454 resultados para Religious reading in the Lutheran North
em Publishing Network for Geoscientific
Eight Cenozoic radiolarian zones were recognized in samples from two holes at Site 603, drilled on the lower continental rise off North America during Leg 93 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Paleocene to early Eocene radiolarian zones (Bekoma bidartensis, Buryella clinata, and Phormocyrtis striata striata zones) and early to late Miocene radiolarian zones (Calocycletta costata, Dorcadospyris alata, Diartus petterssoni, and Didymocyrtis antepenultima zones) were recognized in sediments from Holes 603 and 603B. In addition, a new Paleocene Bekoma campechensis radiolarian Zone is defined by the interval between the first morphotypic appearance of B. campechensis and the B. campechensis-B. bidartensis evolutionary transition. This zone is immediately below the B. bidartensis Zone of Foreman (1973), and has previously been discussed as a Paleocene "unnamed zone" by other investigators. A hiatus between Neogene and Paleogene sequences was also recognized in the radiolarian faunas.
The silicate fractions of recent pelagic sediments in the central north Pacific Ocean are dominated by eolian dust derived from central Asia. An 11 Myr sedimentary record at ODP Sites 885/886 at 44.7°N, 168.3°W allows the evaluation of how such dust and its sources have changed in response to late Cenozoic climate and tectonics. The extracted eolian fraction contains variable amounts (>70%) of clay minerals with subordinate quartz and plagioclase. Uniform Nd isotopic compositions (epsilon-Nd =38.6 to 310.5) and Sm/Nd ratios (0.170-0.192) for most of the 11 Myr record demonstrate a well-mixed provenance in the basins north of the Tibetan Plateau and the Gobi Desert that was a source of dust long before the oldest preserved Asian loess formed. epsilon-Nd values of up to 36.5 for samples 62.9 Ma indicate <=35 wt% admixture of a young, Kamchatka-like volcanic arc component. The coherence of Pb and Nd in the erosional cycle allows us to constrain the Pb isotopic composition of Asian loess devoid of anthropogenic contamination to 206Pb/204Pb =18.97 +/- 0.06, 207Pb/204Pb =15.67 +/- 0.02, 208Pb/204Pb =39.19 +/- 0.11. 87Sr/86Sr (0.711-0.721) and Rb/Sr ratios (0.39-1.1) vary with dust mineralogy and provide an age indication of ~250 Ma. 40Ar/39Ar ages of six dust samples are uniform around 200 Ma and match the K-Ar ages of modern dust deposited on Hawaii. These data reflect the weighted age average of illite formation. Changes from illite- smectite with significant kaolinite to illite- and chlorite-rich, kaolinite-free assemblages since the late Pliocene document changes in the intensity of chemical weathering in the source region. Such weathering evidently did not disturb the K-Ar systematics, and only induced scatter in the Rb-Sr data. We propose that when smectite forms at the expense of illite, K and Ar are quantitatively lost from what becomes smectite, but are quantitatively retained in adjacent illite layers. 40Ar/39Ar age data, therefore, are insensitive to smectite formation during chemical weathering but date the diagenetic growth of illite, the major K-bearing phase in the dust. Over the past 12 Myr, the dust flux to the north Pacific increased by more than an order of magnitude, documenting a substantial drying of central Asia. This climatic change, however, did not alter the ultimate source of the dust, and neoformational products of chemical weathering always remained subordinate to assemblages reworked by mechanical erosion in dust deposited in eastern Asia and the Pacific Ocean.
Serial observations of temperature, salinity, oxygen, alkalinity and pH are presented. They were carried out during an anchor station of R.V. "Meteor" west of Cape Sao Vincente (Portugal) in the area of the maximum Mediterranean water outflow, which follows the continental slope off Portugal. Two observational results are pointed out: The Mediterranean water masses spread out into the Atlantic Ocean, consisting of two distinct layers at depth of 700 m (T=12.0 °C, S=36.15 ?) and 1250 m (T=11.3 °C, S=36.40 ?). The salinity proved to be the most significant indicator of the observed stratification. The values of dissolved oxygen content, alkalinity and pH in the very near bottom layer (1 m above the bottom at depth of 3250 m) are different from the values at depth of 15 m to 100 m above the bottom. As this phenomenon is not observed for the salinity, the changes may be interpreted in terms of chemical and biological processes at the sediment-water interface.
