2 resultados para Silica glass

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Precisely determined refractive indices of glass shards from 32 ash-rich, volcaniclastic sediments, mostly turbidites interbedded with nonvolcanic sediments in the Mariana Trough, range from 1.480 to 1.585 (corresponding to SiO2 ca. 75 to 49%), with most in the range 1.500 to 1.540 (SiO2 ca. 70-62%) and a second, smaller mode between ca. 1.560 and 1.585 (57 to 49% SiO2). Shards are almost exclusively colorless from 1.480 to ca. 1.530, light brown with minor colorless and green tones between 1.530 and 1.560, and dominantly brown at higher refractive indices. Tubular pumice shards are more common at higher silica percentages and non- to poorly-vesicular cuniform shards at low SiO2 values, but there is no clear correlation between shape and composition of shards. About half of the samples have bimodal shard populations with silica differences ranging up to 20 percent; unimodal layers have a range of up to about 7 percent SiO2. Of 21 samples in which one type of shard dominates, seven have the main mode in the rhyolitic composition (>69% SiO2), eight in the intermediate range (56 to 69% SiO2), and five in mafic composition (SiO2 <53%). These unusually abundant mafic shards occur mainly in site survey piston cores, SP-IA and 4E, and in Holes 454, 456, 458, and 459B. These are the sites closest to the present arc. Hole 453, containing by far the most vitric tuff turbidites, shows a gradual increase in silica content of ash layers upward to the hole from Cores 36 to 19 (about 4.6 to 3.0 Ma). A drastic decrease in ash-rich beds in the younger (Pleistocene) part of this hole was noted by the shipboard party (see site chapter, Site 453) and was interpreted by them as indicating increasing distance from the arc volcanoes as the trough opened. The increase in silica in ashes from the early to the late Pliocene at Site 453 could be interpreted in the same way and might indicate that the trough started to open in early Pliocene time.


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We detected authigenic clinoptilolites in two core samples of tuffaceous, siliceous mudstone in the lower Miocene section of Hole 439. They occur as prismatic and tabular crystals as long as 0.03 mm in various voids of dissolved glass shards, radiolarian shells, calcareous foraminifers, and calcareous algae. They are high in alkalies, especially Na, and in silica varieties. There is a slight difference in composition among them. The Si : (Al+ Fe3+) ratio is highest (4.65) in radiolarian voids, intermediate (4.34) in dissolved glass voids, and lowest (4.26) in voids of calcareous organisms. This difference corresponds to the association of authigenic silica minerals revealed by the scanning electron microscope: There are abundant opal-CT lepispheres in radiolarian voids, low cristobalite and some lepispheres in dissolved glass voids, and a lack of silica minerals in the voids of calcareous organisms. Although it contains some silica from biogenic opal and alkalies from trapped sea water, clinoptilolite derives principally from dissolved glass. Although they are scattered in core samples of Quaternary through lower Miocene diatomaceous and siliceous deposits, acidic glass fragments react with interstitial water to form clinoptilolite only at a sub-bottom depth of 935 meters at approximately 25°C. Analcimes occur in sand-sized clasts of altered acidic vitric tuff in the uppermost Oligocene sandstones. The analcimic tuff clasts were probably reworked from the Upper Cretaceous terrain adjacent to Site 439. Low cristobalite and opal-CT are found in tuffaceous, siliceous mudstone of the middle and lower Miocene sections at Sites 438 and 439. Low cristobalite derives from acidic volcanic glass and opal-CT from biogenic silica. Both siliceous organic remains and acidic glass fragments occur in sediments from the Quaternary through lower Miocene sections. However, the shallowest occurrence is at 700 meters subbottom in Hole 438A, where temperature is estimated to be 21°C. The d(101) spacing of opal-CT varies from 4.09 to 4.11 Å and that of low cristobalite from 4.04 to 4.06 Å. Some opal-CT lepispheres are precipitated onto clinoptilolites in the voids of radiolarian shells at a sub-bottom depth of 950 meters in Hole 439. Sandstone interlaminated with Upper Cretaceous shale is chlorite- calcite cemented and feldspathic. Sandstones in the uppermost Oligocene section are lithic graywacke and consist of large amounts of lithic clasts grouped into older sedimentary and weakly metamorphosed rocks, younger sedimentary rocks, and acidic volcanic rocks. The acidic volcanic clasts probably originated from the volcanic high, which supplied the basal conglomerate with dacite gravels. The older sedimentary and weakly metamorphosed rocks and green rock correspond to the lithologies of the lower Mesozoic to upper Paleozoic Sorachi Group, including the chert, limestone, and slate in south-central Hokkaido. However, the angular shape and coarseness of the clasts and the abundance of carbonate rock fragments indicate a nearby provenance, which is probably the southern offshore extension of the Sorachi Group. The younger sedimentary rocks, including mudstone, carbonaceous shale, and analcime-bearing tuff, correspond to the lithologies of the Upper Cretaceous strata in south-central Hokkaido. Their clasts were reworked from the southern offshore extension of the strata. Because of the discontinuity of the zeolite zoning due to burial diagenesis, an overburden several kilometers thick must have been denuded before the deposition of sediments in the early Oligocene.