11 resultados para Spaces of Compositions

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Degradation of organic matter in slightly organic-rich (1 wt% organic carbon) Neogene calcareous turbidites of the Argo Basin at Site 765 by sulfate reduction results in pore-water phosphate, ammonium, manganese, and carbonate alkalinity maxima. Pore-water calcium and magnesium decrease in the uppermost 100 meters below seafloor (mbsf) in response to the precipitation of calcian dolomite with an average composition of Ca1.15Mg0.83Fe0.02(CO3)2. Clear, euhedral dolomite rhombs range from <1 to 40 µm in diameter and occur in trace to minor amounts (<1-2 wt%) in Pleistocene to Pliocene sediment (62-210 mbsf) The abundance of dolomite increases markedly (2-10 wt%) in Miocene sediment (210-440 mbsf). The dolomite is associated with diagenetic sepiolite and palygorskite, as well as redeposited biogenic low-Mg calcite and aragonitic benthic foraminifers. Currently, dolomite is precipitating at depth within the pore spaces of the sediment, largely as a result of aragonite dissolution. The rate of aragonite dissolution, calculated from the pore-water strontium profile, is sufficient to explain the amount of dolomite observed at Site 765. A foraminiferal aragonite precursor is further supported by the carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of the dolomite, which are fairly close to the range of isotopic compositions observed for Miocene benthic foraminifers. Dolomite precipitation is promoted by the degradation of organic matter by sulfate-reducing bacteria because the lower pore-water sulfate concentration reduces the effect of sulfate inhibition on the dolomite reaction and because the higher carbonate alkalinity increases the degree of saturation of the pore waters with dolomite. Organic matter degradation also results in the precipitation of pyrite and trace amounts of apatite (francolite), and the release of iron and manganese to the pore water by reduction of Fe and Mn oxides. Spherical, silt-sized aggregates of microcrystalline calcian rhodochrosite occur in trace to minor amounts in Lower Cretaceous sediment from 740 to 900 mbsf at Site 765. A negative carbon isotopic composition suggests that the rhodochrosite formed early in the sulfate reduction zone, but a depleted oxygen isotopic composition suggests that the rhodochrosite may have recrystallized at deeper burial depths.


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Recent studies of abyssal peridotites (Johnson et al., 1990, doi:10.1029/JB095iB03p02661), mid-ocean-ridge basalts (MORBs) (McKenzie, 1985, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(85)90001-9) and their entrained melt inclusions (Sobolev and Shimizu, 1993, doi:10.1038/363151a0; Humler and Whitechurch, 1988, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(88)90055-6) have shown that fractional melting of the upwelling sub-oceanic mantle produces magmas with a much wider range of compositions than erupted MORBs. In particular, it seems that strongly depleted primary magmas are routinely produced by melting beneath ridges (Johnson et al., 1990, doi:10.1029/JB095iB03p02661). The absence of strongly depleted melts as erupted lavas prompts the question of how long such magmas survive beneath ridges, before their distinctive compositions are concealed by mixing with more enriched magmas. Here we report mineral compositions from a unique suite of oceanic cumulates recovered from DSDP Site 334 (Aumento et al., doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.37.1977), which indicate that the rocks crystallized from basaltic liquids that were strongly depleted in Na, Ti, Zr, Y, Sr and rare-earth elements relative to any erupted MORB. It thus appears that the magmatic plumbing system beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge permitted strongly depleted magmas to accumulate in a magma chamber and remain sufficiently isolated to produce cumulate rocks. Even so, spatial heterogeneity in the compositions of high-calcium pyroxenes suggests that in the later stages of solidification these rocks reacted with infiltrating enriched basaltic liquids.


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Eocene-Oligocene volcanic rocks drilled at Site 786 in the Izu-Bonin forearc cover a wide range of compositions from primitive boninites to highly evolved rhyolites. K-Ar dating reveals at least two distinct episodes of magmatism; one at 41 Ma and a later one at 35 Ma. The early episode produced low-Ca boninites and bronzite andesites that form an oceanic basement of pillow lavas and composite intrusive sheets, overlain by flows and intrusive sheets of intermediate-Ca boninites and bronzite-andesites and a fractionated series of andesites, dacites, and rhyolites. The later episode produced high-Ca boninites and intermediate-Ca boninites, exclusively as intrusive sheets.


