83 resultados para Radioisotopes in hydrology.

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Extensive glaciological field measurements were carried out on the ice cap Vestfonna as well as on the minor ice body De Geerfonna (Nordaustlandet, Svalbard) within the framework of IPY Kinnvika. Field campaigns were conducted during the period 2007-2010 in spring (April/May) and summer (August). In this study we compile and present snow cover information obtained from 22 snow pits that were dug on Vestfonna during this period. Locations are along two transects on the northwestern, land terminating slope of the ice cap, on its central summit, Ahlmann Summit, and at a set of several other locations in the eastern and northern part of the ice cap. Snow-cover information acquired from four snow pits on adjacent De Geerfonna is also incorporated in this study. Field data are analysed regarding snow stratigraphy, snow density, snow hardness and snow temperature. Results reveal mean snow densities of around 400 kg/m**3 for the snowpack of Vestfonna with no apparent spatial or interannual variability. A distinctly higher value of more than 450 kg/m**3 was obtained for De Geerfonna. A spatial comparison of snow water equivalents above the previous end-of-summer surface serves for obtaining insights into the spatial distribution of snow accumulation across Vestfonna. Altitude was found to be the only significant spatial parameter for controlling snow accumulation across the ice cap.


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The Palaeocene/Eocene thermal maximum represents a period of rapid, extreme global warming approx ~55 million years ago, superimposed on an already warm world (Zachos et al., 2003, doi:10.1126/science.1090110; Bowen et al., 2004, doi:10.1038/nature03115; Thomas et al., 2002, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(2002)030<1067:WTFFTF>2.0.CO;2). This warming is associated with a severe shoaling of the ocean calcite compensation depth **4 and a >2.5 per mil negative carbon isotope excursion in marine and soil carbonates (Zachos et al., 2003, doi:10.1126/science.1090110; Bowen et al., 2004, doi:10.1038/nature03115; Thomas et al., 2002, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(2002)030<1067:WTFFTF>2.0.CO;2; Zachos et al., doi:10.1126/science.1109004). Together these observations indicate a massive release of 13C-depleted carbon (Zachos et al., doi:10.1126/science.1109004) and greenhouse-gas-induced warming. Recently, sediments were recovered from the central Arctic Ocean (Backman et al., 2006, doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.302.2006), providing the first opportunity to evaluate the environmental response at the North Pole at this time. Here we present stable hydrogen and carbon isotope measurements of terrestrial-plant- and aquatic-derived n-alkanes that record changes in hydrology, including surface water salinity and precipitation, and the global carbon cycle. Hydrogen isotope records are interpreted as documenting decreased rainout during moisture transport from lower latitudes and increased moisture delivery to the Arctic at the onset of the Palaeocene/Eocene thermal maximum, consistent with predictions of poleward storm track migrations during global warming (Backman et al., 2006, doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.302.2006). The terrestrial-plant carbon isotope excursion (about ~4.5 to ~6 per mil) is substantially larger than those of marine carbonates. Previously, this offset was explained by the physiological response of plants to increases in surface humidity (Bowen et al., 2004, doi:10.1038/nature03115). But this mechanism is not an effective explanation in this wet Arctic setting, leading us to hypothesize that the true magnitude of the excursion - and associated carbon input - was greater than originally surmised. Greater carbon release and strong hydrological cycle feedbacks may help explain the maintenance of this unprecedented warmth.of this unprecedented warmth.


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The combination of two research projects offered us the opportunity to perform a comprehensive study of the seasonal evolution of the hydrological structure and the circulation of the North Aegean Sea, at the northern extremes of the eastern Mediterranean. The combination of brackish water inflow from the Dardanelles and the sea-bottom relief dictate the significant differences between the North and South Aegean water columns. The relatively warm and highly saline South Aegean waters enter the North Aegean through the dominant cyclonic circulation of the basin. In the North Aegean, three layers of distinct water masses of very different properties are observed: The 20-50 m thick surface layer is occupied mainly by Black Sea Water, modified on its way through the Bosphorus, the Sea of Marmara and the Dardanelles. Below the surface layer there is warm and highly saline water originating in the South Aegean and the Levantine, extending down to 350-400 m depth. Below this layer, the deeper-than-400 m basins of the North Aegean contain locally formed, very dense water with different i/S characteristics at each subbasin. The circulation is characterised by a series of permanent, semi-permanent and transient mesoscale features, overlaid on the general slow cyclonic circulation of the Aegean. The mesoscale activity, while not necessarily important in enhancing isopycnal mixing in the region, in combination with the very high stratification of the upper layers, however, increases the residence time of the water of the upper layers in the general area of the North Aegean. As a result, water having out-flowed from the Black Sea in the winter, forms a separate distinct layer in the region in spring (lying between "younger" BSW and the Levantine origin water), and is still traceable in the water column in late summer.


