434 resultados para Sedimentation Equilibrium

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Gamma-spectrometric analysis was used for six sediment cores from the area occupied by metalliferous sediments in the Southeast Pacific. In five of these cores vertical distribution curves of 230Th enabled positions of equilibrium points to be determined and sediments to be dated. The ionium curve was normalized for one core. Vertical distribution of 230Th in metalliferous sediments resembles its distribution in normal ocean-floor sediments beyond the area of influence of active ridges. Sedimentation rates lay within the range 0.7-12.3 mm/ky.


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The oceanographic and tectonic conditions of accretionary margins are well-suited for several potential processes governing methane generation, storage and release. To identify the relevant methane evolution pathways in the northern Cascadia accretionary margin, a four-site transect was drilled during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 311. The d13C values of methane range from a minimum value of -82.2 per mil on an uplifted ridge of accreted sediment near the deformation front (Site U1326, 1829 mbsl, meters below sea level) to a maximum value of -39.5 per mil at the most landward location within an area of steep canyons near the shelf edge (Site U1329, 946 mbsl). An interpretation based solely on methane isotope values might conclude the 13C-enrichment of methane indicates a transition from microbially- to thermogenically-sourced methane. However, the co-existing CO2 exhibits a similar trend of 13C-enrichment along the transect with values ranging from -22.5 per mil to +25.7 per mil. The magnitude of the carbon isotope separation between methane and CO2 (Ec = 63.8 ± 5.8) is consistent with isotope fractionation during microbially mediated carbonate reduction. These results, in conjunction with a transect-wide gaseous hydrocarbon content composed of > 99.8% (by volume) methane and uniform dDCH4 values (-172 per mil ± 8) that are distinct from thermogenic methane at a seep located 60 km from the Expedition 311 transect, suggest microbial CO2 reduction is the predominant methane source at all investigated sites. The magnitude of the intra-site downhole 13C-enrichment of CO2 within the accreted ridge (Site U1326) and a slope basin nearest the deformation front (Site U1325, 2195 mbsl) is ~ 5 per mil. At the mid-slope site (Site U1327, 1304 mbsl) the downhole 13C-enrichment of the CO2 is ~ 25 per mil and increases to ~ 40 per mil at the near-shelf edge Site U1329. This isotope fractionation pattern is indicative of more extensive diagenetic alteration at sites with greater 13C-enrichment. The magnitude of the 13C-enrichment of CO2 correlates with decreasing sedimentation rates and a diminishing occurrence of stratigraphic gas hydrate. We suggest the decreasing sedimentation rates increase the exposure time of sedimentary organic matter to aerobic and anaerobic degradation, during burial, thereby reducing the availability of metabolizable organic matter available for methane production. This process is reflected in the occurrence and distribution of gas hydrate within the northern Cascadia margin accretionary prism. Our observations are relevant for evaluating methane production and the occurrence of stratigraphic gas hydrate within other convergent margins.


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The quartz contents of sediments from Hole 595A, determined by X-ray diffractometry, serve as an indicator of eolian transport of terrigenous material to the central southern Pacific. The quartz contents are very small and, within limits of analytical resolution, vary only slightly from the Cretaceous to the present. However, the accumulation rate of the eolian quartz does change significantly. The quartz accumulation reflects the changing position of the site with respect to the terrigenous source areas and the variations in wind systems through time.


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The rate at which hydrothermal precipitates accumulate, as measured by the accumulation rate of manganese, can be used to identify periods of anomalous hydrothermal activity in the past. From a preliminary study of Sites 597 and 598, four periods prior to 6 Ma of anomalously high hydrothermal activity have been identified: 8.5 to 10.5 Ma, 12 to 16 Ma, 17 to 18 Ma, and 23-to-27 Ma. The 18-Ma anomaly is the largest and is associated with the jump in spreading from the fossil Mendoza Ridge to the East Pacific Rise, whereas the 23-to-27-Ma anomaly is correlated with the birth of the Galapagos Spreading Center and resultant ridge reorganization. The 12-to-16-Ma and 8.5-to-10.5-Ma anomalies are correlated with periods of anomalously high volcanism around the rim of the Pacific Basin and may be related to other periods of ridge reorganization along the East Pacific Rise. There is no apparent correlation between periods of fast spreading at 19°S and periods of high hydrothermal activity. We thus suggest that periods when hydrothermal activity and crustal alteration at mid-ocean ridges are the most pronounced may be periods of large-scale ridge reorganization.


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Pelagic sediments from DSDP Hole 5O3B contain, in their carbonate abundance data, a clear record of glacial-interglacial cycles. The eolian component of those sediments was analyzed over the past four carbonate cycles, and the mass accumulation rate (MAR) and grain size of the eolian component was determined. Eolian MARs range from 24 to 169 mg/cm**2/10**3y. and commonly are higher by a factor of three to five during times of glacial retreat. Reduced contribution during periods of glaciation most likely reflects glacial-age humidity in the American source. Grain-size values (phi50) range from 8.25 to a minimum of 8.79phi-a variation in grain mass by a factor of 3.1. Larger grains reflect more vigorous atmospheric circulation, but sizes do not covary with the carbonate or eolian accumulation curves. These data suggest that the intensity of atmospheric circulation in the tropics may reflect the 42,000 y.-tilt cycle rather than the 100,000 y.-cycle of glacial advance.


