28 resultados para Size-Dependent Elastic Moduli

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Compressional (Vp) and shear (Vs) wave velocities have been measured to 10 kb in 32 cores of basalt from 14 Pacific sites of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Both Vp and V s show wide ranges (3.70 to 6.38 km/sec for Vp and 1.77 to 3.40 km/sec for V s at 0.5 kb) which are linearly related to density and sea floor age, confirming earlier findings by Christensen and Salisbury of decreasing velocity with progressive submarine weathering based on studies of basalts from five sites in the Atlantic. Combined Pacific and Atlantic data give rates of decreasing velocity of -1.89 and -1.35 km/sec per 100 my for Vp and Vs respectively. New analyses of oceanic seismic refraction data indicate a decrease in layer 2 velocities with age similar to that observed in the laboratory, suggesting that weathering penetrates to several hundred meters in many regions and is largely responsible for the extreme range and variability of layer 2 refraction velocities.


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Newly settled recruits typically suffer high mortality from disturbances, but rapid growth reduces their mortality once size-escape thresholds are attained. Ocean acidification (OA) reduces the growth of recruiting benthic invertebrates, yet no direct effects on survivorship have been demonstrated. We tested whether the reduced growth of coral recruits caused by OA would increase their mortality by prolonging their vulnerability to an acute disturbance: fish herbivory on surrounding algal turf. After two months' growth in ambient or elevated CO2 levels, the linear extension and calcification of coral (Acropora millepora) recruits decreased as CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) increased. When recruits were subjected to incidental fish grazing, their mortality was inversely size dependent. However, we also found an additive effect of pCO2 such that recruit mortality was higher under elevated pCO2 irrespective of size. Compared to ambient conditions, coral recruits needed to double their size at the highest pCO2 to escape incidental grazing mortality. This general trend was observed with three groups of predators (blenny, surgeonfish, and parrotfish), although the magnitude of the fish treatment varied among species. Our study demonstrates the importance of size-escape thresholds in early recruit survival and how OA can shift these thresholds, potentially intensifying population bottlenecks in benthic invertebrate recruitment.


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Ultrasonic P wavc transmission seismograms recorded on sediment cores have been analyzed to study the acoustic and estimate the clastic properties of marine sediments from different provinces dominated by terrigenous, calcareous, amI diatomaceous sedimentation. Instantaneous frequencies computed from the transmission seismograms are displayed as gray-shaded images to give an acoustic overview of the lithology of each core. Ccntirneter-scale variations in the ultrasonic waveforms associated with lithological changes are illustrated by wiggle traces in detail. Cross-correlation, multiple-filter, and spectral ratio techniques are applied to derive P wave velocities and attenuation coefficients. S wave velocities and attenuation coefficients, elastic moduli, and permeabilities are calculated by an inversion scheme based on the Biot-Stoll viscoelastic model. Together wilh porosity measurements, P and S wave scatter diagrams are constructed to characterize different sediment types by their velocity- and attenuation-porosity relationships. They demonstrate that terrigenous, calcareous, and diatomaceous sediments cover different velocity- and attenuation-porosity ranges. In terrigcnous sediments, P wave vclocities and attenuation coefficients decrease rapidly with increasing porosity, whereas S wave velocities and shear moduli are very low. Calcareous sediments behave similarly at relatively higher porosities. Foraminifera skeletons in compositions of terrigenous mud and calcareous ooze cause a stiffening of the frame accompanied by higher shear moduli, P wave velocities, and attenuation coefficients. In diatomaceous ooze the contribution of the shear modulus becomes increasingly important and is controlled by the opal content, whereas attenuation is very low. This leads to the opportunity to predict the opal content from nondestructive P wave velocity measurements at centimeter-scale resolution.


