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em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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To predict effects of climate change and possible feedbacks, it is crucial to understand the mechanisms behind CO2 responses of biogeochemically relevant phytoplankton species. Previous experiments on the abundant N2 fixers Trichodesmium demonstrated strong CO2 responses, which were attributed to an energy reallocation between its carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) acquisition. Pursuing this hypothesis, we manipulated the cellular energy budget by growing Trichodesmium erythraeum IMS101 under different CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) levels (180, 380, 980 and 1400?µatm) and N sources (N2 and NO3-). Subsequently, biomass production and the main energy-generating processes (photosynthesis and respiration) and energy-consuming processes (N2 fixation and C acquisition) were measured. While oxygen fluxes and chlorophyll fluorescence indicated that energy generation and its diurnal cycle was neither affected by pCO2 nor N source, cells differed in production rates and composition. Elevated pCO2 increased N2 fixation and organic C and N contents. The degree of stimulation was higher for nitrogenase activity than for cell contents, indicating a pCO2 effect on the transfer efficiency from N2 to biomass. pCO2-dependent changes in the diurnal cycle of N2 fixation correlated well with C affinities, confirming the interactions between N and C acquisition. Regarding effects of the N source, production rates were enhanced in NO3-grown cells, which we attribute to the higher N retention and lower ATP demand compared with N2 fixation. pCO2 effects on C affinity were less pronounced in NO3- users than N2 fixers. Our study illustrates the necessity to understand energy budgets and fluxes under different environmental conditions for explaining indirect effects of rising pCO2.


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The potential interactive effects of iron (Fe) limitation and Ocean Acidification in the Southern Ocean (SO) are largely unknown. Here we present results of a long-term incubation experiment investigating the combined effects of CO2 and Fe availability on natural phytoplankton assemblages from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Active Chl a fluorescence measurements revealed that we successfully cultured phytoplankton under both Fe-depleted and Fe-enriched conditions. Fe treatments had significant effects on photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm; 0.3 for Fe-depleted and 0.5 for Fe-enriched conditions), non-photochemical quenching (NPQ), and relative electron transport rates (rETR). pCO2 treatments significantly affected NPQ and rETR, but had no effect on Fv/Fm. Under Fe limitation, increased pCO2 had no influence on C fixation whereas under Fe enrichment, primary production increased with increasing pCO2 levels. These CO2-dependent changes in productivity under Fe-enriched conditions were accompanied by a pronounced taxonomic shift from weakly to heavily silicified diatoms (i.e. from Pseudo-nitzschia sp. to Fragilariopsis sp.). Under Fe-depleted conditions, this functional shift was absent and thinly silicified species dominated all pCO2 treatments (Pseudo-nitzschia sp. and Synedropsis sp. for low and high pCO2, respectively). Our results suggest that Ocean Acidification could increase primary productivity and the abundance of heavily silicified, fast sinking diatoms in Fe-enriched areas, both potentially leading to a stimulation of the biological pump. Over much of the SO, however, Fe limitation could restrict this possible CO2 fertilization effect.


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We studied the interactive effects of pCO2 and growth light on the coastal marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana CCMP 1335 growing under ambient and expected end-of-the-century pCO2 (750 ppmv), and a range of growth light from 30 to 380 µmol photons/m**2/s. Elevated pCO2 significantly stimulated the growth of T. pseudonana under sub-saturating growth light, but not under saturating to super-saturating growth light. Under ambient pCO2 susceptibility to photoinactivation of photosystem II (sigma i) increased with increasing growth rate, but cells growing under elevated pCO2 showed no dependence between growth rate and sigma i, so under high growth light cells under elevated pCO2 were less susceptible to photoinactivation of photosystem II, and thus incurred a lower running cost to maintain photosystem II function. Growth light altered the contents of RbcL (RUBISCO) and PsaC (PSI) protein subunits, and the ratios among the subunits, but there were only limited effects on these and other protein pools between cells grown under ambient and elevated pCO2.


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We studied the effects of elevated CO2 concentration and seawater acidity on inorganic carbon acquisition, photoinhibition and photoprotection as well as growth and respiration in the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. After having grown under the elevated CO2 level (1000 µatm, pH 7.83) at sub-saturating photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 75 µmol photons/m**2/s) for 20 generations, photosynthesis and dark respiration of the alga increased by 25% (14.69 ± 2.55 fmol C/cell/h) and by 35% (4.42 ± 0.98 fmol O2/cell/h), respectively, compared to that grown under the ambient CO2 level (390 µatm, pH 8.16), leading to insignificant effects on growth (1.09 ± 0.08 (1/d))v 1.04 ± 0.07 (1/d)). The photosynthetic affinity for CO2 was lowered in the high-CO2 grown cells, reflecting a down-regulation of the CO2 concentrating mechanism (CCM). When exposed to an excessively high level of PAR, photochemical and non-photochemical quenching responded similarly in the low- and high-CO2 grown cells, reflecting that photoinhibition was not influenced by the enriched level of CO2. In T. pseudonana, it appeared that the energy saved due to the down-regulated CCM did not contribute to any additional light stress as previously found in another diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, indicating differential physiological responses to ocean acidification between these two diatom species.


