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em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Oxygen isotope records, radiocarbon AMS data, carbonate and opal stratigraphy, sediment magnetic susceptibility, tephrachronology, and paleontological results were used to obtain detailed sediment stratigraphy and an age model for the studied cores. For studying sea-ice sedimentation an analysis of lithogenic grain number in >0.15 mm grain size fraction of bottom sediments was carried out. For quantitative estimation of intensity ice-rafting debris sedimentation number of IRD particles per sq cm per ka was calculated. Obtained results allowed to plot IRD AR distribution for the first oxygen isotope stage (0-12.5 14C ka, 14C) and for the second stage (12.5-24 14C ka). The first stage was subdivided into the latest deglaciation and the beginning of Holocene (6-12.5 14C ka) (transitive period), when the sea level was changing significantly, and the second part of Holocene (0-6 14C ka), when climate conditions and the sea level were similar to modern estimates. Data clearly show strong increase in ice formation in the glacial Sea of Okhotsk and its extent in the middle part of the sea. Average annual duration of ice coverage during glaciation was longer than that for interglaciation. However the sea ice cover was not continuous all the year round and disappeared in summer time except the far northwestern part of the sea.


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Fluctuations in benthic foraminiferal faunas over the last 130,000 yr in four piston cores from the Norwegian Sea are correlated with the standard worldwide oxygen-isotope stratigraphy. One species, Cibicides wuellerstorfi, dominates in the Holocene section of each core, but alternates downcore with Oridorsalis tener, a species dominant today only in the deepest part of the basin. O. tener is the most abundant species throughout the entire basin during periods of particularly cold climate when the Norwegian Sea presumably was ice covered year round and surface productivity lowered. Portions of isotope Stages 6, 3, and 2 are barren of benthic foraminifera; this is probably due to lowered benthic productivity, perhaps combined with dilution by ice-rafted sediment; there is no evidence that the Norwegian Sea became azoic. The Holocene and Substage 5e (the last interglacial) are similar faunally. This similarity, combined with other evidence, supports the presumption that the Norwegian Sea was a source of dense overflows into the North Atlantic during Substage 5e as it is today. Oxygen-isotope analyses of benthic foraminifera indicate that Norwegian Sea bottom waters warmer than they are today from Substage 5d to Stage 2, with the possible exception of Substage 5a. These data show that the glacial Norwegian Sea was not a sink for dense surface water, as it is now, and thus it was not a source of deep-water overflows. The benthic foraminiferal populations of the deep Norwegian Sea seem at least as responsive to near-surface conditions, such as sea-ice cover, as they are to fluctuations in the hydrography of the deep water. Benthic foraminiferal evidence from the Norwegian Sea is insufficient in itself to establish whether or not the basin was a source of overflows into the North Atlantic at any time between the Substage 5e/5d boundary at 115,000 yr B.P. and the Holocene.


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The relative effects of paleoceanographic and paleogeographic variations, sediment lithology, and diagenetic processes on the final preserved chemistry of Japan Sea sediments are evaluated by investigating the rare earth element (REE), major element, and trace element concentrations in 59 squeeze-cake whole-round and 27 physical-property sample residues from Sites 794, 795, and 797, cored during ODP Leg 127. The most important variation in sedimentary chemical composition is the increase in SiO2 concentration through the Pliocene diatomaceous sequences, which dilutes most other major and trace element components by various degrees. This biogenic input is largest at Site 794 (Yamato Basin), moderately developed at Site 797 (Yamato Basin), and of only minor importance at Site 795 (Japan Basin), potentially reflecting basinal contrasts in productivity with the Yamato Basin recording greater biogenic input than the Japan Basin and with the easternmost sequence of Site 794 lying beneath the most productive waters. There are few systematic changes in solid-phase chemistry resulting from the opal-A/opal-CT or opal-CT/quartz silica phase transformations. Most major and trace element concentrations are controlled by the aluminosilicate fraction of the sediment, although the effects of diagenetic silica phases and manganese carbonates are of localized importance. REE total abundances (Sum REE) in the Japan Sea are strongly dependent upon the paleoceanographic position of a given site with respect to terrigenous and biogenic sources. REE concentrations at Site 794 overall correspond well to aluminosilicate chemical indices and are strongly diluted by SiO2 within the upper Miocene-Pliocene diatomaceous sequence. Eu/Eu* values at Site 794 reach a maximum through the diatomaceous interval as well, most likely suggesting an association of Eu/Eu* with the siliceous component, or reflecting slight incorporation of a detrital feldspar phase. SumREE at Site 795 also is affiliated strongly with aluminosilicate phases and yet is diluted only slightly by siliceous input. At Site 797, SumREE is not as clearly associated with the aluminosilicate fraction, is correlated moderately to siliceous input, and may be sporadically influenced by detrital heavy minerals originating from the nearby rifted continental fragment composing the Yamato Rise. Ce/Ce* profiles at all three sites increase essentially monotonically with depth and record progressive diagenetic LREE fractionation. The observed Ce/Ce* increases are not responding to changes in the paleoceanographic oxygenation state of the overlying water, as there is no independent evidence to suggest the proper oceanographic conditions. Ce/Ce* correlates slightly better with depth than with age at the two Yamato Basin sites. The downhole increase in Ce/Ce* at Sites 794 and 797 is a passive response to the diagenetic transfer of LREE (except Ce) from sediment to interstitial water. At Site 795, the overall lack of correlation between Ce/Ce* and Lan/Ybn suggests that other processes mask the diagenetic behavior of all LREEs. First-order calculations of the Ce budget in Japan Sea waters and sediment indicate that ~20% of the excess Ce adsorbed by settling particles is recycled within the water column and that an additional ~38% is recycled at or near the seafloor. Thus, because the remaining excess Ce is only ~10% of the total Ce, there is not a large source of Ce to the deeply buried sediment, further suggesting that the downhole increase in Ce/Ce* is a passive response to diagenetic behavior of the other LREEs. The REE chemistry of Japan Sea sediment therefore predicts successive downhole addition of LREEs to deeply buried interstitial waters.


