106 resultados para PROCTOPORUS SQUAMATA

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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In spring, Arctic coastal fast ice is inhabited by high densities of sea ice algae and, among other fauna, juveniles of benthic polychaetes. This paper investigates the hypothesis that growth rates of juveniles of the common sympagic polychaete, Scolelepis squamata (Polychaeta: Spionidae), are significantly faster at sea ice algal bloom concentrations compared to concurrent phytoplankton concentrations. Juvenile S. squamata from fast ice off Barrow, Alaska, were fed with different algal concentrations at 0 and 5 °C, simulating ambient high sea ice algal concentrations, concurrent low phytoplankton concentrations, and an intermediate concentration. Growth rates, calculated using a simple linear regression equation, were significantly higher (up to 115 times) at the highest algal concentration compared to the lowest. At the highest algal concentration, juveniles grew faster at 5 °C compared to those feeding at 0 °C with a Q10 of 2.0. We conclude that highly concentrated sea ice algae can sustain faster growth rates of polychaete juveniles compared to the less dense spring phytoplankton concentrations. The earlier melt of Arctic sea ice predicted with climate change might cause a mismatch between occurrence of polychaete juveniles and food availability in the near future. Our data indicate that this reduction in food availability might counteract any faster growth of a pelagic juvenile stage based on forecasted increased water temperatures.


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In der Nordsee wurden auf der Forschungsplattform FINO 1 Felduntersuchungen durchgeführt, um spezielle Fragen zu möglichen Auswirkungen von Offshore-Windenergieparks auf die marine Umwelt zu beantworten. Der Fokus war dabei auf die Konsequenzen für die Lebensgemeinschaft am Meeresboden gerichtet. Es wurden die benthosökologischen Prozesse im Nahbereich der Piles sowie die mittelfristige Entwicklung der Aufwuchsfauna auf der künstlichen Unterwasserstruktur dokumentiert. Die Ansammlung pelagischer Fischen um die Plattform und der Export organischen Materials von der Plattform wurden quantifiziert. Die räumliche Ausdehnung und die Erheblichkeit von Auswirkungen auf die Lebensgemeinschaften des Meeresbodens wurden anhand mathematischer Modellierung abgeschätzt. Zusätzlich wurde die Anwendbarkeit der elektrochemischen Akretionstechnologie zur Schaffung naturnaher Kalksubstrate in der Nordsee getestet und geeignete Parameter für eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung unter Nordseebedingungen ermittelt. Die auch 4,5 Jahre nach Errichtung der Plattform noch ansteigende Artenzahl der Aufwuchsfauna lässt darauf schließen, dass der Sukzessionsprozess noch nicht abgeschlossen ist. Die stark vertikal zonierte Aufwuchsfauna auf der Unterwasserkonstruktion erreicht eine Masse von ca. 5 Tonnen mit ausgeprägten saisonalen Schwankungen. Anhand von echoakustischen Untersuchungen wurden saisonal auftretende Ansammlungen pelagischer Fische um die Plattform dokumentiert. Der Nahbereich der Plattform unterschied sich durch eine Schillauflage und eine räumlich und zeitlich sehr variable Sediment- und Bodenfaunazusammensetzung deutlich von einem Referenzgebiet in 200-400 m Abstand von der Plattform. Eine konzentrische Zonierung mit unterschiedlich stark ausgeprägten Veränderungen der Bodenfauna lässt auf komplexe Veränderung des gesamten lokalen Nahrungsgefüges im Nahbereich der Plattform schließen. Anhand einer Modellierung konnte der Materialexport in die umgebenden Weichbodenbereiche für einzelne Piles und einen hypothetischen Windpark abgeschätzt werden. Die lokale Ausbildung einer hohen Biomasse auf der Unterwasserkonstruktion von WEA sowie der Export mit anschließender Sedimentation lassen zumindest lokal einen erheblichen Einfluss auf Stoff- und Energieflüsse erwarten.


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Sediments from the western and southern part of the Arabian Sea were collected periodically in the spring intermonsoon between March and May 1997 and additionally at the end of the Northeast Monsoon in February 1998. Assemblages of Rose Bengal stained, living deep-sea benthic foraminifera, their densities, vertical distribution pattern, and diversity were analysed after the Northeast Monsoon and short-time changes were recorded. In the western Arabian Sea, foraminiferal numbers increased steadily between March and the beginning of May, especially in the smaller size classes (30-63 µm, 63-125 µm). At the same time, the deepening of the foraminiferal living horizon, variable diversity and rapid variations between dominant foraminiferal communities were observed. We interpret these observations as the time-dependent response of benthic foraminifera to enhanced organic carbon fluxes during and after the Northeast Monsoon. In the southern Arabian Sea, constant low foraminiferal abundances during time, no distinctive change in the vertical distribution, reduced diversity, and more stable foraminiferal communities were noticed, which indicates no or little influence of the Northeast Monsoon to benthic foraminifera in this region.


