4 resultados para SMALL MAMMALS

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Snow cover has dramatic effects on the structure and functioning of Arctic ecosystems in winter. In the tundra, the subnivean space is the primary habitat of wintering small mammals and may be critical for their survival and reproduction. We have investigated the effects of snow cover and habitat features on the distributions of collared lemming (Dicrostonyx groenlandicus) and brown lemming (Lemmus trimucronatus) winter nests, as well as on their probabilities of reproduction and predation by stoats (Mustela erminea) and arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus). We sampled 193 lemming winter nests and measured habitat features at all of these nests and at random sites at two spatial scales. We also monitored overwinter ground temperature at a subsample of nest and random sites. Our results demonstrate that nests were primarily located in areas with high micro-topography heterogeneity, steep slopes, deep snow cover providing thermal protection (reduced daily temperature fluctuations) and a high abundance of mosses. The probability of reproduction increased in collared lemming nests at low elevation and in brown lemming nests with high availability of some graminoid species. The probability of predation by stoats was density dependent and was higher in nests used by collared lemmings. Snow cover did not affect the probability of predation of lemming nests by stoats, but deep snow cover limited predation attempts by arctic foxes. We conclude that snow cover plays a key role in the spatial structure of wintering lemming populations and potentially in their population dynamics in the Arctic.


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Investigations at a Late Weichselian freshwater basin in northwestern Jutland, Denmark, yielded a fairly rich assemblage of vertebrate remains, mostly bones and teeth of small mammals. The remains are primarily allochthonous and the bones have been subjected to different taphonomic pathways and agents. AMS 14C-dates on terrestrial organic remains provided ages of Middle to Late Allerød time. Identifications revealed the first fossil record in Scandinavia of Rana arvalis, Sorex minutus, Ochotona cf. pusilla, Microtus gregalis, Microtus oeconomus, and Sicista cf. betulinu. Spermophilus cf. major and Desmana moschata, previously found only once and twice respectively, were retrieved, and Sorex araneus and Arvicola terrestris were recovered for the first time beyond the Atlantic chronozone. Ecologically, the Nørre Lyngby small mammal fauna can be characterized by its very high and almost equal proportions of boreal forest and steppe elements followed by a relatively high proportion of tundra elements. The fossil species share a modern area of sympatry north of the Caspian Sea from the river Volga in the west to the southern and western slopes of the Urals. If, however, the large Allerød mammals are added, the fauna is without modern analogues. The Nørre Lyngby fauna can be seen as a last expansion of the North European glacial fauna. Provided that an absolute chronology and a differentiated sea-level curve for the area can be established, the Nørre Lyngby fauna could become important for studies in mammalian dispersal and migration rates.


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Recordings from the PerenniAL Acoustic Observatory in the Antarctic ocean (PALAOA) show seasonal acoustic presence of 4 Antarctic ice-breeding seal species (Ross seal, Ommatophoca rossii, Weddell seal, Leptonychotes weddellii, crabeater, Lobodon carcinophaga, and leopard seal, Hydrurga leptonyx). Apart from Weddell seals, inhabiting the fast-ice in Atka Bay, the other three (pack-ice) species however have to date never (Ross and leopard seal) or only very rarely (crabeater seals) been sighted in the Atka Bay region. The aim of the PASATA project is twofold: the large passive acoustic hydrophone array (hereafter referred to as large array) aims to localize calling pack-ice pinniped species to obtain information on their location and hence the ice habitat they occupy. This large array consists of four autonomous passive acoustic recorders with a hydrophone sensor deployed through a drilled hole in the sea ice. The PASATA recordings are time-stamped and can therefore be coupled to the PALAOA recordings so that the hydrophone array spans the bay almost entirely from east to west. The second, smaller hydrophone array (hereafter referred to as small array), also consists of four autonomous passive acoustic recorders with hydrophone sensors deployed through drilled holes in the sea ice. The smaller array was deployed within a Weddell seal breeding colony, located further south in the bay, just off the ice shelf. Male Weddell seals are thought to defend underwater territories around or near tide cracks and breathing holes used by females. Vocal activity increases strongly during the breeding season and vocalizations are thought to be used underwater by males for the purpose of territorial defense and advertisement. With the smaller hydrophone array we aim to investigate underwater behaviour of vocalizing male and female Weddell seals to provide further information on underwater movement patterns in relation to the location of tide cracks and breathing holes. As a pilot project, one on-ice and three underwater camera systems have been deployed near breathing holes to obtain additional visual information on Weddell seal behavioural activity. Upon each visit in the breeding colony, a census of colony composition on the ice (number of animals, sex, presence of dependent pups, presence and severity of injuries-indicative of competition intensity) as well as GPS readings of breathing holes and positions of hauled out Weddell seals are taken.