45 resultados para Shell-matrix sites

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Marine organisms have to cope with increasing CO2 partial pressures and decreasing pH in the oceans. We elucidated the impacts of an 8-week acclimation period to four seawater pCO2 treatments (39, 113, 243 and 405 Pa/385, 1,120, 2,400 and 4,000 µatm) on mantle gene expression patterns in the blue mussel Mytilus edulis from the Baltic Sea. Based on the M. edulis mantle tissue transcriptome, the expression of several genes involved in metabolism, calcification and stress responses was assessed in the outer (marginal and pallial zone) and the inner mantle tissues (central zone) using quantitative real-time PCR. The expression of genes involved in energy and protein metabolism (F-ATPase, hexokinase and elongation factor alpha) was strongly affected by acclimation to moderately elevated CO2 partial pressures. Expression of a chitinase, potentially important for the calcification process, was strongly depressed (maximum ninefold), correlating with a linear decrease in shell growth observed in the experimental animals. Interestingly, shell matrix protein candidate genes were less affected by CO2 in both tissues. A compensatory process toward enhanced shell protection is indicated by a massive increase in the expression of tyrosinase, a gene involved in periostracum formation (maximum 220-fold). Using correlation matrices and a force-directed layout network graph, we were able to uncover possible underlying regulatory networks and the connections between different pathways, thereby providing a molecular basis of observed changes in animal physiology in response to ocean acidification.


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Products of two mud volcanoes from the distal part of the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex have been investigated regarding their B, C, and O stable isotope signatures. The mud breccias have been divided into mud matrix, lithified clasts, biogenic deposits, and authigenic cements and crusts related to fluid flow and cementation. Isotope geochemistry is used to evaluate the depth of mobilization of each phase in the subduction zone. B contents and isotope ratios of the mud and mud clasts show a general trend of B enrichment and decreasing d11B values with increasing consolidation (i.e., depth). However, the majority of the clast and matrix samples relate to moderate depths of mobilization within the wedge (1-2 km below seafloor). The carbonate cements of most of these clasts as well as the authigenic crusts, however, provide evidence for a deep fluid influence, probably associated with the décollement at 5-6 km depth. This interpretation is supported by d13C ratios of the crust, which indicate precipitation of C from thermogenic methane, and by the d11B ratios of pore-water samples of mud-breccia drill cores. Clams (Vesicomya sp.) living adjacent to fluid vents have d11B and d18O values corresponding to brines known in the area, which acted as the parent solution for shell precipitation. Such brines are most likely Miocene pore waters trapped at deep levels within the backstop to the accretionary prism, probably prior to desiccation of the Mediterranean in the Messinian (6-5 Ma). Combining all results, deep fluid circulation and expulsion are identified as the main processes triggering mud liquefaction and extrusion, whereas brines contribute only locally. Given the high B contents, mud extrusion has to be considered a major backflux mechanism of B into the hydrosphere.


