44 resultados para Thermal history

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The D/H, 18O/16O and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the basaltic basement from the Leg 83 section of DSDP Hole 504B show that in that area the oceanic crust has experienced intensive but not pervasive alteration. Isotope ratios of the basalts are very heterogeneous because of an input of oxygen, hydrogen, and strontium from seawater. The hydrogen isotopic composition of many samples displays the complete thermal history of the water-rock interactions. High-temperature mineral formations (actinolites, epidotes, and chlorites) were overgrown by a mineralization at lower temperatures (mixedlayer smectites, iddingsites, and smectites) during successive stages of cooling of the oceanic crust by cold seawater. From 87Sr/86Sr data bulk water/rock ratios up to 5:1 have been calculated. There is evidence that some primary minerals like high-An plagioclases contain oxygen from altered basalts. We have discussed the probability that there existed a seawater/crust interface, now at a depth of 620 m sub-basement, during the high-temperature water/rock interactions. This interface was covered during later magmatism by thick flows, pillow lavas, and intrusives.


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Downhole temperature and thermal conductivity measurements in core samples recovered during Legs 127 and 128 in the Japan Sea resulted in five accurate determinations of heat flow through the seafloor and accurate estimates of temperature vs. depth over the drilled sections. The heat flows measured at these sites are in excellent agreement with nearby seafloor measurements. Drilling sampled basaltic rocks that form the acoustic basement in the Yamato and Japan basins and provided biostratigraphic and isotopic estimates of the age of these basins. The preliminary age estimates are compared with predicted heat flow values for two different thermal models of the lithosphere. A heat flow determination from the crest of the Okushiri Ridge yielded an anomalously high heat flow of 156 mW/m**2. This excessive heat flow value may have resulted from frictional heating on an active reverse fault that bounds the eastern side of the Ridge. Accurate estimates of sedimentation rates and temperatures in the sedimentary section combined with models of basin formation provide an opportunity to test thermochemical models of silica diagenesis. The current location of the opal-A/opal CT transition in the sedimentary section is determined primarily by the thermal history of the layer in which the transition is now found. Comparison of the ages and temperatures of the layer where the opal-A/opal-CT is found today is compatible with an activation energy of 14 to 17 kcal/mole.


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We test a new approach to understanding the tectonic evolution of passive margins by using fission-track analysis on detrital apatites from sediments deposited offshore East Greenland. These apatites have not undergone postdepositional track annealing and therefore reflect provenance. The apatites preserve a component of the source rocks' thermal history that otherwise may not be retained within the present-day outcrop. Fission-track derived denudational histories from samples at Ocean Drilling Program drill sites offshore East Greenland at lat 63°N are compared with data from the onshore Singertat Complex. Previous apatite fission-track studies and geomorphic mapping of the East Greenland coast have shown that locally up to 6 km of denudation may have occurred, implying significant tectonic or magmatic activity starting as much as 30 m.y. after breakup at 56 Ma. In contrast, apatite fission-track data presented here record <2 km of Cenozoic denudation in southeast Greenland, probably driven by magmatic underplating at the time of breakup. Large-magnitude, postrift denudation of East Greenland is restricted to the area around Kangerdlugssuaq (68°N). The timing (<40-50 Ma) and magnitude are in accord with revised plume track models suggesting that the Iceland plume crossed the margin here during the late Eocene.


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Twenty-six core samples from Leg 64, Holes 474, 474A, 477, 478, 479, and 481A in the Gulf of California, were provided by the Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling (JOIDES) Advisory Panel on Organic Geochemistry for analysis. The high heat flow characteristic of the basin provides an opportunity to study the effect of temperature on the diagenesis of organic matter. The contents and carbon isotope compositions of the organic matter and bitumen fractions of different polarity, isoprenoid and normal alkane distributions, and the nature of tetrapyrrole pigments were studied. Relative contents of hydrocarbons and bitumens depend on the thermal history of the deposits. Among other criteria, the nature and content of tetrapyrrole pigments appear to be most sensitive to thermal stress. Whereas only chlorins are present in the immature samples, porphyrins, including VO-porphyrins, appear in the thermally altered deposits, despite the shallow burial depth. Alkane distributions in thermally changed samples are characterized by low values of phytane to 2-C18 ratios and an odd/even carbon preference index close to unity. The thermally altered samples show unusual carbon isotope distributions of the bitumen fractions. The data also provide some evidence concerning the source of the organic matter and the degree of diagenesis.


