264 resultados para Search and rescue missions

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Vertical fluxes of 239+240Pu and 241Am and temporal changes in their inventories in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea have been examined through high-resolution water column sampling coupled with direct measurements of the vertical flux of particle-bound transuranics using time-series sediment traps. Water column profiles of both radionuclides showed well-defined sub-surface maxima (2391240Pu between 100-400 m; 241Am at 100-200 m and 800 m), the depths of which are a result of the different biogeochemical scavenging behavior of the two radionuclides. Comparison of deep water column (0-2,000 m) transuranic inventories with those derived from earlier measurements demonstrate that the total 2391240Pu inventory had not substantially changed between 1976-1990 whereas 241Am had decreased by approximately 24%. Enhanced scavenging of 241Am and a resultant, more rapid removal from the water column relative to 239+240Pu was also supported by the observation of elevated Am/Pu activity ratios in sinking particles collected in sediment traps at depth. Direct measurements of the downward flux of particulate 239+240Pu and 241Am compared with transuranic removal rates derived from observed total water column inventory differences over time, show that particles sinking out of deep waters (1,000-2,000 m) could account for 26-72% of the computed total annual 239+240Pu loss and virtually all of the 241Am removal from the water column. Upper water column (0-200 m) residence times based on direct flux measurements ranged from 20-30 yr for 239+240Pu and 5-10 yr for 241Am. The observation that 241Am/239+240Pu activity ratios in unfiltered Mediterranean seawater are six times lower than those in the north Pacific suggests the existence of a specific mechanism for enhanced scavenging and removal of 241Am from the generally oligotrophic waters of the open Mediterranean. It is proposed that atmospheric inputs of aluminosilicate particles transported by Saharan dust events which frequently occur in the Mediterranean region could enhance the geochemical scavenging and resultant removal of 241Am to the sediments.


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Particulate samples from the water column were collected monthly from depths of 5-150 m, between May 1996 and March 1997, in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea (Ligurian Sea) as part of the DYFAMED project within the French JGOFS program. These samples were analyzed by gas chromatography-electron impact mass spectrometry for their phytol and 3-methylidene-3,7,11-trimethylhexadecan-1,2-diol (phytyldiol) content. The corresponding Chlorophyll Phytyl side chain Photodegradation Index, molar ratio of phytyldiol to phytol, was calculated and the mean amount of chlorophyll photodegraded within the euphotic zone estimated. Seasonal differences in the chlorophyll photodegradation process appear in the one-year study. The chlorophyll appeared more photodegraded in the surface water (generally more than 40% photodegraded at 5-10 m) than at the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) (40-50 m) observed in the summer stratified waters (about 20% photodegraded). This difference was attributed to the healthy state of the phytoplankton community (coincidence with the highest primary production levels) and to the lower intensity of irradiance at the DCM level. On the other hand, the bulk of the detrital chlorophyll (chlorophyll associated with phytodetritus, phaeopigments) undergoes photodegradation before it sinks out of the photic zone. However, in January (winter mixed water) the pigments exported towards the sea floor were less photodegraded. This is thought to result from a shorter period of residence of the pigments in the photic zone due to vertical convection and grazing activity of macrozooplankton (salps), which are producers of rapid sinking fecal pellets.


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A time series of fCO2, SST, and fluorescence data was collected between 1995 and 1997 by a CARIOCA buoy moored at the DyFAMed station (Dynamique des Flux Atmospheriques en Mediterranée) located in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. On seasonal timescales, the spring phytoplankton bloom decreases the surface water fCO2 to approximately 290 µatm, followed by summer heating and a strong increase in fCO2 to a maximum of approximately 510 µatm. While the DELTA fCO2 shows strong variations on seasonal timescales, the annual average air-sea disequilibrium is only 2 µatm. Temperature-normalized fCO2 shows a continued decrease in dissolved CO2 throughout the summer and fall at a rate of approximately 0.6 µatm/d. The calculated annual air-sea CO2 transfer rate is -0.10 to -0.15 moles CO2 m-2 y-1, with these low values reflecting the relatively weak wind speed regime and small annual air-sea fCO2 disequilibrium. Extrapolating this rate over the whole Mediterranean Sea would lead to a flux of approximately -3 * 10**12 to -4.5 * 10**12 grams C/y, in good agreement with other estimates. An analysis of the effects of sampling frequency on annual air-sea CO2 flux estimates showed that monthly sampling is adequate to resolve the annual CO2 flux to within approximately ±10 - 18% at this site. Annual flux estimates made using temperature-derived fCO2 based on the measured fCO2-SST correlations are in agreement with measurement-based calculations to within ± 7-10% (depending on the gas transfer parameterization used), and suggest that annual CO2 flux estimates may be reasonably well predicted in this region from satellite or model-derived SST and wind speed information.


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The concentration and isotopic composition of Nd in water and particles collected in the western Mediterranean Sea are studied by two complementary approaches. The first examines local vertical profiles and time series; the second considers the global Nd budget of the whole western Mediterranean Sea. These two approaches are used to quantify the Nd inputs and the dissolved/particulate exchange processes in the water column. Two profiles of Nd in seawater in the Ligurian Sea taken in May and October 1992 show an average epsilon-Nd(0) = -9.6 ± 0.5. Seawater from the Strait of Sicily, representative of the eastern waters flowing into the western basin, is more radiogenic [epsilon-Nd(0) = -7.7 ± 0.6]. Profiles of particulate matter collected in sediment traps in coastal (Gulf of Lions) and offshore (Ligurian Sea) environments are also shown. Particles are enriched in Nd and are more radiogenic near the coast than offshore. Measurements of Nd concentration and epsilon-Nd(0) of external sources to the western Mediterranean Sea compared with the literature data demonstrate that particulate flux of atmospheric Saharan origin are more rich ([Nd] = 38 ± 10 µg/g) and less radiogenic [epsilon-Nd(0) = -13.0 ± 1.0] than riverine particulate discharge ([Nd] = 21.5 ± 4.4 µg/g; epsilon-Nd(0) = -10.1 ± 0.5), allowing to trace Nd particulate inputs in the water column. Nd atmospheric flux appears to be the major source into the whole western basin, although lateral advection of riverine material is the prevailing process in the coastal environment. Offshore, the vertical propagation of an important Saharan dust event has been recorded for two months in sediment traps at 80, 200 and 1000 m. The evolution of the resulting negative epsilon-Nd(0) peak along depth and time shows that the particles reach 200 m on a time scale of one week. For the first time, the Nd budget in the western Mediterranean basin is constrained by both concentrations and isotopic compositions measured in particles and seawater. Surface budget requires a remobilization of 30 ± 20% of particulate Nd input. In deep water, dissolved Nd concentrations are balanced by a scavenging of 10 ± 20% of the sinking particulate flux. On the other hand, the deep isotopic compositions suggest an exchange between 30 ± 20% of the sinking particles and the deep waters. The hypothesis of a non-stationary regime for the surface waters in the Ligurian Sea is also considered.


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Monthly measurements of pH, alkalinity and oxygen over two years (February 1998-February 2000) at the Dyfamed site in the central zone of the Ligurian-Provençal Basin of the Mediterranean made it possible to assess the vertical distributions (5-2000 m) and the seasonal variations of these properties. Alkalinity varies linearly with salinity between surface water and the Levantine Intermediate Water (marked by a maximum of temperature and salinity). In deep water, total alkalinity is also correlated linearly to salinity, but the slope of the regression line is 15% less. In surface water, the pH at 25°C varies between 7.91 and 8.06 on the total proton scale depending upon the season. The lowest values are observed in winter, the highest in spring and in summer. These variations are primarily due to biological production. The pH goes through a minimum around 150-200 m and a small maximum below the intermediate water. The total dissolved inorganic carbon content (deduced from pH and alkalinity) is variable in surface water (2205-2310 ?mol/kg) and has a maximum in intermediate water, which is related to the salinity maximum. Normalized total inorganic carbon at a constant salinity is strongly negatively correlated with pH at 25°C. The fugacity of CO2, (fCO2) varies between 320 and 430 ?atm in surface water, according to the season. Below the seasonal thermocline, the maximum fCO2 (about 410 ?atm) is located around 150-200 m. The presence of a minimum of oxygen in the intermediate water of this area has been observed for several years, but our measurements made it possible to specify the relationship between oxygen and salinity in deep water. Data from the intense vertical mixing during the winters of 1999 and 2000 were used to calculate the oxygen quantity exchanged with the atmosphere during these periods. The estimated quantity of oxygen entering the Mediterranean Sea exceeds that deduced from exchange coefficients calculated with the formula of Wanninkhof and McGillis. During the vertical mixing in the 1999 winter, fCO2 in surface water was on average below equilibrium with atmospheric fCO2, thus implying that CO2 was entering the sea. However, on this time scale, even with high exchange coefficients, the estimated CO2 uptake had no significant influence on the inorganic carbon content in the water column.