6 resultados para Surface Transportation Acts.

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Behavior of rare earth elements (REE) and Th is studied along the Transatlantic transect at 22°N. It is shown that both REE and Th contents relative to Al (the most lithogenic element) increase toward the pelagic region. The increasing trend becomes more complicated due to variations in content of biogenic calcium carbonate that acts as a diluting component in sediments. REE composition varies symmetrically relative to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) emphasizing weak hydrothermal influence on sediments of the ridge axis, although the well-known criteria for hydrothermal contribution, such as Al/(Al+Mn+Fe) and (Fe+Mn)/Ti, do not reach critical values. Variations in REE content and composition allowed to distinguish the following five sediment zones in the transect: (I) terrigenous sediments of the Nares abyssal plain; (II) pelagic sediments of the North American Basin; (III) carbonate ooze of the MAR axis; (IV) pelagic sediments of the Canary Basin; and (V) terrigenous clay and calcareous mud of the African continental slope and slope base. Ferromanganese nodules of the hydrogenous type with extremely high Ce (up to 1801 ppm) and Th (up to 138 ppm) contents occur in pelagic sediments. It is ascertained that P, REE, and Th contents depend on Fe content in Atlantic sediments. Therefore, one can suggest that only minor amount of phosphorus is bound with bone debris. Low concentration of bone debris phosphorus is a result of relatively high sedimentation rates in the Atlantic Ocean, as compared with those in pelagic regions of the Pacific Ocean.


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Seasonal patterns in hydrography, partial pressure of CO2, fCO2, pHt, total alkalinity, AT, total dissolved inorganic carbon, CT, nutrients, and chlorophyll a were measured in surface waters on monthly cruises at the European Station for Time Series in the Ocean at the Canary Islands (ESTOC) located in the northeast Atlantic subtropical gyre. With over 5 years of oceanographic data starting in 1996, seasonal and interannual trends of CO2 species and air-sea exchange of CO2 were determined. Net CO2 fluxes show this area acts as a minor source of CO2, with an average outgassing value of 179 mmol CO2/m**2 yr controlled by the dominant trade winds blowing from May to August. The effect of short-term wind variability on the CO2 flux has been addressed by increasing air-sea fluxes by 63% for 6-hourly sampling frequency. The processes governing the monthly variations of CT have been determined. From March to October, when CT decreases, mixing at the base of the mixed layer (11.5 ± 1.5 mmol/m**3) is compensated by air-sea exchange, and a net organic production of 25.5 ± 5.7 mmol/m**3 is estimated. On an annual scale, biological drawdown accounts for the decrease in inorganic carbon from March to October, while mixing processes control the CT increase from October to the end of autumn. After removing seasonality variability, fCO2sw increases at a rate of 0.71 ± 5.1 µatm/yr, and as a response to the atmospheric trend, inorganic carbon increases at a rate of 0.39 ± 1.6 µmol/kg yr.


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Geological observations, using "free-diving" techniques (Figure I) were made in September, 1960 and March 1961 along two continuous profiles in the outer Kiel Harbor, Germany and at several other spot locations in the Western Baltic Sea. A distinct terrace, cut in Pleistocene glacial till, was found that was covered with varying amounts and types of recent deposits. Hand samples were taken of the sea-floor sediments and grainsize distribution determined for both the sediment as a whole and for its heavy mineral fraction. From the Laboratory and Field observations it was possible to recognize two distinct types of sand; Type I, Sand resulting from transportation over a long period of time and distance and Type 11, Sand resulting from little transportation and found today near to xvhere it was formed. Several criterea related to the agent of movement could be used to classify the nature of the sediment; (1) undisturbed (the sediment Cover of the Pleistocene Terrace is essentially undisturbed), (2) mixed by organisms, (3) transported by water movements (sediment found with ripple marks, etc., and (4) "Scoured" (the movement of individual particles of sediment from around larger boulders causes a slow downward movement or "Creeping" which is due to both the force of gravity and bottom currents. These observations and laboratory studies are discussed concerning their relationship to the formation of residual sediments, the direction of sand transportation, and the intensive erosion on the outer edge of the wave-cut platform found in this part of the Baltic Sea.


