37 resultados para Microbial Carbonate

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Authigenic carbonates were collected from methane seeps at Hydrate Hole at 3113 m water depth and Diapir Field at 2417 m water depth on the northern Congo deep-sea fan during RV Meteor cruise M56. The carbonate samples analyzed here are nodules, mainly composed of aragonite and high-Mg calcite. Abundant putative microbial carbonate rods and associated pyrite framboids were recognized within the carbonate matrix. The d13C values of the Hydrate Hole carbonates range from -62.5 permil to -46.3 permil PDB, while the d13C values of the Diapir Field carbonate are somewhat higher, ranging from -40.7 permil to -30.7 permil PDB, indicating that methane is the predominant carbon source at both locations. Relative enrichment of 18O (d18O values as high as 5.2 permil PDB) are probably related to localized destabilization of gas hydrate. The total content of rare earth elements (REE) of 5% HNO3-treated solutions derived from carbonate samples varies from 1.6 ppm to 42.5 ppm. The shale-normalized REE patterns all display positive Ce anomalies (Ce/Ce* > 1.3), revealing that the carbonates precipitated under anoxic conditions. A sample from Hydrate Hole shows a concentric lamination, corresponding to fluctuations in d13C values as well as trace elements contents. These fluctuations are presumed to reflect changes of seepage flux.


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The occurrence of microbialites in post-glacial coral reefs has been interpreted to reflect an ecosystem response to environmental change. The greater thickness of microbialites in reefs with a volcanic hinterland compared to thinner microbial crusts in reefs with a non-volcanic hinterland led to the suggestion that fertilization of the reefal environment by chemical weathering of volcanic rocks stimulated primary productivity and microbialite formation. Using a molecular and isotopic approach on reef-microbialites from Tahiti (Pacific Ocean), it was recently shown that sulfate-reducing bacteria favored the formation of microbial carbonates. To test if similar mechanisms induced microbialite formation in other reefs as well, the Tahitian microbialites are compared with similar microbialites from coral reefs off Vanuatu (Pacific Ocean), Belize (Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean), and the Maldives (Indian Ocean) in this study. The selected study sites cover a wide range of geological settings, reflecting variable input and composition of detritus. The new lipid biomarker data and stable sulfur isotope results confirm that sulfate-reducing bacteria played an intrinsic role in the precipitation of microbial carbonate at all study sites, irrespective of the geological setting. Abundant biomarkers indicative of sulfate reducers include a variety of terminally-branched and mid chain-branched fatty acids as well as mono-O-alkyl glycerol ethers. Isotope evidence for bacterial sulfate reduction is represented by low d34S values of pyrite (-43 to -42 per mill) enclosed in the microbialites and, compared to seawater sulfate, slightly elevated d34S and d18O values of carbonate-associated sulfate (21.9 to 22.2 per mill and 11.3 to 12.4 per mill, respectively). Microbialite formation took place in anoxic micro-environments, which presumably developed through the fertilization of the reef environment and the resultant accumulation of organic matter including bacterial extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), coral mucus, and marine snow in cavities within the coral framework. ToF-SIMS analysis reveals that the dark layers of laminated microbialites are enriched in carbohydrates, which are common constituents of EPS and coral mucus. These results support the hypothesis that bacterial degradation of EPS and coral mucus within microbial mats favored carbonate precipitation. Because reefal microbialites formed by similar processes in very different geological settings, this comparative study suggests that a volcanic hinterland is not required for microbialite growth. Yet, detrital input derived from the weathering of volcanic rocks appears to be a natural fertilizer, being conductive for the growth of microbial mats, which fosters the development of particularly abundant and thick microbial crusts.


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With the accumulation of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2), a proceeding decline in seawater pH has been induced that is referred to as ocean acidification. The ocean's capacity for CO2 storage is strongly affected by biological processes, whose feedback potential is difficult to evaluate. The main source of CO2 in the ocean is the decomposition and subsequent respiration of organic molecules by heterotrophic bacteria. However, very little is known about potential effects of ocean acidification on bacterial degradation activity. This study reveals that the degradation of polysaccharides, a major component of marine organic matter, by bacterial extracellular enzymes was significantly accelerated during experimental simulation of ocean acidification. Results were obtained from pH perturbation experiments, where rates of extracellular alpha- and beta-glucosidase were measured and the loss of neutral and acidic sugars from phytoplankton-derived polysaccharides was determined. Our study suggests that a faster bacterial turnover of polysaccharides at lowered ocean pH has the potential to reduce carbon export and to enhance the respiratory CO2 production in the future ocean.


