6 resultados para Non-Fermi-liquid scaling

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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In order to reveal the structure of the sparsely known deeper sublittoral hard bottom communities of glacial Kongsfjorden, the macroepibenthos from six depth zones (30-200 m) was analysed. A total of 180 still images derived from 6-h video recorded at the Kongsfjordneset remotely operated vehicle station were assessed quantitatively. Overall 27 mainly suspension-feeding species/taxa were observed. Of these, two-thirds have an arcto-boreal distribution, while the remainder are cosmopolitan. The overall mean epibenthos abundance was 33 ind./m**2 with maximum values at 150 m depth (97.9 ind./m**2). The majority of the taxa inhabited the entire depth range. Encrusting red algae, an unidentified sponge and the sea anemone Urticina eques, characterized the assemblage of the shallow zone. The sea anemones Hormathia spp. were important below 30 m, the Serpulid polychaete Protula tubularia was characteristic for the community below 50 m and the demosponge Haliclona sp. was a key taxon between 100 and 200 m depth. Cluster analysis and non-metrical multidimensional scaling based on abundance data showed differences between the assemblages along the bathymetric gradient, but only in the shallower depths in relation to the substratum surface incline. As surface and tidal current impacts attenuate with increasing depth, there is a gradual trend from robust key species towards more fragile ones (i.e. P. tubularia), in line with the 'Physical control hypothesis'.


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Two expeditions, undertaken in 1994 and 1996, provided quantitatively sampled material of sublittoral and bathyal meiobenthos from the Paso Ancho of the Straits of Magellan, the Beagle Channel, and the Patagonian continental slope (Chile). To investigate whether these distinct geographic areas might also be characterised by different harpacticoid assemblages, qualitative and quantitative analyses of Copepoda Harpacticoida were carried out. At supraspecific level 25 harpacticoid families were found, as well as several species that could not yet be assigned to any major harpacticoid taxon. Due to the high amount of collected Harpacticoida, detailed investigations at species level had to be restricted to six taxa, namely the Ancorabolidae, Argestidae, Cletodidae, Diosaccinae, Paramesochridae, and Paranannopinae. The corresponding specimens were assigned to 122 species in 52 genera. More than 80% of them are new to science. Qualitative comparisons of both species composition and species distribution allow the three areas to be distinguished in terms of species richness. However, statistical analyses confirm these results only partly. Similarity analyses applying non-metrical multidimensional scaling, as well as diversity analyses using the rarefaction method, suggest that the observed differences in distribution and diversity patterns are due to small-scale, local conditions, which may overlay possible large-scale ones.


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DNA extraction was carried out as described on the MICROBIS project pages (http://icomm.mbl.edu/microbis ) using a commercially available extraction kit. We amplified the hypervariable regions V4-V6 of archaeal and bacterial 16S rRNA genes using PCR and several sets of forward and reverse primers (http://vamps.mbl.edu/resources/primers.php). Massively parallel tag sequencing of the PCR products was carried out on a 454 Life Sciences GS FLX sequencer at Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, following the same experimental conditions for all samples. Sequence reads were submitted to a rigorous quality control procedure based on mothur v30 (doi:10.1128/AEM.01541-09) including denoising of the flow grams using an algorithm based on PyroNoise (doi:10.1038/nmeth.1361), removal of PCR errors and a chimera check using uchime (doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btr381). The reads were taxonomically assigned according to the SILVA taxonomy (SSURef v119, 07-2014; doi:10.1093/nar/gks1219) implemented in mothur and clustered at 98% ribosomal RNA gene V4-V6 sequence identity. V4-V6 amplicon sequence abundance tables were standardized to account for unequal sampling effort using 1000 (Archaea) and 2300 (Bacteria) randomly chosen sequences without replacement using mothur and then used to calculate inverse Simpson diversity indices and Chao1 richness (doi:10.2307/4615964). Bray-Curtis dissimilarities (doi:10.2307/1942268) between all samples were calculated and used for 2-dimensional non metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordinations with 20 random starts (doi:10.1007/BF02289694). Stress values below 0.2 indicated that the multidimensional dataset was well represented by the 2D ordination. NMDS ordinations were compared and tested using Procrustes correlation analysis (doi:10.1007/BF02291478). All analyses were carried out with the R statistical environment and the packages vegan (available at: http://cran.r-project.org/package=vegan), labdsv (available at: http://cran.r-project.org/package=labdsv), as well as with custom R scripts. Operational taxonomic units at 98% sequence identity (OTU0.03) that occurred only once in the whole dataset were termed absolute single sequence OTUs (SSOabs; doi:10.1038/ismej.2011.132). OTU0.03 sequences that occurred only once in at least one sample, but may occur more often in other samples were termed relative single sequence OTUs (SSOrel). SSOrel are particularly interesting for community ecology, since they comprise rare organisms that might become abundant when conditions change.16S rRNA amplicons and metagenomic reads have been stored in the sequence read archive under SRA project accession number SRP042162.