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Rare earth element and Nd isotopic data for ten representative samples of Lower Cretaceous to Miocene pelagic sediments from the western Pacific indicate a wide range of compositions for sediments being subducted beneath the Mariana and Volcano arcs. All samples are enriched in light rare earth elements and show negative Eu and Ce anomalies. The values of e-Nd range from +0.6 to -7.3. These data are used to calculate the Bulk Western Pacific Sediment (BWPS), which is characterized by low Sr/Nd (10), Ba/La (13), and e-Nd (-5.2) and high 87Sr/86Sr (0.7078) compared to that of Mariana and Volcano arc lavas. This composite sediment is used to refine a mixing model for the origin of Mariana and Volcano arc melts. Some lavas from the northern Mariana Arc have Ba/La higher than that of BWPS, which indicates that a third component is required. The high Ba/La in the mantle source for these lavas is interpreted to result from multiple episodes of fluid fractionation. The mixing model indicates that a minor amount of sediment and a low proportion of metasomatic fluid fluxes the mantle source at a late stage when the subarc mantle is already highly metasomatized. This model also suggests that the mantle source for arc melts is affected more by metasomatic fluids than by melting or bulk mixing of sediments.


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Ocean Drilling Program Legs 127 and 128 in the Yamato Basin of the Japan Sea, a Miocene-age back-arc basin in the western Pacific Ocean, recovered incompatible-element-depleted and enriched tholeiitic dolerites and basalts from the basin floor, which provide evidence of a significant sedimentary component in their mantle source. Isotopically, the volcanic rocks cover a wide range of compositions (e.g., 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70369 - 0.70503, 206Pb/204Pb = 17.65 - 18.36) and define a mixing trend between a depleted mantle (DM) component and an enriched component with the composition of EM II. At Site 797, the combined isotope and trace element systematics support a model of two component mixing between depleted, MORB-like mantle and Pacific pelagic sediments. A best estimate of the composition of the sedimentary component has been determined by analyzing samples of differing lithology from DSDP Sites 579 and 581 in the western Pacific, east of the Japan arc. The sediments have large depletions in the high field strength elements and are relatively enriched in the large-ion-lithophile elements, including Pb. These characteristics are mirrored, with reduced amplitudes, in Japan Sea enriched tholeiites and northeast Japan arc lavas, which strengthens the link between source enrichment and subducted sediments. However, Site 579/581 sediments have higher LILE/REE and lower HFSE/REE than the enriched component inferred fiom mixing trends at Site 797. Sub-arc devolatilization of the sediments is a process that will lower LILE/REE and raise HFSE/REE in the residual sediment, and thus this residual sediment may serve as the enriched component in the back-arc basalt source. Samples from other potential sources of an enriched, EM II-like component beneath Japan, such as the subcontinental lithosphere or crust, have isotopic compositions which overlap those of the Japan Sea tholeiites and are not "enriched" enough to be the EM II end-member.


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The Portneuf-Mauricie Domain (PMD), located in the south-central part of the Grenville Province, comprises several mafic and ultramafic intrusions hosting Ni-Cu ± platinum-group element (PGE) prospects and a former small mining operation (Lac Édouard mine). These meter- to kilometer-scale, sulfide-bearing intrusions display diverse forms, such as layered and tabular bodies with no particular internal structure, and zoned plutons. They were injected ~ 1.40 Ga into a mature oceanic arc, before and during accretion of the arc to the Laurentian margin. The pressure-temperature conditions of the magmas at the beginning of their emplacement were 3 kbar and 1319-1200 °C (according to the petrologic modeling results from this study). The PMD mineralized intrusions are interpreted to represent former magma chambers or magma conduits in the roots of the oceanic arc. The parent magmas of the mineralized intrusions resulted mainly from the partial melting of a mantle source composed of spinel-bearing lherzolite. Petrologic modeling and the occurrence of primary amphibole in the plutonic rocks indicate that these parent melts were basaltic and hydrous. In addition, fractional crystallization modeling and Mg/Fe ratios suggest that most of the intrusions may have formed from evolved magmas, with Mg# = 60, resulting from the fractionation of more primitive magmas (primary magmas, with Mg# = 68). Petrologic modeling demonstrates that 30% fractional crystallization resulted in the primitive to evolved characteristics of the studied intrusive rocks (as indicated by the crystallization sequences and mineral chemistry). Exceptions are the Réservoir Blanc, Boivin, and Rochette West parent magmas, which may have undergone more extensive fractional crystallization, since these intrusions contain pyroxenes that are more iron rich and have lower Mg numbers than pyroxenes in the other PMD intrusions. The PMD mafic and ultramafic intrusions were intruded into an island arc located offshore from the Laurentian continent. Thus, their presence confirms the existence of a well-developed magmatic network (responsible of the fractionation processes) beneath the Proterozoic arc, which resulted in the wide range of compositions observed in the various plutons.


