12 resultados para Reappraisal

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Lithological and stratigraphical data obtained from 167 boreholes from the Schaabe spit in northeast Rügen and 46 radiocarbon datings mainly on peats, as well as interpretation of diatoms and palynological assemblages lead to a reappraisal of its sedimentational history and morphological development. The new local shoreline displacement curve is compared and discussed with the previous curve of Vorpommern (Southern Baltic Sea).


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Bulk carbonate content, planktic and benthic foraminiferal assemblages, stable isotope compositions of bulk carbonate and Nuttallides truempyi (benthic foraminifera), and non-carbonate mineralogy were examined across ~30 m of carbonate-rich Paleogene sediment at Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 259, on Perth Abyssal Plain off Western Australia. Carbonate content, mostly reflecting nannofossil abundance, ranges from 3 to 80% and generally exceeds 50% between 35 and 57 mbsf. A clay-rich horizon with a carbonate content of about 37% occurs between 55.17 and 55.37 mbsf. The carbonate-rich interval spans planktic foraminiferal zones P4c to P6b (~57-52 Ma), with the clay-rich horizon near the base of our Zone P5 (upper)-P6b. Throughout the studied interval, benthic species dominate foraminiferal assemblages, with scarce planktic foraminifera usually of poor preservation and limited species diversity. A prominent Benthic Foraminiferal Extinction Event (BFEE) occurs across the clay-rich horizon, with an influx of large Acarinina immediately above. The delta13C records of bulk carbonate and N. truempyi exhibit trends similar to those observed in upper Paleocene-lower Eocene (~57-52 Ma) sediment from other locations. Two successive decreases in bulk carbonate and N. truempyi delta13C of 0.5 and 1.0? characterize the interval at and immediately above the BFEE. Despite major changes in carbonate content, foraminiferal assemblages and carbon isotopes, the mineralogy of the non-carbonate fraction consistently comprises expanding clay, heulandite (zeolite), quartz, feldspar (sodic or calcic), minor mica, and pyrolusite (MnO2). The uniformity of this mineral assemblage suggests that Site 259 received similar non-carbonate sediment before, during and after pelagic carbonate deposition. The carbonate plug at Site 259 probably represents a drop in the CCD from ~57 to 52-51 Ma, as also recognized at other locations.


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Within the last decade, several early Eocene hyperthermals have been detected globally. These transient warming events have mainly been characterized geochemically - using stable isotopes, carbonate content measurements or XRF core scanning - yet detailed micropaleontological records are sparse, limiting our understanding of the driving forces behind hyperthermals and of the contemporaneous paleoceanography. Here, detailed geochemical and quantitative benthic foraminiferal records are presented from lower Eocene pelagic sediments of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 401 (Bay of Biscay, northeast Atlantic). In calcareous nannofossil zone NP11, several clay-enriched levels correspond to negative d13C and d18O bulk-rock excursions with amplitudes of up to ~0.75 per mil, suggesting that significant injections of 12C-enriched greenhouse gasses and small temperature rises took place. Coeval with several of these hyperthermal events, the benthic foraminiferal record reveals increased relative abundances of oligotrophic taxa (e.g. Nuttallides umbonifera) and a reduction in the abundance of buliminid species followed by an increase of opportunistic taxa (e.g. Globocassidulina subglobosa and Gyroidinoides spp.). These short-lived faunal perturbations are thought to be caused by reduced seasonality of productivity resulting in a decreased Corg flux to the seafloor. Moreover, the sedimentological record suggests that an enhanced influx of terrigenous material occurred during these events. Additionally, the most intense d13C decline (here called level d) gives rise to a small, yet pronounced long-term shift in the benthic foraminiferal composition at this site, possibly due to the reappraisal of upwelling and the intensification of bottom water currents. These observations imply that environmental changes during (smaller) hyperthermal events are also reflected in the composition of deep-sea benthic communities on both short (<100 kyr) and longer time scales. We conclude that the faunal patterns of the hyperthermals observed at Site 401 strongly resemble those observed in other deep-sea early Paleogene hyperthermal deposits, suggesting that similar processes have driven them.


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We present new U-series disequilibrium and radiogenic isotope data for 7 mafic lavas from the Lesser Antilles arc. These are combined with published data in an internally consistent model that quantitatively estimates the amount of sediment and fluid added to the source of the Lesser Antilles arc system. Some lavas form an array consistent with bulk sediment addition (0.2-2%) whereas others appear to require addition of 0.4-2% sediment melt, particularly in the south of the arc. Evidence for both bulk sediment and sediment melt addition can be found within both the northern and central sections of the arc suggesting a thermal structure whereby the upper portions of the subducted sediment pile lie close to their solidus beneath much of the arc. Addition of up to 5% fluid derived from altered oceanic crust to these sediment enriched mantle wedge source regions can simulate the majority of the lavas on a plot of 207Pb/204Pb versus Ce/Pb. By taking into account the range in calculated wedge compositions and allowing for some mobility of Th in the fluid, the same model can also account for much of the observed range of U-Th-Ra disequilibria, especially if the eclogitic residue contains trace amounts of rutile. The implication of this more complex model is that the time scales for fluid addition and differentiation could be significantly shorter than those estimated in some previous studies.


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Coral reef ecosystems develop best in high-flow environments but their fragile frameworks are also vulnerable to high wave energy. Wave-resistant algal rims, predominantly made up of the crustose coralline algae (CCA) Porolithon onkodes and P. pachydermum, are therefore critical structural elements for the survival of many shallow coral reefs. Concerns are growing about the susceptibility of CCA to ocean acidification because CCA Mg-calcite skeletons are more susceptible to dissolution under low pH conditions than coral aragonite skeletons. However, the recent discovery of dolomite (Mg0.5Ca0.5(CO3)), a stable carbonate, in P. onkodes cells necessitates a reappraisal of the impacts of ocean acidification on these CCA. Here we show, using a dissolution experiment, that dried dolomite-rich CCA have 6-10 times lower rates of dissolution than predominantly Mg-calcite CCA in both high-CO2 (~ 700 ppm) and control (~ 380 ppm) environments, respectively. We reveal this stabilizing mechanism to be a combination of reduced porosity due to dolomite infilling and selective dissolution of other carbonate minerals. Physical break-up proceeds by dissolution of Mg-calcite walls until the dolomitized cell eventually drops out intact. Dolomite-rich CCA frameworks are common in shallow coral reefs globally and our results suggest that it is likely that they will continue to provide protection and stability for coral reef frameworks as CO2 rises.