9 resultados para Third-order model

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Planktonic foraminifers from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 182, Holes 1126B and 1126C, 1128B and 1128C, 1130A and 1130B, 1132B, and 1134A and 1134B confirm the neritic record that during the early Miocene the Great Australian Bight region was in a cool-temperate regime with abundant Globoturborotalita woodi. Warm marine environments started to develop in the later part of the early Miocene, and the region became warm temperate to subtropical in the early middle Miocene with abundant Globigerinoides, Orbulina, and Globorotalia, corresponding to global warming at the Miocene climatic optimum. Fluctuations between cool- and warm-temperate conditions prevailed during the late Miocene, as indicated by abundant Globoconella conoidea and Menardella spp. A major change in planktonic foraminiferal assemblages close to the Miocene/Pliocene boundary not only drove many Miocene species into extinction but also brought about such new species as Globorotalia crassaformis and Globoconella puncticulata. Warm-temperate environments continued into the early and mid-Pliocene before being replaced by cooler conditions, supporting numerous Globoconella inflata and Globigerina quinqueloba. Based on data from this study and published results from the Australia-New Zealand region, we established a local planktonic foraminifer zonation scheme for separating the southern Australian Neogene (SAN) into Zones SAN1 to SAN19 characterizing the Miocene and Zones SAN20 to SAN25 characterizing the Pliocene. The Neogene sections from the Great Australian Bight are bounded by hiatuses of ~0.5 to >3 m.y. in duration, although poor core recovery in some holes obscured a proper biostratigraphic resolution. A total of 15 hiatuses, numbered 1 to 15, were identified as synchronous events from the base of the Miocene to the lower part of the Pleistocene. We believe that these are local manifestations of major third-order boundaries at about (1) 23.8, (2) 22.3, (3) 20.5, (4) 18.7, (5) 16.4, (6) 14.8, (7) 13.5, (8) 11.5, (9) 9.3, (10) 7.0, (11) 6.0, (12) 4.5, (13) 3.5, (14) 2.5, and (15) 1.5 Ma, respectively. This hiatus-bounded Neogene succession samples regional transgressions and stages of southern Australia and reveals its stepwise evolutionary history.


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Over 30 first and last occurrence (FO and LO, respectively) planktonic foraminifer datums were recognized from the Oligocene-Miocene section of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1148. Most datum levels occur in similar order as, and are by correlation as probably synchronous with, their open-ocean records. Several datum levels represent local bioevents resulting from dissolution and Site 1148's unique paleoceanographic setting in the northern South China Sea. An age of 9.5-9.8 Ma is estimated for the local LO of Globoquadrina dehiscens (257 meters composite depth [mcd]), whereas the local LO of Globorotalia fohsi s.l. (301 mcd) is projected to be at ~13.0 Ma and the local FO of Globigerinatella insueta (367 mcd) is projected to be at ~18.0 Ma. The combined planktonic foraminifer and nannofossil results indicate that the Oligocene-Miocene section at Site 1148 is not complete. Unconformities up to 2-3 m.y. in duration, occurring at and before the Oligocene/Miocene boundary (OHS1, OHS2, OHS3, and OHS4 = MHS1), are associated with slump deposits between 457 and 495 mcd that signal tectonic instability during the transition from rifting to spreading in the South China Sea. Shorter unconformities of <0.5 m.y. duration that truncate the Miocene section were more likely to have been caused by sea-bottom erosion as well as dissolution. A total of 12 Miocene unconformities, MHS1 through MHS12, are mainly affected by dissolution and an elevated carbonate compensation depth (CCD) during Miocene third-order glaciations recorded in deep-sea positive oxygen isotope Mi glaciation events. Respectively, they fall at ~457 mcd (MHS1 = Mi-1), 407 mcd (MHS2 = Mi-1a), 385 mcd (MHS3 = Mi-1aa), 366 mcd (MHS4 = Mi-1b), 358 mcd (MHS5 = MLi-1), 333 mcd (MHS6 = Mi-2), 318 mcd (MHS7 = MSi-1), 308 mcd (MHS8 = Mi-3), 295 mcd (MHS9 = Mi-4), 288 mcd (MHS10 = Mi-5), 256 mcd (MHS11 = Mi-6), and 250 mcd (MHS12 = Mi-7). The correlation of these unconformities with Mi events indicates that some related driving mechanisms have been operating, causing deepwater circulation changes concomitantly in world oceans and in the marginal South China Sea.


