11 resultados para PHYSICAL MAP

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Lithology describes the geochemical, mineralogical, and physical properties of rocks. It plays a key role in many processes at the Earth surface, especially the fluxes of matter to soils, ecosystems, rivers, and oceans. Understanding these processes at the global scale requires a high resolution description of lithology. A new high resolution global lithological map (GLiM) was assembled from existing regional geological maps translated into lithological information with the help of regional literature. The GLiM represents the rock types of the Earth surface using 1,235,400 polygons. The lithological classification consists of three levels. The first level contains 16 lithological classes comparable to previously applied definitions in global lithological maps. The additional two levels contain 12 and 14 subclasses, respectively, which describe more specific rock attributes. According to the GLiM, the Earth is covered by 64 % sediments (a third of which is carbonates), 13 % metamorphics, 7 % plutonics, and 6 % volcanics, and 10% are covered by water or ice. The high resolution of the GLiM allows observation of regional lithological distributions which often vary from the global average. The GLiM enables regional analysis of Earth surface processes at global scales.


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A new topographic database for King George Island, one of the most visited areas in Antarctica, is presented. Data from differential GPS surveys, gained during the summers 1997/98 and 1999/2000, were combined with up to date coastlines from a SPOT satellite image mosaic, and topographic information from maps as well as from the Antarctic Digital Database. A digital terrain model (DTM) was generated using ARC/INFO GIS. From contour lines derived from the DTM and the satellite image mosaic a satellite image map was assembled. Extensive information on data accuracy, the database as well as on the criteria applied to select place names is given in the multilingual map. A lack of accurate topographic information in the eastern part of the island was identified. It was concluded that additional topographic surveying or radar interferometry should be conducted to improve the data quality in this area. In three case studies, the potential applications of the improved topographic database are demonstrated. The first two examples comprise the verification of glacier velocities and the study of glacier retreat from the various input data-sets as well as the use of the DTM for climatological modelling. The last case study focuses on the use of the new digital database as a basic GIS (Geographic Information System) layer for environmental monitoring and management on King George Island.


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RV POSEIDON cruise POS264 was carried out by the Institut für Meereskunde of the University of Hamburg and staff from the Niels Bohr Instituttet for Astronomi, Fysik og Geofysik of the University of Copenhagen also participated. The cruise had several objectives: - to educate undergraduate students in the handling of oceanographic instrumentation and in the collection and analysis of field data, - to map the cold overflow through the Faroe-Bank Channel from the Norwegian Sea into the Icelandic Basin and to study its short-time variability and - to quantify the contributions of the water masses which are involved in the mixing of the overflow plume with its ambient water. The planning and preparation of the cruise involved the participating students and was carried out during seminars, both at the Universities of Hamburg and Copenhagen. Following a review of the recent literature and an analysis of historical data the observational programme was designed. Hydrographic and current profiling stations were occupied along several sections crossing the overflow. The experiment was financed by the University of Hamburg. Temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen data from CTD stations are presented. The temperature and salinity data were quality controlled and calibrated. Oxygen data are not calibrated as no oxygen samples were taken additionally during the cruise.


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Dilatant faults often form in rocks containing pre-existing joints, but the effects of joints on fault segment linkage and fracture connectivity is not well understood. We present an analogue modeling study using cohesive powder with pre-formed joint sets in the upper layer, varying the angle between joints and a rigid basement fault. We analyze interpreted map-view photographs at maximum displacement for damage zone width, number of connected joints, number of secondary fractures, degree of segmentation and area fraction of massively dilatant fractures. Particle imaging velocimetry helps provide insights on deformation history of the experiments and illustrate the localization pattern of fault segments. Results show that with increasing angle between joint-set and basement-fault strike the number of secondary fractures and the number of connected joints increases, while the area fraction of massively dilatant fractures shows only a minor increase. Models without pre-existing joints show far lower area fractions of massively dilatant fractures while forming distinctly more secondary fractures.


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To project the future development of the soil organic carbon (SOC) storage in permafrost environments, the spatial and vertical distribution of key soil properties and their landscape controls needs to be understood. This article reports findings from the Arctic Lena River Delta where we sampled 50 soil pedons. These were classified according to the U.S.D.A. Soil Taxonomy and fall mostly into the Gelisol soil order used for permafrost-affected soils. Soil profiles have been sampled for the active layer (mean depth 58±10 cm) and the upper permafrost to one meter depth. We analyze SOC stocks and key soil properties, i.e. C%, N%, C/N, bulk density, visible ice and water content. These are compared for different landscape groupings of pedons according to geomorphology, soil and land cover and for different vertical depth increments. High vertical resolution plots are used to understand soil development. These show that SOC storage can be highly variable with depth. We recommend the treatment of permafrost-affected soils according to subdivisions into: the surface organic layer, mineral subsoil in the active layer, organic enriched cryoturbated or buried horizons and the mineral subsoil in the permafrost. The major geomorphological units of a subregion of the Lena River Delta were mapped with a land form classification using a data-fusion approach of optical satellite imagery and digital elevation data to upscale SOC storage. Landscape mean SOC storage is estimated to 19.2±2.0 kg C/m**2. Our results show that the geomorphological setting explains more soil variability than soil taxonomy classes or vegetation cover. The soils from the oldest, Pleistocene aged, unit of the delta store the highest amount of SOC per m**2 followed by the Holocene river terrace. The Pleistocene terrace affected by thermal-degradation, the recent floodplain and bare alluvial sediments store considerably less SOC in descending order.