3 resultados para Sfm
em Publishing Network for Geoscientific
The efficiency of the biological pump of carbon to the deep ocean depends largely on the biologically mediated export of carbon from the surface ocean and its remineralization with depth. Global satellite studies have primarily focused on chlorophyll concentration and net primary production (NPP) to understand the role of phytoplankton in these processes. Recent satellite retrievals of phytoplankton composition now allow for the size of phytoplankton cells to be considered. Here, we improve understanding of phytoplankton size structure impacts on particle export, remineralization and transfer. Particulate organic carbon (POC) flux observations from sediment traps and 234Th are compiled across the global ocean. Annual climatologies of NPP, percent microplankton, and POC flux at four time series locations and within biogeochemical provinces are constructed, and sinking velocities are calculated to align surface variables with POC flux at depth. Parameters that characterize POC flux vs. depth (export flux ratio, labile fraction, remineralization length scale) are then fit to the aligned dataset. Times of the year dominated by different size compositions are identified and fit separately in regions of the ocean where phytoplankton cell size showed enough dynamic range over the annual cycle. Considering all data together, our findings support the paradigm of high export flux but low transfer efficiency in more productive regions and vice versa for oligotrophic regions. However, when parsing by dominant size class, we find periods dominated by small cells to have both greater export flux and lower transfer efficiency than periods when large cells comprise a greater proportion of the phytoplankton community.
Phytoplankton cell size is important to biogeochemical and food web processes. The goal of this study is to estimate phytoplankton cell size distribution from satellite imagery of spectral remote sensing reflectance (Rrs(lambda)). Previous studies have indicated phytoplankton size classes have distinctive absorption spectra despite the physiological and taxonomic variability within an assemblage. For this study, the chlorophyll specific absorption spectra for phytoplankton size class extremes, pico- and microphytoplankton, are weighted by the percent microplankton (Sfm) and are the basis of phytoplankton size retrieval from SeaWiFS imagery. Satellite retrievals of Sfm are done through implementation of a forward optical model look-up table (LUT) that incorporates the range of absorption and scattering variability due to phytoplankton size, chlorophyll concentration ([Chl]) and dissolved and detrital matter (acdm(443)) in the global ocean from which Rrs(lambda) is calculated by the radiative transfer software, Hydrolight. The Hydrolight modeled Rrs(lambda) options for a given combination of [Chl] and acdm(443) within the LUT vary only due to Sfm. For a given pixel, the LUT search space was limited by satellite imagery of [Chl] and acdm(443). Within the narrowed search space, SeaWiFS Rrs(lambda) was matched with the closest LUT Rrs(lambda) option and the associated Sfm was assigned. Thresholds at which changes in Rrs(lambda) due to Sfm could be discerned were established in terms of [Chl] and acdm(443). In situ high-precision liquid chromatography-derived estimates of cell size are used in conjunction with matched daily satellite estimates of Sfm for validation and agree well. A single month is displayed as an example of the Sfm retrieval.
On August 6, 2010, a large (~50 Mm**3) debris avalanche occurred on the flank of Mount Meager in the southern Coast Mountains of British Columbia, Canada. We studied the deposits to infer the morphodynamics of the landslide from initiation to emplacement. Structure from motion (SfM) photogrammetry, based on oblique photos taken with a standard SLR camera during a low helicopter traverse, was used to create high-resolution orthophotos and base maps. Interpretation of the images and maps allowed us to recognize two main rheological phases in the debris avalanche. Just below the source area, in the valley of Capricorn Creek, the landslide separated into two phases, one water-rich and more mobile, and the other water-poor and less mobile. The water-rich phase spread quickly, achieved high superelevation on the valley sides, and left distal scattered deposits. The main water-poor phase moved more slowly, did not superelevate, and formed a thick continuous deposit (up to ~30 m) on the valley floor. The water-poor flow deposit has structural features such as hummocks, brittle-ductile faults, and shear zones. Our study, based on a freshly emplaced deposit, advances understanding of large mass movements by showing that a single landslide can develop multiple rheology phases with different behaviours. Rheological evolution and separation of phases should always be taken into account to provide better risk assessment scenarios.