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This paper describes the composition and abundance of mesozooplankton of Bahi'a Ushuaia and Bahi'a Golondrina. These small bays are located in the northern Beagle Channel. Sampling was carried out from January 20 to 23, 2001 and samples were collected from the upper layer at nine stations. This study is the first research on mesozooplankton in this part of the Beagle Channel. Due to their dominance in the mesozooplankton community, we compared our Copepoda data with those reported by other authors from Antarctic coastal environments. By applying cluster analysis, we found two station groups in both bays: one in slightly polluted zones and the other in undisturbed external zones. Four assemblages in Bahi'a Ushuaia and two in Bahi'a Golondrina were determined by using non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS) and cluster analysis. Mesozooplanktonic assemblages showed a certain resemblance in zones with and without anthropogenic influence. Most of the copepod species in our samples are typical of the sub-Antarctic region. Oithona similis (=0. helgolandica sensu Ramirez, 1966), Oncaea curvata, and Ctenocahmus citer show either similar or higher abundances at Antarctic coastal sites, including the upper layer in oceanic areas, in comparison with sub-Antarctic coastal localities. This suggests that, in agreement with other findings, the Polar Front is probably not a major geographic boundary for the distribution of these species.


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Dissolution of non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) or gases into groundwater is a key process, both for contamination problems originating from organic liquid sources, and for dissolution trapping in geological storage of CO2. Dissolution in natural systems typically will involve both high and low NAPL saturations and a wide range of pore water flow velocities within the same source zone for dissolution to groundwater. To correctly predict dissolution in such complex systems and as the NAPL saturations change over time, models must be capable of predicting dissolution under a range of saturations and flow conditions. To provide data to test and validate such models, an experiment was conducted in a two-dimensional sand tank, where the dissolution of a spatially variable, 5x5 cm**2 DNAPL tetrachloroethene source was carefully measured using x-ray attenuation techniques at a resolution of 0.2x0.2 cm**2. By continuously measuring the NAPL saturations, the temporal evolution of DNAPL mass loss by dissolution to groundwater could be measured at each pixel. Next, a general dissolution and solute transport code was written and several published rate-limited (RL) dissolution models and a local equilibrium (LE) approach were tested against the experimental data. It was found that none of the models could adequately predict the observed dissolution pattern, particularly in the zones of higher NAPL saturation. Combining these models with a model for NAPL pool dissolution produced qualitatively better agreement with experimental data, but the total matching error was not significantly improved. A sensitivity study of commonly used fitting parameters further showed that several combinations of these parameters could produce equally good fits to the experimental observations. The results indicate that common empirical model formulations for RL dissolution may be inadequate in complex, variable saturation NAPL source zones, and that further model developments and testing is desirable.


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This PhD thesis focused on the analysis and application of microbial membrane lipids as biomarkers in marine sediments. Existing protocols for lipid extraction from marine sediments and biomass were modified. In addition, recent protocols based on high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) as well as state-of-the-art mass spectrometric analysis by quadrupole time-of-flight (MSqTOF) and the triple quadrupole (MSQQQ) mass spectrometer were used to investigate matrix effects and evaluate the reliability of quantitative analysis in marine environmental samples. The improved lipid extraction and quantification were used to analyze Black Sea water column and sediments samples to a depth of 8 meters from site GeoB 15105 taken during cruise M84/1 (DARCSEAS) with R/V Meteor to apply lipid analysis in benthic bio systems. With this component specific differentiation between planktonic and benthic lipid signature we assessed possible lipid sources. Here, this high detail lipid fingerprinting allowed us to observe changes in the head group and lipid core structures of the intact polar lipids according to the geochemical zonation.