6 resultados para PLASTIC-DEFORMATION

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Oxide-free olivine gabbro and gabbro, and oxide olivine gabbro and gabbro make up the bulk of the gabbroic suite recovered from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 179 Hole 1105A, which lies 1.2 km away from Hole 735B on the eastern transverse ridge of the Atlantis II Fracture Zone, Southwest Indian Ridge. The rocks recovered during Leg 179 show striking similarities to rocks recovered from the uppermost 500 m of Hole 735B during ODP Leg 118. The rocks of the Atlantis platform were likely unroofed as part of the footwall block of a large detachment fault on the inside corner of the intersection of the Southwest Indian Ridge and the Atlantis II Transform at ~11.5 Ma. We analyzed the lithologic, geochemical, and structural stratigraphy of the section. Downhole lithologic variation allowed division of the core into 141 lithologic intervals and 4 main units subdivided on the basis of predominance of oxide gabbroic vs. oxide-free gabbroic rocks. Detailed analyses of whole-rock chemistry, mineral chemistry, microstructure, and modes of 147 samples are presented and clearly show that the gabbroic rocks are of cumulate origin. These studies also indicate that geochemistry results correlate well with downhole magnetic susceptibility and Formation MicroScanner (FMS) resistivity measurements and images. FMS images show rocks with a well-layered structure and significant numbers of mappable layer contacts or compositional contrasts. Downhole cryptic mineral and whole-rock chemical variations depict both "normal" and inverse fine-scale variations on a scale of 10 m to <2 m with significant compositional variation over a short distance within the 143-m section sampled. A Mg# shift in whole-rock or Fo contents of olivine of as much as 20-30 units over a few meters of section is not atypical of the extreme variation in downhole plots. The products of the earliest stages of basaltic differentiation are not represented by any cumulates, as the maximum Fo content was Fo78. Similarly, the extent of fractionation represented by the gabbroic rocks and scarce granophyres in the section is much greater than that represented in the Atlantis II basalts. The abundance of oxide gabbros is similar to that in Hole 735B, Unit IV, which is tentatively correlated as a similar unit or facies with the oxide gabbroic units of Hole 1105A. Oxide phases are generally present in the most fractionated gabbroic rocks and lacking in more primitive gabbroic rocks, and there is a definite progression of oxide abundance as, for example, the Mg# of clinopyroxene falls below 73-75. Coprecipitation of oxide at such early Mg#s cannot be modeled by perfect fractional crystallization. In situ boundary layer fractionation may offer a more plausible explanation for the complex juxtaposition of oxide- and nonoxide-bearing more primitive gabbroic rocks. The geochemical signal may, in part, be disrupted by the presence of mylonitic shear zones, which strike east-west and dip both to the south and north, but predominantly to the south away from the northern rift valley where they formed. Downhole deformation textures indicate increasing average strain and crystal-plastic deformation in units that contain oxides. Oxide-rich zones may represent zones of rheologic weakness in the cumulate section along which mylonitic and foliated gabbroic shear zones nucleate in the solid state at high temperature, or the oxide may be a symptom of former melt-rich zones and hypersolidus flow, as predicted during study of Hole 735B.


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Laboratory compressional wave (Vp) and shear wave (Vs) velocities were measured as a function of confining pressure for the gabbros from Hole 735B and compared to results from Leg 118. The upper 500 m of the hole has a Vp mean value of 6895 m/s measured at 200 MPa, and at 500 meters below seafloor (mbsf), Vp measurements show a mean value of 7036 m/s. Vs mean values in the same intervals are 3840 m/s and 3857 m/s, respectively. The mean Vp and Vs values obtained from log data in the upper 600 m are 6520 and 3518 m/s, respectively. These results show a general increase in velocity with depth and the velocity gradients estimate an upper mantle depth of 3.32 km. This value agrees with previous work based on dredged samples and inversion of rare element concentrations in basalts dredged from the conjugate site to the north of the Atlantis Bank. Laboratory measurements show Vp anisotropy ranging between 0.4% and 8.8%, with the majority of the samples having values less than 3.8%. Measurements of velocity anisotropy seem to be associated with zones of high crystal-plastic deformation with predominant preferred mineral orientations of plagioclase, amphiboles, and pyroxenes. These findings are consistent with results on gabbros from the Hess Deep area and suggest that plastic deformation may play an important role in the seismic properties of the lower oceanic crust. In contrast to ophiolite studies, many of the olivine gabbros show a small degree of anisotropy. Log derived Vs anisotropy shows an average of 5.8% for the upper 600 m of Hole 735B and tends to decrease with depth where the overburden pressure and the age of the crustal section suggests closure of cracks and infilling of fractures by alteration minerals. Overall the results indicate that the average shear wave splitting in Hole 735B might be influenced by preferred structural orientations and the average value of shear wave splitting may not be a maximum because structural dips are <90°. The maximum fast-wave orientation values could be influenced by structural features striking slightly oblique to this orientation or by near-field stress concentrations. However, flexural wave dispersion analyses have not been performed to confirm this hypothesis or to indicate to what extent the near-field stresses may be influencing shear wave propagation. Acoustic impedance contrasts calculated from laboratory and logging data were used to generate synthetic seismograms that aid in the interpretation of reflection profiles. Several prominent reflections produced by these calculations suggest that Fe-Ti oxides and shear zones may contribute to the reflective nature of the lower oceanic crust. Laboratory velocity attenuation (Q) measurements from below 500 m have a mean value of 35.1, which is consistent with previous vertical seismic profile (VSP) and laboratory measurements on the upper 500 m.


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Uniaxial strain consolidation experiments were conducted to determine elastic and plastic properties and to estimate the permeability of sediments from 0 to 200 meters below seafloor at Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1194 and 1198. Plastic deformation is described by compression indices, which range from 0.19 to 0.37. Expansion indices, the elastic deformation measured during unload/reload cycles on samples, vary from 0.02 to 0.029. Consolidation experiments provide lower bounds on permeability between 5.4 x 10**-16 m**2 and 1.9 x 10**-18 m**2, depending on the consolidation state of the sample.


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During Legs 118 and 176, Ocean Drilling Program Hole 735B, located on Atlantis Bank on the Southwest Indian Ridge, was drilled to a total depth of 1508 meters below seafloor (mbsf) with nearly 87% recovery. The recovered core provides a unique section of oceanic Layer 3 produced at an ultraslow spreading ridge. Metamorphism and alteration are extensive in the section but decrease markedly downward. Both magmatic and hydrothermal veins are present in the core, and these were active conduits for melt and fluid in the crust. We have identified seven major types of veins in the core: felsic and plagioclase rich, plagioclase + amphibole, amphibole, diopside and diopside + plagioclase, smectite ± prehnite ± carbonate, zeolite ± prehnite ± carbonate, and carbonate. A few epidote and chlorite veins are also present but are volumetrically insignificant. Amphibole veins are most abundant in the upper 50 m of the core and disappear entirely below 520 mbsf. Felsic and plagioclase ± amphibole ± diopside veins dominate between ~50 and 800 mbsf, and low-temperature smectite, zeolite, and prehnite veins are present in the lower 500 m of the core. Carbonate veinlets are randomly present throughout the core but are most abundant in the lower portions. The amphibole veins are closely associated with zones of intense crystal plastic deformation formed at the brittle/ductile boundary at temperatures above 700°C. The felsic and plagioclase-rich veins were formed originally by late magmatic fluids at temperatures above 800°C, but nearly all of these have been overprinted by intense hydrothermal alteration at temperatures between 300° and 600°C. The zeolite, prehnite, and smectite veins formed at temperatures <100°C. The chemistry of the felsic veins closely reflects their dominant minerals, chiefly plagioclase and amphibole. The plagioclase is highly zoned with cores of calcic andesine and rims of sodic oligoclase or albite. In the felsic veins the amphibole ranges from magnesio-hornblende to actinolite or ferro-actinolite, whereas in the monomineralic amphibole veins it is largely edenite and magnesio-hornblende. Diopside has a very narrow range of composition but does exhibit some zoning in Fe and Mg. The felsic and plagioclase-rich veins were originally intruded during brittle fracture at the ridge crest. The monomineralic amphibole veins also formed near the ridge axis during detachment faulting at a time of low magmatic activity. The overprinting of the igneous veins and the formation of the hydrothermal veins occurred as the crustal section migrated across the floor of the rift valley over a period of ~500,000 yr. The late-stage, low-temperature veins were deposited as the section migrated out of the rift valley and into the transverse ridge along the margin of the fracture zone.


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Sea ice models contain many different parameterizations of which one of the most commonly used is a subgrid-scale ice thickness distribution (ITD). The effect of this model component and the associated ice strength formulation on the reproduction of observed Arctic sea ice is assessed. To this end the model's performance in reproducing satellite observations of sea ice concentration, thickness and drift is evaluated. For an unbiased comparison, different model configurations with and without an ITD are tuned with an automated parameter optimization. The original combination of ITD and ice strength parameterization does not lead to better results than a simple single category model. Yet changing to a simpler ice strength formulation, which depends linearly on the mean ice thickness across all thickness categories, allows to clearly improve the model-data misfit when using an ITD. In the original formulation, the ice strength depends strongly on the number of thickness categories, so that introducing more categories can lead to thicker albeit weaker ice on average.


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The shape and morphology of the northern Barbados Ridge complex is largely controlled by the sediment yield and failure behavior in response to high lateral loads imposed by convergence. Loads in excess of sediment yield strength result in nonrecoverable deformations within the wedge, and failure strength acts as an upper limit beyond which stresses are released through thrust faults. Relatively high loading rates lead to delayed consolidation and in-situ pore pressures greater than hydrostatic. The sediment yield and failure behavior is described for any stress path by a generalized constitutive model. A yield locus delineates the onset of plastic (non-recoverable) deformation, as defined from the isotropic and anisotropic consolidation responses of high-quality 38-mm triaxial specimens; a failure envelope was obtained by shearing the same specimens in both triaxial compression and extension. The yield locus is shown to be rotated into extension space and is centered about a K-line greater than unity, suggesting that the in-situ major principal stress has rotated into the horizontal plane, and that the sediment wedge is being subjected to extensional effective stress paths.