12 resultados para More, Henry - Crítica i interpretació

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Salinity increase in the subtropical gyre system may have pre-conditioned the North Atlantic Ocean for a rapid return to stronger overturning circulation and high-latitude warming following meltwater events during the Last Glacial period. Here we investigate the Gulf Stream - subtropical gyre system properties over Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) cycles 14 to 12, including Heinrich ice-rafting event 5. During the Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum a positive gradient in surface dwelling planktonic foraminifera d18O (Globigerinoides ruber) can be observed between the Gulf Stream and subtropical gyre, due to decreasing temperature, increasing salinity, and a change from summer to year-round occurrence of G. ruber. We assess whether this gradient was a common feature during stadial-interstadial climate oscillations of Marine Isotope Stage 3, by comparing existing G. ruber d18O from ODP Site 1060 (subtropical gyre location) and new data from ODP Site 1056 (Gulf Stream location) between 54 and 46 ka. Our results suggest that this gradient was largely absent during the period studied. During the major warm DO interstadials 14 and 12 we infer a more zonal and wider Gulf Stream, influencing both ODP Sites 1056 and 1060. A Gulf Stream presence during these major interstadials is also suggested by the large vertical d18O gradient between shallow dwelling planktonic foraminifera species, especially G. ruber, and the deep dwelling species Globorotalia inflata at site 1056, which we associate with strong summer stratification and Gulf Stream presence. A major reduction in this vertical d18O gradient from 51 ka until the end of Heinrich event 5 at 48.5 ka suggests site 1056 was situated within the subtropical gyre in this mainly cold period, from which we infer a migration of the Gulf Stream to a position nearer to the continental shelf, indicative of a narrower Gulf Stream with possibly reduced transport.


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In order to reveal the structure of the sparsely known deeper sublittoral hard bottom communities of glacial Kongsfjorden, the macroepibenthos from six depth zones (30-200 m) was analysed. A total of 180 still images derived from 6-h video recorded at the Kongsfjordneset remotely operated vehicle station were assessed quantitatively. Overall 27 mainly suspension-feeding species/taxa were observed. Of these, two-thirds have an arcto-boreal distribution, while the remainder are cosmopolitan. The overall mean epibenthos abundance was 33 ind./m**2 with maximum values at 150 m depth (97.9 ind./m**2). The majority of the taxa inhabited the entire depth range. Encrusting red algae, an unidentified sponge and the sea anemone Urticina eques, characterized the assemblage of the shallow zone. The sea anemones Hormathia spp. were important below 30 m, the Serpulid polychaete Protula tubularia was characteristic for the community below 50 m and the demosponge Haliclona sp. was a key taxon between 100 and 200 m depth. Cluster analysis and non-metrical multidimensional scaling based on abundance data showed differences between the assemblages along the bathymetric gradient, but only in the shallower depths in relation to the substratum surface incline. As surface and tidal current impacts attenuate with increasing depth, there is a gradual trend from robust key species towards more fragile ones (i.e. P. tubularia), in line with the 'Physical control hypothesis'.


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Using principal component analysis and cyst diversity and equity trends, we can recognize four distinct dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) assemblages from four Rupelian (Early Oligocene) cores in the Mainz Embayment of the northern Rhine Graben (SW Germany). These assemblages are the Spiniferites ramosus (PC1), Thalassiphora pelagica (PC2), Homotryblium tenuispinosum (PC3), and Vozzhennikovia spinula (PC4) assemblages. The four cores provide an onshore-offshore transect in the Mainz Embayment. The H. tenuispinosum assemblage shows high factor loadings in proximal to intermediate cores, which is interpreted to reflect temporary high-salinity conditions. Mean dinocyst diversity and equity increase with distance from the Mid-Rupelian shoreline, indicating increasingly stable paleoenvironmental conditions towards the center of the Mainz Embayment. Within individual cores, changes in dinocyst assemblages through time are related to paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatological changes. The three proximal to intermediate cores show dominance of the H. tenuispinosum assemblage repeatedly alternating with high factor loadings of the T. pelagica assemblage. In both cases, dinocyst diversity and equity tend to be reduced. Highest factor loadings of the S. ramosus assemblage occur in intervals where neither of the above assemblages is dominant and tend to coincide with dinocyst diversity and equity maxima. We interpret this distribution pattern to denote different paleoceanographic conditions, reflecting drier and more humid phases in the Early Oligocene of Central Europe. During relatively dry periods, increased salinity conditions prevailed in proximal to intermediate settings of the Mainz Embayment, as reflected by the dominance of the H. tenuispinosum assemblage. During more humid periods, increased runoff led to higher nutrient availability and the formation of a pycnocline separating slightly less saline surface waters from higher saline deeper waters, thus impeding vertical circulation. These environmental conditions are documented in high loadings of the T. pelagica assemblage which is indicative of increased eutrophication and/or oxygen-depleted bottom waters. Transitions between drier and more humid periods, i.e. episodes of normal marine conditions, are characterized by high loadings predominantly of the S. ramosus assemblage as well as increased dinocyst diversity and equity values. We propose that the alternations between drier and more humid phases may be related to variations in the ocean-atmosphere moisture flux from the North Atlantic into Central Europe bearing a high-latitude climate signal.


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Benthic foraminiferal stable isotope records from four high-resolution sediment cores, forming a depth transect between 1237 m and 2303 m on the South Iceland Rise, have been used to reconstruct intermediate and deep water paleoceanographic changes in the northern North Atlantic during the last 21 ka (spanning Termination I and the Holocene). Typically, a sampling resolution of ~100 years is attained. Deglacial core chronologies are accurately tied to North Greenland Ice Core Project (NGRIP) ice core records through the correlation of tephra layers and changes in the percent abundance of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral) with transitions in NGRIP. The evolution from the glacial mode of circulation to the present regime is punctuated by two periods with low benthic d13C and d18O values, which do not lie on glacial or Holocene water mass mixing lines. These periods correlate with the late Younger Dryas/Early Holocene (11.5-12.2 ka) and Heinrich Stadial 1 (14.7-16.8 ka) during which time freshwater input and sea-ice formation led to brine rejection both locally and as an overflow exported from the Nordic seas into the northern North Atlantic, as earlier reported by Meland et al. (2008). The export of brine with low ?13C values from the Nordic seas complicates traditional interpretations of low d13C values during the deglaciation as incursions of southern sourced water, although the spatial extent of this brine is uncertain. The records also reveal that the onset of the Younger Dryas was accompanied by an abrupt and transient (~200-300 year duration) decrease in the ventilation of the northern North Atlantic. During the Holocene, Iceland-Scotland Overflow Water only reached its modern flow strength and/or depth over the South Iceland Rise by 7-8 ka, in parallel with surface ocean reorganizations and a cessation in deglacial meltwater input to the North Atlantic.


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