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Ocean Drilling Program Hole 990A penetrated 131 m of subaerially emplaced Paleocene flood basalts on the Southeast Greenland margin with a recovery of 74%. Shipboard P-wave velocity (Vp), density, and magnetic susceptibility were measured with 2- to 15-cm intervals on the core. Individual flow units were divided into four zones based on the observed petrophysical characteristics. From the top, these are Zone I (<7 m thick with a Vp of ~2.5 km/s), Zone II (3-5 m thick with a strongly increasing Vp from 2.5 to 5.5 km/s), Zone III (up to 20 m thick with a Vp of ~5.5-6.0 km/s), and Zone IV (<2 m thick with a strongly decreasing Vp from 6.0 to 2.5 km/s). Eighteen samples were selected from three of the fourteen penetrated basalt units for geochemical, petrological, and petrophysical studies focusing on the altered, low-velocity upper lava Zones I and II. Zone I is strongly altered to >50% clay minerals (smectite) and iron hydroxides, and the petrophysical properties are primarily determined by the clay properties. Zone II is intermediately altered with 5%-20% clay minerals, where the petrophysical properties are a function of both the degree of alteration and porosity variations. Shipboard and shore-based measurements of the same samples show that storage permanently lowers the elastic moduli of basalt from Zones I to III. This is related to the presence of even small quantities of swelling clays. The data show that alteration processes are important in determining the overall seismic properties of flood basalt constructions. The degree and depth of alteration is dependent on the primary lava flow emplacement structures and environment. Thus, the interplay of primary emplacement and secondary alteration structures determine the elastic properties of basalt piles. Rock property theories for sand-clay systems are further used to model the physical property variations in these altered crystalline rocks.


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Excess Thorium-230 (230Thxs) as a constant flux tracer is an essential tool for paleoceanographic studies, but its limitations for flux normalization are still a matter of debate. In regions of rapid sediment accumulation, it has been an open question if 230Thxs-normalized fluxes are biased by particle sorting effects during sediment redistribution. In order to study the sorting effect of sediment transport on 230Thxs, we analyzed the specific activity of 230Thxs in different particle size classes of carbonate-rich sediments from the South East Atlantic, and of opal-rich sediments from the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. At both sites, we compare the 230Thxs distribution in neighboring high vs. low accumulation settings. Two grain-size fractionation methods are explored. We find that the 230Thxs distribution is strongly grain size dependent, and 50-90% of the total 230Thxs inventory is concentrated in fine material smaller than 10 µm, which is preferentially deposited at the high accumulation sites. This leads to an overestimation of the focusing factor Psi, and consequently to an underestimation of the vertical flux rate at such sites. The distribution of authigenic uranium indicates that fine organic-rich material has also been re-deposited from lateral sources. If the particle sorting effect is considered in the flux calculations, it reduces the estimated extent of sediment focusing. In order to assess the maximum effect of particle sorting on Psi, we present an extreme scenario, in which we assume a lateral sediment supply of only fine material (< 10 µm). In this case, the focusing factor of the opal-rich core would be reduced from Psi = 5.9 to Psi = 3.2. In a more likely scenario, allowing silt-sized material to be transported, Psi is reduced from 5.9 to 5.0 if particle sorting is taken into consideration. The bias introduced by particle sorting is most important for strongly focused sediments. Comparing 230Thxs-normalized mass fluxes biased by sorting effects with uncorrected mass fluxes, we suggest that 230Thxs-normalization is still a valid tool to correct for lateral sediment redistribution. However, differences in focusing factors between core locations have to be evaluated carefully, taking the grain size distributions into consideration.


