49 resultados para PHYTOLITHS

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Phytoliths are described from deep sea sediments at Site 591 in the southwestern Pacific. Their regional distribution is related to the arid and semiarid regions of Australia, from where they were blown by westerly winds into the Tasman Sea area. The stratigraphic record ranges from the middle Miocene, at about 14.4 m.y., until the early Pleistocene. A distinct increase in frequencies observed during the Pliocene and a maximum at about 2.5 m.y. coincide with important trends in paleogeography and paleoclimatology: the development of the Antarctic ice cap, the northward drift of the Australian Plate, and the generation of arid conditions on the Australian continent.


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Phytoliths (siliceous plant microfossils) have been recovered from Cenozoic sediments (c. 34 to 17 Ma) in the CRP-2/2A and CRP-3 drillholes cored off Cape Roberts, Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica. The phytolith assemblages are sparse, but well-preserved and dominated by spherical forms similar to those of modern trees or shrubs. Rare phytoliths comparable to modern grass forms are also present. However, due to the paucity of phytolith data, any interpretations made are necessarily tentative. The assemblages of CRP-2/2A and the upper c. 250 m of CRP-3 are interpreted as representing a predominantly woody vegetation, including Nothofagus and Libocedrus with local areas of grass in the more exposed locations. A cool climate is interpreted to have prevailed throughout both cores. However, beneath c. 250 metres below sea floor in CRP-3, the dominant woody vegetation is supplemented by pockets of Palmae, ?Proteaceae and 'warm' climate grasses. This association represents vegetation growth in sheltered, moist sites - possibly north-facing mid-slopes or the coastal fringe. It may also represent remnant vegetation that grew in moist, temperate conditions during the Middle to Late Eocene, previously interpreted from the Southern McMurdo Sound erratics and lower part of the CIROS-1 drillhole. The phytolith analysis compares well to the terrestrial palynomorph record from both cores and provides additional independent taxonomic and climatic interpretations.


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The Pliocene-Holocene sediments recovered on ODP Leg 114 from Holes 699A, 701C, and 704B are the subject of a detailed investigation to interpret changes in the Oceanographic environment of the South Atlantic in the vicinity of the Polar Front Zone (PFZ). The cores sample sediments at shallow (Hole 704B, 2532 m), intermediate (Hole 699A, 3716 m), and basinal (Hole 701C, 4647 m) depths. Sites 699 and 704 come under the influence of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and Circumpolar Deep Water. It is possible that the upper reaches of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) may also affect Hole 699A. Site 701 is influenced by AABW. Closely spaced samples were analyzed for grain-size distribution, sand fraction components, biosiliceous microfossils, organic carbon, and water content. PFZ migrations are traced using changes in bulk sedimentaccumulation rates and the abundance of the diatoms Actiniscus ssp. and Genus et species indet. 1 Fenner (1991), as well as changes in sediment grain size and composition. Diatomaceous sediments of Gilbert age in Hole 699A indicate that the PFZ was positioned over this site, but during the Gauss it migrated north, bringing in less productive Antarctic Surface Water. All cores document a very gradual southerly movement of the PFZ throughout the Matuyama (with some sharp fluctuations of the northen PFZ border over Site 704 between 1.45 and 1.83 m.y.). This regressive shift culminated in the late Matuyama. The latest Matuyama to earliest Brunhes record in Hole 699A has been removed by a hiatus lasting from 1.0 to 0.6 m.y., which was probably caused by intensification of the deep-reaching ACC. The corresponding interval in Hole 704B, the shallowest core, contains evidence of winnowing. Sharp fluctuations of large amplitude and high frequency in the lithology of the sediments from Hole 704B in the eastern South Atlantic, starting at about 0.75 m.y. and characterizing the whole Brunhes Epoch, record the rapid movement of the northern border of the PFZ over the site. These reflect strong glacial/interglacial alternations in climate. To a lesser extent, lithologic fluctuations in Hole 701C reflect the same phenomenon, whereas in Hole 699A the lithology does not vary as dramatically.


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High- and low-latitude forcing of terrestrial African paleoclimate variability is demonstrated using 900 ka eolian and biogenic component records from Ocean Drilling Program site 663 in the eastern equatorial Atlantic. Terrigenous (eolian dust) and phytolith (savannah grass cuticle) accumulation rate records vary predominantly at 100 and 41 kyr periodicities and spectral phase estimates implicate high-latitude forcing. The abundance of freshwater diatoms (Melosira) transported from dry African lake beds varies coherently at 23-19 kyr orbital periodicities and at a phasing which implicates low-latitude precessional monsoon forcing. Modeling studies demonstrate that African climate is sensitive to both high- and low-latitude boundary conditions. African monsoon intensity is modulated by direct insolation variations due to orbital precession, whereas remote high-latitude forcing can be related to cool North Atlantic sea surface temperatures (SSTs) which promote African aridity and enhance dust-transporting wind speeds. The site 663 terrigenous and phytolith records covary with North Atlantic SST variability at 41 °N (site 607). We suggest that Pleistocene African climate has responded to both high-latitude North Atlantic SST variability as well as low-latitude precessional monsoon forcing; the high-latitude influence dominates the sedimentary record. Prior to circa 2.4 Ma, terrigenous variations occurred primarily at precessional periodicities (23-19 kyr), indicating that African climate was largely controlled by low-latitude insolation variations prior to the onset of high-amplitude glacial-interglacial climate change.


