em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Basalt samples recovered on Ocean Drilling Program Leg 120 from the Kerguelen Plateau were investigated by thermomagnetic analysis, X-ray diffraction, and ore microscopy. The basement samples could be divided into two groups based on Curie temperatures, cell-edge parameters, and optical magnetic mineralogy. Samples from Sites 748 and 750 underwent only low-temperature oxidation and displayed Curie temperatures for the titanomaghemites that ranged from 340° to 395°C. The basalts from Sites 747 and 749 mainly experienced high-temperature oxidation. High-temperature oxidation produced titanium-poor titanomagnetites with ilmenite-exsolution lamellae. Curie temperatures of the deuterically oxidized titanomaghemites varied from 490° to 620°C.


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Twenty-seven samples from the Leg 83 section of Hole 504B have been investigated using magnetic, optical, and electron optical methods. The primary magnetic mineral to crystallize was titanomagnetite of approximate composition Fe2.4Ti0.6O4 (TM60), but none survives, nor is there evidence of titanomaghemite produced by oxidation of TM60. The average measured magnetic properties can be interpreted in terms of magnetite, Fe3O4, having average grain size of <1 µm and present in average volume concentration of - 0.5%. The intensity of the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) of the rocks could also be accounted for as being a thermoremanence carried by this mineral. Although the heterogeneity of the titanomagnetite grains could be detected optically, the texture of the intergrown phases is poorly developed. In some samples from the massive units of the lower part of the section, trellis patterns were visible. The Fe3O4 present in the intergrowths is too intimately mixed with the other intergrown phases to be revealed by electron microprobe analysis that simply returns the bulk composition of the intergrowth (oxidized TM60). The path by which the mineral assemblage evolved from TM60 to an Fe304-containing intergrowth, under the temperature and pressure conditions obtaining in the Leg 83 section, makes interesting speculation. Deuteric oxidation, maghemitization/inversion, or some hypothetical low-temperature/high-pressure oxidation by a leaching-of-iron process may all play roles.