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A cyclic marl-limestone succession of Middle-Late Campanian age has been investigated with respect to a Milankovitch-controlled origin of geochemical data. In general, the major element geochemistry of the marl-limestone rhythmites can be explained by a simple two-component mixing model with the end-members calcium carbonate and 'average shale'-like material. Carbonate content varies from 55 to 90%. Non-carbonate components are clay minerals (illite, smectite) and biogenic silica from sponge spicules, as well as authigenically formed zeolites (strontian heulandite) and quartz. The redox potential suggests oxidizing conditions throughout the section. Trace element and stable isotopic data as well as SEM investigations show that the carbonate mud is mostly composed of low-magnesium calcitic tests of planktic coccolithophorids and calcareous dinoflagellate cysts (calcispheres). Diagenetic overprint results in a decrease of 2% d18O and an increase in Mn of up to 250 ppm. However, the sediment seems to preserve most of its high Sr content compared to the primary low-magnesium calcite of co-occurring belemnite rostra. The periodicity of geochemical cycles is dominated by 413 ka and weak signals between 51 and 22.5 ka, attributable to orbital forcing. Accumulation rates within these cycles vary between 40 and 50 m/Ma. The resulting cyclic sedimentary sequence is the product of (a) changes in primary production of low-magnesium calcitic biogenic material in surface waters within the long eccentricity and the precession, demonstrated by the CaCO3 content and the Mg/Al, Mn/Al and Sr/Al ratios, and (b) fluctuations in climate and continental weathering, which changed the quality of supplied clay minerals (the illite/smectite ratio), demonstrated by the K/Al ratio. High carbonate productivity correlates with smectite-favouring weathering (semi-arid conditions, conspicuously dry and moist seasonal changes in warmer climates). Ti as the proxy indicator for the detrital terrigenous influx, as well as Rb, Si, Zr and Na, shows only low frequency signals, indicating nearly constant rates of supply throughout the more or less pure pelagic carbonate deposition of the long-lasting third-order Middle-Upper Campanian sedimentary cycle.


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Qualitative and quantitative food composition, as well as intensity of feeding of beryx-alfonsino Beryx splendens was examined on banks near the Azores. Data are presented with respect to size groups and taking into account type of feeding of males and females. Crustaceans and fishes were constituents of their feeding ration. A tendency toward increase in the number of consumed fishes in the course of ontogenetic development of beryx-alfonsino was noted. Beryx-alfonsino was shown to occupy the trophic level of consumers of the third order performing function of a deep-water predator.


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Ocean Drilling Program Legs 127 and 128 in the Japan Sea have revealed the existence of numerous dark-light rhythms of remarkable consistency in sediments of late Miocene, latest Pliocene, and especially Pleistocene age. Light-colored units within these rhythms are massive or bioturbated, consist of diatomaceous clays, silty clays, or nannofossil-rich clays, and are generally poor in organic matter. Dark-colored units are homogeneous, laminated, or thinly bedded and include substantial amounts of biogenic material such as well-preserved diatoms, planktonic foraminifers, calcareous nannofossils, and organic matter (maximum 7.4 wt%). The dark-light rhythms show a similar geometrical pattern on three different scales: First-order rhythms consist of a cluster dominated by dark-colored units followed by a cluster dominated by light-colored units (3-5 m). Spectral analysis of a gray-value time series suggests that the frequencies of the first-order rhythms in sediments of latest Pliocene and Pleistocene age correlate to the obliquity and the eccentricity cycles. The second-order dark-light rhythms include a light and a dark-colored unit (10-160 cm). They were formed in time spans of several hundred to several ten thousand years, with variance centering around 10,500 yr. This frequency may correspond to half the precessional cycle. Third-order rhythms appear as laminated or thinly bedded dark-light couplets (2-15 mm) within the dark-colored units of the second-order rhythms and may represent annual frequencies. In interpreting the rhythms, we have to take into account that (1) the occurrence of the first- and second-order rhythms is not necessarily restricted to glacial or interglacial periods as is shown by preliminary stable-isotope analysis and comparison with the published d18O record; (2) they appear to be Milankovitch-controlled; and (3) a significant number of the rhythms are sharply bounded. The origin of the dark-light rhythms is probably related to variations in monsoonal activity in the Japan Sea, which show annual frequencies, but also operates in phase with the orbital cycles.