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Modal analysis of middle Miocene to Pleistocene volcaniclastic sands and sandstones recovered from Sites 1108, 1109, 1118, 1112, 1115, 1116, and 1114 within the Woodlark Basin during Leg 180 of the Ocean Drilling Program indicates a complex source history for sand-sized detritus deposited within the basin. Volcaniclastic detritus (i.e., feldspar, ferromagnesian minerals, and volcanic rock fragments) varies substantially throughout the Woodlark Basin. Miocene sandstones of the inferred Trobriand forearc succession contain mafic and subordinate silicic volcanic grains, probably derived from the contemporary Trobriand arc. During the late Miocene, the Trobriand outerarc/forearc (including Paleogene ophiolitic rocks) was subaerially exposed and eroded, yielding sandstones of dominantly mafic composition. Rift-related extension during the late Miocene-late Pliocene led to a transition from terrestrial to neritic and finally bathyal deposition. The sandstones deposited during this period are composed dominantly of silicic volcanic detritus, probably derived from the Amphlett Islands and surrounding areas where volcanic rocks of Pliocene-Pleistocene age occur. During this time terrigenous and metamorphic detritus derived from the Papua New Guinea mainland reached the single turbiditic Woodlark rift basin (or several subbasins) as fine-grained sediments. At Sites 1108, 1109, 1118, 1116, and 1114, serpentinite and metamorphic grains (schist and gneiss) appear as detritus in sandstones younger than ~3 Ma. This is thought to reflect a major pulse of rifting that resulted in the deepening of the Woodlark rift basin and the prevention of terrigenous and metamorphic detritus from reaching the northern rift margin (Site 1115). The Paleogene Papuan ophiolite belt and the Owen Stanley metamorphics were unroofed as the southern margin of the rift was exhumed (e.g., Moresby Seamount) and, in places, subaerially exposed (e.g., D'Entrecasteaux Islands and onshore Cape Vogel Basin), resulting in new and more proximal sources of metamorphic, igneous, and ophiolitic detritus. Continued emergence of the Moresby Seamount during the late Pliocene-early Pleistocene bounded by a major inclined fault scarp yielded talus deposits of similar composition to the above sandstones. Upper Pliocene-Pleistocene sandstones were deposited at bathyal depths by turbidity currents and as subordinate air-fall ash. Silicic glassy (high-K calc-alkaline) volcanic fragments, probably derived from volcanic centers located in Dawson and Moresby Straits, dominated these sandstones.


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Samples of chert, porcellanite, and chalk/limestone from Cretaceous chert-bearing sections recovered during Leg 198 were studied to elucidate the nature and origin of chert color zonations with depth/age. Sedimentary structures, trace fossils, compactional features, sediment composition, texture, geochemistry, and diagenetic history were compared among lithologies. Trends in major and minor element composition were determined. Whereas geochemical analyses demonstrate systematic elemental differences among the different lithologies, there are less distinct patterns in composition for the colored cherts. The color of the chert appears to be related primarily to the amount of silica and secondarily to the proportion of other components. Red cherts are almost pure silica with only minor impurities. This may allow pigmentation from fine Fe oxides to dominate the color. These red cherts are from places where geophysical logs indicate that chert is the dominant rock type of the section. These red chert intervals cannot be unequivocally distinguished from surrounding chert-bearing lithologies in terms of sedimentary structures.


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Authigenic carbonates were recovered from several horizons between 0 and 52 mbsf in sediments that overlay the Blake Ridge Diapir on the Carolina Rise (Ocean Drilling Program [ODP] Site 996). Active chemosynthetic communities at this site are apparently fed by fluid conduits extending beneath a bottom-simulating reflector (BSR). Gas hydrates occur at several depth intervals in these near-surface sediments. The carbonate nodules are composed of rounded to subangular intraclasts and carbonate cemented mussel shell fragments. Electron microprobe and X-ray diffraction (XRD) investigations show that aragonite is the dominant authigenic carbonate. Authigenic aragonite occurs both as microcrystalline, interstitial cement, and as cavity-filling radial fibrous crystals. The d13C values of the authigenic aragonite vary between -48.4 per mil and -30.5 per mil (Peedee belemnite [PDB]), indicating that carbon derived from 13C-depleted methane is incorporated into these carbonates. The d13C of pore water sum CO2 values are most negative in the upper 10 mbsf, near the sediment/water interface (-38 per mil ± 5 per mil), but noticeably more positive below 25 mbsf (+5 per mil ± 6 per mil). Because carbonates derive their carbon from HCO3-, dissimilarities between the d13C values of carbonate precipitates recovered from greater than 10 mbsf and d13C values of the associated pore fluids suggests that these carbonates formed near the seafloor. Differences of about 1 per mil in the oxygen isotopic composition of carbonate precipitates from different depths are possibly related to changes in bottom-water conditions during glacial and interglacial time periods. Measurements of the strontium isotopic composition on 13 carbonate samples show 87Sr/86Sr values between 0.709125 and 0.709206 with a mean of 0.709165, consistent with the approximate age of their host sediment. Furthermore, the 87Sr/86Sr values of six pore-water samples from Site 996 vary between 0.709130 and 0.709204. The similarity of these values to seawater (87Sr/86Sr = 0.709175), and to 87Sr/86Sr values of pore water from similar sample depths elsewhere on the Blake Ridge (Sites 994, 995, and 997), indicates a shallow Sr source. The 87Sr/86Sr values of the authigenic carbonates at Site 996 are not consistent with the Sr isotopic values predicted for carbonates precipitated from fluids transported upward along fault conduits extending through the base of the gas hydrate-stability zone. Based on our data, we see no evidence of continuing carbonate diagenesis with depth. Therefore, with the exception of their seafloor expression as carbonate crusts, fossil vent sites will not be preserved. Because these authigenic features apparently form only at the seafloor, their vertical distribution and sediment age imply that seepage has been going on in this area for at least 600,000 yr.


