3 resultados para Provoked vestibulodynia

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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We present a new mid-latitude speleothem record of millennial-scale climatic variability during OIS3 from the Villars Cave that, combined with former published contemporaneous samples from the same cave, gives a coherent image of the climate variability in SW-France between ~55 ka and ~30 ka. The 0.82 m long stalagmite Vil-stm27 was dated with 26 TIMS U-Th analyses and its growth curve displays variations that are linked with the stable isotopes, both controlled by the climatic conditions. It consists in a higher resolved replicate of the previously published Vil-stm9 and Vil-stm14 stalagmites where Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events have been observed. The good consistency between these three stalagmites and the comparison with other palaoeclimatic reconstructions, especially high resolution pollen records (ODP 976 from the Alboran Sea, Monticchio Lake record from southern Italy) and the nearby MD04-2845 Atlantic Ocean record, permits to draw a specific climatic pattern in SW-France during the OIS3 and to see regional differences between these sites. Main features of this period are: 1) warm events corresponding to Greenland Interstadials (GIS) that are characterized by low speleothem d13C, high temperate pollen percentages, warm temperatures and high humidity; among these events, GIS#12 is the most pronounced one at Villars characterized by an abrupt onset at ~46.6 ka and a duration of about 2.5 ka. The other well individualized warm event coincides with GIS#8 which is however much less pronounced and occurred during a cooler period as shown by a lower growth rate and a higher d13C; 2) cold events corresponding to Greenland Stadials (GS) that are clearly characterized by high speleothem d13C, low temperate pollen abundance, low temperature and enhanced dryness, particularly well expressed during GS coinciding with Heinrich events H5 and H4. The main feature of the Villars record is a general cooling trend between the DO#12 event ~45.5 ka and the synchronous stop of the three stalagmites at ~30 ka ±1, with a first well marked climatic threshold at ~41 ka after which the growth rate and the diameter of all stalagmites slows down significantly. This climatic evolution differs from that shown at southern Mediterranean sites where this trend is not observed. The ~30 ka age marks the second climatic threshold after which low temperatures and low rainfalls prevent speleothem growth in the Villars area until the Lateglacial warming that occurred at ~16.5 ± 0.5 ka. This 15 ka long hiatus, as the older Villars growth hiatus that occurred between 67.4 and 61 ka, are linked to low sea levels, reduced ocean circulation and a southward shift of the Polar Front that likely provoked local permafrost formation. These cold periods coincide with both low summer 65°N insolation, low atmospheric CO2 concentration and large ice sheets development (especially the Fennoscandian).


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The study aimed at investigating effects of three differently acting biocides; the insecticide esfenvalerate, the fungicide picoxystrobin and the bactericide triclosan, applied individually and as a mixture, on an earthworm community in the field. A concentration-response design was chosen and results were analyzed using univariate and multivariate approaches. Effects on juvenile proportions were less pronounced and more variable than effects on abundance, but effects in general were species- and chemical-specific, and temporal variations distinct. Esfenvalerate and picoxystrobin appeared to elicit stronger effects than triclosan at laboratory-based ECx values, which is in accordance with our previous laboratory study on Eisenia fetida. The mixture affected abundance and juvenile proportions, but the latter only at high mixture concentrations. Esfenvalerate and picoxystrobin appeared to be the main drivers for the mixture's toxicity. Species-specific toxicity patterns question the reliability of mixture toxicity predictions derived on E. fetida for field earthworms. Biocide concentrations equaling EC50s (reproduction) for E. fetida provoked effects on the field earthworms mainly exceeding 50%, indicating effect intensification from the laboratory to field as well as the influence of indirect effects produced by species interactions. The differing results of the present field study and the previous laboratory study imply that lower- and higher-tier studies may not be mutually exclusive, but to be used in complementary.


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Six deep sea cores from the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) were analyzed for planktonic foraminifera and stable isotopes in order to reconstruct sea surface temperatures (SST) for the last 40 ka. South of the Equatorial Front the abundance of Globorotalia inflata increased, and SST decreased by >5°C (core ODP846B), creating a stronger SST meridional gradient and advection of the Peru Current than present for the ~16-35 ka interval. A sharper SST meridional gradient forced stronger Choco jet events and a moisture increase in western Colombia, which supplied, through the San Juan River and the south-flowing equatorial and the Peru-Chile countercurrents, abundant hemipelagic quartz over the northern Peru basin (core TR163-31B). The Choco jet, and its associated mesoscale convective cells, provoked an increase in snow precipitation over the Central Cordillera of Colombia and the advance of the Murillo glacier. In synchrony with the intensified Choco jet events, the "dry island" effect over the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia intensified, and the level of Fuquene Lake dropped.