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Cores from the upper 70 meters below seafloor (mbsf) (upper Pleistocene) at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 645 in Baffin Bay show dramatic meter-scale changes in color and mineralogy. Below this interval, mineralogical changes are more gradual to the top of the Miocene at about 550 mbsf. The Pliocene-Pleistocene section can be divided into five facies: Facies 1 - massive, poorly sorted, gravel-bearing muds; Facies 2 - gray silty clays and silty muds; Facies 3 - laminated detricarbonate silty muds; Facies 4 - silty sand and sandy silt; and Facies 5 - poorly sorted muddy sands and silty muds. Facies 4 and 5 are restricted to the Pliocene section below depths of about 275 mbsf. The mineralogical/color cycles in the upper 70 mbsf are the result of alternations between Facies 2 and three lithotypes of Facies 1: lithotype A - tan-colored, carbonate-rich, gravel-bearing mud; lithotype B - weak, red-colored, gravel-bearing mud rich in sedimentary rock fragments; and lithotype C - gray, gravel-bearing mud. A fourth lithotype, D, is restricted to depths of 168-275 mbsf and is dark gray, carbonate-poor, gravel-bearing mud. We believe that all lithotypes of Facies 1 and the sand and gravel fractions of Facies 2 and 3 were deposited by ice rafting. Depositional processes for Facies 4 and 5 probably include ice rafting and bottom- and turbidity-current transport. Data from petrographic analyses of light and heavy sand-sized grains and X-ray analyses of silt- and clay-size fractions suggest that tan-colored sediments (lithotype A of Facies 1; Facies 3) were derived mainly from Paleozoic carbonates of Ellesmere, Devon, and northern Baffin islands. Weak red sediments (lithotype B) contain significant red sedimentary clasts, reworked quartzarenite grains and clasts, and rounded colorless garnets, all derived from Proterozoic sequences of the Borden and Thule basins, and from minor Mesozoic red beds. Other sediments in the upper 335 mbsf at Site 645 contain detritus from a heterogeneous mixture of sources, including Precambrian shield terranes around Baffin Bay. Sediments from 335 to 550 mbsf (Facies 5) are rich in friable sedimentary clasts and detrital micas and contain glauconite and, in a few samples, reworked diatoms. These components suggest derivation from poorly consolidated Mesozoic-Tertiary sediments in coastal outcrops and beneath the modern shelves of northeastern Baffin Island and western Greenland. For the upper Pleistocene section (about 0-100 mbsf), marked mineralogical cyclicity is attributed to fluctuating glacial margins, calving rates, and iceberg melting rates, particularly around the northern end of Baffin Bay. Tan-colored, carbonate-rich units were derived at times of maximum advance of glaciers on Ellesmere and Devon islands, during relatively warm intervals induced by incursion of warm Atlantic surface water into the bay. At the beginning of these warmer episodes, most icebergs were contributed by glaciers near sea level around the Arctic channels, which resulted in deposition of weak red, ice-rafted units rich in Proterozoic sedimentary clasts.