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This report includes the petrographic description and reviews the distribution of lithic clasts in sediments drilled during Leg 180 in the Woodlark Basin (southwest Pacific). The lithic clasts include (1) metamorphic rocks; (2) granites; (3) serpentinites, gabbros, dolerites, and basalts likely derived from the Papuan ophiolite belt; (4) rare alkaline volcanites reworked in middle Miocene sediments; (5) medium- to high-K calc-alkaline island arc volcanites, in part as reworked clasts, and explosive products deposited by fallout or reworked by turbiditic currents; and (6) rare sedimentary fragments. At the footwall sites the clast assemblage evidences the association of dolerites and evolved gabbroic rocks; the serpentinite likely pertaining to the same ophiolitic complex are likely derived from onland outcrops and transported by means of turbidity currents. On the whole, extensional tectonics active at least since the middle Pliocene can be inferred. The calc-alkaline volcanism is in continuity with the arc-related products from the Papua Peninsula and D'Entrecasteaux Islands and with the latest volcanics of the Miocene Trobrian arc. However, the medium- to high-K and shoshonitic products do not display a significant temporal evolution within the stratigraphic setting. Lava clasts, volcanogenic grains, and glass shards are associated with turbidity currents, whereas in the Pliocene of northern margin the increasing frequency of tephra (glass shards and vesicular silicic fragments) suggests more explosive activity and increasing contribution to the sediments from aerial fallout materials. Evidence of localized alkalic volcanism of presumable early to middle Miocene age is a new finding. It could represent a rift phase earlier than or coeval to the first opening of the Woodlark Basin or, less probably, could derive from depositional trajectories diverted from an adjacent basin.


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The conventional model of leaching volcanic rocks as a source of metals in a seafloor hydrothermal systems has been tested by examining the behavior of Pb and other trace elements during hydrothermal alteration. ODP Leg 193 drill sites 1188 (Snowcap) and 1189 (Roman Ruins) on Pual Ridge in the eastern Manus Basin offshore eastern Papua New Guinea provide a unique three-dimensional window into an active back-arc hydrothermal system. We investigate by means of a LA-ICP-MS microbeam technique the capacity of Pb to be leached from a host volcanic rock exposed to various types and intensities of alteration. Our results are in general agreement with previous studies that utilized bulk analytical techniques but provide a more detailed explanation of the processes. Fresh representative dacitic lavas from the Pual Ridge have an average whole rock Pb content of 5.2 ppm, an average interstitial glass Pb content of 5.6 ppm and an average plagioclase Pb content of 1.0 ppm. Altered matrix samples have highly variable Pb values ranging from 0 to 52.4 ppm. High Pb values in altered samples are associated with a low temperature chlorite and clay mineral assemblage, in some cases overprinted by a high temperature (up to 350°C) silica-rich "bleaching" alteration. Only the most highly altered matrix samples have REE patterns that differ from the fresh Pual Ridge dacite. This may represent either different lava histories or alteration characteristics that have affected normally immobile REEs. Altered samples with the highest Pb values have similar REE patterns to those of the local unaltered lavas. They are compositionally similar to typical Pual Ridge dacites indicating a genetic relationship between the main regional volcanic suite and the subseafloor hydrothermally altered, Pb-enriched material. Relative loss/gain for Pb between the analyzed altered samples and a calculated precursor show a maximum relative gain of 901%. Samples with relative Pb gain from both drill sites are associated with lower temperature alteration mineral assemblages characterized by pervasive chloritization. The related lower temperature (220-250°C) neutral to slightly acidic fluids have been ascribed by others to return circulation of hydrothermal fluids that did not interact with seawater. Because altered samples have a higher Pb content than the fresh precursor, leaching of fresh volcanic rocks cannot be the source of Pb in the hydrothermal systems.