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New petrographic and compositional data were reported for 143 samples of core recovered from Sites 832 and 833 during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 134. Site 832 is located in the center and Site 833 is on the eastern edge of the North Aoba Basin, in the central part of the New Hebrides Island Arc. This basin is bounded on the east (Espiritu Santo and Malakula islands) and west (Pentecost and Maewo islands) by uplifted volcano-sedimentary ridges associated with collision of the d'Entrecasteaux Zone west of the arc. The currently active Central Belt volcanic front extends through the center of this basin and includes the shield volcanoes of Aoba, Ambrym, and Santa Maria islands. The oldest rocks recovered by drilling are the lithostratigraphic Unit VII Middle Miocene volcanic breccias in Hole 832B. Lava clasts are basaltic to andesitic, and the dominant phenocryst assemblage is plagioclase + augite + orthopyroxene + olivine. These clasts characteristically contain orthopyroxene, and show a low to medium K calc-alkaline differentiation trend. They are tentatively correlated with poorly documented Miocene calc-alkaline lavas and intrusives on adjacent Espiritu Santo Island, although this correlation demands that the measured K-Ar of 5.66 Ma for one clast is too young, due to alteration and Ar loss. Lava clasts in the Hole 832B Pliocene-Pleistocene sequence are mainly ankaramite or augite-rich basalt and basaltic andesite; two of the most evolved andesites have hornblende phenocrysts. These lavas vary from medium- to high-K compositions and are derived from a spectrum of parental magmas for which their LILE and HFSE contents show a broad inverse correlation with SiO2 contents. We hypothesize that this spectrum results from partial melting of an essentially similar mantle source, with the low-SiO2 high HFSE melts derived by lower degrees of partial melting probably at higher pressures than the high SiO2, low HFSE magmas. This same spectrum of compositions occurs on the adjacent Central Chain volcanoes of Aoba and Santa Maria, although the relatively high-HFSE series is known only from Aoba. Late Pliocene to Pleistocene lava breccias in Hole 833B contain volcanic clasts including ankaramite and augite + olivine + plagioclase-phyric basalt and rare hornblende andesite. These clasts are low-K compositions with flat REE patterns and have geochemical affinities quite different from those recovered from the central part of the basin (Hole 832B). Compositionally very similar lavas occur on Merelava volcano, 80 km north of Site 833, which sits on the edge of the juvenile Northern (Jean Charcot) Trough backarc basin that has been rifting the northern part of the New Hebrides Island Arc since 2-3 Ma. The basal sedimentary rocks in Hole 833B are intruded by a series of Middle Pliocene plagioclase + augite +/- olivine-phyric sills with characteristically high-K evolved basalt to andesite compositions, transitional to shoshonite. These are compositionally correlated with, though ~3 m.y. older than, the high-HFSE series described from Aoba. The calc-alkaline clasts in Unit VII of Hole 832B, correlated with similar lavas of Espiritu Santo Island further west, presumably were erupted before subduction polarity reversal perhaps 6-10 Ma. All other samples are younger than subduction reversal and were generated above the currently subduction slab. The preponderance in the North Aoba Basin and adjacent Central Chain islands of relatively high-K basaltic samples, some with transitional alkaline compositions, may reflect a response to collision of the d'Entrecasteaux Zone with the arc some 2-4 Ma. This may have modified the thermal structure of the subduction zone, driving magma generation processes to deeper levels than are present normally along the reminder of the New Hebrides Island Arc.


