedbacks, ultimately leading to the potential to improve climate modelling of ice-covered regions of the ocean. The photographs, spectral data, and other observations allow for improved analysis of the broadband data. An example of this is shown by using the observations made during a partly cloudy day, which show erratic variations due to passing clouds, and creating a careful estimate of what the radiation budget along the observed line would have been under uniform sky conditions, clear or overcast. Other data from the setup's first deployment, in June 2011 on fast ice near Point Barrow, Alaska, are also shown; these illustrate the rapid changes of the radiation budget during a cold period that led to refreezing and new snow well into the melt season.


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Deep-sea sediments of two cores from the western (TY93-929/P) and the southeastern (MD900963) Arabian Sea were used to study the variations of the Indian monsoon during previous climatic cycles. Core TY93-929/P was located between the SW monsoon driven upwelling centres off Somalia and Oman, which are characterized by large seasonal sea surface temperature (SST) and particle flux changes. By contrast, core MD900963, was situated near the Maldives platform, an equatorial ocean site with a rather small SST seasonality (less than 2°C). For both cores we have reconstructed SST variations by means of the unsaturation ratio of C37 alkenones, which is compared with the delta18O records established on planktonic foraminifera. In general, the SST records follow the delta18O variations, with an SST maximum during oxygen isotope stage 5.5 (the Last Interglacial at about 120-130 kyr) and a broad SST minimum during isotope stage 4 and 3.3 (approximately 40-50 kyr). The SST difference between the Holocene and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) is of the order of 2°C. In both cores the SSTs during isotope stage 6 are distinctly higher by 1-2°C than the cold SST minima during the last glacial cycle (LGM and stage 3). To reconstruct qualitatively the past productivity variations for the two cores, we used the concentrations and fluxes of alkenones and organic carbon, together with a productivity index based on coccolith species (Florisphaera profunda relative abundance). Within each core, there is a general agreement between the different palaeoproductivity proxies. In the southeastern Arabian Sea (core MD900963), glacial stages correspond to relatively high productivity, whereas warm interstadials coincide with low productivity. All time series of productivity proxies are dominated by a cyclicity of about 21-23 kyr, which corresponds to the insolation precessional cycle. A hypothesis could be that the NE monsoon winds were stronger during the glacial stages, which induced deepening of the surface mixed layer and injection of nutrients to the euphotic zone. By contrast, the records are more complicated in the upwelling region of the western Arabian Sea (core TY93-929/P). This is partly due to large changes in the sedimentation rates, which were higher during specific periods (isotope stages 6, 5.4, 5.2, 3 and 2). Unlike core MD900963, no simple relationship emerges from the comparison between the delta18O stratigraphy and productivity records. The greater complexity observed for core TY93-929/P could be the result of the superimposition of different patterns of productivity fluctuations for the two monsoon seasons, the SW monsoon being enhanced during interglacial periods, whereas the NE monsoon was increased during glacial intervals. A similar line of reasoning also could help explain the SST records by the superimposition of variations of three components: global atmospheric temperature, and SW and NE monsoon dynamics.


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In September 2008 several cores (68 cm-115 cm length) (water depth: 93 m) were retrieved from Lake Nam Co (southern-central Tibetan Plateau; 4718 m a.s.l.). This study focuses on the interpretation of high-resolution (partly 0.2 cm) data from three gravity cores and the upper part of a 10.4 m long piston core, i.e., the past 4000 cal BP in terms of lake level changes, hydrological variations in the catchment area and consequently variations in monsoon strength. A wide spectrum of sedimentological, geochemical and mineralogical investigations was carried out. Results are presented for XRF core-scans, grain size distribution, XRD-measurements and SEM-image analyses. These data are complemented by an age-depth model using 210Pb and 137Cs analyses as well as eleven AMS-14C-ages. This model is supported by excellent agreement between secular variations determined on one of the gravity cores to geomagnetic field models. This is a significant improvement of the chronology as most catchments of lacustrine systems on the Tibetan Plateau contain carbonates resulting in an unknown reservoir effect for radiocarbon dates. The good correlation of our record to the geomagnetic field models confirms our age-depth model and indicates only insignificant changes in the reservoir effect throughout the last 4 ka. High (summer-) monsoonal activity, i.e. moist environmental conditions, was detected in our record between approximately 4000 and 1950 cal BP as well as between 1480 and 1200 cal BP. Accordingly, lower monsoon activity prevails in periods between the two intervals and thereafter. This pattern shows a good correlation to the variability of the Indian Ocean Summer Monsoon (IOSM) as recorded in a peat bog ~1000 km in NE direction from Lake Nam Co. This is the first time that such a supra regional homogenous monsoon activity is shown on the Tibetan Plateau and beyond. Finally our data show a significant lake level rise after the Little Ice Age (LIA) in Lake Nam Co which is suggested to be linked to glacier melting in consequence of rising temperatures occurring on the whole Tibetan Plateau during this time.