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We detected authigenic clinoptilolites in two core samples of tuffaceous, siliceous mudstone in the lower Miocene section of Hole 439. They occur as prismatic and tabular crystals as long as 0.03 mm in various voids of dissolved glass shards, radiolarian shells, calcareous foraminifers, and calcareous algae. They are high in alkalies, especially Na, and in silica varieties. There is a slight difference in composition among them. The Si : (Al+ Fe3+) ratio is highest (4.65) in radiolarian voids, intermediate (4.34) in dissolved glass voids, and lowest (4.26) in voids of calcareous organisms. This difference corresponds to the association of authigenic silica minerals revealed by the scanning electron microscope: There are abundant opal-CT lepispheres in radiolarian voids, low cristobalite and some lepispheres in dissolved glass voids, and a lack of silica minerals in the voids of calcareous organisms. Although it contains some silica from biogenic opal and alkalies from trapped sea water, clinoptilolite derives principally from dissolved glass. Although they are scattered in core samples of Quaternary through lower Miocene diatomaceous and siliceous deposits, acidic glass fragments react with interstitial water to form clinoptilolite only at a sub-bottom depth of 935 meters at approximately 25°C. Analcimes occur in sand-sized clasts of altered acidic vitric tuff in the uppermost Oligocene sandstones. The analcimic tuff clasts were probably reworked from the Upper Cretaceous terrain adjacent to Site 439. Low cristobalite and opal-CT are found in tuffaceous, siliceous mudstone of the middle and lower Miocene sections at Sites 438 and 439. Low cristobalite derives from acidic volcanic glass and opal-CT from biogenic silica. Both siliceous organic remains and acidic glass fragments occur in sediments from the Quaternary through lower Miocene sections. However, the shallowest occurrence is at 700 meters subbottom in Hole 438A, where temperature is estimated to be 21°C. The d(101) spacing of opal-CT varies from 4.09 to 4.11 Å and that of low cristobalite from 4.04 to 4.06 Å. Some opal-CT lepispheres are precipitated onto clinoptilolites in the voids of radiolarian shells at a sub-bottom depth of 950 meters in Hole 439. Sandstone interlaminated with Upper Cretaceous shale is chlorite- calcite cemented and feldspathic. Sandstones in the uppermost Oligocene section are lithic graywacke and consist of large amounts of lithic clasts grouped into older sedimentary and weakly metamorphosed rocks, younger sedimentary rocks, and acidic volcanic rocks. The acidic volcanic clasts probably originated from the volcanic high, which supplied the basal conglomerate with dacite gravels. The older sedimentary and weakly metamorphosed rocks and green rock correspond to the lithologies of the lower Mesozoic to upper Paleozoic Sorachi Group, including the chert, limestone, and slate in south-central Hokkaido. However, the angular shape and coarseness of the clasts and the abundance of carbonate rock fragments indicate a nearby provenance, which is probably the southern offshore extension of the Sorachi Group. The younger sedimentary rocks, including mudstone, carbonaceous shale, and analcime-bearing tuff, correspond to the lithologies of the Upper Cretaceous strata in south-central Hokkaido. Their clasts were reworked from the southern offshore extension of the strata. Because of the discontinuity of the zeolite zoning due to burial diagenesis, an overburden several kilometers thick must have been denuded before the deposition of sediments in the early Oligocene.