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Eleven serpentine samples from DSDP Leg 84 and four serpentinized ultramafic samples from Costa Rica and Guatemala were described and their relict mineral compositions measured by electron microprobe to try to determine the origin of the Leg 84 serpentinites and their relationship to the ultramafic rocks of the onshore ophiolites. The Leg 84 samples comprise more than 90% secondary minerals, principally serpentine, with hematitic and opaque oxides, and minor talc and smectites. Four distinct textural types can be identified according to the distribution of opaque phases and smectite. Remnants of spinel, olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene occur variously in the samples; spinal occurs in all the samples. Textural evidence suggests that the serpentinites were originally clinopyroxene-bearing harzburgites. Relict mineral compositions are refractory and relatively uniform: olivine, Fo90.6-90.9; orthopyroxene, En90-91; clinopyroxene, Wo47 En50 Fs3; spinels, Cr/Cr + Al = 0.4-0.6. 567A-29-2, 30-35 cm has slightly more magnesian olivines (Fo92) and orthopyroxene, and more aluminous spinels (Cr/Cr + Al = 0.3). These compositions are similar to those inferred for refractory upper-mantle materials and also fall within the range of compositions for relict minerals in abyssal peridotites. They could be of oceanic origin. The onshore samples include serpentinites, a clinopyroxene-bearing harzburgite, and a clinopyroxenite. They too have magnesium-rich silicate assemblages, but relative to the drilled samples have more iron-rich olivines (Fogo) and more aluminous and sodic pyroxenes; spinels which are clearly relicts are very aluminum-rich (Cr/Cr + Al = 0.1-0.25). These samples are most likely mantle materials, but significantly less depleted. Their relationship to the drilled samples is unclear. Serpentinites were the most common basement materials recovered during Leg 84, and there appears to be a bimodal assemblage (basalt/diabase and serpentine) of igneous rocks sampled from the trench slope. Diapirism of serpentine throughout the trench slope and forearc is suggested as an explanation for this distribution of samples.


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The Rock-Eval pyrolysis of rock samples and the elemental analysis of kerogens show clear differences between Messinian black shales and Pliocene-Pleistocene sapropels recovered during ODP Leg 107. The Messinian black shales are characterized by a large variety of compositions which probably reflects a great diversity of depositional and diagenetic paleoenvironments. In contrast, the Pliocene-Pleistocene sapropels, occurring as discrete layers in nannofossil oozes barren of organic carbon, constitute a rather homogeneous group in terms of organic content. A considerable contribution of terrestrial organic matter in the sapropels could mean that an identical phenomenon of terrestrial input has been periodically reproduced in the basin. The maturity and the nature of the organic matter are discussed with respect to anomalous values recorded for Tmax parameter.


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Biogeochemical reef studies carried out in 1981 and 1984 found low concentration of total natural and anthropogenic hydrocarbons in inshore waters. Detection of lignin in marine and bottom sediments indicates that the land has major effect on makeup of organic matter there. Comparison of compositions of organic matter in sea water, suspended matter and bottom sediments indicated that it was altered rapidly by the reef community. Thus, in the inshore zone of the island, runoff from the land is important in supplying nutrients to the reef ecosystem alongside with transport of nutrients by deep waters. Concentrations of nutri¬ents (N, P) in the inshore zone are higher than in waters of the tropical part of the ocean. Nitrogen is the limiting element in development of phytoplankton in the inshore zone.


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The scope of this research was to find out, how important is the presence of brackish water for the formation of the characteristical littoral subsoil fauna in the interstitial spaces of beaches. There is little precipitation in the Red Sea area and therefore little influence of freshwater on the beach. Moreover, the sandy beach of Sarso Island (Farasan Archipelago) is bordered landwards and underneath by solid limestone, preventing subsoil fresh water, if there is any, from penetrating into the beach region. The salinity of the interstitial water from Sarso beach lies a little above the salinity of the adjacent sea. The microfauna of Sarso beach is composed to a rather big proportion of such species that are known to be characteristical littoral subsoil water species, partially of world wide distribution. The ecological analysis of this fauna, i.e. the freeliving Nematodes, reveals the presence of two distinct associations: 1. the association of the low level subsoil region, close to the sea, with clear interstitial water, subject to regular exchange with the water of the adjcent sea. 2. the association of the high level subsoil region, 4-10 meter distant from the sea, with brownish water. Contrary to earlier results there is no distinction in salinity between the two associations, so it is not longer justified to apply the term brackish water fauna on the animals living in the association of the high level subsoil region.