10 resultados para Specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA)
em Publishing Network for Geoscientific
Whether intrinsic molecular properties or extrinsic factors such as environmental conditions control the decomposition of natural organic matter across soil, marine and freshwater systems has been subject to debate. Comprehensive evaluations of the controls that molecular structure exerts on organic matter's persistence in the environment have been precluded by organic matter's extreme complexity. Here we examine dissolved organic matter from 109 Swedish lakes using ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry and optical spectroscopy to investigate the constraints on its persistence in the environment. We find that degradation processes preferentially remove oxidized, aromatic compounds, whereas reduced, aliphatic and N-containing compounds are either resistant to degradation or tightly cycled and thus persist in aquatic systems. The patterns we observe for individual molecules are consistent with our measurements of emergent bulk characteristics of organic matter at wide geographic and temporal scales, as reflected by optical properties. We conclude that intrinsic molecular properties are an important control of overall organic matter reactivity.
Connectivity between the terrestrial and marine environment in the Artic is changing as a result of climate change, influencing both freshwater budgets and the supply of carbon to the sea. This study characterizes the optical properties of dissolved organic matter (DOM) within the Lena Delta region and evaluates the behavior of DOM across the fresh water-marine gradient. Six fluorescent components (four humic-like; one marine humic-like; one protein-like) were identified by Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC) with a clear dominance of allochthonous humic-like signals. Colored DOM (CDOM) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were highly correlated and had their distribution coupled with hydrographical conditions. Higher DOM concentration and degree of humification were associated with the low salinity waters of the Lena River. Values decreased towards the higher salinity Laptev Sea shelf waters. Results demonstrate different responses of DOM mixing in relation to the vertical structure of the water column, as reflecting the hydrographical dynamics in the region. Two mixing curves for DOM were apparent. In surface waters above the pycnocline there was a sharper decrease in DOM concentration in relation to salinity indicating removal. In the bottom water layer the DOM decrease within salinity was less. We propose there is a removal of DOM occurring primarily at the surface layer, which is likely driven by photodegradation and flocculation.
The coastal upwelling system off the coast of Peru is characterized by high biological activity and a pronounced subsurface oxygen minimum zone, as well as associated emissions of atmospheric trace gases such as N2O, CH4 and CO2. From 3 to 23 December 2012, R/V Meteor (M91) cruise took place in the Peruvian upwelling system between 4.59 and 15.4°S, and 82.0 to 77.5°W. During M91 we investigated the composition of the sea-surface microlayer (SML), the oceanic uppermost boundary directly subject to high solar radiation, often enriched in specific organic compounds of biological origin like chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and marine gels. In the SML, the continuous photochemical and microbial recycling of organic matter may strongly influence gas exchange between marine systems and the atmosphere. We analyzed SML and underlying water (ULW) samples at 38 stations focusing on CDOM spectral characteristics as indicator of photochemical and microbial alteration processes. CDOM composition was characterized by spectral slope (S) values and excitation-emission matrix fluorescence (EEMs), which allow us to track changes in molecular weight (MW) of DOM, and to determine potential DOM sources and sinks. Spectral slope S varied between 0.012 to 0.043 1 nm-1 and was quite similar between SML and ULW, with no significant differences between the two compartments. Higher S values were observed in the ULW of the southern stations below 15°S. By EEMs, we identified five fluorescent components (F1-5) of the CDOM pool, of which two had excitation/emission characteristics of amino-acid-like fluorophores (F1, F4) and were highly enriched in the SML, with a median ratio SML : ULW of 1.5 for both fluorophores. In the study region, values for CDOM absorption ranged from 0.07 to 1.47 m-1. CDOM was generally highly concentrated in the SML, with a median enrichment with respect to the ULW of 1.2. CDOM composition and changes in spectral slope properties suggested a local microbial release of DOM directly in the SML as a response to light exposure in this extreme environment. In a conceptual model of the sources and modifications of optically active DOM in the SML and underlying seawater (ULW), we describe processes we think may take place (Fig. 1); the production of CDOM of higher MW by microbial release through growth, exudation and lysis in the euphotic zone, includes the identified fluorophores (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5). Specific amino-acid-like fluorophores (F1, F4) accumulate in the SML with respect to the ULW, as photochemistry may enhance microbial CDOM release by (a) photoprotection mechanisms and (b) cell-lysis processes. Microbial and photochemical degradation are potential sinks of the amino-acid-like fluorophores (F1, F4), and potential sources of reworked and more refractory humic-like components (F2, F3, F5). In the highly productive upwelling region along the Peruvian coast, the interplay of microbial and photochemical processes controls the enrichment of amino-acid-like CDOM in the SML. We discuss potential implications for air-sea gas exchange in this area.
Increases in ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and CO2 affect phytoplankton growth and mortality in a variety of different ways. However, in situ responses of natural phytoplankton communities to climate change, as well as its effects on phytoplankton annual cycles, are still largely unknown. Although temperature and UVR have been increasing in temperate latitudes during winter, this season is still particularly neglected in climate change studies, being considered a non-active season regarding phytoplankton growth and production. Additionally, coastal lagoons are highly productive ecosystems and very vulnerable to climate change. This study aims, therefore, to evaluate the short-term effects of increased UVR and CO2 on the composition and growth of winter phytoplankton assemblages in a temperate coastal lagoon. During winter 2012, microcosm experiments were used to evaluate the isolated and combined effects of UVR and CO2, under ambient and high CO2 treatments, exposed to ambient UV levels and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), or to PAR only. Phytoplankton composition, abundance, biomass and photosynthetic parameters were evaluated during the experiments. Significant changes were observed in the growth of specific phytoplankton groups, leading to changes in community composition. The cyanobacterium Synechococcus was dominant at the beginning of the experiment, but it was negatively affected by UVR and CO2. Diatoms clearly benefited from high CO2 and UVR, particularly Thalassiosira. Despite the changes observed in specific phytoplankton groups, growth and production of the whole phytoplankton community did not show significant responses to UVR and/or CO2.
The study aimed to unravel the interaction between ocean acidification and solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in Chaetoceros curvisetus. Chaetoceros curvisetus cells were acclimated to high CO2 (HC, 1000 ppmv) and low CO2 concentration (control, LC, 380 ppmv) for 14 days. Cell density, specific growth rate and chlorophyll were measured. The acclimated cells were then exposed to PAB (photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) + UV-A + UV-B), PA (PAR + UV-A) or P (PAR) for 60 min. Photochemical efficiency (phi PSII), relative electron transport rate (rETR) and the recovery of ?PSII were determined. HC induced higher cell density and specific growth rate compared with LC. However, no difference was found in chlorophyll between HC and LC. Moreover, phi PSII and rETRs were higher under HC than LC in response to solar UVR. P exposure led to faster recovery of phi PSII, both under HC and LC, than PA and PAB exposure. It appeared that harmful effects of UVR on C. curvisetus could be counteracted by ocean acidification simulated by high CO2 when the effect of climate change is not beyond the tolerance of cells.