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Apatite fission track (FT) ages and length characteristics of samples obtained from Cambrian to Paleocene-aged sandstones collected along the margin of Nares Strait in Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago are dominated by a thermal history related to Paleogene relative plate movements between Greenland and Ellesmere Island. A preliminary inverse FT thermal model for a Cambrian (Archer Fiord Formation) sandstone in the hanging wall of the Rawlings Bay thrust at Cape Lawrence is consistent with Paleocene exhumational cooling, likely as a result of erosion of the thrust. This suggests that thrusting at Cape Lawrence occurred prior to the onset of Eocene compression, likely due to transpression during earlier strikeslip along the strait. Models for samples from volcaniclastic sandstones of the Late Paleocene Pavy Formation (from Cape Back and near Pavy River), and a sandstone from the Late Paleocene Mount Lawson Formation (at Split Lake, near Makinson Inlet) are also consistent with minor burial heating following known periods of basaltic volcanism in Baffin Bay and Davis Strait (c. 61-59 Ma), or related tholeiitic volcanism and intrusive activity (c. 55-54 Ma). Thermal models for samples from sea level dykes from around Smith Sound suggest a period of Late Cretaceous - Paleocene heating prior to final cooling during Paleocene time. These model results imply that Paleocene tectonic movements along Nares Strait were significant, and provide limited support for the former existence of the Wegener Fault. Apatite FT data from central Ellesmere Island suggest however, that cooling there occurred during Early Eocene time (c. 50 Ma), which was likely a result of erosion of thrusts during Eurekan compression. This diachronous cooling suggests that Eurekan deformation was partitioned at discrete intervals across Ellesmere Island, and thus it is likely that displacements along the strait were much less than the 150 km that has been previously suggested for the Wegener Fault.


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Over a broad region of the eastern Japan Sea, Neogene opaline diatomaceous sediments alter with depth to hard porcellanites and cherts composed of opal-CT and quartz. We examined the oxygen isotopic compositions of these diagenetic silica minerals at four widely spaced sites occupied during ODP Leg 127 in order to investigate the thermal history of the region. Formation temperatures computed from these isotopic data range from 22° to 68°C for opal-CT and from 44° to 92°C for diagenetic quartz, quite similar to temperature ranges estimated from the extrapolated modern gradients, 36°-43°C and 49°-64°C, respectively. At each site the isotopic temperature values cluster near the extrapolated ambient sediment temperatures. As a first approximation, the similarities suggest that the positions of the silica transformations in the basin are controlled by the present thermal regime. In detail, isotopic and ambient temperatures differ. If these differences are real, then they reflect variations in the thermal histories at these sites. At Sites 794 and 797 in the Yamato Basin, isotopic temperatures and gradients computed from these data are lower than or comparable to ambient temperatures and gradients. We suggest that the silica zones have roughly equilibrated with the modern gradients at these localities. At Site 795 in the Japan Basin, isotopic temperatures are also lower than ambient sediment temperatures at comparable depths, but the gradient computed from the isotopic temperatures is higher than the present measured gradient. For both scenarios to hold, the silica zones must have formed under initially high gradients during the early post-rift period at this locality. These zones were then rapidly buried and have yet to equilibrate with the modern lower gradient. At Site 796 on Okushiri Ridge, isotopic temperatures exceed present temperatures as expected for an area of recent uplift. The gradient computed from our isotopic data and the thickness of the opal-CT zone indicate a higher gradient than at present at this site, apparently reflecting higher heat fluxes during the early post-rift period or recent frictional heating from nearby reverse fault activity.