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Mixing of seawater subjects phytoplankton to fluctuations in photosynthetically active radiation (400-700 nm) and ultraviolet radiation (UVR; 280-400 nm). These irradiance fluctuations are now superimposed upon ocean acidification and thinning of the upper mixing layer through stratification, which alters mixing regimes. Therefore, we examined the photosynthetic carbon fixation and photochemical performance of a coccolithophore, Gephyrocapsa oceanica, grown under high, future (1,000 µatm) and low, current (390 µatm) CO2 levels, under regimes of fluctuating irradiances with or without UVR. Under both CO2 levels, fluctuating irradiances, as compared with constant irradiance, led to lower nonphotochemical quenching and less UVR-induced inhibition of carbon fixation and photosystem II electron transport. The cells grown under high CO2 showed a lower photosynthetic carbon fixation rate but lower nonphotochemical quenching and less ultraviolet B (280-315 nm)-induced inhibition. Ultraviolet A (315-400 nm) led to less enhancement of the photosynthetic carbon fixation in the high-CO2-grown cells under fluctuating irradiance. Our data suggest that ocean acidification and fast mixing or fluctuation of solar radiation will act synergistically to lower carbon fixation by G. oceanica, although ocean acidification may decrease ultraviolet B-related photochemical inhibition.


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The present study examines how different pCO2 acclimations affect the CO2- and light-dependence of photophysiological processes and O2 fluxes in four Southern Ocean (SO) key phytoplankton species. We grew Chaetoceros debilis (Cleve), Pseudo-nitzschia subcurvata (Hasle), Fragilariopsis kerguelensis (O'Meara) and Phaeocystis antarctica (Karsten) under low (160 µatm) and high (1000 ?atm) pCO2. The CO2- and light-dependence of fluorescence parameters of photosystem II (PSII) were determined by means of a fluorescence induction relaxation system (FIRe). In all tested species, nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) is the primary photoprotection strategy in response to short-term exposure to high light or low CO2 concentrations. In C. debilis and P. subcurvata, PSII connectivity (p) and functional absorption cross-sections of PSII in ambient light (sigma PSII') also contributed to photoprotection while changes in re-oxidation times of Qa acceptor (tQa) were more significant in F. kerguelensis. The latter was also the only species being responsive to high acclimation pCO2, as these cells had enhanced relative electron transport rates (rETRs) and sigma PSII' while tQa and p were reduced under short-term exposure to high irradiance. Low CO2-acclimated cells of F. kerguelensis and all pCO2 acclimations of C. debilis and P. subcurvata showed dynamic photoinhibition with increasing irradiance. To test for the role and presence of the Mehler reaction in C. debilis and P. subcurvata, the light-dependence of O2 fluxes was estimated using membrane inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS). Our results show that the Mehler reaction is absent in both species under the tested conditions. We also observed that dark respiration was strongly reduced under high pCO2 in C. debilis while it remained unaltered in P. subcurvata. Our study revealed species-specific differences in the photophysiological responses to pCO2, both on the acclimation as well as the short-term level.


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The marine diazotrophic cyanobacterium Trichodesmium responds to elevated atmospheric CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) with higher N2 fixation and growth rates. To unveil the underlying mechanisms, we examined the combined influence of pCO2(150 and 900 µatm) and light (50 and 200 µmol photons m-2 s-1) on TrichodesmiumIMS101. We expand on a complementary study that demonstrated that while elevated pCO2 enhanced N2 fixation and growth, oxygen evolution and carbon fixation increased mainly as a response to high light. Here, we investigated changes in the photosynthetic fluorescence parameters of photosystem II, in ratios of the photosynthetic units (photosystem I:photosystem II), and in the pool sizes of key proteins involved in the fixation of carbon and nitrogen as well as their subsequent assimilation. We show that the combined elevation in pCO2 and light controlled the operation of the CO2-concentrating mechanism and enhanced protein activity without increasing their pool size. Moreover, elevated pCO2 and high light decreased the amounts of several key proteins (NifH, PsbA, and PsaC), while amounts of AtpB and RbcL did not significantly change. Reduced investment in protein biosynthesis, without notably changing photosynthetic fluxes, could free up energy that can be reallocated to increase N2 fixation and growth at elevated pCO2 and light. We suggest that changes in the redox state of the photosynthetic electron transportchain and posttranslational regulation of key proteins mediate the high flexibility in resources and energy allocation in Trichodesmium. This strategy should enableTrichodesmium to flourish in future surface oceans characterized by elevated pCO2, higher temperatures, and high light.