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Late Quaternary fluctuations in the intensity of Congo River freshwater load were reconstructed using three different proxies (marine and freshwater diatoms, and the delta18O record of Globigerinoides ruber) preserved in the sediments of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1077, located at the northern rim of the Congo River fan (5°10'S, 10°26'E). An abrupt change in the diatom assemblage is evident at Termination II: a two- to four-fold increase in (a) the relative abundance of a marine planktonic diatom tolerant of low salinity conditions (Cyclotella litoralis), and (b) in the concentration of freshwater diatoms. The microfossil data suggest a change in the environmental conditions surrounding Site 1077 from predominantly marine to mixed marine/brackish/fresh. The delta18O record of the planktic foraminifera G. ruber (pink) revealed negative deviations from the global oxygen isotope signal since Termination II which occurred during warm stage 1 and substages 3.2, 5.1, 5.3, and 5.5. Comparison of the isotopic signal of ODP Site 1077 with the record from a pelagic location (core GeoB1041 at 3°48'S, 7°05'W) confirms these results. The construction of an artificial delta18O curve using alkenone-derived sea surface temperature (SST) data from a nearby core (GeoB1008 at 6°S, 10°E) allowed us to estimate salinity and temperature effects on the ODP Site 1077 isotopic signal. Although increased SSTs may account for lighter delta18O values during warmer periods, they do not explain the extremely light values documented in the sediments of Site 1077. We used the oxygen isotope difference (Delta delta18O) between our site and GeoB1041 as a proxy for freshwater input. A general trend in the Delta delta18O was observed, with more negative values since Termination II. In addition, conspicuous Delta delta18O negative pulses coincided with periods of northern hemisphere summer insolation maxima over the African continent, suggesting an increase in the freshwater discharge from the Congo River due to enhanced precipitation on the hinterland. Here we propose that the abrupt change in environmental conditions at Site 1077 since Termination II is a consequence of a major reorganization in the depositional environment of the Congo River delta. This reorganization involved sustained equatorward displacement of the Angola-Benguela Front causing a northward deflection of the Congo River plume thus moving plume waters further north than normal and over Site 1077.


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The occurrence of diatom species in the Eocene-Oligocene sections of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 115 sites and Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Sites 219 and 236 in the low-latitude Indian Ocean are investigated. Diatoms are generally rare and poorly preserved in the Paleogene sequences we studied. The best-preserved assemblages are found close to ash layers in early Oligocene sediments. The low-latitude diatom zonation established for the Atlantic region by Fenner in 1984 is fully applicable to the Paleogene sequences of the western Indian Ocean. Correlation of the diatom zones to the calcareous nannofossil stratigraphy of the sites places the Coscinodiscus excavatus Zone of Fenner within calcareous nannofossil Subzone CP16b. For the Mascarene Plateau and the Chagos Ridge, the times when the sites studied, together with the areas upslope from them, subsided to below the euphotic zone are deduced from changes in the relative abundance between the group of benthic, shallow-water species and Grammatophora spp. vs. the group of fully planktonic diatom species. The Eocene section of Site 707, on the Mascarene Plateau, is characterized by the occurrence of benthic diatoms (approximately 10% of the diatom assemblage). These allochthonous diatoms must have originated from shallow-water environments around volcanic islands that existed upslope from ODP Site 707 in Eocene times. In Oligocene and younger sediments of Sites 707 and 706, occurrences of benthic diatoms are rare and sporadic and interpreted as reworked from older sediments. This indicates that the area upslope from these two Mascarene Plateau sites had subsided below the euphotic zone by the early Oligocene. Only Grammatophora spp., for which a neritic but not benthic habitat is assumed, continues to be abundant throughout the Oligocene sequences. The area of the Madingley Rise sites (Sites 709-710) and nearby shallower areas subsided below the euphotic zone already in middle Eocene times, as benthic diatoms are almost absent from these Eocene sections. Only sites located on abyssal plains, and which intermittently received turbidite sediments (e.g., Sites 708 and 711), contain occasionally single, benthic diatoms of Oligocene age. The occurrence of the freshwater diatom Aulacosira granulata in a few samples of late early Oligocene and late Oligocene age at Sites 707, 709, and 714 is interpreted as windblown. Their presence indicates at least seasonally arid conditions for these periods in the source areas of eastern Africa and India. Three new species and two new combinations are defined: Chaetoceros asymmetricus Fenner sp. nov.; Hemiaulus gracilis Fenner, sp. nov.; Kozloviella meniscosa Fenner, sp. nov.; Cestodiscus demergitus (Fenner) Fenner comb, nov.; and Rocella princeps (Jouse) Fenner comb. nov.


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