5 resultados para Produced water, Solar distillation, use of waste waters, Patterns of quality of the water for irrigation, Vapor generation

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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In July 1995 geological and biological studies in the axial zone of the northern part of the Mohn's Ridge (72°20'N) were carried out during Cruise 36 of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh. Slopes of the neovolcanic zone, as well as a caldera on its crest were investigated with use of deep-sea manned submersibles Mir, geological and biological samples were also collected. Use of the Rosette sounding complex provided recognition of several major hydrothermal plumes. Bottom sediments of the marginal depression are enriched in metals characteristic for hydrothermal metalliferous sediments. Thus, a new unknown hydrothermal field was found.


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The Wadden Sea is located in the southeastern part of the North Sea forming an extended intertidal area along the Dutch, German and Danish coast. It is a highly dynamic and largely natural ecosystem influenced by climatic changes and anthropogenic use of the North Sea. Changes in the environment of the Wadden Sea, natural or anthropogenic origin, cannot be monitored by the standard measurement methods alone, because large-area surveys of the intertidal flats are often difficult due to tides, tidal channels and unstable underground. For this reason, remote sensing offers effective monitoring tools. In this study a multi-sensor concept for classification of intertidal areas in the Wadden Sea has been developed. Basis for this method is a combined analysis of RapidEye (RE) and TerraSAR-X (TSX) satellite data coupled with ancillary vector data about the distribution of vegetation, mussel beds and sediments. The classification of the vegetation and mussel beds is based on a decision tree and a set of hierarchically structured algorithms which use object and texture features. The sediments are classified by an algorithm which uses thresholds and a majority filter. Further improvements focus on radiometric enhancement and atmospheric correction. First results show that we are able to identify vegetation and mussel beds with the use of multi-sensor remote sensing. The classification of the sediments in the tidal flats is a challenge compared to vegetation and mussel beds. The results demonstrate that the sediments cannot be classified with high accuracy by their spectral properties alone due to their similarity which is predominately caused by their water content.


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Eight different sites from 2300 to 4420 m water depth in the Arabian Sea were sampled for a biochemical quantification of phospholipid concentrations in the sediments. This method serves as a measure of microbial biomass in marine sediments comprising all small-sized organisms, including bacteria, fungi, protozoa and metazoa. Phospholipid concentrations can be converted to carbon units as an estimate of total microbial biomass in the sediments. The average phospholipid concentrations in the surface sediments (0-1 cm) of the 4 abyssal sites ranged from 7 nmol cm?3 at the southern site (SAST, 10°N 65°E, 4425 m) to 29 nmol/cm**3 at the western site (WAST, 16°N 60°E, 4045 m). The high values detected at the abyssal station WAST exceeded those in the literature for other abyssal sites and were comparable to values from the upper continental slope of the NE-Atlantic and the Arctic. At the four continental slope sites in the Arabian Sea, average phospholipid concentrations ranged from 9 to 53 nmol/cm**3 with the maximum values at stations A (2314 m) and D (3142 m) close to the Omani coast. Records of particulate organic carbon flux to the deep sea are available for four of the investigated locations, allowing a test of the hypothesis that the standing stock of benthic microorganisms in the deep sea is controlled by substrate availability, i.e. particle sedimentation. Total microbial biomass in the surface sediments of the Arabian Sea was positively correlated with sedimentation rates, consistent with previous studies of other oceans. The use of the measurement of phospholipid concentrations as a proxy for input of particulate organic matter is discussed.


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Isotopic compositions of uranium (234U and 238U) and thorium (230Th and 232Th) were measured in metalliferous sediments from the western flank of the East Pacific Rise at 21°-22°S, in the area of hydrothermal activity and massive sulfide accumulation at the axis of the EPR. Concentration of 232Th (on the carbonate-free base) is consistent with composition of mafic extrusive rocks; isotope ratios 232Th/238U and 234U/238U indicate that about 70% of uranium passes into sediments from sea water with hydrothermal iron hydroxide. Mean sedimentation rates are calculated for seven cores by the nonequilibrium 230Th method with use of the constant concentration model. Flux of 230Th to bottom sediments is calculated and its mean value is used to determine sedimentation rate in four other cores. The constant flux model is used to calculate change of sedimentation rate with depth for seven cores over time interval of 100-300 ky. Sedimentation rates varied not much (0.3-0.6 cm/ky). The greatest changes occurred in two cores: one located near massive sulfide structures, and another near the spreading axis. Determinations of mean rates by the radiocarbon method and the nonequilibrium thorium method are in good agreement.


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To investigate the potential use of the stable isotope composition of the vegetative cysts of the photosynthetic dinoflagellate Thoracosphaera heimii for quantitative palaeotemperature reconstructions a method has been developed to purify T. heimii cysts from sediment samples. Stable oxygen and carbon isotopes have been measured on T. heimii cysts from 21 surface sediment samples from the equatorial Atlantic and South Atlantic Oceans. Calculated temperatures based on the palaeotemperature equation for inorganic calcite precipitation generally reflect mean annual temperatures of the upper water column, notably of thermocline depths. Although the present results suggest that the isotopic composition of T. heimii shells might be formed in equilibrium with the seawater in which the shells are being formed, future investigations are required to determine possible effects of metabolic and kinetic processes on the fractionation process. This pilot study therefore forms the basis for future investigations on the development of this tool and the determination of a species-specific palaeotemperature equation. The wide geographic and stratigraphic distribution of T. heimii cysts in sediments, the stable position of T. heimii within the water column and the high resistance of its cysts against calcite dissolution underline its potential for a wide usability in palaeotemperature reconstructions.