5 resultados para Secondary bonding interaction

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Mineralogical and geochemical analyses of alteration products from upper and lower volcanic series recovered during ODP Leg 104 reveal variations both in composition and order of crystallization of clay minerals vesicles and voids filling and replacing glass. These results provide information about successive alteration stages of rocks and interlayered volcaniclastic sediments. The first stage, related to initial basalt-seawater interaction, is characterized by development of Fe-smectites, especially Fe-rich saponite. A second stage of intermittently superimposed subaerial weathering is marked by iron-oxides-halloysite-kaolinite formation. The third episode, interpreted as hydrothermal on the basis of O-isotopic data, is defined by postburial coprecipitation of Fe-poor, Mg-rich saponite and celadonite. A distinct final and pervasive hydrothermal stage, occurring mainly in the lower series and dominated by Al-smectites-zeolites assemblage, indicates changes toward a more reducing alteration environment.


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This report presents the results of a study of the stable isotopic and chemical composition of secondary carbonate minerals precipitated within basalts at Ocean Drilling Program Sites 707 and 715. At Site 715, the secondary carbonates are all composed of calcite and display a narrow range of carbon and oxygen stable isotope ratios, with values ranging from -2.75 per mil to 1.95 per mil PDB and -0.27 per mil to 2.86 per mil PDB, respectively. Strontium, iron, and manganese values of the samples are generally low. The geochemistry of Site 715 samples indicates that they precipitated from seawater-domi- nated fluids, at low temperatures, as is typical of secondary carbonates from most Deep Sea Drilling Project sites. In contrast, at Site 707, aragonite, siderite, and manganese-rich calcite occur as secondary carbonates in addition to calcite. The carbon isotopes of the Site 707 carbonates of all rock types are depleted in 13C. Values range from -2.79 per mil to -16.43 per mil PDB. Oxygen isotope values do not show a wide variation, ranging from -1.78 per mil to 1.17 per mil. The strontium contents of the samples range from 5200 to 8100 ppm for aragonites, and from 145 to 862 ppm for calcites. Iron and manganese contents are high in calcites and siderites and low in aragonites. Site 707 carbonates precipitated at low temperatures in a fairly closed system, in which basalt-seawater interaction has greatly influenced the chemistry of the pore fluids. The reactions occurring within the system before and in conjunction with secondary carbonate precipita- tion include oxidation of isotopically light methane, derived from fluids circulating within the basalts, and reduction of substantial amounts of iron and manganese oxides from the basalts.


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Dolerites sampled from the lower sheeted dikes from Hole 504B during Ocean Drilling Program Legs 137 and 140, between 1562.4 and 2000.4 mbsf, were examined to document the mineralogy, petrography, and mineral parageneses associated with secondary alteration, to constrain the thermal history and composition of hydrothermal fluids. The main methods used were mineral chemical analyses by electron microprobe, X-ray diffraction, and cathodoluminescence microscopy. Temperatures of alteration were estimated on the basis of single and/or coexisting mineral chemistry. Permeability is important in controlling the type and extent of alteration in the studied dike section. At the meter-scale, intervals of weakly altered dolerites containing fresh olivine are interpreted as having experienced restricted exposure to hydrothermal fluids. At the centimeter- or millimeter-scale, alteration patches and extensively altered halos adjacent to veins reflect the permeability related to intergranular primary porosity and cracks. Most of the sheeted dike alteration in this case resulted from non-focused, pervasive fluid-rock interaction. This study confirms and extends the previous model for hydrothermal alteration at Hole 504B: hydrothermal alteration at the ridge axis followed by seawater recharge and off-axis alteration. The major new discoveries, all related to higher temperatures of alteration, are: (1) the presence of hydrothermal plagioclase (An80-95), (2) the presence of deuteric and/or hydrothermal diopside, and (3) the general increasing proportion of amphiboles, and particularly magnesio-hornblende with depth. We propose that the dolerites at Hole 504B were altered in five stages. Stage 1 occurred at high temperatures (less than 500° to 700°C) and involved late-magmatic formation of Na- and Ti-rich diopside, the hydrothermal formation of Na, Ti-poor diopside and the hydrothermal formation of an assemblage of An-rich plagioclase + hornblende. Stage 2 occurred at lower temperatures (250°-320°C) and is characterized by the appearance of actinolite, chlorite, chlorite-smectite, and/or talc (in low permeability zones) and albite. During Stage 3, quartz and epidote precipitated from evolved hydrothermal fluids at temperatures between 310° and 320°C. Anhydrite appeared during Stage 4 and likely precipitated directly from heated seawater. Stage 5 occurred off-axis at low temperatures (250°C) with laumontite and prehnite from evolved fluids.