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Assemblages of living deep-sea benthic foraminifera, their densities, vertical distribution pattern, and diversity, were investigated in the intermonsoon period after the northeast monsoon in the Arabian Sea in spring 1997. Foraminiferal numbers show a distinct gradient from north to south, with a maximum of 623 foraminifera in 50 cm**3 at the northern site. High percentages of small foraminifera were found in the western and northern part of the Arabian Sea. Most stations show a typical vertical distribution with a maximum in the first centimeter and decreasing numbers with increasing sediment depths. But at the central station, high densities can be found even in deeper sediment layers. Diversity is very high at the northern and western sites, but reduced at the central and southern stations. Data and faunal assemblages were compared with studies carried out in 1995. A principal component analysis of intermonsoon assemblages shows that the living benthic foraminifera can be characterized by five principal component communities. Dominant communities influencing each site differ strongly between the two years. In spring 1997, stations in the north, west and central Arabian Sea were dominated by opportunistic species, indicating the influence of fresh sedimentation pulses or enhanced organic carbon fluxes after the northeast monsoon.


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Surface sediment was sampled at two bathyal sites in the southwestern Gulf of Lions in the western Mediterranean Sea in February and August 1997 to study the distribution and microhabitat of living (Rose Bengal stained) deep sea benthic foraminifera. Both standing stock and diversity of the faunas, and the microhabitat of distinct species mirror the trophic situation and the depth of the oxidised layer at the different sites. Our results suggest that the faunas do not comprise highly opportunistic species and are adapted to rather stable environments. In the axial channel of the Lacaze-Duthiers Canyon, organic matter fluxes are enhanced due to advective transport of organic matter resulting in elevated oxygen consumption rates in the surface sediment and a rather thin oxidised layer. The corresponding benthic foraminiferal fauna is characterised by rather high standing stock and diversity, and a well-developed deep infauna. In addition to freshly deposited phytodetritus, more degraded organic matter seems to be an important food source. In contrast, at the open slope, organic matter fluxes and oxygen consumption rates in the surface sediment are lower and the oxidised layer is much thicker than inside the canyon. The corresponding benthic foraminiferal fauna comprises mainly epifaunal and shallow-infaunal species with much lower standing stocks and clear differences between February and August. In August standing stocks are higher and the average living depths of most species shift towards the sediment surface. These differences can be attributed to patchiness or represent a seasonal trophic signal.


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Three Spanish Antarctic research cruises (Ant-8611, Bentart-94 and Bentart-95) were carried out in the South Shetland Archipelago (Antarctic Peninsula) and Scotia Arc (South Orkney, South Sandwich and South Georgia archipelagos) on the continental shelf and upper slope (10-600 m depth). They have contributed to our knowledge about ascidian distribution and the zoogeographical relationships with the neighbouring areas and the other Subantarctic islands. The distribution of ascidian species suggests that the Scotia Arc is divided into two sectors, the South Orkney Archipelago, related to the Antarctic Province, and the South Georgia Archipelago (probably including the South Sandwich Archipelago), which is intermediate between the Antarctic Province and the Magellan region.


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Trigger weight (TWC) and piston (PC) cores obtained from surveys of the three sites drilled during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 105 were studied in detail for benthic foraminiferal assemblages, total carbonate (all sites), planktonic foraminiferal abundances (Sites 645 and 647), and stable isotopes (Sites 646 and 647). These high-resolution data provide the link between modern environmental conditions represented by the sediment in the TWC and the uppermost cores of the ODP holes. This link provides essential control data for interpretating late Pleistocene paleoceanographic records from these core holes. At Site 645 in Baffin Bay, local correlation is difficult because the area is dominated by ice-rafted deposits and by debris flows and/or turbidite sedimentation. At the two Labrador Sea sites (646 and 647), the survey cores and uppermost ODP cores can be correlated. High-resolution data from the site survey cores also provide biostratigraphic data that refine the interpretations compiled from core-catcher samples at each ODP site.


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Two cores, one from the Beaufort Sea Slope at 1000 m water depth (core 750) and one from the Amundsen Gulf at 426 m (core 124), were collected to help determine paleo-ice cover in the Holocene and late glacial of this area. Site 750 is particularly sensitive to changes in paleo-ice cover because it rests beneath the present ice margin of the permanent Arctic ice pack. Core 124 was sampled just in front of the former glacier that moved out into the Amundsen Gulf and started to recede about 13 ka B.P. Both cores have a strong occurrence of calcareous foraminifera in the upper few centimeters, but these disappear throughout most of the Holocene, suggesting more open water in that time period than present. In the sediments representing the end of the last glacial period (dated at ~11,500-14,000 calibrated years B.P. (cal B.P.)) a calcareous fauna with an abundant planktic foraminiferal fauna suggests a return to almost permanent ice cover, much like the central Arctic today. Together with the foraminifera there was also abundant ice-rafted debris (IRD) in both cores between 12,000 cal B.P. and ~14,000 cal B.P., but those units are of different ages between cores, suggesting different events. The IRD in both cores appears to have the same magnetic and chemical signals, but their origins cannot be determined exactly until clay mineralogy is completed. There is abundant organic debris in both cores below the IRD units: the organics in core 750 are very diffuse and not visually identifiable, but the organic material in core 124 is clearly identifiable with terrestrial root fragments; these are 14C dated at over 37,000 years B.P. This is a marine unit as it also has glacial front foraminifera in the sediment with the organic debris that must have been originating from subglacial streams. The seismic and multibeam data both indicate glaciers did not cross the core 124 site.