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Chemoherm carbonates, as well as numerous other types of methane seep carbonates, were discovered in 2004 along the passive margin of the northern South China Sea. Lithologically, the carbonates are micritic containing peloids, clasts and clam fragments. Some are highly brecciated with aragonite layers of varying thicknesses lining fractures and voids. Dissolution and replacement is common. Mineralogically, the carbonates are dominated by high magnesium calcites (HMC) and aragonite. Some HMCs with MgCO3 contents of between 30-38 mol%-extreme-HMC, occur in association with minor amounts of dolomite. All of the carbonates are strongly depleted in d13C, with a range from -35.7 to -57.5 per mil PDB and enriched in d18O (+ 4.0 to + 5.3 per mil PDB). Abundant microbial rods and filaments were recognized within the carbonate matrix as well as aragonite cements, likely fossils of chemosynthetic microbes involved in carbonate formation. The microbial structures are intimately associated with mineral grains. Some carbonate mineral grains resemble microbes. The isotope characteristics, the fabrics, the microbial structure, and the mineralogies are diagnostic of carbonates derived from anaerobic oxidation of methane mediated by microbes. From the succession of HMCs, extreme-HMC, and dolomite in layered tubular carbonates, combined with the presence of microbial structure and diagenetic fabric, we suggest that extreme-HMC may eventually transform into dolomites. Our results add to the worldwide record of seep carbonates and establish for the first time the exact locations and seafloor morphology where such carbonates formed in the South China Sea. Characteristics of the complex fabric demonstrate how seep carbonates may be used as archives recording multiple fluid regimes, dissolution, and early transformation events.


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Methane seepage leads to Mg-calcite and aragonite precipitation at a depth of 4,850 m on the Aleutian accretionary margin. Stromatolitic and oncoid growth structures imply encrustation of microorganisms (microbial mats) in the host sediment with a unique growth direction downward into the sediment, forming crust-shaped lithologies. Biomarker investigations of the residue after carbonate dissolution show strong enrichments in crocetane and archaeol, which contain extremely low d13C values. This indicates the presence of methane-consuming archaea, and d13C values of -42 to -51 per mill PDB indicate that methane is the carbon source for the carbonate crusts. Thus, it appears that stromatolitic encrustations of methanotrophic anaerobic archaea probably occurs in a consortium with sulphate-reducing bacteria and that carbonate precipitation proceeds downward into the sediment, where ascending cold fluids provide a methane source. Strontium and oxygen isotope analyses as well as 14C ages of the carbonates suggest that the fluids come from deep within the sediment and that carbonate precipitation began about 3,000 years ago.


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During IODP Expedition 310 (Tahiti Sea Level), drowned Pleistocene-Holocene barrier-reef terraces were drilled on the slope of the volcanic island. The deglacial reef succession typically consists of a coral framework encrusted by coralline algae and later by microbialites; the latter make up < 80% of the rock volume. Lipid biomarkers were analyzed in order to identify organisms involved in reef-microbialite formation at Tahiti, as the genesis of deglacial microbialites and the conditions favoring their formation are not fully understood. Sterols plus saturated and monounsaturated short-chain fatty acids predominantly derived from both marine primary producers (algae) and bacteria comprise 44 wt% of all lipids on average, whereas long-chain fatty acids and long-chain alcohols derived from higher land plants represent an average of only 24 wt%. Bacterially derived mono-O-alkyl glycerol ethers (MAGEs) and branched fatty acids (10-Me-C16:0; iso- and anteiso-C15:0 and -C17:0) are exceptionally abundant in the microbial carbonates (average, 19 wt%) and represent biomarkers of intermediate-to-high specificity for sulfate-reducing bacteria. Both are relatively enriched in 13C compared to eukaryotic lipids. No lipid biomarkers indicative of cyanobacteria were preserved in the microbialites. The abundances of Al, Si, Fe, Mn, Ba, pyroxene, plagioclase, and magnetite reflect strong terrigenous influx with Tahitian basalt as the major source. Chemical weathering of the basalt most likely elevated nutrient levels in the reefs and this fertilization led to an increase in primary production and organic matter formation, boosting heterotrophic sulfate reduction. Based on the observed biomarker patterns, sulfate-reducing bacteria were apparently involved in the formation of microbialites in the coral reefs off Tahiti during the last deglaciation.