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This data report presents sedimentological (grain size) and geochemical (X-ray diffraction, total organic carbon, accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon, and percent carbonate) information obtained from the western transect (Sites 1132, 1130, and 1134) and the eastern transect (Sites 1129, 1131, and 1127) in the Great Australian Bight during Leg 182. The purpose is to quantify changing rates of sediment accumulation and changes in sediment type from the late Pleistocene and Holocene, in order to relate these changes to the well-known sea level curve that exists for this time frame. Ultimately, these data can be used to more effectively interpret lithologic variations deeper in the Pleistocene succession, which most likely represent orbitally forced sea level events.


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Deep sea drilling on four seamounts in the Emperor Seamount chain revealed that Paleogene shallow-water carbonate sediments of the "bryozoan-algal" facies crown the basalt edifices. According to the biofacies model of Schlanger and Konishi (1966, 1975), this bryozoan- algal assemblage suggests that the seamounts formed in cooler, more northerly waters than those presently occupied by the island of Hawaii; i.e., the paleolatitudes of formation were greater than 20 °N. Moving southward toward the youngest member of the seamount chain, a facies gradient indicative of warmer waters was observed. This gradient is interpreted as a reflection of a northward shift in isotherms during the time span in which the seamounts were progressively formed (Savin et al., 1975). On all seamounts, sedimentation at the drilling sites occurred in a high-energy environment with water depths of approximately 20 meters. Early-stage carbonate diagenesis began in the phreatic zone in the presence of meteoric water, but proceeded after subsidence of the seamounts into intermediate sea waters, where the bulk, stable isotopic composition was determined. The subsidence into intermediate waters was rapid, and permitted establishment of an isotopic equilibrium which, like the facies gradient, reflects the northward shift in isotherms during the Paleogene. Calcite and zeolite cements comprise the later-stage diagenesis, and originated from solutions arising from the hydrolysis of the underlying basalt. In conclusion, the results of this study of the shallow-water carbonate sediments are not inconsistent with a paleolatitude of formation for Suiko Seamount (Site 433) of 26.9 ±3.5 °N, as determined by paleomagnetic measurements (Kono, 1980).


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Layered Fe-Mn crusts from the off-axis region of the first segment of the Central Indian Ridge north of the Rodrigues Triple Junction were studied geochemically and mineralogically. Vernadite (delta-MnO2) is the main mineral oxide phase. 230Thxs and Co concentrations suggest high growth rates of up to 29 mm/Myr and a maximum age of the basal crust layer of 1 Ma. Whereas most of the major and minor elements show concentrations which are typical of hydrogenetic formation, Co, Pb, Ni and Ti concentrations are strikingly lower. Concentrations and distribution of the strictly trivalent rare-earths and yttrium (REY) are typical of hydrogenetic ferromanganese oxide precipitates, but in marked contrast, the crusts are characterized by negative CeSN (shale normalized) anomalies and (Ce/Pr)SN ratios less than unity. Profiles through the crusts reveal only minor variations of the REY distribution and (Ce/Pr)SN ratios range from 0.45 to 0.68 (compared to ratios of up to 2 for typical hydrogenetic crusts from the Central Indian Basin). The apparent bulk partition coefficients between the crusts and seawater suggest that for the strictly trivalent REY the adsorption-desorption equilibrium has been reached. Positive Ce anomalies in the partition coefficient patterns reveal preferential uptake of Ce, but to a lesser extent than in normal hydrogenetic crusts. A new parameter (excess Ce, Cexs) to quantify the degree of decoupling of Ce from REY(III) is established on the basis of partition coefficients. Cexs/Cebulk ratios suggest that the CIR crusts formed by precipitation of Fe-Mn oxides from a hydrothermal plume and that in hydrothermal plumes and normal seawater the enrichment of Ce results from the same oxidative sorption process. The growth rates, calculated with 230Thxs data as well as with the Co formula, are inversely related to Cexs.


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Marine-derived amorphous organic matter dominates hemipelagic and trench sediments in and around the Middle America Trench. These sediments contain, on the average, 1% to 2% total organic carbon (TOC), with a maximum of 4.8%. Their organic facies and richness reflect (1) the small land area of Guatemala, which contributes small amounts of higher land plant remains, and (2) high levels of marine productivity and regionally low levels of dissolved oxygen, which encourage deposition and preservation of marine organic remains. These sediments have good potential for oil but are now immature. For this reason, gaseous hydrocarbons like the ethane identified in the deep parts of the section, as at Sites 496 and 497, are probably migrating from a mature section at depth. The pelagic sediments of the downgoing Cocos Plate are lean in organic carbon and have no petroleum potential