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em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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A taxonomic and biostratigraphic investigation has been carried out on Upper Triassic (Carnian-Rhaetian) nannofossils from Sites 759, 760, 761 and 764 drilled on the Wombat Plateau during ODP Leg 122. The recovery of continuous sequences containing well preserved nannofossils has enabled us to refine the previous taxonomy and biostratigraphy of this interval. Fossil assemblages are of two major types: (1) previously described calcareous taxa were recovered at Sites 761 and 764; and (2) sideritic forms, which may represent diagenetic replacement of calcareous nannofossils, were observed in material from Sites 759 and 760. The sideritic forms proved difficult to study taxonomically due to inadequate optical properties. Calcareous nannofossil assemblages in the Upper Triassic are dominated by Prinsiosphaera triassica. We show that the multitude of identities of this species in the light microscope are the result of selective etching on a layered structure. We propose an evolutionary lineage for the earliest known coccoliths, with Crucirhabdus primulus as the ancestor. This species gave rise to C. minutus and Archaeozygodiscus koessenensis. The Upper Triassic can be subdivided based on the sequential first occurrences of C. primulus and Eoconusphaera zlambachensis in the upper Norian. The late Norian and Rhaetian were times of slow evolution of calcareous nannofossils. However, we noted three morphometric changes in this time-interval which possess biostratigraphic utility: (1) P. triassica increases in diameter from an average of 6 µm to over 9 µm; (2) E. zlambachensis evolves from a stubby to an elongated shape; and (3) C. primulus increases in size. Upper Triassic assemblages from the Wombat Plateau are similar in composition and diversity to those which have been described in detail from the Alps. In both areas, nannofossiliferous sediments interfinger with massive limestones deposited in reef and peri-platform environments. Stable isotopic analyses of Wombat Plateau nannofossil assemblages indicate that they thrived in open ocean conditions. Biostratigraphy allows sequence chronostratigraphic interpretation of ODP Site 761 and supports the chronostratigraphic cycle charts of Haq et al. (1987).


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Nearly complete Paleogene sedimentary sequences were recovered by Leg 114 to the subantarctic South Atlantic. Silicoflagellate assemblages from the Paleogene and immediately overlying lower Neogene from Sites 698 (Northeast Georgia Rise), 700 (East Georgia Basin), 702 (Islas Orcadas Rise), and 703 (Meteor Rise) were examined. The described assemblage from Hole 700B represents the most complete yet described from the Paleocene, encompassing planktonic foraminifer Zones Plb (upper part) through P4 and Subchrons C25N to C23N. All lower Eocene sediments are barren as a result of diagenesis, except for a single sample from Hole 698A. Middle Eocene silicoflagellates described from Hole 702B range in age from early middle Eocene (P10) to late Eocene (PI5), with correlations to Subchrons C21N to C18N. Hole 703A contains late Eocene through early Miocene assemblages, with paleomagnetic control from Subchrons C16R to C6AAN. Leg 114 biosiliceous sequences contain exceptionally diverse assemblages of silicoflagellates. Approximately 155 species and separate morphotypes are described from the Paleogene and earliest Neogene. New taxa described from Leg 114 sediments include Bachmannocena vetula n. sp., Corbisema animoparallela n. sp., Corbisema camara n. sp., Corbisema constricta spinosa n. subsp., Corbisema delicata n. sp., Corbisema hastata aha n. subsp., Corbisema praedelicata n. sp., Corbisema scapana n. sp., Corbisema triacantha lepidospinosa n. subsp., Dictyocha deflandreifurtivia n. subsp., Naviculopsis biapiculata nodulifera n. subsp., Naviculopsis cruciata n. sp., Naviculopsis pandalata n. sp., Naviculopsis primativa n. sp., and Naviculopsis trispinosa eminula n. subsp. Taxonomic revisions were made to the following taxa: Corbisema constricta constricta emended, Corbisema disymmetrica crenulata n. comb., Corbisema jerseyensis emended, and Distephanus antarcticus n. comb. Silicoflagellate assemblages from the Paleogene and earliest Neogene of Holes 698A, 699A, 700B, 702B, and 703A are the basis of a silicoflagellate zonation spanning the interval from 63.2 to 22.25 Ma. Silicoflagellate zones recognized in this interval include the Corbisema hastata hastata Zone, Corbisema hastata aha Zone, Dictyocha precarentis Zone, Naviculopsis constricta Zone, Naviculopsis foliacea Zone, Bachmannocena vetula Zone, Dictyocha grandis Zone, Naviculopsis pandalata Zone, Naviculopsis constricta-Bachmannocena paulschulzii Zone, Bachmannocena paulschulzii Zone, Naviculopsis trispinosa Zone with subzones a and b, Corbisema archangelskiana Zone, Naviculopsis biapiculata Zone, Distephanus raupii Zone, Distephanus raupii-Corbisema triacantha Zone, and Corbisema triacantha mediana Zone.


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A diatom biostratigraphy is presented for middle Miocene through Quaternary sediments recovered from the Chatham Rise east of New Zealand's South Island. The upper 590 m of the 639.5-m composite-section Site 594 represents approximately 16 m.y. and is characterized by moderately to very poorly preserved diatoms of antarctic to temperate affinity. Pliocene through Quaternary assemblages are poorly preserved and dominated by antarctic-subantarctic species which provide detailed biostratigraphic control. Recognized are 11 of 14 zones of the middle upper Miocene to Quaternary Neogene Southern Ocean diatom zonation (NSD 7-NSD 20) of Ciesielski (1983; this chapter). Four Neogene Southern Ocean diatom zones (NSD 3-NSD 6) are recognized in the lower middle Miocene to middle upper Miocene of Site 594. Assemblages of this interval have a mixed high-latitude and temperate affinity; however, poor preservation limits correlation to high- and temperate-latitude zonal schemes. Neogene North Pacific diatom zones and subzones of NNPD 3 through NNPD 5 (Barron, in press, b) are correlated to Neogene Southern Ocean diatom zones NSD 3 through NSD 7: the upper portions of the Actinocyclus ingens Zone (NNPD 3) is correlative to the upper Nitzschia maleinterpretaria Zone (NSD 3); the Denticulopsis lauta Zone (NNPD 4) and Subzones a and b are correlative to the lower Coscinodiscus lewisianus Zone (NSD 4); and the D. hustedtü-D. lauta Zone (NNPD 5) and its Subzones a through d encompass the upper C. lewisianus Zone (NSD 4), N. grossepunctata Zone (NSD 5), N. denticuloides Zone (NSD 6), and the lower D. hustedtii-D. lauta Zone (NSD 7). A major disconformity spans the late Gilbert to early Gauss Chron (3.9-2.8 Ma). A second disconformity brackets the Miocene/Pliocene boundary; the section missing covers late Chron 5 and the early Gilbert chron (5.5-4.6 Ma). The remainder of the siliceous-fossil-bearing Miocene sediments at Site 594 appear to be correlative to lower paleomagnetic Chronozone 5 through upper Chronozone 16. Uppermost lower Miocene or lowermost middle Miocene sediments in the basal 50 m of Hole 594A are barren of diatoms.


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