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Seven sites drilled in the central New Hebrides Island Arc during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 134 yielded varying quantities of upper Eocene through Pleistocene calcareous nannofossils. Most of the Miocene and Pliocene strata were absent from Sites 827-831 drilled along the collisional boundary between the Australia and Pacific plates where the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge and Bougainville Guyot are being subducted. Sites 832 and 833, drilled in the intra-arc North Aoba Basin, contained upper Miocene through Pleistocene and early Pliocene through Pleistocene nannofossils, respectively. Detailed range charts displaying species abundances and age interpretations are presented for all of the sites. Despite problems of reworked assemblages, poor preservation, overgrowths and/or dilution from volcaniclastics, the nannofossil biostratigraphy delineates several repeated sections at Site 829 in the accretionary prism adjacent to Espiritu Santo Island. Paleogene pelagic sediments equivalent to those in a reference section at Site 828 appear to have been scraped from the downgoing North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge and accreted onto the forearc during the Pleistocene. Other sediments in the forearc include Pleistocene olistostromal trench-fill deposits containing clasts of various ages and compositions. Some of the clasts and olistoliths have affinities to rocks exposed on the neighboring islands and environs, whereas others are of uncertain origin. The matrix of the olistostromes is predominately Pleistocene, however, matrices of mixed nannofossil ages are frequently encountered. Comparisons of the mixed nannofossil ages in the matrices with sedimentological and structural data suggest that sediment mixing resulting from fault movement is subordinate to that occurring during deposition.


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A new technique for the precise and accurate determination of Ge stable isotope compositions has been developed and applied to silicate rocks and biogenic opal. The analyses were performed using a continuous flow hydride generation system coupled to a MC-ICP-MS. Samples have been purified through anion- and cation-exchange resins to separate Ge from matrix elements and eliminate potential isobaric interferences. Variations of 74Ge/70Ge ratios are expressed as d74Ge values relative to our internal standard and the long-term external reproducibility of the data is better than 0.2? for sample size as low as 15 ng of Ge. Data are presented for igneous and sedimentary rocks, and the overall variation is 2.4? in d74Ge, representing 12 times the uncertainty of the measurements and demonstrating that the terrestrial isotopic composition of Ge is not unique. Co-variations of 74Ge/70Ge, 73Ge/70Ge and 72Ge/70Ge ratios follow a mass-dependent behaviour and imply natural isotopic fractionation of Ge by physicochemical processes. The range of d74Ge in igneous rocks is only 0.25? without systematic differences among continental crust, oceanic crust or mantle material. On this basis, a Bulk Silicate Earth reservoir with a d74Ge of 1.3+/-0.2? can be defined. In contrast, modern biogenic opal such as marine sponges and authigenic glauconite displayed higher d74Ge values between 2.0? and 3.0?. This suggests that biogenic opal may be significantly enriched in light isotopes with respect to seawater and places a lower bound on the d74Ge of the seawater to +3.0?.This suggests that seawater is isotopically heavy relative to Bulk Silicate Earth and that biogenic opal may be significantly fractionated with respect to seawater. Deep-sea sediments are within the range of the Bulk Silicate Earth while Mesozoic deep-sea cherts (opal and quartz) have d74Ge values ranging from 0.7? to 2.0?. The variable values of the cherts cannot be explained by binary mixing between a biogenic component and a detrital component and are suggestive of enrichment in the light isotope of diagenetic quartz. Further work is now required to determine Ge isotope fractionation by siliceous organisms and to investigate the effect of diagenetic processes during chert lithification.