5 resultados para Sediment generation

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The oceanographic and tectonic conditions of accretionary margins are well-suited for several potential processes governing methane generation, storage and release. To identify the relevant methane evolution pathways in the northern Cascadia accretionary margin, a four-site transect was drilled during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 311. The d13C values of methane range from a minimum value of -82.2 per mil on an uplifted ridge of accreted sediment near the deformation front (Site U1326, 1829 mbsl, meters below sea level) to a maximum value of -39.5 per mil at the most landward location within an area of steep canyons near the shelf edge (Site U1329, 946 mbsl). An interpretation based solely on methane isotope values might conclude the 13C-enrichment of methane indicates a transition from microbially- to thermogenically-sourced methane. However, the co-existing CO2 exhibits a similar trend of 13C-enrichment along the transect with values ranging from -22.5 per mil to +25.7 per mil. The magnitude of the carbon isotope separation between methane and CO2 (Ec = 63.8 ± 5.8) is consistent with isotope fractionation during microbially mediated carbonate reduction. These results, in conjunction with a transect-wide gaseous hydrocarbon content composed of > 99.8% (by volume) methane and uniform dDCH4 values (-172 per mil ± 8) that are distinct from thermogenic methane at a seep located 60 km from the Expedition 311 transect, suggest microbial CO2 reduction is the predominant methane source at all investigated sites. The magnitude of the intra-site downhole 13C-enrichment of CO2 within the accreted ridge (Site U1326) and a slope basin nearest the deformation front (Site U1325, 2195 mbsl) is ~ 5 per mil. At the mid-slope site (Site U1327, 1304 mbsl) the downhole 13C-enrichment of the CO2 is ~ 25 per mil and increases to ~ 40 per mil at the near-shelf edge Site U1329. This isotope fractionation pattern is indicative of more extensive diagenetic alteration at sites with greater 13C-enrichment. The magnitude of the 13C-enrichment of CO2 correlates with decreasing sedimentation rates and a diminishing occurrence of stratigraphic gas hydrate. We suggest the decreasing sedimentation rates increase the exposure time of sedimentary organic matter to aerobic and anaerobic degradation, during burial, thereby reducing the availability of metabolizable organic matter available for methane production. This process is reflected in the occurrence and distribution of gas hydrate within the northern Cascadia margin accretionary prism. Our observations are relevant for evaluating methane production and the occurrence of stratigraphic gas hydrate within other convergent margins.


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Because zooplankton feces represent a potentially important transport pathway of surface-derived organic carbon in the ocean, we must understand the patterns of fecal pellet abundance and carbon mobilization over a variety of spatial and temporal scales. To assess depth-specific water column variations of fecal pellets on a seasonal scale, vertical fluxes of zooplankton fecal pellets were quantified and their contribution to mass and particulate carbon were computed during 1990 at 200, 500, 1000, and 2000 m depths in the open northwestern Mediterranean Sea as part of the French-JGOFS DYFAMED Program. Depth-averaged daily fecal pellet flux was temporally variable, ranging from 3.04 * 10**4 pellets m**2/d in May to a low of 6.98 * 10**2 pellets m**2/d in September. The peak flux accounted for 50% of the integrated annual flux of fecal pellets and 62% of pellet carbon during only two months in mid-spring (April and May). Highest numerical fluxes were encountered at 1000 m, suggesting fecal pellet generation well below the euphotic zone. However, there was a trend toward lower pellet carbon with increasing depth, suggesting bacterial degradation or in situ repackaging as pellets sink through the water column. At 500 m, both the lowest pellet numerical abundance and carbon flux were evident during the spring peak. Combined with data indicating that numerical and carbon fluxes are dominated at 500 m by a distinct type of pellet found uniquely at this depth, these trends suggest the presence of an undescribed mid-water macro-zooplankton or micro-nekton community. Fecal pellet carbon flux was highest at 200 m and varied with depth independently of overall particulate carbon, which was greatest at 500 m. Morphologically distinct types of pellets dominated the numerical and carbon fluxes. Small elliptical and spherical pellets accounted for 88% of the numerical flux, while larger cylindrical pellets, although relatively rare (<10%), accounted for almost 40% of the overall pellet carbon flux. Cylindrical pellets dominated the pellet carbon flux at all depths except 500 m, where a large subtype of elliptical pellet, found only at that depth, was responsible for the majority of pellet carbon flux. Overall during 1990, fecal pellets were responsible for a depth-integrated annual average flux of 1.03 mgC/m**2/d, representing 18% of the total carbon flux. The proportion of vertical carbon flux attributed to fecal pellets varied from 3 to 35%, with higher values occurring during periods when the water column was vertically mixed. Especially during these times, fecal pellets are a critical conveyor of carbon to the deep sea in this region.


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Multiple-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry has been used for the precise measurement of the isotopic composition of Se in geological samples. Se is chemically purified before analysis by using cotton impregnated with thioglycollic acid. This preconcentration step is required for the removal of matrix-interfering elements for hydride generation, such as transitional metals, and also for the quantitative separation of other hydride-forming elements, such as Ge, Sb, and As. The analyte is introduced in the plasma torch with a continuous-flow hydride generation system. Instrumental mass fractionation is corrected with a "standard-sample bracketing" approach. By use of this new technique, the minimum Se required per analysis is lowered to 10 ng, which is one order of magnitude less than the amount needed for the N-TIMS technique. The estimated external precision calculated for the 82Se/76Se isotope ratio is 0.25? (2 sigma), and the data are reported as delta notation (?) relative to our internal standard (MERCK elemental standard solution). Measurements of Se isotopes are presented for samples of standard solutions and geological reference materials, such as silicate rocks, soils, and sediments. The Se isotopic composition of selected terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials are also presented. An overall Se isotope variation of 8? has been observed, suggesting that Se isotopes fractionate readily and are extremely useful tracers of natural processes.


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Distributions of halogens (Cl, Br and I) in interstitial waters from sediments containing methane hydrate and in water of the hydrate itself are presented. High concentrations of halogens do not occur in interstitial waters from sediments that contain gas hydrates. The main reason for their low concentrations is the poverty of organic matter in sediments.


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The Southern Ocean is a region of the world's ocean which is fundamental to the generation of cold deep ocean water which drives the global therrno-haline circulation. Previous investigations of deep-sea sediments south of the Polar Front have been significantly constrained by the lack of a suitable correlation and dating technique. In this study, deep-sea sediment cores from the Bellingshausen, Scotia and Weddell seas have been investigated for the presence of tephra layers. The major oxide and trace element composition of glass shards have been used to correlate tephra isochrons over distances in excess of 600 km. The source volcanoes for individual tephra layers have been identified. Atmospheric transport distances greater than 1500 km for >32 pm shards are reported. One megascopic tephra is identified and correlated across 7 sediment drifts on the continental rise in the Bellingshausen Sea. Its occurrence in a sedimentary unit that has been biostratigraphically dated to delta 18O substage 5e identifies it as a key regional marker horizon for that stage. An unusual bimodal megascopic ash layer erupted from Deception Island, South Shetland Islands, has been correlated between 6 sediment cores which form a 600 km NE-SW transect from the central Scotia Sea to Jane Basin. This megascopic ash layer has been 14C dated at c. 10,670 years BP. It represents the last significant input of tephra into the Scotia Sea or Jane Basin from that volcano and forms an important early Holocene marker horizon for the region. Five disseminated tephras can be correlated to varying extents across the central Scotia Sea cores. Together with the megascopic tephra they form a tephrostratigraphic framework that will greatly aid palaeoclimatic, palaeoenvironrnental and palaeoceanographic investigations in the region.