92 resultados para Northern Quebec

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Two modal size groups of sexually mature Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) differing in shape and found at different depths in Lake Aigneau in the Canadian sub-Arctic are described and tested for genetic and ecological differentiation. Forms consisted of a small littoral resident, mean size 21.7 cm, and a large profundal resident, mean size 53.9 cm. Mitochondrial DNA analysis indicated that seven of eight haplotypes were diagnostic for either the littoral or profundal fish, with 66.6% of the variation being found within form groupings. Pairwise tests of microsatellite data indicated significant differences in nine of 12 loci and a significant difference between the forms across all tested loci. Molecular variation was partitioned to 84.1% within and 15.9% between forms and suggestive of either restricted interbreeding over time or different allopatric origins. Stable isotope signatures were also significantly different, with the profundal fish having higher d13C and d15N values than the littoral fish. Overlap and separation, respectively, in the range of form d13C and d15N signatures indicated that carbon was obtained from similar sources, but that forms fed at different trophic levels. Littoral fish relied on aquatic insects, predominantly chironomids. Profundal fish were largely piscivorous, including cannibalism. Predominantly empty stomachs and low per cent nitrogen muscle-tissue composition among profundal fish further indicated that the feeding activity was limited to the winter when ice-cover increases the density of available prey at depth. Results provide evidence of significant differences between the modal groups, with origins in both genetics and ecology.


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The observation by Heinrich (1988) that, during the last glacial period, much of the input of ice-rafted detritus to the North Atlantic sediments may have occurred as a succession of catastrophic events, rekindled interest on the history of the northern ice sheets over the last glacial period. In this paper, we present a rapid method to study the distribution of these events (both in space and time) using whole core low-field magnetic susceptibility. We report on approximately 20 cores covering the last 150 to 250 kyr. Well-defined patterns of ice-rafted detritus appear during periods of large continental ice-sheet extent, although these are not always associated within their maxima. Most of the events may be traced across the North Atlantic Ocean. For the six most recent Heinrich layers (HL), two distinct patterns exist: HL1, HL2, HL4, HL5 are distributed along the northern boundary of the Glacial Polar Front, over most of the North Atlantic between ~40° and 50°N; HL3 is more restricted to the central and eastern part of the northern Atlantic. The Nd-Sr isotopic composition of the material constituting different Heinrich events indicates the different provenance of the two patterns: HL3 has a typical Scandinavia-Arctic-Icelandic 'young crust' signature, and the others have a large component of northern Quebec and northern West Greenland 'old crust' material. These isotopic results, obtained on core SU-9008 from the North American basin, are in agreement with the study by Jantschik and Huon (1992), who used K-Ar dating of silt- and clay-size fractions of an eastern basin core (ME-68-89). These data confirm the large spatial scale of these events, and the enormous amount of ice-rafted detritus they represent.


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In view of the drastic growth in the Canadian Inuit population, the rising costs of living, the missing job and income alternatives and the high unemployment rate in the arctic, efforts are being made to make use of the muskox populations in order to provide additional sources of food and/or revenue. The present paper attempts to review the course of muskox utilization in the Canadian Arctic and to tentatively assess its present as weIl as its future economic importance. Starting with the pre-European status of muskoxen in Canada, the drastic reduction in numbers resulting from the combined efforts of hide traders, whalers and expedition parties in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the impact of the legal protection and the recovery since 1917 are being described. Establishing muskox farms with semi-domesticated herds failed in Canada in the 1970's. Since 1969, though, increasing numbers of animals have been allotted to many Inuit communities, and despite the fact that most of the animals were primarily used for subsistence purposes, some communities could reserve part of their quotas for trophy (sport) hunters. While controlled sustainable subsistence and trophy hunts may eventually be carried out over the whole muskox range, including recently colonized northern Quebec, commercial harvesting for meat, hides and wool, introduced in 1981, will at least for some time be restricted to Banks and Victoria islands which at present show 78 % of the Canadian muskox population and 94 % of the overall quota.