57 resultados para Polar regions
em Publishing Network for Geoscientific
As part of a larger experiment, atmospheric turbidity measurements were carried out during the austral summer 1985/86 in Adelie Land, Eastern Antarctica at 1560 m elevation. A comparison of our measurements of the solar beam with those of other areas in the Arctic and Antarctic was carried out. Our values were higher than all measurements from the Arctic. For Antarctica, Plateau and Mizuho Stations, both higher in altitude, had somewhat higher values, while the value of the coastal stations were lower. We calculated also turbidity indexes such as Unke's turbidity factor T and Angstrom's turbidity coefficient ß. Mean values of T were around 2.0, which are low values indeed. Beta values were around 0.04, a rather typical value for polar regions. No trend in turbidity could be observed for the time of observation. Further, it could be shown that the decrease in intensity with increasing optical air mass was less pronounced for larger wavelengths than for shorter ones.
Invasive alien species are among the primary causes of biodiversity change globally, with the risks thereof broadly understood for most regions of the world. They are similarly thought to be among the most significant conservation threats to Antarctica, especially as climate change proceeds in the region. However, no comprehensive, continent-wide evaluation of the risks to Antarctica posed by such species has been undertaken. Here we do so by sampling, identifying, and mapping the vascular plant propagules carried by all categories of visitors to Antarctica during the International Polar Year's first season (2007-2008) and assessing propagule establishment likelihood based on their identity and origins and on spatial variation in Antarctica's climate. For an evaluation of the situation in 2100, we use modeled climates based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Special Report on Emissions Scenarios Scenario A1B [Nakicenovic N, Swart R, eds (2000) Special Report on Emissions Scenarios: A Special Report of Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK)]. Visitors carrying seeds average 9.5 seeds per person, although as vectors, scientists carry greater propagule loads than tourists. Annual tourist numbers (~33,054) are higher than those of scientists (~7,085), thus tempering these differences in propagule load. Alien species establishment is currently most likely for the Western Antarctic Peninsula. Recent founder populations of several alien species in this area corroborate these findings. With climate change, risks will grow in the Antarctic Peninsula, Ross Sea, and East Antarctic coastal regions. Our evidence-based assessment demonstrates which parts of Antarctica are at growing risk from alien species that may become invasive and provides the means to mitigate this threat now and into the future as the continent's climate changes.
Organisms populating benthic shallow water systems of both polar regions are adapted to a particularly harsh environment. We studied effects of freezing and the combination of high light intensities and low water temperatures on photosynthesis of key macroalgal species from the Arctic intertidal (Fucus distichus) and Antarctic subtidal (Palmaria decipiens). Photosynthetic activity of F. distichus specimens was monitored during the freezing process; there was a marked decrease in quantum yield with decreasing temperatures, and a rapid recovery as soon as temperatures increased again. Thus, under the experimental conditions tested, no indication of photodamage was found. Specimens of Palmaria were exposed to a combination of high light intensities and low water temperatures. A persistent impairment of photosynthetic activity occurred at 0°C at light intensities of 400 µmol photons m-2 s-1. In all treatments, there was a decreasing ratio of phycobiliproteins to chlorophyll a. Overall, the two studies provide baseline data for interpreting physiological responses of two important macroalgal species in an extreme environment, the polar coastal ecosystem.
The first International Polar Year (IPY) was an international effort to perform continous meteorological and geophysical observations over a time period of two years (1882-1883). Eleven nations established twelve research stations in the Arctic along with thirteen auxilary stations. Two stations were operated on the southern hemisphere (South Georgia and Tierra del Fuego). The data were published in 26 volumes on 8700+ pages of reports, descriptions, tables and graphs in total. The list of meteorological parameters includes temperature, wind, pressure, clouds, precipitation, evaporation, humidity and radiation. In the light of Global Change and the intensification of observations and continous measurements in both polar regions, long-time series increase in importance. The observations of the first IPY from the 19th century enable us to extend the data from the 20th century even more back into the past. In the occasion of the fourth IPY (2007-2009) WDC-MARE decided to digitize the complete set of meteorological data in full hourly resolution and publish it in its reports and make it available in Open Access via the data library PANGAEA.
The atmospheric chemistry of iodine and bromine in polar regions is of interest due to the key role of halogens in many atmospheric processes, particularly tropospheric ozone destruction. Bromine is emitted from the open ocean but is enriched above first-year sea ice during springtime bromine explosion events, whereas iodine is emitted from biological communities hosted by sea ice. It has been previously demonstrated that bromine and iodine are present in Antarctic ice over glacial-interglacial cycles. Here we investigate seasonal variability of bromine and iodine in polar snow and ice, to evaluate their emission, transport and deposition in Antarctica and the Arctic and better understand potential links to sea ice. We find that bromine enrichment (relative to sea salt content) and iodine concentrations in polar ice do vary seasonally in Arctic snow and Antarctic ice and we relate such variability to satellite-based observations of tropospheric halogen concentrations. Peaks of bromine enrichment in Arctic snow and Antarctic ice occur in spring and summer, when sunlight is present. Iodine concentrations are largest in winter Antarctic ice strata, contrary to contemporary observations of summer maxima in iodine emissions.
Changes of glaciers and snow cover in polar regions affect a wide range of physical and ecosystem processes on land and in the adjacent marine environment. In this study, we investigate the potential of 11-day repeat high-resolution satellite image time series from the TerraSAR-X mission to derive glaciological and hydrological parameters on King George Island, Antarctica during the period Oct/25/2010 to Apr/19/2011. The spatial pattern and temporal evolution of snow cover extent on ice-free areas can be monitored using multi-temporal coherence images. SAR coherence is used to map glacier extent of land terminating glaciers with an average accuracy of 25 m. Multi-temporal SAR color composites identify the position of the late summer snow line at about 220 m above sea level. Glacier surface velocities are obtained from intensity feature-tracking. Surface velocities near the calving front of Fourcade Glacier were up to 1.8 ± 0.01 m/d. Using an intercept theorem based on fundamental geometric principles together with differential GPS field measurements, the ice discharge of Fourcade Glacier was estimated to 20700 ± 5500 m**3/d (corresponding to ~19 ± 5 kt/d). The rapidly changing surface conditions on King George Island and the lack of high-resolution digital elevation models for the region remain restrictions for the applicability of SAR data and the precision of derived products.
Expanding visitation to Polar regions combined with climate warming increases the potential for alien species introduction and establishment. We quantified vascular plant propagule pressure associated with different groups of travelers to the high-Arctic archipelago of Svalbard, and evaluated the potential of introduced seeds to germinate under the most favorable average Svalbard soil temperature (10°C). We sampled the footwear of 259 travelers arriving by air to Svalbard during the summer of 2008, recording 1,019 seeds: a mean of 3.9 (±0.8) seeds per traveler. Assuming the seed influx is representative for the whole year, we estimate a yearly seed load of around 270,000 by this vector alone. Seeds of 53 species were identified from 17 families, with Poaceae having both highest diversity and number of seeds. Eight of the families identified are among those most invasive worldwide, while the majority of the species identified were non-native to Svalbard. The number of seeds was highest on footwear that had been used in forested and alpine areas in the 3 months prior to traveling to Svalbard, and increased with the amount of soil affixed to footwear. In total, 26% of the collected seeds germinated under simulated Svalbard conditions. Our results demonstrate high propagule transport through aviation to highly visited cold-climate regions and isolated islands is occurring. Alien species establishment is expected to increase with climate change, particularly in high latitude regions, making the need for regional management considerations a priority.
The Tibetan Plateau (TP), including its surrounding mountain ranges, represents the largest store of ice outside the polar regions. It hosts numerous lakes as well as the head waters of major Asian rivers, on which billions of people depend, and it is particularly sensitive to climate change. The moisture transport to the TP is controlled by the Indian and Pacific monsoon and the Westerlies. Understanding the evolution of the interaction of these circulation systems requires studies on climate archives in different spatial and temporal contexts. The objective of this study is to learn more about the interannual variability of precipitation patterns across the TP and how different hydrologic systems react to different climatic factors. Aragonite shells of the aquatic gastropod Radix, which is widely distributed in the region, may represent suitable archives for inferring hydrologic and climatic signals in particularly high resolution. Therefore, sclerochronological studies of d18O and d13C ratios in Radix shells from seven lakes were conducted, each representing a different hydrologic and climatic setting, on a transect from the Pamirs across the TP. The shell patterns exhibit an increasing influence of precipitation and a decreasing influence of evaporation on the isotope compositions from west to east. d18O values of shells from lakes on the eastern and central TP (Donggi Cona, Yamdrok Yumco, Tarab Co) mirror monsoon signals, indicated by more negative values and higher variabilities compared to the more western lakes (Karakul, Bangong/Nyak, Manasarovar). In Yadang Co, located on the central southern TP, the monsoon rains did not reach the lake in the sampling year, although it is located in a region which is usually affected by monsoon circulation. The d18O values are used to differentiate the annual hydrological cycle into ice cover period, melt water period, precipitation period and evaporation period. d13C compositions in the shells particularly depend on specific habitats, which vary in biological productivity and in carbon sources. d18O and d13C patterns show a positive covariance in shells originating from large closed basins. The results show that Radix shells mirror general climatic differences between the seven lake regions. These differences reflect both regional and local climate signals in sub-seasonal resolution, without noticeable dependence on the particular lake system.
Lichens are symbioses between fungi (mycobionts) and photoautotrophic green algae or cyanobacteria (photobionts). Many lichens occupy large distributional ranges covering several climatic zones. So far, little is known about the large-scale phylogeography of lichen photobionts and their role in shaping the distributional ranges of lichens. We studied south polar, temperate and north polar populations of the widely distributed fruticose lichen Cetraria aculeata. Based on the DNA sequences from three loci for each symbiont, we compared the genetic structure of mycobionts and photobionts. Phylogenetic reconstructions and Bayesian clustering methods divided the mycobiont and photobiont data sets into three groups. An AMOVA shows that the genetic variance of the photobiont is best explained by differentiation between temperate and polar regions and that of the mycobiont by an interaction of climatic and geographical factors. By partialling out the relative contribution of climate, geography and codispersal, we found that the most relevant factors shaping the genetic structure of the photobiont are climate and a history of codispersal. Mycobionts in the temperate region are consistently associated with a specific photobiont lineage. We therefore conclude that a photobiont switch in the past enabled C. aculeata to colonize temperate as well as polar habitats. Rare photobiont switches may increase the geographical range and ecological niche of lichen mycobionts by associating them with locally adapted photobionts in climatically different regions and, together with isolation by distance, may lead to genetic isolation between populations and thus drive the evolution of lichens.
A primary objective of Leg 175 was to investigate the upwelling history of the Benguela Current. Upwelling along the coast is found over the shelf in several well-established cells, as well as along the shelf-slope break, and extends over the 1000-m isobath. Streaming filaments along the coast also carry upwelled water off shore (Shannon, 1985). The upwelled nutrient-rich waters are sourced from the South Atlantic central water mass, which is a mixture of subtropical and subantarctic water masses. Below the central water mass lies Antarctic intermediate water (Shannon and Hunter, 1988, doi:10.2989/025776188784480735; Stramma and Peterson, 1989, doi:10.1175/1520-0485(1989)019<1440:GTITBC>2.0.CO;2). The upwelling system supports a robust marine community (Shannon and Pillar, 1986) where radiolarians are abundant (Bishop et al., 1978, doi:10.1016/0146-6291(78)90010-3). The endemic nature of radiolarians makes them useful in reconstructing the paleocirculation patterns. The biogeographic distribution of many species is limited by water-mass distribution. In a given geographic region, species may also have discrete depth habitats. However, their depth of occurrence can change worldwide because the depths of water masses vary with latitude (Boltovskoy, 1999). Consequently, species found at shallow depths at high latitudes (cold-water fauna) are observed deeper in the water column at lower latitudes. The low-latitude submergence of cold-water species broadens their distribution, resulting in species distributions that can cover multiple geographic regions (Kling, 1976, doi:10.1016/0011-7471(76)90880-9; Casey, doi:10.1016/0031-0182(89)90017-5; 1971; Boltovskoy, 1987, doi:10.1016/0377-8398(87)90014-4). Since radiolarian distribution is closely related to water-mass distribution and controlled by climatic conditions rather than geographic regions, similar assemblages characterize the equatorial, subtropical, transition, subpolar, and polar regions of ocean basins (Petrushevskaya, 1971a; Casey, 1989, doi:10.1016/0031-0182(89)90017-5; Boltovskoy, 1999). Numerous radiolarian species found in water masses in the Angola and Benguela Current systems have also been observed in plankton net samples, sediment traps, and surface-sediment studies in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, where they exhibited particular water-mass affinities (Abelmann, 1992a, doi:10.1007/BF00243107; Abelmann 1992b, doi:10.1007/BF00243108; Abelmann and Gowing, 1997, doi:10.1016/S0377-8398(96)00021-7). This report presents data on the radiolarian fauna recovered from Site 1082 sediments in the form of a survey of species reflecting the latitudinal migration of the Angola-Benguela Front and upwelling. The data constitute a time series of relative radiolarian abundances at very high resolution (every 20 cm) of the upper 12 m of Hole 1082A.
This dataset present result from the DFG- funded Arctic-Turbulence-Experiment (ARCTEX-2006) performed by the University of Bayreuth on the island of Svalbard, Norway, during the winter/spring transition 2006. From May 5 to May 19, 2006 turbulent flux and meteorological measurements were performed on the monitoring field near Ny-Ålesund, at 78°55'24'' N, 11°55'15'' E Kongsfjord, Svalbard (Spitsbergen), Norway. The ARCTEX-2006 campaign site was located about 200 m southeast of the settlement on flat snow covered tundra, 11 m to 14 m above sea level. The permanent sites used for this study consisted of the 10 m meteorological tower of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar- and Marine Research (AWI), the international standardized radiation measurement site of the Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN), the radiosonde launch site and the AWI tethered balloon launch sites. The temporary sites - set up by the University of Bayreuth - were a 6 m meteorological gradient tower, an eddy-flux measurement complex (EF), and a laser-scintillometer section (SLS). A quality assessment and data correction was applied to detect and eliminate specific measurement errors common at a high arctic landscape. In addition, the quality checked sensible heat flux measurements are compared with bulk aerodynamic formulas that are widely used in atmosphere-ocean/land-ice models for polar regions as described in Ebert and Curry (1993, doi:10.1029/93JC00656) and Launiainen and Cheng (1995). These parameterization approaches easily allow estimation of the turbulent surface fluxes from routine meteorological measurements. The data show: - the role of the intermittency of the turbulent atmospheric fluctuation of momentum and scalars, - the existence of a disturbed vertical temperature profile (sharp inversion layer) close to the surface, - the relevance of possible free convection events for the snow or ice melt in the Arctic spring at Svalbard, and - the relevance of meso-scale atmospheric circulation pattern and air-mass advection for the near-surface turbulent heat exchange in the Arctic spring at Svalbard. Recommendations and improvements regarding the interpretation of eddy-flux and laser-scintillometer data as well as the arrangement of the instrumentation under polar distinct exchange conditions and (extreme) weather situations could be derived.
Taxonomic composition and structure of assemblages of the present-day benthic Foraminifera in the Kara Sea has been studied on the base of 37 samples of surface sediments. Three assemblages have been distinguished by composition of dominant species. The assemblage Cribrostomoides subglobosus-Tritaxis nana with prevalence of agglutinating forms, typical for abyssal areas of the World Ocean, occurs in brown oozes in the deep western part of the sea at depths 70-375 m under conditions of considerable bottom stratification. The assemblage Elphidium clavatum-Cassidulina reniforme consists predominantly of species with calcareous shells and is characterized by a wide range of species; this assemblage occurs in the eastern part of the sea at depths 30-90 m in a well-aerated area. Species typical for sublittoral areas of polar regions are dominant. The assemblage Elphidium clavatum-Haynesina orbiculare occupies the littoral estuarine part of the sea. This assemblage is poor in species and not abundant, and it occurs under influence of freshened water masses undersaturated with dissolved carbonaceous matter.