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The Kimmeridge Clay Formation (KCF) and its equivalents worldwide represent one of the most prolonged periods of organic carbon accumulation of the Mesozoic. In this study, we use the molybdenum (Mo) stable isotope system in conjunction with a range of trace metal paleoredox proxies to assess how seawater redox varied both locally and globally during the deposition of the KCF. Facies with lower organic carbon contents (TOC 1-7 wt %) were deposited under mildly reducing (suboxic) conditions, while organic-rich facies (TOC >7 wt %) accumulated under more strongly reducing (anoxic or euxinic) local conditions. Trace metal abundances are closely linked to TOC content, suggesting that the intensity of reducing conditions varied repeatedly during the deposition of the KCF and may have been related to orbitally controlled climate changes. Long-term variations in d98/95Mo are associated with the formation of organic-rich intervals and are related to third-order fluctuations in relative sea level. Differences in the mean d98/95Mo composition of the organic-rich intervals suggest that the global distribution of reducing conditions was more extensive during the deposition of the Pectinatites wheatleyensis and lower Pectinatites hudlestoni zones than during the deposition of the upper Pectinatites hudlestoni and Pectinatites pectinatus zones. The global extent of reducing conditions during the Kimmerigidan was greater than today but was less widespread than during the Toarcian (Early Jurassic) oceanic anoxic event. This study also demonstrates that the Mo isotope system in Jurassic seawater responded to changes in redox conditions in a manner consistent with its behavior in present-day sedimentary environments.


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The Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE) of the early Jurassic period involves one of the largest perturbations of the carbon cycle in the past 250 Ma, recorded by a pronounced negative carbon-isotope excursion (CIE). Numerous studies have focused on potential causes of the T-OAE and CIE, but are hampered by an uncertain timescale. Here we present high-resolution (~2 kyr) magnetic susceptibility (MS) measurements from the marine marls of the Sancerre-Couy drill-core, southern Paris Basin, spanning the entire Toarcian Stage. The MS variations document a rich series of sub-Milankovitch to Milankovitch frequencies (precession, obliquity and eccentricity) with the periodic g2-g5 (405 kyr) and quasi-periodic g4-g3 (~2.4 Myr Cenozoic mean periodicity) eccentricity terms being the most prominent. The MS-related g4-g3 variation reflects third-order eustatic sequences, and constrains the sequence stratigraphic framework of the Toarcian Stage. In addition, MS variations reveal a modulation of g2-g5 by g4-g3 eccentricity related cycles, suggesting that sea-level change was the main control on the deposition of the Toarcian Sancerre marls, in tune with the astro-climatic frequencies. The stable 405 kyr cyclicity constrains a minimum duration of the Toarcian Stage to ~8.3 Myr, and the well documented CIE, associated with the T-OAE, to ~300 to 500 kyr. The 405 kyr MS timescale calibrates the periodicity of the prominent high-frequency d13C cycles that occur in the decreasing part of the CIE to 30 to 34 kyr, consistent with the Toarcian obliquity period predicted for an Earth experiencing sustained tidal dissipation.


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Eocene sediments drilled at the East Tasman Plateau (ETP) exhibit well-defined cycles, high-resolution magnetic stratigraphy, and environmentally-controlled dinoflagellate and diatom distribution patterns. We derive a cyclostratigraphy from the spectral analysis of high-resolution elemental concentration records (Ca, Fe) for this shallow marine time series spanning the middle to early late Eocene (C16n.2n - C21). Changes in carbonate content, the ratio between Gonyaulacoid and Peridinioid dinocysts, and relative abundance of "oligotrophic" diatoms serve as proxies for a high-resolution climatic and sea-level history with high values representing high sea-level stands and decreased eutrophy of surface waters. Changing ratios between high latitude dinocysts versus cosmopolitan species provide clues on sea surface temperature trends and water mass exchange. Our results show that the relatively shallow-water middle Eocene environments of the ETP are influenced by orbitally-forced climatic cycles superimposed on third order relative sea-level changes. Changes in the dominance of Milankovitch frequency at ~38.6 Ma (late Eocene) is related to an initial deepening-step within the Tasmanian Gateway prior to the major deepening during the middle late Eocene (~35.5 Ma). Decreasing sedimentation rates at 38 Ma and 37.2 Ma reflect winnowing associated with sea-level fall. This episode is followed by renewed transgression. Dinocyst distribution patterns indicate high latitude, probably cool temperate surface water conditions throughout, with the exception of a sudden surge in cosmopolitan species near the base of subchron C18.2r, at ~41 Ma; this event is tentatively correlated to the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum.