112 resultados para Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)
em Publishing Network for Geoscientific
An emerging approach to downscaling the projections from General Circulation Models (GCMs) to scales relevant for basin hydrology is to use output of GCMs to force higher-resolution Regional Climate Models (RCMs). With spatial resolution often in the tens of kilometers, however, even RCM output will likely fail to resolve local topography that may be climatically significant in high-relief basins. Here we develop and apply an approach for downscaling RCM output using local topographic lapse rates (empirically-estimated spatially and seasonally variable changes in climate variables with elevation). We calculate monthly local topographic lapse rates from the 800-m Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM) dataset, which is based on regressions of observed climate against topographic variables. We then use these lapse rates to elevationally correct two sources of regional climate-model output: (1) the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR), a retrospective dataset produced from a regional forecasting model constrained by observations, and (2) a range of baseline climate scenarios from the North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP), which is produced by a series of RCMs driven by GCMs. By running a calibrated and validated hydrologic model, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), using observed station data and elevationally-adjusted NARR and NARCCAP output, we are able to estimate the sensitivity of hydrologic modeling to the source of the input climate data. Topographic correction of regional climate-model data is a promising method for modeling the hydrology of mountainous basins for which no weather station datasets are available or for simulating hydrology under past or future climates.
In this study, the Mean Transit Time and Mixing Model Analysis methods are combined to unravel the runoff generation process of the San Francisco River basin (73.5 km**2) situated on the Amazonian side of the Cordillera Real in the southernmost Andes of Ecuador. The montane basin is covered with cloud forest, sub-páramo, pasture and ferns. Nested sampling was applied for the collection of streamwater samples and discharge measurements in the main tributaries and outlet of the basin, and for the collection of soil and rock water samples. Weekly to biweekly water grab samples were taken at all stations in the period April 2007-November 2008. Hydrometric data, Mean Transit Time and Mixing Model Analysis allowed preliminary evaluation of the processes controlling the runoff in the San Francisco River basin. Results suggest that flow during dry conditions mainly consists of lateral flow through the C-horizon and cracks in the top weathered bedrock layer, and that all subcatchments have an important contribution of this deep water to runoff, no matter whether pristine or deforested. During normal to low precipitation intensities, when antecedent soil moisture conditions favour water infiltration, vertical flow paths to deeper soil horizons with subsequent lateral subsurface flow contribute most to streamflow. Under wet conditions in forested catchments, streamflow is controlled by near surface lateral flow through the organic horizon. Exceptionally, saturation excess overland flow occurs. By absence of the litter layer in pasture, streamflow under wet conditions originates from the A horizon, and overland flow.
Soil degradation threatens agricultural production and food security in Sub-Saharan Africa. In the coming decades, soil degradation, in particular soil erosion, will become worse through the expansion of agriculture into savannah and forest and changes in climate. This study aims to improve the understanding of how land use and climate change affect the hydrological cycle and soil erosion rates at the catchment scale. We used the semi-distributed, time-continuous erosion model SWAT (Soil Water Assessment Tool) to quantify runoff processes and sheet and rill erosion in the Upper Ouémé River catchment (14500 km**2, Central Benin) for the period 1998-2005. We could then evaluate a range of land use and climate change scenarios with the SWAT model for the period 2001-2050 using spatial data from the land use model CLUE-S and the regional climate model REMO. Field investigations were performed to parameterise a soil map, to measure suspended sediment concentrations for model calibration and validation and to characterise erosion forms, degraded agricultural fields and soil conservation practices. Modelling results reveal current "hotspots" of soil erosion in the north-western, eastern and north-eastern parts of the Upper Ouémé catchment. As a consequence of rapid expansion of agricultural areas triggered by high population growth (partially caused by migration) and resulting increases in surface runoff and topsoil erosion, the mean sediment yield in the Upper Ouémé River outlet is expected to increase by 42 to 95% by 2025, depending on the land use scenario. In contrast, changes in climate variables led to decreases in sediment yield of 5 to 14% in 2001-2025 and 17 to 24% in 2026-2050. Combined scenarios showed the dominance of land use change leading to changes in mean sediment yield of -2 to +31% in 2001-2025. Scenario results vary considerably within the catchment. Current "hotspots" of soil erosion will aggravate, and a new "hotspot" will appear in the southern part of the catchment. Although only small parts of the Upper Ouémé catchment belong to the most degraded zones in the country, sustainable soil and plant management practices should be promoted in the entire catchment. The results of this study can support planning of soil conservation activities in Benin.
In the Salgesch forest in the Canton of Valais in Switzerland, the understory has been removed to test whether effects on pine tree vitality. The data set published here compromises 120 time series of 60 soil temperature and 60 volumetric water content (VWC) sensors (EC-TM and 5-TM) (Decagon Devices, WA, USA) at three soil depth levels (5, 30, 60 cm) employed in the direct vicinity of six control trees and six trees with the undergrowth removed. At the levels 5 and 60 cm, three replications were made whereas 4 replications were made at level 30 cm. Six loggers recorded hourly data since 2010 with 18% gaps or 11% when not considering winter months December, January and February. The figure attached to this repository shows the average VWC and temperature of all measurements within the same depth and treatment specific setting aggregated in a defined time interval and period. In addition to that, the standard deviations are plotted as transparent polygons. In case of insufficient values for calculating standard deviations, the setting specific mean standard deviation of the considered time period are inserted.
Twenty-one samples, ranging in depth from 0 to 150 meters below seafloor (mbsf), were obtained from Leg 123 Sites 765 and 766. All samples were tested for Atterberg limits: 14 for laboratory vane shear strength and seven for uniaxial consolidation. Based on the determined Atterberg limits, along with shipboard measurements of water content, the sediment appears to be underconsolidated from 0 to 40 mbsf at Site 765 and from 0 to 80 mbsf at Site 766. Normal consolidation trends were observed for the sediments below these depths. Vane shear strengths, when compared with calculated values for a normally consolidated clay, indicate underconsolidated sediment at both sites. However, the use of Atterberg limit and vane shear strength data to assess consolidation state is complicated by the presence of silt-sized calcium carbonate in the form of nannofossil ooze. Thus, uniaxial-consolidation test data were analyzed to determine the overconsolidation ratios (OCR) and sediment compressibilities. OCR values were found to be less than one (underconsolidated) at both sites, using two separate methods of analysis.
Mineralogical and H, O, Sr, and Nd isotope compositions have been analyzed on a set of representative samples from the 17-m.y. section in ODP Leg 116 Holes 717C and 718C. Based on the mineralogical composition of the fraction <2 µm together with the lithogenic-biogenic composition of the fraction >63 µm, the whole section can be subdivided into three major periods of sedimentation. Between 17.1 and 6 m.y., and between 0.8 m.y. to present, the sediments are characterized by sandy and silty turbiditic inputs with a high proportion of minerals derived from a gneissic source without alteration. In the fraction <2 µm, illite and chlorite are dominant over smectite and kaolinite. The granulometric fraction >63 µm contains quartz, muscovite, biotite, chlorite, and feldspars. The 6-to 0.8-m.y. period is represented by an alternation of sandy/silty horizons, muds, and calcareous muds rich in smectite, and kaolinite (50% to 85% of the fraction <2 µm) and bioclastic material. The presence of smectite and kaolinite, as well as the 18O/16O and the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the fraction <2 µm, imply an evolution in a soil environment and exchanges with meteoric ground water. The ranges of isotopic compositions are limited throughout the section: d18O quartz = 11.7 to 13.3 per mil, 87Sr/86Sr = 0.733 to 0.760 and epsilon-Nd (0) = -17.4 to -13.8. These values are within those of the High Himalaya Crystalline series, and they are considered to reflect this source region. The data imply that, since 17 Ma, this formation has supplied the major part of the eroded material.
Corvio sandstone is a ~20 m thick unit (Corvio Formation) that appears in the top section of the Frontada Formation (Campoó Group; Lower Cretaceous) located in Northern Spain in the southern margin of the Basque-Cantabrian Basin. Up to 228 plugs were cored from four 0.3 x 0.2 x 0.5 m blocks of Corvio sandstone, to perform a comprehensive characterization of the physical, mineralogical, geomechanical, geophysical and hydrodynamic properties of this geological formation, and the anisotropic assessment of the most relevant parameters. Here we present the first data set obtained on 53 plugs which covers (i) basic physical and chemical properties including density, porosity, specific surface area and elementary analysis (XRF - CHNS); (ii) the curves obtained during unconfined and confined strengths tests, the tensile strengths, the calculated static elastic moduli and the characteristic stress levels describing the brittle behaviour of the rock; (iii) P- and S-wave velocities (and dynamic elastic moduli) and their respective attenuation factors Qp and Qs, electrical resistivity for a wide range of confining stress; and (iv) permeability and transport tracer tests. Furthermore, the geophysical, permeability and transport tests were additionally performed along the three main orthogonal directions of the original blocks, in order to complete a preliminary anisotropic assessment of the Corvio sandstone.
Aragonitic clathrites are methane-derived precipitates that are found at sites of massive near-seafloor gas hydrate (clathrate) accumulations at the summit of southern Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia margin. These platy carbonate precipitates form inside or in proximity to gas hydrate, which in our study site currently coexists with a fluid that is highly enriched in dissolved ions as salts are excluded during gas hydrate formation. The clathrites record the preferential incorporation of 18O into the hydrate structure and hence the enrichment of 16O in the surrounding brine. We measured d18O values as high as 2.27 per mil relative to Peedee belemnite that correspond to a fluid composition of -1.18 per mil relative to standard mean ocean water. The same trend can be observed in Ca isotopes. Ongoing clathrite precipitation causes enrichment of the 44Ca in the fluid and hence in the carbonates. Carbon isotopes confirm a methane source for the carbonates. Our triple stable isotope approach that uses the three main components of carbonates (Ca, C, O) provides insight into multiple parameters influencing the isotopic composition of the pore water and hence the isotopic composition of the clathrites. This approach provides a tool to monitor the geochemical processes during clathrate and clathrite formation, thus recording the evolution of the geochemical environment of gas hydrate systems.
Photosynthetic parameters of phytoplankton and sea ice algae from landfast sea ice of the Chukchi Sea off Point Barrow, Alaska, were assessed in spring 2005 and winter through spring 2006 using Pulse Amplitude Modulated (PAM) fluorometry including estimates of maximum quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm), maximum relative electron transport rate (rETRmax), photosynthetic efficiency (alpha), and the photoadaptive index (Ek). The use of centrifuged brine samples allowed to document vertical gradients in ice algal acclimation with 5 cm vertical resolution for the first time. Bottom ice algae (0-5 cm from ice-water interface) expressed low Fv/Fm (0.331-0.426) and low alpha (0.098-0.130 /(µmol photons/m**2/s)) in December. Fv/Fm and alpha increased in March and May (0.468-0.588 and 0.141-0.438 /(µmol photons/m**2/s), respectively) indicating increased photosynthetic activity. In addition, increases in rETRmax (3.3-16.4 a.u.) and Ek (20-88 µmol photons/m**2/s) from December to May illustrates a higher potential for primary productivity as communities become better acclimated to under-ice light conditions. In conclusion, photosynthetic performance by ice algae (as assessed by PAM fluorometry) was tightly linked to sea ice salinity, temperature, and inorganic nutrient concentrations (mainly nitrogen).
The book presents results of comprehensive geological investigations carried out during Cruise 8 of R/V "Vityaz-2" to the western part of the Black Sea in 1984. Systematic studies in the Black Sea during about hundred years have not weakened interest in the sea. Lithological and geochemical studies of sediments in estuarine areas of the Danube and the Kyzyl-Irmak rivers, as well as in adjacent parts of the deep sea and some other areas were the main aims of the cruise. Data on morphological structures of river fans, lithologic and chemical compositions of sediments in the fans and their areal distribution, forms of occurrence of chemical elements, role of organic matter and gases in sedimentation and diagenesis are given and discussed in the book.
Marine endosymbiotic heterocystous cyanobacteria make unique heterocyst glycolipids (HGs) containing pentose (C5) moieties. Functionally similar HGs with hexose (C6) moieties found in free-living cyanobacteria occur in the sedimentary record, but C5 HGs have not been documented in the natural environment. Here we developed a high performance liquid chromatography multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS2) method specific for trace analysis of long chain C5HGs and applied it to cultures of Rhizosolenia clevei Ostenfeld and its symbiont Richelia intracellularis which were found to contain C5 HGs and no C6 HGs. The method was then applied to suspended particulate matter (SPM) and surface sediment from the Amazon plume region known to harbor marine diatoms carrying heterocystous cyanobacteria as endosymbionts. C5 HGs were detected in both marine SPM and surface sediments, but not in SPM or surface sediment from freshwater settings in the Amazon basin. Rather, the latter contained C6 HGs, established biomarkers for free-living heterocystous cyanobacteria. Our results indicate that the C5 HGs may be potential biomarkers for marine endosymbiotic heterocystous cyanobacteria.