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The accumulation of extraterrestrial 3He, a tracer for interplanetary dust particles (IDPs), in sediments from the Ontong Java Plateau (OJP; western equatorial Pacific Ocean) has been shown previously to exhibit a regular cyclicity during the late Pleistocene, with a period of ~100 ka. Those results have been interpreted to reflect periodic variability in the global accretion of IDPs that, in turn, has been linked to changes in the inclination of Earth's orbit with respect to the invariable plane of the solar system. Here we show that the accumulation in OJP sediments of authigenic 230Th, produced by radioactive decay of 234U in seawater, exhibits a 100-ka cyclicity similar in phase and amplitude to that evident in the 3He record. We interpret the similar patterns of 230Th and 3He accumulation to reflect a common origin within the ocean-climate system. Comparing spatial and temporal patterns of sediment accumulation against regional patterns of biological productivity and against the well-established pattern of CaCO3 dissolution in the deep Pacific Ocean leads to the further conclusion that a common 100-ka cycle in accumulation of biogenic, authigenic and extraterrestrial constituents in OJP sediments reflects the influence of climate-related changes in sediment focusing, rather than changes in the rate of production or supply of sedimentary constituents.


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Contents of labile (acid-soluble) sulfides were determined in the upper layer of bottom sediments at 80 stations on the Caucasian shelf of the Black Sea. Maximum values of this parameter occurred in black mud accumulated in zones of intense pollution in the Gelendzhik and Tsemess bays and in shelf areas adjacent to large health resort objects and to seaports. Contents of acid-soluble sulfides in sediments varied from 400 to 900 mg S/dm**3 of wet mud. In zones of moderate pollution they varied from 200 to 400 mg S/dm**3. Rate of sulfate reduction was 10-40 mg S/dm**3 of wet sediment per day. Obtained data show that accumulation of labile sulfides in the upper layer of shelf bottom sediments is directly related to anthropogenic pollution and is one of the most hazardous environmental aftereffects.


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A total of 69 surface sediment samples from several fore-arc basins located west and southwest of the Indonesian Archipelago was analyzed with respect to the faunal composition of planktonic foraminifera, the stable oxygen and carbon isotopic signal of a surface-dwelling (Globigerinoides ruber) and a thermocline-dwelling (Neogloboquadrina dutertrei) species, and the opal and CaCO3 contents in bulk sediment. Our results show that the distribution pattern of opal in surface sediments corresponds well to the upwelling-induced chlorophyll concentration in the upper water column and thus, represents a reliable proxy for marine productivity in the coastal upwelling area off S and SW Indonesia. Present-day oceanography and marine productivity are also reflected in the tropical to subtropical and upwelling assemblages of planktonic foraminifera in the surface sediments, which in part differ from previous studies in this region probably due to different coring methods and dissolution effects. The average stable oxygen isotopic values (d18O) of G. ruber in surface sediments vary between 2.9 per mill and 3.2 per mill from basin to basin and correspond to the oceanographic settings during the SE monsoon (July-October) off west Sumatra, whereas off southern Indonesia, they reflect the NW monsoon (December-March) or annual average conditions. The d18O values of N. dutertrei show a stronger interbasinal variation between 1.6 per mill and 2.2 per mill and correspond to the upper thermocline hydrology in July-October. In addition, the difference between the shell carbon isotopic values (d13C) of G. ruber and N. dutertrei (Delta d13C) appears to be an appropriate productivity recorder only in the non-upwelling areas off west Sumatra. Consequently, joint interpretation of the isotopic values of these species is distinctive for different fore-arc basins W and SW of Indonesia and should be considered in paleoceanographic studies.


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This paper analyzes the hydrological processes and the impact of soil properties and land use on these processes in tropical headwater catchment in the sub-humid part of Benin (West-Africa), the Aguima catchment. The presented study is integrated in the GLOWA IMPETUS project, which investigates the effects of global change on the water cycle and water availability on a regional scale in Morocco and Benin. The lack of field investigations concerning soil and surface hydrology in the Benin research area necessitates detailed field measurements including measurements of discharge, soil water dynamics, soil physical properties etc. on the local scale in order to understand the dominant runoff generation processes and its influencing factors. This is a pre-requisite to be able to forecast the effects which global change has on hydrological processes and water availability in the region. The paper gives an overview over the hydrologic measuring concept of the IMPETUS-Benin project focusing on measurements concerning the soil saturated conductivity ksat and discharge behaviour of two different sub-catchment of the Aguima catchment. The results of ksat measurements revealed that interflow is the dominant runoff process on the hillslopes of the investigated catchment. Concerning the impact of land use on the hydrological processes infiltration experiments showed that infiltration rates were reduced on cultivated land compared to natural land cover. This results in significant differences in runoff behaviour and runoff ratios while comparing natural and agricultural used catchments.


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The Mediterranean Sea hydrology at the time of the Heinrich formation in the North Atlantic Ocean was analyzed by comparing sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and oxygen isotope composition of seawater (dw) changes during the past 75 kyr in two marine cores. These were compared to the palynological variations derived in the Mediterranean Sea core. During the last glacial the two oceanic SST records show similar and synchronous patterns, with several long-term cooling periods, ending by abrupt SST increases. At the time of the Heinrich events, cold SSTs and low salinity prevailed in the Mediterranean Sea. The freshwater budget was similar to the modern one, permitting the presence of a mixed forest on the Mediterranean borderlands. The post-Heinrich periods are marked by a freshwater budget decrease, limiting oak and fir tree growth in the Mediterranean region. Increase of precipitation or reduction of evaporation is observed before the Heinrich episode, and is associated with a well-developed mixed Mediterranean forest.