87 resultados para The near-poor

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Vertical profiles of light scattering at a right angle and turbidity profiles in seawater indicating suspended matter concentration in the near-bottom nepheloid layer (NNL) were measured simultaneously with temperature, salinity, and density profiles at the continental slope off the northwestern Africa. About 100 stations 5' apart in latitude and longitude were carried out over an ocean area of 6100 sq. km. Special features of the NNL variability in the area were analyzed. It was found that some structural parameters of the NNL (maximum transparency depth, that is the upper boundary of NNL; NNL thickness; maximum and total turbidity) correlate with ocean depth. On the average, thickness of the NNL in the area is 20-40% of the ocean depth. At most stations the NNL is fairly strong. In the shelf region NNL turbidity was influenced by the intensive near-shore upwelling. Formation of ''high-energy near-bottom layers'' in the shelf region resulted from passing of a mesoscale cyclonic eddy that caused redistribution of measured quantities within the entire water column.


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During the ARK-XI/1 expedition of R/V Polarstern in July-September 1995 12 samples of aerosols were collected in lower atmosphere layer over the Laptev Sea by filtration of air through AFA-HA filters. Element composition of the samples was determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Average atmospheric concentrations of Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Zn and As are higher than in other regions of the Arctic. This can be explained by natural reasons: (1) by input of particles from the surface microlayer of sea water enriched by many chemical elements, (2) by atmospheric transfer of organic matter and lithogenic material from the land, and (3) by resuspension of particles from ice-rafted sediments. In some samples anthropogenic pollution was registered.


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The formation of a subsurface anticyclonic eddy in the Peru-Chile Undercurrent (PCUC) in January and February 2013 is investigated using a multi-platform four-dimensional observational approach. Research vessel, multiple glider and mooring-based measurements were conducted in the Peruvian upwelling regime near 12°30'S. The dataset consists of more than 10000 glider profiles and repeated vessel-based hydrography and velocity transects. It allows a detailed description of the eddy formation and its impact on the near-coastal salinity, oxygen and nutrient distributions. In early January, a strong PCUC with maximum poleward velocities of ca. 0.25 m/s at 100 to 200 m depth was observed. Starting on January 20 a subsurface anticyclonic eddy developed in the PCUC downstream of a topographic bend, suggesting flow separation as the eddy formation mechanism. The eddy core waters exhibited oxygen concentrations less than 1mol/kg, an elevated nitrogen-deficit of ca. 17µmol/l and potential vorticity close to zero, which seemed to originate from the bottom boundary layer of the continental slope. The eddy-induced across-shelf velocities resulted in an elevated exchange of water masses between the upper continental slope and the open ocean. Small scale salinity and oxygen structures were formed by along-isopycnal stirring and indications of eddy-driven oxygen ventilation of the upper oxygen minimum zone were observed. It is concluded that mesoscale stirring of solutes and the offshore transport of eddy core properties could provide an important coastal open-ocean exchange mechanism with potentially large implications for nutrient budgets and biogeochemical cycling in the oxygen minimum zone off Peru.


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15 samples obtained with Beyer's epibenthic closing net were studied quantitatively. The numbers of epi- and endobenthic animals were found to be correlated with the volume of sediment in the samples. Among the planktonic components, calanoid copepodes were strongly predominant. In the samples obtained on the Great Meteor Seamount, very much larger numbers of these animals were caught in the daytime than at night. Possible explanations for this difference are suggested.


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Near-bottom zooplankton communities have rarely been studied despite numerous reports of high zooplankton concentrations, probably due to methodological constraints. In Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, the near-bottom layer was studied for the first time by combining daytime deployments of a remotely operated vehicle (ROV), the optical zooplankton sensor moored on-sight key species investigation (MOKI), and Tucker trawl sampling. ROV data from the fjord entrance and the inner fjord showed high near-bottom abundances of euphausiids with a mean concentration of 17.3 ± 3.5 n/100 m**3. With the MOKI system, we observed varying numbers of euphausiids, amphipods, chaetognaths, and copepods on the seafloor at six stations. Light-induced zooplankton swarms reached densities in the order of 90,000 (euphausiids), 120,000 (amphipods), and 470,000 ind/m**3 (chaetognaths), whereas older copepodids of Calanus hyperboreus and C. glacialis did not respond to light. They were abundant at the seafloor and 5 m above and showed maximum abundance of 65,000 ind/m**3. Tucker trawl data provided an overview of the seasonal vertical distribution of euphausiids. The most abundant species Thysanoessa inermis reached near-bottom concentrations of 270 ind/m**3. Regional distribution was neither related to depth nor to location in the fjord. The taxa observed were all part of the pelagic community. Our observations suggest the presence of near-bottom macrozooplankton also in other regions and challenge the current view of bentho-pelagic coupling. Neglecting this community may cause severe underestimates of the stock of elagic zooplankton, especially predatory species, which link secondary production with higher trophic levels.