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The Maud Belt in Dronning Maud Land (western East Antarctic Craton) preserves a high-grade polyphase tectono-thermal history with two orogenic episodes of Mesoproterozoic (1.2-1.0 Ga) and Neoproterozoic (0.6-0.5 Ga) age. New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon data from southern Gjelsvikfjella in the northeastern part of the belt make it possible to differentiate between a series of magmatic and metamorphic events. The oldest event recorded is the formation of an extensive 1140-1130 Ma volcanic arc. This was followed by 1104 ± 8 Ma granitoids that might represent, together with so far undated mafic dykes, part of a decompression melting-related bimodal suite that reflects the sub-continental Umkondo igneous event. The first high-grade metamorphism is constrained at 1070 Ma. The metamorphic age data are similar to those obtained from other parts of the Maud Belt, but also from the Namaqua-Natal Belt in South Africa, but the preceding arc formation was diachronous in the two belts. This indicates that the two belts did not form a continuous volcanic arc unit as suggested in previous models, but became connected only at the end of the Mesoproterozoic. Intense reworking during the Neoproterozoic, probably as a result of continent-continent collision between components of Gondwana, is indicated by ductile refliation, further high-grade metamorphic recrystallisation and metamorphic zircon overgrowths at approximately 530 Ma. This was followed by late- to post-tectonic magmatism, reflected by 500 Ma granite bodies and 490 Ma aplite dykes as well as a 480 Ma gabbro body.


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We analyzed samples from ODP Holes 652A and 654A (Leg 107, Tyrrhenian Sea) for the amount, type, and thermal maturity of organic matter. The sediments encompass clastic and biogenic lithologies, which were deposited on the passive margin east of Sardinia since the late Miocene to the Pleistocene. Marine, hypersaline/evaporitic, lacustrine/riverine, and finally hemipelagic marine conditions with occasional anoxic(?) interludes gave rise to very diverse sedimentary facies. The majority of samples is lean in organic matter (<0.2% TOC). Notable exceptions are Tortonian sediments (TOC average 0.3%), Messinian oil shales from Core 107-652A-64R (up to 11% TOC), Messinian lacustrine/fluvial sediments from Hole 652A (TOC average 0.42%,), and Pleistocene sapropel samples (>2% TOC). The Messinian oil shale in Hole 652A appears to be the only mature hydrocarbon source rock. In general, Pliocene sediments are the leanest and least mature samples. Pleistocene and Pliocene samples derive organic matter from a marine source. In spite of obvious facies differences in the Messinian between the two sites, pyrolysis results are not conclusive in separating hypersaline facies of Site 654 from the fresh water facies of Site 652, because both appear to have received terrestrial organic tissue as the main component of TOC. It is apparent from the distribution of maximum pyrolysis temperatures that heat flow must have been considerably higher at Site 652 on the lower margin in the Messinian. Molecular maturity indices in lipid extracts substantiate the finding that the organic matter in Tortonian and Messinian samples from Hole 654A is immature, while thermal maturation is more advanced in coeval samples from Hole 652A. Analyses of lipid biomarkers showed that original odd-even predominance was preserved in alkanes and alkylcyclohexanes from Messinian samples in Hole 654A, while thermal maturation had removed any odd-even predominance in Hole 652A. Isomerization data of hopanes and steranes support these differences in thermal history for the two sites. Hopanoid distribution further suggests that petroleum impregnation from a deeper, more mature source resulted in the co-occurrence of immature and mature groups of pentacyclic biomarkers. Even though the presence of 4-methylsteranes may imply that dinoflagellates were a major source for organic matter in the oil shale interval of Hole 652, we did not find intact dinoflagellates or related nonskeletal algae during microscopic investigation of the organic matter in the fine laminations. Morphologically, the laminations resemble bacterial mats.