10 resultados para Proteína 3 de Unión a Factor de Crecimiento Similar a la Insulina
em Publishing Network for Geoscientific
The petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry of volcanic and subvolcanic rocks in CRP-3 core have been examined in detail in order to characterise and to compare them with volcanic and subvolcanic rocks cropping out in the Victoria Land area, and to define the clast provenance or to establish possible volcanic activity coeval with deposition. Clasts with sizes ranging from granule to boulder show geochemical and mineralogical features comparable with those of Ferrar Supergroup rocks. They display a subalkaline affinity and compositions ranging from basalts to dacite. Three different petrographic groups with distinct textural and grain size features (subophitic, intergranular-intersertal, and glassy-hyalopilitic) are recognised and are related to the emplacement/cooling mechanism. In the sand to silt fraction, the few glass shards that have been recognised are strongly altered: however chemical analyses show they have subalkalic magmatic affinity. Mineral compositions of the abundant free clinopyroxene grains found in the core, are less affected by alteration processes, and indicate an origin from subalkaline magmas. This excludes the presence, during the deposition of CRP-3 rocks of alkaline volcanic activity comparable with the McMurdo Volcanic Group. Strong alteration of the magmatic body intruded the Beacon sandstones obliterates the original mineral assemblage. Geochemical investigations confirm that intrusion is part of the Ferar Large Igneous Province.
In order to assess recent submarine volcanic contributions to the sediments from the active Kolbeinsey Ridge, surface samples were analyzed chemically. The contribution of major and trace elements studied differ within the study area. A statistical analysis of the geochemical variables using factor analysis and cluster method allows to distinguish possible sample groups. Cluster method identifies three distinct sediment groups located in different areas of sedimentation. Group 1 is characterized by highest contents of Fe2O3, V, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn demonstrating the input of volcaniclastic material. Group 2 comprises high values of CaCO3, CaO and Sr representing biogenic carbonate. Group 3 is characterized by the elements K, Rb, Cs, La and Pb indicating the terrigenous component. The absolute percentage of the volcanic, biogenic and terrigenous components in the bulk sediments was calculated by using a normative sediment method. The highest volcanic component (> 60% on a carbonate free basis) is found on the ridge crest. The biogenic component is highest (10-30%) in the eastern part of the Spar Fracture Zone influenced by the East Iceland Current. Samples from the western and southeastern region of the study area contain more than 90% of terrigenous component which appears to be mainly controlled by input of ice-rafted debris.
Bulk mineralogy of the terrigenous fraction of 99 samples from ODP Site 722 on the Owen Ridge, western Arabian Sea, has been determined by x-ray diffraction, using an internal standard method. The sampling interval, approximately 4.3 k.y., provides a detailed mineralogic record for the past 500 k.y. Previous studies have identified important modern continental sediment sources and the mineral assemblages presently derived from each. These studies have also demonstrated that most of this material is supplied by southwest and northwest winds during the summer monsoon. A variety of marine and terrestrial records and general circulation model (GCM) simulations have indicated the importance of monsoonal circulation during the Pleistocene and Holocene and have demonstrated increased aridity during glacial times and increased humidity during inter glacials. The mineralogic data generated here were used to investigate variations in source area weathering conditions during these environmental changes. Terrigenous minerals present include smectite, illite, palygorskite, kaolinite, chlorite, quartz, plagioclase feldspar, and dolomite. This mineralogy is consistent with the compositions of source areas presently supplying sediment to the Arabian Sea. An R-mode factor analysis has identified four mineral assemblages present throughout the past 500 k.y.: quartz/chlorite/dolomite (Factor 1), kaolinite/plagioclase/illite (Factor 2), smectite (Factor 3), and palygorskite/dolomite (Factor 4). Chlorite, illite, and palygorskite are extremely susceptible to chemical weathering, and a spectral comparison of these factors with the eolian mass accumulation rate (MAR) record from Hole 722B (an index of dust source area aridity) indicates that Factors 1, 2, and 4 are directly related to changes in aridity. Because of these characteristics, Factors 1,2, and 4 are interpreted to originate from arid source regions. Factor 3 is interpreted to record more humid source conditions. Time-series of scores for the four factors are dominated by short-term (10-100 k.y.) variability, and do not correlate well to glacial/interglacial fluctuations in the time domain. These characteristics suggest that local climatic shifts were complex, and that equilibrium weathering assemblages did not develop immediately after climatic change. Spectral analysis of factor scores identifies peaks at or near the primary Milankovitch frequencies for all factors. Factor 1 (quartz/chlorite/dolomite), Factor 2 (kaolinite/plagioclase/illite), and Factor 4 (illite/palygorskite) are coherent and in phase with the MAR record over the 23, 41, and 100 k.y. bands, respectively. The reasons for coherency at single Milankovitch frequencies are not known, but may include differences in the susceptibilities of minerals to varying time scales of weathering and/or preferential development of suitable continental source environments by climatic changes at the various Milankovitch frequencies.
Stable isotope analyses and scanning electron micrographs have been carried out on six planktonic forminifera species, Pulleniatina obliquiloculata, Globorotalia tumida, Sphaeroidinella dehiscens, Globigerinoides ruber, Globigerinoides sacculifer and Globigerinoides quadrilobatus from eleven box-cores taken at increasing depths in the equatorial Ontong-Java Plateau (Pacific). This allows us to describe the way dissolution affects the microstructures of the tests of the different species and to quantify the changes of isotopic composition. We may conclude that: 1) dissolution effects on test morphology and stable isotope compositions are species dependent, species with a similar habitat showing a similar trend; 2) the shallow water, thin-shelled species are the first to disappear: scanning electron microscope (SEM) work shows alteration of outer layers. Deep water, thick-shelled species are present in all samples: SEM work shows breakdown and disparition of inner layers; 3) for all species there is a similar trend towards increasing delta18O values with increasing water depths and increasing dissolution. This effect may be as high as 0.6 ? per thousand meters for Globorotalia tumida; 4) below the lysocline, around 3500 m, it appears that 13C/12C ratios slightly increase towards equilibrium values for thick shelled species: G. tumida, P. obliquiloculata and S. dehiscens. 14C dates and isotope stratigraphy of two box-cores show that all samples are recent in age, and exclude upward mixing of glacial deposits as an important factor.
We evaluate phosphorus (P) and biogenic barium (bio-Ba) as nutrient burial and export productivity indicators for the Late Cretaceous and early Paleogene, combining these with calcium carbonate (CaCO3), organic carbon (C), and bulk CaCO3 C isotopes (d13C). Sample ages span 36-71 Ma (~1 sample/0.5 m.y.) for a depth transect of sites in the western North Atlantic (Blake Nose, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 171B, Sites 1052, 1051, and 1050). We use a multitracer approach including redox conditions to investigate export productivity surrounding the global Paleocene d13C maximum (~57 Ma). Reducing conditions render most of the bio-Ba record not useful for export productivity interpretations. P and organic C records indicate that regional nutrient and organic C burial were high at ~61 and ~69 Ma, and low during the Paleocene d13C maximum, a time of proposed global high relative organic C burial. Observed organic C burial changes at Blake Nose cannot explain this C isotope excursion.