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Pack ice around Svalbard was sampled during the expedition ARK XIX/1 of RV "Polarstern" (March-April 2003) in order to determine environmental conditions, species composition and abundances of sea-ice algae and heterotrophic protists during late winter. As compared to other seasons, species diversity of algae (total 40 taxa) was not low, but abundances (5,000-448,000 cells/l) were lower by one to two orders of magnitude. Layers of high algal abundances were observed both at the bottom and in the ice interior. Inorganic nutrient concentrations (NO2, NO3, PO4, Si(OH)4) within the ice were mostly higher than during other seasons, and enriched compared to seawater by enrichment indices of 1.6-24.6 (corrected for losses through the desalination process). Thus, the survival of algae in Arctic pack ice was not limited by nutrients at the beginning of the productive season. Based on less-detailed physical data, light was considered as the most probable factor controlling the onset of the spring ice-algal bloom in the lower part of the ice, while low temperatures and salinities inhibit algal growth in the upper part of the ice at the end of the winter. Incorporation of ice algae probably took place during the entire freezing period. Possible overwintering strategies during the dark period, such as facultative heterotrophy, energy reserves, and resting spores are discussed.


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The Indo-Pakistan Continental Margin represents an extreme habitat for benthic foraminifera since (1) high fluxes of organic matter offer a high food supply, (2) an intensified oxygen minimum Zone (OMZ) develops from the base of the euphotic Zone to water depths over 1000 m and (3) the monsoon causes seasonal oscillations within the biogeochemical cycle. At three stations from the uppermost (233 m), the central (658 m) and the deeper part (902 m) of the OMZ, living benthic foraminiferal assemblages were analyzed within the uppermost 10 cm of the sediment column. The ecologic structure of foraminiferal faunas is characterized by high abundances at the sediment surface and a rapid decrease within the uppermost 2 cm of the sediment column. Despite dysoxic to suboxic bottom-water conditions, stained benthic foraminifera occurred in all cores down to the base of the sampled interval. High surface abundances, a high dominance by few endobenthic calcareous taxa and a low diversity, which may result from specific physiological adaptations to almost anoxic conditions and the absence of predators, are recognized in the central part of the OMZ. The upper and lower margins of the OMZ are characterized by higher diversities and lower abundances. The shallowest part of the OMZ is dominated by calcareous foraminifera, whereas agglutinated species are the most common taxa in the deeper part. Comparisons with previous studies show that benthic foraminiferal assemblages, that are influenced by seasonal oscillations controlling food supply and/or the availability of oxygen, show variations in faunal density and species composition. Since there is strong evidence that oxygen is not a limiting factor for some taxa, it seems more likely that the distribution pattern of benthic foraminifera is preferentially controlled by trophic conditions.


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The continuously influence of human impacts on the seafloor and benthic habitats demands the knowledge of clearly defined habitats to assess recent conditions and to monitor future changes. In this study, a benthic habitat dominated by sorted bedforms was mapped in 2010 using biological, sedimentological and acoustic data. This approach reveals the first interdisciplinary analysis of macrofauna communities in sorted bedforms in the German Bight. The study area covered 4 km², and was located ca. 3.5 km west of island of Sylt. Sorted bedforms formed as sinuous depressions with an east west orientation. Inside these depressions coarse sand covers the seafloor, while outside predominantly fine to medium sand was found. Based on the hydroacoustic data, two seafloor classes were identified. Acoustic class 1 was linked to coarse sand (type A) found inside these sorted bedforms, whereas acoustic class 2 was related to mainly fine to medium sands (type B). The two acoustic classes and sediment types corresponded with the macrofauna communities 1 and 2. The Aoinides paucibranchiata-Goniadella bobretzkii community on coarse sand and the Spiophanes bombyx - Magelona johnstonii community on fine sand. A transitional community 3 (Scoloplos armiger - Ophelia community), with species found in communities 1 and 2, could not be detected by hydroacoustic methods. This study showed the limits of the used acoustic methods, which were unable to detect insignificant differences in the fauna composition of sandy areas.


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The Quaternary benthic foraminifers from Leg 95 Sites 612 and 613 were examined with respect to paleoceanographic trends. Data from the two sites indicate the presence of markedly different bottom-water masses, during both glacial and interglacial periods. The dominant interglacial species at Site 612 is Uvigerinct peregrina, which is barely present in corresponding intervals at Site 613. Dominant glacial species are Elphidium excavatum and Cassidulina reniforme at Site 612 and Epistominella takayanagii at Site 613.