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Increasing anthropogenic carbon dioxide is causing changes to ocean chemistry, which will continue in a predictable manner. Dissolution of additional atmospheric carbon dioxide leads to increased concentrations of dissolved carbon dioxide and bicarbonate and decreased pH in ocean water. The concomitant effects on phytoplankton ecophysiology, leading potentially to changes in community structure, are now a focus of concern. Therefore, we grew the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi (Lohmann) W. W. Hay et H. Mohler and the diatom strains Thalassiosira pseudonana (Hust.) Hasle et Heimdal CCMP 1014 and T. pseudonana CCMP 1335 under low light in turbidostat photobioreactors bubbled with air containing 390 ppmv or 750 ppmv CO2. Increased pCO2 led to increased growth rates in all three strains. In addition, protein levels of RUBISCO increased in the coastal strains of both species, showing a larger capacity for CO2 assimilation at 750 ppmv CO2. With increased pCO2, both T. pseudonana strains displayed an increased susceptibility to PSII photoinactivation and, to compensate, an augmented capacity for PSII repair. Consequently, the cost of maintaining PSII function for the diatoms increased at increased pCO2. In E. huxleyi, PSII photoinactivation and the counter-acting repair, while both intrinsically larger than in T. pseudonana, did not change between the current and high-pCO2 treatments. The content of the photosynthetic electron transport intermediary cytochrome b6/f complex increased significantly in the diatoms under elevated pCO2, suggesting changes in electron transport function.


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Drilling a transect of holes across the Costa Rica forearc during ODP Leg 170 demonstrated the margin wedge to be of continental, non accretionary origin, which is intersected by permeable thrust faults. Pore waters from four drillholes, two of which penetrated the décollement zone and reached the underthrust lower plate sedimentary sequence of the Cocos Plate, were examined for boron contents and boron isotopic signatures. The combined results show dilution of the uppermost sedimentary cover of the forearc, with boron contents lower than half of the present-day seawater values. Pore fluid "refreshening" suggests that gas hydrate water has been mixed with the sediment interstitial water, without profoundly affecting the d11B values. Fault-related flux of a deeply generated fluid is inferred from high B concentration in the interval beneath the décollement, being released from the underthrust sequence with incipient burial. First-order fluid budget calculations over a cross-section across the Costa Rica forearc indicate that no significant fluid transfer from the lower to the upper plate is inferred from boron fluid profiles, at least within the frontal 40 km studied. Expulsed lower plate pore water, which is estimated to be 0.26-0.44 km3 per km trench, is conducted efficiently along and just beneath the décollement zone, indicating effective shear-enhanced compaction. In the upper plate forearc wedge, dewatering occurs as diffuse transport as well as channelled flow. A volume of approximately 2 km3 per km trench is expulsed due to compaction and, to a lesser extent, lateral shortening. Pore water chemistry is influenced by gas hydrate instability, so that it remains unknown whether deep processes like mineral dehydration or hydrocarbon formation may play a considerable role towards the hinterland.


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Intracellular calcification of coccolithophores generates CO2 and consumes additional energy for acquisition of calcium and bicarbonate ions; therefore, it may correlate with photoprotective processes by influencing the energetics. To address this hypothesis, a calcifying Emiliania huxleyi strain (CS-369) was grown semi-continuously at reduced (0.1 mM, LCa) and ambient Ca2+ concentrations (10 mM, HCa) for 150 d (>200 generations). The HCa-grown cells had higher photosynthetic and calcification rates and higher contents of Chl a and carotenoids compared with the naked (bearing no coccoliths) LCa-grown cells. When exposed to stressfull levels of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), LCa-grown cells displayed lower photochemical yield and less efficient non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). When the LCa- or HCa-grown cells were inversely shifted to their counterpart medium, LCa to HCa transfer increased photosynthetic carbon fixation (P), calcification rate (C), the C/P ratio, NPQ and pigment contents, whereas those shifted from HCa to LCa exhibited the opposite effects. Increased NPQ, carotenoids and quantum yield were clearly linked with increased or sustained calcification in E. huxleyi. The calcification must have played a role in dissipating excessive energy or as an additional drainage of electrons absorbed by the photosynthetic antennae. This phenomenon was further supported by testing two non-calcifying strains, which showed insignificant changes in photosynthetic carbon fixation and NPQ when transferred to LCa conditions