5 resultados para Oilwell casing

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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During CO2 storage operations in mature oilfields or saline aquifers it is desirable to trace the movement of injected CO2 for verification and safety purposes. We demonstrate the successful use of carbon isotope abundance ratios for tracing the movement of CO2 injected at the Cardium CO2 Storage Monitoring project in Alberta between 2005 and 2007. Injected CO2 had a d13C value of -4.6±1.1 per mil that was more than 10 per mil higher than the carbon isotope ratios of casing gas CO2 prior to CO2 injection with average d13C values ranging from -15.9 to -23.5 per mil. After commencement of CO2 injection, d13C values of casing gas CO2 increased in all observation wells towards those of the injected CO2 consistent with a two-source end-member mixing model. At four wells located in a NE-SW trend with respect to the injection wells, breakthrough of injected CO2 was registered chemically (>50 mol % CO2) and isotopically 1-6 months after commencement of CO2 injection resulting in cumulative CO2 fluxes exceeding 100000 m**3 during the observation period. At four other wells, casing gas CO2 contents remained below 5 mol % resulting in low cumulative CO2 fluxes (<2000 m**3) throughout the entire observation period, but carbon isotope ratios indicated contributions between <30 and 80% of injected CO2. Therefore, we conclude that monitoring the movement of CO2 in the injection reservoir with geochemical and isotopic techniques is an effective approach to determine plume expansion and to identify potential preferential flow paths provided that the isotopic composition of injected CO2 is constant and distinct from that of baseline CO2.


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Vast areas on the Tibetan Plateau are covered by alpine sedge mats consisting of different species of the genus Kobresia. These mats have topsoil horizons rich in rhizogenic organic matter which creates turfs. As the turfs have recently been affected by a complex destruction process, knowledge concerning their soil properties, age and pedogenesis are needed. In the core area of Kobresia pygmaea mats around Nagqu (central Tibetan Plateau, ca. 4500 m a.s.l.), four profiles were subjected to pedological, paleobotanical and geochronological analyses concentrating on soil properties, phytogenic composition and dating of the turf. The turf of both dry K. pygmaea sites and wet Kobresia schoenoides sites is characterised by an enrichment of living (dominant portion) and dead root biomass. In terms of humus forms, K. pygmaea turfs can be classified as Rhizomulls mainly developed from Cambisols. Wet-site K. schoenoides turfs, however, can be classified as Rhizo-Hydromors developed from Histic Gleysols. At the dry sites studied, the turnover of soil organic matter is controlled by a non-permafrost cold thermal regime. Below-ground remains from sedges are the most frequent macroremains in the turf. Only a few pollen types of vascular plants occur, predominantly originating from sedges and grasses. Large amounts of microscopic charcoal (indeterminate) are present. Macroremains and pollen extracted from the turfs predominantly have negative AMS 14C ages, giving evidence of a modern turf genesis. Bulk-soil datings from the lowermost part of the turfs have a Late Holocene age comprising the last ca. 2000 years. The development of K. pygmaea turfs was most probably caused by an anthropo(zoo)-genetically initiated growth of sedge mats replacing former grass-dominated vegetation ('steppe'). Thus the turfs result from the transformation of pre-existing topsoils comprising a secondary penetration and accumulation of roots. K. schoenoides turfs, however, are characterised by a combined process of peat formation and penetration/accumulation of roots probably representing a (quasi) natural wetland vegetation.


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These data are from a field experiment conducted in a shallow alluvial aquifer along the Colorado River in Rifle, Colorado, USA. In this experiment, bicarbonate-promoted uranium desorption and acetate amendment were combined and compared to an acetate amendment-only experiment in the same experimental plot. Data include names and location data for boreholes, geochemical data for all the boreholes between June 1, 2010 and January 1, 2011, microarray data provided as signal to noise ratio (SNR) for individual microarray probes, microarray data provided as signal to noise ratio (SNR) by Genus.


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Hole 504B in the eastern equatorial Pacific has been the focus of five scientific drilling expeditions since it was first drilled in 1979. During these five legs, a series of temperature logs has been obtained over a time span of almost 8 yr, documenting the geothermal and hydrologic state of the oceanic crust in this region. Immediately following reentry at the onset of ODP Leg 111 operations, a high-resolution temperature probe was lowered into the borehole and a precise record of temperature vs. depth in Hole 504B was recorded down to 1300 mbsf. As was observed during previous legs, the temperature gradient in the upper 400 m was reduced, indicating that downhole flow of cool ocean waters through the casing continued, though at a diminished rate. As subhydrostatic pressures in the upper basement have gradually diminished, the volume of flow has decayed from an estimated 6000-7000 L/hr in late 1979 to about 80 L/hr during Leg 111. At depths below 480 mbsf, a predominantly conductive heat transfer environment enabled the temperature gradient log to be analyzed with respect to lithology on both fine and broad scales. Anomalies in the gradient log in the cased section through the sedimentary column were found to correspond to biostratigraphic age markers and/or sharp changes in sediment composition and texture. Broad variations in temperature gradient within the basement correlated with large-scale porosity trends. Conductive heatflow estimates depict a systematic reduction with depth, ranging from approximately 196 mW/m**2 in the sediments to 120 ± 17 mW/m**2 at 1300 mbsf. Possible causes for this observation were examined from several perspectives, but none was suitably convincing. A fluid instability analysis indicated the likely existence of convection cells within the borehole and substantiated the hypothesis of mixing within the borehole postulated from isotopic and chemical studies of borehole waters. However, such mixing of borehole fluids does not provide an adequate explanation for the heatflow variations, and the disparity between surficial and deep values of heat flow remains unresolved.


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Site 810 was drilled atop Shatsky Rise during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 132. The principal objective at Site 810 was to drill interbedded cherts and chalks of Mesozoic age using the diamond coring system (DCS). The objective was not achieved because of difficulties in setting up the reentry cone on the seafloor; however, a shortened section of Cretaceous-Cenozoic nannofossil ooze was recovered with the advanced piston corer (APC). Although the section is interrupted by hiatuses, the upper 50 m carry detailed information relating to biogenic productivity, water chemistry, and eolian input during the Pliocene and Pleistocene. Four holes were drilled at Site 810. Hole 810A consists of a single mud-line core for an ongoing ODP geriatric study. The second hole (Hole 810B) was washed to 60 mbsf (without core recovery) to provide information required for setting the 16-in. casing attached to the reentry cone. Hole 810C penetrated 136.1 mbsf, mostly with the APC, with a total recovery of 143.81 m of nannofossil ooze. A reentry cone was placed over Hole 810D but no casing was successfully suspended in the hole and no sediment was cored. This data report presents the results of shore-based high-resolution analyses of carbonate and oxygen isotopic variations in the upper 50 m of the section at Site 810 and compares these variations with the shipboard determinations of magnetic susceptibility and GRAPE bulk density from the multisensor track.