3 resultados para Oxygen reductions
em Publishing Network for Geoscientific
The contributions of total organic carbon and nitrogen to elemental cycling in the surface layer of the Sargasso Sea are evaluated using a 5-yr time-series data set (1994-1998). Surface-layer total organic carbon (TOC) and total organic nitrogen (TON) concentrations ranged from 60 to 70 µM C and 4 to 5.5 µM N seasonally, resulting in a mean C : N molar ratio of 14.4±2.2. The highest surface concentrations varied little during individual summer periods, indicating that net TOC production ceased during the highly oligotrophic summer season. Winter overturn and mixing of the water column were both the cause of concentration reductions and the trigger for net TOC production each year following nutrient entrainment and subsequent new production. The net production of TOC varied with the maximum in the winter mixed-layer depth (MLD), with greater mixing supporting the greatest net production of TOC. In winter 1995, the TOC stock increased by 1.4 mol C/m**2 in response to maximum mixing depths of 260 m. In subsequent years experiencing shallower maxima in MLD (<220 m), TOC stocks increased <0.7 mol C/m**2. Overturn of the water column served to export TOC to depth (>100 m), with the amount exported dependent on the depth of mixing (total export ranged from 0.4 to 1.4 mol C/m**2/yr). The exported TOC was comprised both of material resident in the surface layer during late summer (resident TOC) and material newly produced during the spring bloom period (fresh TOC). Export of resident TOC ranged from 0.5 to 0.8 mol C/m**2/yr, covarying with the maximum winter MLD. Export of fresh TOC varied from nil to 0.8 mol C/m**2/yr. Fresh TOC was exported only after a threshold maximum winter MLD of ~200 m was reached. In years with shallower mixing, fresh TOC export and net TOC production in the surface layer were greatly reduced. The decay rates of the exported TOC also covaried with maximum MLD. The year with deepest mixing resulted in the highest export and the highest decay rate (0.003 1/d) while shallow and low export resulted in low decay rates (0.0002 1/d), likely a consequence of the quality of material exported. The exported TOC supported oxygen utilization at dC : dO2 molar ratios ranging from 0.17 when TOC export was low to 0.47 when it was high. We estimate that exported TOC drove 15-41% of the annual oxygen utilization rates in the 100-400 m depth range. Finally, there was a lack of variability in the surface-layer TON signal during summer. The lack of a summer signal for net TON production suggests a small role for N2 fixation at the site. We hypothesize that if N2 fixation is responsible for elevated N : P ratios in the main thermocline of the Sargasso Sea, then the process must take place south of Bermuda and the signal transported north with the Gulf Stream system.
To understand the validity of d18O proxy records as indicators of past temperature change, a series of experiments was conducted using an atmospheric general circulation model fitted with water isotope tracers (Community Atmosphere Model version 3.0, IsoCAM). A pre-industrial simulation was performed as the control experiment, as well as a simulation with all the boundary conditions set to Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) values. Results from the pre-industrial and LGM simulations were compared to experiments in which the influence of individual boundary conditions (greenhouse gases, ice sheet albedo and topography, sea surface temperature (SST), and orbital parameters) were changed each at a time to assess their individual impact. The experiments were designed in order to analyze the spatial variations of the oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation (d18Oprecip) in response to individual climate factors. The change in topography (due to the change in land ice cover) played a significant role in reducing the surface temperature and d18Oprecip over North America. Exposed shelf areas and the ice sheet albedo reduced the Northern Hemisphere surface temperature and d18Oprecip further. A global mean cooling of 4.1 °C was simulated with combined LGM boundary conditions compared to the control simulation, which was in agreement with previous experiments using the fully coupled Community Climate System Model (CCSM3). Large reductions in d18Oprecip over the LGM ice sheets were strongly linked to the temperature decrease over them. The SST and ice sheet topography changes were responsible for most of the changes in the climate and hence the d18Oprecip distribution among the simulations.
Sea surface temperature and salinity estimates reconstructed using planktonic foraminiferal abundance and delta18O records from core SU90-03 (40°N, 32°W, 2475 m water depth) reveal large climatic fluctuations linked to major instabilities in Northern Hemisphere ice sheets over the last 150 000 years. Episodes of enhanced ice rafted detritus (IRD) input were accompanied by discrete temperature minima, representing coolings of between 4 and 8°C, and reductions in surface salinity of up to 2.5-3.5 per mil. Several additional cooling episodes of a similar magnitude were documented during intervals of low IRD input that appear to be synchronous, within the limits of dating, with ice rafting events spatially confined to higher latitudes. Accelerator mass spectrometer 14C dates for Heinrich events (H1 - 14.2 ka, H2 - 21.4 ka, H3 - 26.7 ka, H4 - 34.8 ka, H5 - 47.2 ka) obtained from core SU90-03 agree well with other published age estimates and suggest a contemporaneous pattern of climate change throughout the North Atlantic during the last glacial period. This interpretation is supported by a comparison of IRD and palaeotemperature records from DSDP site 609 and core SU90-03, which clearly shows that the major climatic fluctuations identified at high latitudes were transmitted toward the subtropics. However, 14C dates suggest that ice rafting episodes may be diachronous to some extent. The northward migration of the polar front after the H1 event at 40°N in the mid-Atlantic occurred at 14 ka, approximately 500 years earlier than along the Portuguese margin, where the southerly advection of polar waters persisted within eastern boundary current system.