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Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide threatens to decrease pH in the world's oceans. Coastal and estuarine calcifying organisms of significant ecological and economical importance are at risk; however, several biogeochemical processes drive pH in these habitats. In particular, coastal and estuarine sediments are frequently undersaturated with respect to calcium carbonate due to high rates of organic matter remineralization, even when overlying waters are saturated. As a result, the post-larval stages of infaunal marine bivalves must be able to deposit new shell material in conditions that are corrosive to shell. We measured calcification rates on the hard clam, Mercenaria spp.,in 5 post-larval size classes (0.39, 0.56, 0.78, 0.98, and 2.90 mm shell height) using the alkalinity anomaly method. Acidity of experimental water was controlled by bubbling with air-CO2 blends to obtain pH values of 8.02, 7.64, and 7.41, corresponding to pCO2 values of 424, 1120, and 1950 µatm. These pH values are typical of those found in many near-shore terrigenous marine sediments. Our results show that calcification rate decreased with lower pH in all 5 size classes measured. We also found a significant effect of size on calcification rate, with the smaller post-larval sizes unable to overcome dissolution pressure. Increased calcification rate with size allowed the larger sizes to overcome dissolution pressure and deposit new shell material under corrosive conditions. Size dependency of pH effects on calcification is likely due to organogenesis and developmental shifts in shell mineralogy occurring through the post-larval stage. Furthermore, we found significantly different calcification rates between the 2 sources of hard clams we used for these experiments, most likely due to genotypic differences. Our findings confirm the susceptibility of the early life stages of this important bivalve to decreasing pH and reveal mechanisms behind the increased mortality in post-larval juvenile hard clams related to dissolution pressure, that has been found in previous studies.


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This study provides a theoretical assessment of the potential bias due to differential lateral transport on multi-proxy studies based on a range of marine microfossils. Microfossils preserved in marine sediments are at the centre of numerous proxies for paleoenvironmental reconstructions. The precision of proxies is based on the assumption that they accurately represent the overlying watercolumn properties and faunas. Here we assess the possibility of a syn-depositional bias in sediment assemblages caused by horizontal drift in the water column, due to differential settling velocities of sedimenting particles based on their shape, size and density, and due to differences in current velocities. Specifically we calculate the post-mortem lateral transport undergone by planktic foraminifera and a range of other biological proxy carriers (diatoms, radiolaria and fecal pellets transporting coccolithophores) in several regions with high current velocities. We find that lateral transport of different planktic foraminiferal species is minimal due to high settling velocities. No significant shape- or size-dependent sorting occurs before reaching the sediment, making planktic foraminiferal ideal proxy carriers. In contrast, diatoms, radiolaria and fecal pellets can be transported up to 500km in some areas. For example in the Agulhas current, transport can lead to differences of up to 2°C in temperature reconstructions between different proxies in response to settling velocities. Therefore, sediment samples are likely to contain different proportions of local and imported particles, decreasing the precision of proxies based on these groups and the accuracy of the temperature reconstruction.


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This study provides a theoretical assessment of the potential bias due to differential lateral transport on multi-proxy studies based on a range of marine microfossils. Microfossils preserved in marine sediments are at the centre of numerous proxies for paleoenvironmental reconstructions. The precision of proxies is based on the assumption that they accurately represent the overlying watercolumn properties and faunas. Here we assess the possibility of a syn-depositional bias in sediment assemblages caused by horizontal drift in the water column, due to differential settling velocities of sedimenting particles based on their shape, size and density, and due to differences in current velocities. Specifically we calculate the post-mortem lateral transport undergone by planktic foraminifera and a range of other biological proxy carriers (diatoms, radiolaria and fecal pellets transporting coccolithophores) in several regions with high current velocities. We find that lateral transport of different planktic foraminiferal species is minimal due to high settling velocities. No significant shape- or size-dependent sorting occurs before reaching the sediment, making planktic foraminiferal ideal proxy carriers. In contrast, diatoms, radiolaria and fecal pellets can be transported up to 500 km in some areas. For example in the Agulhas current, transport can lead to differences of up to 2°C in temperature reconstructions between different proxies in response to settling velocities. Therefore, sediment samples are likely to contain different proportions of local and imported particles, decreasing the precision of proxies based on these groups and the accuracy of the temperature reconstruction.


