6 resultados para STIFFLY-STABLE METHODS

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The stable carbon isotope ratio of atmospheric CO2 (d13Catm) is a key parameter in deciphering past carbon cycle changes. Here we present d13Catm data for the past 24,000 years derived from three independent records from two Antarctic ice cores. We conclude that a pronounced 0.3 per mil decrease in d13Catm during the early deglaciation can be best explained by upwelling of old, carbon-enriched waters in the Southern Ocean. Later in the deglaciation, regrowth of the terrestrial biosphere, changes in sea surface temperature, and ocean circulation governed the d13Catm evolution. During the Last Glacial Maximum, d13Catm and atmospheric CO2 concentration were essentially constant, which suggests that the carbon cycle was in dynamic equilibrium and that the net transfer of carbon to the deep ocean had occurred before then.


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) cores permit us to extend the study of millennial-scale climate variability beyond the time period that is generally accessible for piston cores (i.e., the last glacial cycle). ODP Leg 177 provided for the first time continuous high sedimentation rate cores along a north-south transect from 41°to 53°S across the main subdivisions of the Southern Ocean (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1999, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.177.101.1999). The main purpose of this drilling was to investigate the Pleistocene and Holocene paleoceanographic history of this region, documented in the sedimentary records. ODP Sites 1094, 1093, 1091, and 1089 accumulated throughout the Pleistocene at rates >10 cm/k.y. and are the most detailed Pleistocene climatic records ever retrieved from the Southern Ocean. These sections provide a unique opportunity to fill an important gap in the knowledge of the paleoclimatic evolution of the high southern latitude regions. The composite sections at each site were generated shipboard using magnetic susceptibility, gamma ray attenuation (GRA) density, and reflectance data to correlate the drill holes and splice together an optimal (complete and undisturbed) record of the sedimentary sequence at each site. A preliminary magnetic polarity stratigraphy was generated on the 'archive' halves of the core sections from each hole, using the shipboard pass-through magnetometer after demagnetization at a single peak alternating field (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1999). During July 1998, we sampled core sections spanning the mid-Pleistocene interval (0.65-1.2 Ma) from Sites 1094, 1093, and 1091 at the ODP Bremen Core Repository and have since then analyzed the stable isotopic ratios of foraminifers in samples from Sites 1094 and 1091. Our goals for these studies are to establish detailed chronology for the mid-Pleistocene Southern Ocean records from Leg 177 using high-resolution stable isotope analyses, and furthermore, to trace the evolution of millennial-scale variability in proxy records from older glacial and interglacial periods characterized by higher-frequency variation. Here, we report on our stratigraphic results to date and describe the laboratory methods employed for sample preparation and stable isotope analysis. Furthermore, we provide tab-delimited text files of the age models.


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A total of 69 surface sediment samples from several fore-arc basins located west and southwest of the Indonesian Archipelago was analyzed with respect to the faunal composition of planktonic foraminifera, the stable oxygen and carbon isotopic signal of a surface-dwelling (Globigerinoides ruber) and a thermocline-dwelling (Neogloboquadrina dutertrei) species, and the opal and CaCO3 contents in bulk sediment. Our results show that the distribution pattern of opal in surface sediments corresponds well to the upwelling-induced chlorophyll concentration in the upper water column and thus, represents a reliable proxy for marine productivity in the coastal upwelling area off S and SW Indonesia. Present-day oceanography and marine productivity are also reflected in the tropical to subtropical and upwelling assemblages of planktonic foraminifera in the surface sediments, which in part differ from previous studies in this region probably due to different coring methods and dissolution effects. The average stable oxygen isotopic values (d18O) of G. ruber in surface sediments vary between 2.9 per mill and 3.2 per mill from basin to basin and correspond to the oceanographic settings during the SE monsoon (July-October) off west Sumatra, whereas off southern Indonesia, they reflect the NW monsoon (December-March) or annual average conditions. The d18O values of N. dutertrei show a stronger interbasinal variation between 1.6 per mill and 2.2 per mill and correspond to the upper thermocline hydrology in July-October. In addition, the difference between the shell carbon isotopic values (d13C) of G. ruber and N. dutertrei (Delta d13C) appears to be an appropriate productivity recorder only in the non-upwelling areas off west Sumatra. Consequently, joint interpretation of the isotopic values of these species is distinctive for different fore-arc basins W and SW of Indonesia and should be considered in paleoceanographic studies.


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Authigenic carbonates associated with cold seeps provide valuable archives of changes in the long-term seepage activity. To investigate the role of shallow-buried hydrates on the seepage strength and fluid composition we analysed methane-derived carbonate precipitates from a high-flux hydrocarbon seepage area ("Batumi seep area") located on the south-eastern Black Sea slope in ca. 850 m. In a novel approach, we combined computerized X-ray tomography (CT) with mineralogical and isotope geochemical methods to get additional insights into the three-dimensional internal structure of the carbonate build-ups. X-ray diffractometry revealed the presence of two different authigenic carbonate phases, i.e. pure aragonitic rims associated with vital microbial mats and high-Mg calcite cementing the hemipelagic sediment. As indicated by the CT images, the initial sediment has been strongly deformed, first plastic then brittle, leading to brecciation of the progressively cemented sediment. The aragonitic rims on the other hand, represent a presumably recent carbonate growth phase since they cover the already deformed sediment. The stable oxygen isotope signature indicates that the high-Mg calcite cement incorporated pore water mixed with substantial hydrate water amounts. This points at a dominant role of high gas/fluid flux from decomposing gas hydrates leading to the deformation and cementation of the overlying sediment. In contrast, the aragonitic rims do not show an influence of 18O-enriched hydrate water. The differences in d18O between the presumably recent aragonite precipitates and the older high-Mg cements suggest that periods of hydrate dissociation and vigorous fluid discharge alternated with times of hydrate stability and moderate fluid flow. These results indicate that shallow-buried gas hydrates are prone to episodic decomposition with associated vigorous fluid flow. This might have a profound impact on the seafloor morphology resulting e.g. in the formation of carbonate pavements and pockmark-like structures but might also affect the local carbon cycle.


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Continuous sediment sections spanning the last 2.8 Ma have been studied using stable isotope stratigraphy and sedimentological methods. By using paleomagnetic reversals as a chronostratigraphic tool, climatic and paleoceanographic changes have been placed in a time framework. The results show that the major expansion of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet to the coastal areas occurred in the late Neogene period at about 2.8 Ma. Relatively high-amplitude glacials appeared until about 2 Ma. The period between 2.8 and 1.2 Ma was marked by cold surface water conditions with only weak influx of temperate Atlantic water as compared with late Quaternary interglacials. During this period, climatic variations were smaller in amplitude than in the late Quaternary. The Norwegian Sea was a sink of deep water throughout the studied period but deep water ventilation was reduced and calcite dissolution was high compared with the Holocene. Deep water formed by other processes than today. Between 2 and 1.2 Ma, glaciations in Scandinavia were relatively small. A transition toward larger glacials took place during the period 1.2 to 0.6 Ma, corresponding with warmer interglacials and increasing influx of temperate surface water during interglacials. A strong thermal gradient was present between the Norwegian Sea and the northeastern Atlantic during the Matuyama (2.5-0.7 Ma). This is interpreted as a sign of a more zonal and less meridional climatic system over the region as compared with the present situation. The transition towards more meridionality took place over several hundred thousand yr. Only during the last 0.6 Ma has the oceanographic and climatic system of the Norwegian Sea varied in the manner described from previous studies of the late Quaternary.