Analyses of spatial structure of hydrophysical fields and its vertical evolution in the Northeast Atlantic in a layer from the surface down to 2-2.5 km are carried out based on results of measurements in a testing area (31°-36°N, 20°-26°W) southeast of the Azores in autumn 1993. A description of an anti-cyclonic lens (ACL) of Mediterranean water (MW), which was found in the eastern part of the testing area from data of sets of sequential surveys, is presented. Analysis of CTD and XBT measurements in an area west of the lens allows to conclude that despite some contraction of width of the Azores Current directed eastward (from 60-80 km to 50-60 km) its total eastward volume transport for a period of time from October to November does not vary much. It is shown that intermediate salinity maxima in the northern part of the testing area formed by advection of MW and meddy destruction weakens while intersecting the Azores frontal zone (AFZ) from north to south, displacing itself to larger depth, and increases in thickness. Analysis of data shows that the number of lenses observed within the selected area north of the AFZ is two times more than that observed south of it. North of the AFZ observed salinity maximum and local temperature maxima may be associated with accumulation of heat and salt because of the fact that the AFZ is not only a southern boundary of penetration of MW into the North Atlantic, but also is a "semitransparent" boundary for Mediterranean lenses.
We investigated dissolved methane distributions along a 6 km transect crossing active seep sites at 40 m water depth in the central North Sea. These investigations were done under conditions of thermal stratification in summer (July 2013) and homogenous water column in winter (January 2014). Dissolved methane accumulated below the seasonal thermocline in summer with a median concentration of 390 nM, whereas during winter, methane concentrations were typically much lower (median concentration of 22 nM). High-resolution methane analysis using an underwater mass-spectrometer confirmed our summer results and was used to document prevailing stratification over the tidal cycle. We contrast estimates of methane oxidation rates (from 0.1 to 4.0 nM day**-1) using the traditional approach scaled to methane concentrations with microbial turnover time values and suggest that the scaling to concentration may obscure the ecosystem microbial activity when comparing systems with different methane concentrations. Our measured and averaged rate constants (k') were on the order of 0.01 day**-1, equivalent to a turnover time of 100 days, even when summer stratification led to enhanced methane concentrations in the bottom water. Consistent with these observations, we could not detect known methanotrophs and pmoA genes in water samples collected during both seasons. Estimated methane fluxes indicate that horizontal transport is the dominant process dispersing the methane plume. During periods of high wind speed (winter), more methane is lost to the atmosphere than oxidized in the water. Microbial oxidation seems of minor importance throughout the year.
Lateral diffusivity is computed from a tracer release experiment in the northeastern tropical Atlantic thermocline. The uncertainties of the estimates are inferred from a synthetic particle release using a high-resolution ocean circulation model. The main method employed to compute zonal and meridional components of lateral diffusivity is the growth of the second moment of a cloud of tracer. The application of an areal comparison method for estimating tracer-based diffusivity in the field experiments is also discussed. The best estimate of meridional eddy diffusivity in the Guinea Upwelling region at about 300 m depth is estimated to be inline image m2 s-1. The zonal component of lateral diffusivity is estimated to be inline image m2 s-1, while areal comparison method yields areal equivalent zonal diffusivity component of inline image m2 s?1. In comparison to Ky, Kx is about twice larger, resulting from the tracer patch stretching by zonal jets. Employed conceptual jet model indicates that zonal jet velocities of about inline image m s?1 are required to explain the enhancement of the zonal eddy diffusivity component. Finally, different sampling strategies are tested on synthetic tracer release experiments. They indicate that the best sampling strategy is a sparse regular sampling grid covering most of the tracer patch.
The detection of multi-decadal trends in the oceanic oxygen content and its possible attribution to global warming is protracted by the presence of a substantial amount of interannual to decadal variability, which hitherto is poorly known and characterized. Here we address this gap by studying interannual to decadal changes of the oxygen concentration in the Subpolar Mode Water (SPMW), the Intermediate Water (IW) and the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) in the eastern North Atlantic. We use data from a hydrographic section located in the eastern North Atlantic at about 48°N repeated 12 times over a period of 19 years from 1993 through 2011, with a nearly annual resolution up to 2005. Despite a substantial amount of year-to-year variability, we observe a long-term decrease in the oxygen concentration of all three water masses, with the largest changes occurring from 1993 to 2002. During that time period, the trends were mainly caused by a contraction of the subpolar gyre associated with a northwestward shift of the Subpolar Front (SPF) in the eastern North Atlantic. This caused SPMW to be ventilated at lighter densities and its original density range being invaded by subtropical waters with substantially lower oxygen concentrations. The contraction of the subpolar gyre reduced also the penetration of IW of subpolar origin into the region in favor of an increased northward transport of IW of subtropical origin, which is also lower in oxygen. The long-term oxygen changes in the MOW were mainly affected by the interplay between circulation and solubility changes. Besides the long-term signals, mesoscale variability leaves a substantial imprint as well, affecting the water column over at least the upper 1000 m and laterally by more than 400 km. Mesoscale eddies induced changes in the oxygen concentration of a magnitude that can substantially alias analyses of long-term changes based on repeat hydrographic data that are being collected at intervals of typically 10 years.