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The lipids and kerogens of 15 sediment samples from Site 547 (ranging from Pleistocene to Early Jurassic/Triassic) and 4 from Site 545 (Cretaceous) have been analyzed. A strong terrestrial contribution of organic matter was found, and significant autochthonous inputs were also present, especially at Site 545. Both strongly reduced and highly oxidized sediments have been found in the Cenozoic and Jurassic samples of Site 547. On the contrary, all the Cretaceous sections of Sites 547 and 545 are anoxic. Sediments from anoxic paleoenvironments are immature and have a high content of sterenes, diasterenes, steradienes, hopenes, and ßß hopanes. Samples from oxic paleoenvironments are mainly mature and their content of hopenes and steriod structures is below the detection level. Nevertheless, their hopane distributions have the immature ßß homologs as the predominant molecular markers. For Site 545 the most abundant molecular markers are ring A monoaromatic steranes, and their presence is attributed to microbial and chemical transformations during early diagenesis.


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Results of mineralogical and isotopic analyzes of sulfur and carbon in carbonate nodules and host bottom sediments and results of 14C measurement in carbonate nodules are reported. It is proved that the carbonate nodules formed 11-22 thousand years ago in anaerobic diagenesis of bottom sediments rich in organic matter. Isotopic light metabolic carbon dioxide was a source of carbonate for nodules. It formed during microbial degradation of organic matter of bottom sediments.


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The evolution of pore fluids migrating through the forearc basins, continental massif, and accretionary prism of the Peru margin is recorded in the sequence of carbonate cements filling intergranular and fracture porosities. Petrographic, mineralogic, and isotopic analyses were obtained from cemented clastic sediments and tectonic breccias recovered during Leg 112 drilling. Microbial decomposition of the organic-rich upwelling facies occurs during early marine diagenesis, initially by sulfate-reduction mechanisms in the shallow subsurface, succeeded by carbonate reduction at depth. Microcrystalline, authigenic cements formed in the sulfate-reduction zone are 13C-depleted (to -20.1 per mil PDB), and those formed in the carbonate-reduction zone are 13C-enriched (to +19.0 per mil PDB). Calcium-rich dolomites and near-stoichiometric dolomites having uniformly heavy d18O values (+2.7 to +6.6 per mil PDB) are typical organic decomposition products. Quaternary marine dolomites from continental-shelf environments exhibit the strongest sulfate-reduction signatures, suggesting that Pleistocene sea-level fluctuations created a more oxygenated water column, caused periodic winnowing of the sediment floor, and expanded the subsurface penetration of marine sulfate. We have tentatively identified four exotic cement types precipitated from advected fluids and derived from the following diagenetic environments: (1) meteoric recharge, (2) basalt alteration, (3) seafloor venting and (4) hypersaline concentration. Coarsely crystalline, low-magnesium (Lo-Mg) calcite cements having pendant and blocky-spar morphologies, extremely negative d18O values (to -7.5 per mil PDB), and intermediate d13C values (-0.4 per mil to +4.6 per mil PDB) are found in shallow-marine Eocene strata. These cements are evidently products of meteoric diagenesis following subaerial emergence during late Eocene orogenic movements, although the strata have since subsided to greater than 4,000 m below sea level. Lo-Mg calcite cements filling scaly fabrics in the late Miocene accretionary prism sediments are apparently derived from fluids having lowered magnesium/calcium (Mg/Ca) and 18O/16O ratios; such fluids may have reacted with the subducting oceanic crust and ascended through the forearc along shallow-dipping thrust faults. Micritic, high-magnesium (Hi-Mg) calcite cements having extremely depleted d13C values (to -37.3%c PDB), and a benthic fauna of giant clams (Calyptogena sp.) supported by a symbiotic, chemoautotrophic metabolism, provide evidence for venting of methane-charged waters at the seafloor. Enriched d18O values (to +6.6%c PDB) in micritic dolomites from the continental shelf may be derived from hypersaline fluids that were concentrated in restricted lagoons behind an outer-shelf basement ridge, reactivated during late Miocene orogenesis.