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We used modern epibenthic foraminifer tests of Cibicidoides mundulus and Planulina wuellerstorfi from South Atlantic core top sediments in order to establish Mg/Ca-temperature relationships for the temperature range from 0 to 15°C. We obtained the following calibrations: Mg/Ca (mmol/mol) = 0.830*exp(0.145*BWT (°C)) for P. wuellerstorfi, and Mg/Ca (mmol/mol) = 0.627*exp(0.143*BWT (°C)) for C. mundulus. However, a number of tests, especially those bathed in North Atlantic Deep Water, revealed higher Mg/Ca ratios than predicted from the calibration. Our data suggest that d[CO3 2-] of bottom water exerts a significant control on dMg/Ca (temperature-corrected) of C. mundulus (dMg/Ca = 0.017*d[CO3 2-] -0.14), while dMg/Ca of P. wuellerstorfi is more likely to be governed by TCO2 (dMg/Ca = -0.007*TCO2 + 15). Since both d[CO3 2-] and TCO2 are closely linked to [CO3 2-], it is inferred that carbonate ion acts as secondary control, after temperature, on benthic shell Mg/Ca below -4°C. A drop in [CO3 2-] by 25 ?mol/kg at 4 km water depth, as suggested for the Last Glacial Maximum, would decrease Mg/Ca by up to 0.4 mmol/mol, which leads to an underestimation of bottom water temperature by -3.5°C. Therefore our results indicate that the Mg/Ca thermometer should be used cautiously for benthic foraminifers where changes in the carbonate chemistry are present in the paleoceanographic record.


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Studies of spatial and temporal changes in modern and past sea-ice occurrence may help to understand the processes controlling the recent decrease in Arctic sea-ice cover. Here, we determined concentrations of IP25, a novel biomarker proxy for sea ice developed in recent years, phytoplankton-derived biomarkers (brassicasterol and dinosterol) and terrigenous biomarkers (campesterol and ß-sitosterol) in the surface sediments from the Kara and Laptev seas to estimate modern spatial (seasonal) sea-ice variability and organic-matter sources. C25-HBI dienes and trienes were determined as additional paleoenvironmental proxies in the study area. Furthermore, a combined phytoplankton-IP25 biomarker approach (PIP25 index) is used to reconstruct the modern sea-ice distribution more quantitatively. The terrigenous biomarkers reach maximum concentrations in the coastal zones and estuaries, reflecting the huge discharge by the major rivers Ob, Yenisei and Lena. Maxima in phytoplankton biomarkers indicating increased primary productivity were found in the seasonally ice-free central part of the Kara and Laptev seas. Neither IP25 nor PIP25, however, show a clear and simple correlation with satellite sea-ice distribution in our study area due to the complex environmental conditions in our study area and the transportation process of sea-ice diatom in the water column. Differences in the diene/IP25 and triene/IP25 ratios point to different sources of these HBIs and different environmental conditions. The diene/IP25 ratio seems to correlate positively with sea-surface temperature, while negatively with salinity distributions.


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Inorganic nitrogen depletion restricts productivity in much of the low-latitude oceans, generating a selective advantage for diazotrophic organisms capable of fixing atmospheric dinitrogen (N2). However, the abundance and activity of diazotrophs can in turn be controlled by the availability of other potentially limiting nutrients, including phosphorus (P) and iron (Fe). Here we present high-resolution data (~0.3°) for dissolved iron, aluminum, and inorganic phosphorus that confirm the existence of a sharp north-south biogeochemical boundary in the surface nutrient concentrations of the (sub)tropical Atlantic Ocean. Combining satellite-based precipitation data with results from a previous study, we here demonstrate that wet deposition in the region of the intertropical convergence zone acts as the major dissolved iron source to surface waters. Moreover, corresponding observations of N2 fixation and the distribution of diazotrophic Trichodesmium spp. indicate that movement in the region of elevated dissolved iron as a result of the seasonal migration of the intertropical convergence zone drives a shift in the latitudinal distribution of diazotrophy and corresponding dissolved inorganic phosphorus depletion. These conclusions are consistent with the results of an idealized numerical model of the system. The boundary between the distinct biogeochemical systems of the (sub)tropical Atlantic thus appears to be defined by the diazotrophic response to spatial-temporal variability in external Fe inputs. Consequently, in addition to demonstrating a unique seasonal cycle forced by atmospheric nutrient inputs, we suggest that the underlying biogeochemical mechanisms would likely characterize the response of oligotrophic systems to altered environmental forcing over longer timescales.