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Seismic velocities in rocks are influenced by the properties of the solid, the pore fluid, and the pore space. Cracks dramatically affect seismic velocities in rocks; their influence on the effective elastic moduli of rocks depends on their shape and concentration. Thin cracks (or fractures) substantially lower the moduli of a rock relative to the effect of spherical voids (or vesicles), and lower moduli are reflected by lower P- and S-wave velocities. The objective of this research is to determine the types and concentrations of cracks and their influence on the seismic properties of subaerially erupted basalts drilled from Hole 990A on the Southeast Greenland margin during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 163. Ellipsoidal cracks are used to model the voids in the rocks. The elastic moduli of the solid (grains) are also free parameters in the inverse modeling procedure. The apparent grain moduli reflect a weighted average of the moduli of the constituent minerals (e.g., plagioclase, augite, and clay minerals). The results indicate that (1) there is a strong relationship between P-wave velocity and porosity, suggesting a similarity of pore shape distributions, (2) the distribution of crack types within the massive, central region of aa flows from Hole 990A is independent of total porosity, (3) thin cracks are the first to be effectively sealed by alteration products, and (4) grain densities (an alteration index) and apparent grain moduli of the basalt samples are directly related.


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Particles sinking out of the euphotic zone are important vehicles of carbon export from the surface ocean. Most of the particles produce heavier aggregates by coagulating with each other before they sink. We implemented an aggregation model into the biogeochemical model of Regional Oceanic Modelling System (ROMS) to simulate the distribution of particles in the water column and their downward transport in the Northwest African upwelling region. Accompanying settling chamber, sediment trap and particle camera measurements provide data for model validation. In situ aggregate settling velocities measured by the settling chamber were around 55 m d**-1. Aggregate sizes recorded by the particle camera hardly exceeded 1 mm. The model is based on a continuous size spectrum of aggregates, characterised by the prognostic aggregate mass and aggregate number concentration. Phytoplankton and detritus make up the aggregation pool, which has an averaged, prognostic and size dependent sinking. Model experiments were performed with dense and porous approximations of aggregates with varying maximum aggregate size and stickiness as well as with the inclusion of a disaggregation term. Similar surface productivity in all experiments has been generated in order to find the best combination of parameters that produce measured deep water fluxes. Although the experiments failed to represent surface particle number spectra, in the deep water some of them gave very similar slope and spectrum range as the particle camera observations. Particle fluxes at the mesotrophic sediment trap site off Cape Blanc (CB) have been successfully reproduced by the porous experiment with disaggregation term when particle remineralisation rate was 0.2 d**-1. The aggregation-disaggregation model improves the prediction capability of the original biogeochemical model significantly by giving much better estimates of fluxes for both upper and lower trap. The results also point to the need for more studies to enhance our knowledge on particle decay and its variation and to the role that stickiness play in the distribution of vertical fluxes.


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Corvio sandstone is a ~20 m thick unit (Corvio Formation) that appears in the top section of the Frontada Formation (Campoó Group; Lower Cretaceous) located in Northern Spain in the southern margin of the Basque-Cantabrian Basin. Up to 228 plugs were cored from four 0.3 x 0.2 x 0.5 m blocks of Corvio sandstone, to perform a comprehensive characterization of the physical, mineralogical, geomechanical, geophysical and hydrodynamic properties of this geological formation, and the anisotropic assessment of the most relevant parameters. Here we present the first data set obtained on 53 plugs which covers (i) basic physical and chemical properties including density, porosity, specific surface area and elementary analysis (XRF - CHNS); (ii) the curves obtained during unconfined and confined strengths tests, the tensile strengths, the calculated static elastic moduli and the characteristic stress levels describing the brittle behaviour of the rock; (iii) P- and S-wave velocities (and dynamic elastic moduli) and their respective attenuation factors Qp and Qs, electrical resistivity for a wide range of confining stress; and (iv) permeability and transport tracer tests. Furthermore, the geophysical, permeability and transport tests were additionally performed along the three main orthogonal directions of the original blocks, in order to complete a preliminary anisotropic assessment of the Corvio sandstone.