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Oxygen and carbon isotopic variability of the dominant (<38 µm) carbonate fraction within bedded, organic-carbon rich Lower Cretaceous sediment intervals from various DSDP sites are closely correlated with preservational changes in the carbonates. Isotopic fluctuations are absent where carbonate contents vary little and where the carbonate fraction is dominated by biogenic phytoplankton remains. Within each of the studied intervals oxygen and carbon isotopic ratios become increasingly more negative in samples with carbonate contents higher than about 60% in which the proportion of diagenetic microcarbonate increases rapidly. Carbon isotopic ratios show a trend towards positive values in samples with carbonate contents of less than 40% and strong signs of dissolution. The taxonomic composition of nannofossil assemblages varies little within single intervals, despite significant differential diagenesis among individual beds; this points towards ecological stability of oceanic surface waters during the deposition of alternating beds. Bedding is, however, closely related to changing bioturbation intensity, indicating repeated fluctuations of the deep-water renewal rates and oxygen supply. Various microbial decomposition processes of organic matter leading to bed-specific differential carbonate diagenesis resulted in an amplification of primary bedding features and are considered responsible for most of the observed fluctuations in the stable isotopic ratios and carbonate contents.


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Eight-month-old blocks of the coral Porites lobata colonized by natural Hawaiian euendolithic and epilithic communities were experimentally exposed to two different aqueous pCO2 treatments, 400 ppmv and 750 ppmv, for 3 months. The chlorophyte Ostreobium quekettii dominated communities at the start and at the end of the experiment (65-90%). There were no significant differences in the relative abundance of euendolithic species, nor were there any differences in bioeroded area at the surface of blocks (27%) between pCO2 treatments. The depth of penetration of filaments of O. quekettii was, however, significantly higher under 750 ppmv (1.4 mm) than under 400 ppmv (1 mm). Consequently, rates of carbonate dissolution measured under elevated pCO2 were 48% higher than under ambient pCO2 (0.46 kg CaCO3 dissolved m2/a versus 0.31 kg /m2/a). Thus, biogenic dissolution of carbonates by euendoliths in coral reefs may be a dominant mechanism of carbonate dissolution in a more acidic ocean.


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The response of three coccolithophores (Emiliania huxleyi, Calcidiscus leptoporus and Syracosphaera pulchra) to elevated partial pressure (pCO2) of carbon dioxide was investigated in batch cultures. For the first time, we also report on the response of the non calcifying (haploid) life stage of these three species. The growth rate, cell size, inorganic (PIC) and organic carbon (POC) of both life stages were measured at two different pCO2 (400and 760 ppm) and their organic and inorganic carbon production calculated. The two lifestages within the same species generally exhibited a similar response to elevated pCO2, theresponse of the haploid stage being often more pronounced than that of the diploid stage. Thegrowth rate was consistently higher at higher pCO2 but the response of other processes varied among species. The calcification rate of C. leptoporus and of S. pulchra did not change at elevated pCO2 while increased in E. huxleyi. The POC production as well as the cell size of both life stages of S. pulchra and of the haploid stage of E. huxleyi markedly decreased at elevated pCO2. It remained unaltered in the diploid stage of E. huxleyi and C. leptoporus and increased in the haploid stage of the latter. The PIC:POC ratio increased in E. huxleyi and was constant in C. leptoporus and S. pulchra. These results suggest that the non-calcifying stage, is more responsive than the calcifying stage and that the most versatile genera will proliferate in a more acidic ocean rather than all coccolithophores will decline.


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On-deck CO2-Fe-manipulated incubation experiments were conducted using surface seawater collected from the Western Subarctic Gyre of the NW Pacific in the summer of 2008 to elucidate the impacts of ocean acidification and Fe enrichment on the abundance and community composition of phytoplankton and eubacteria in the study area. During the incubation, excluding the initial period, the mean partial pressures of CO2 in non-Fe-added bottles were 230, 419, 843, and 1124 µatm, whereas those in Fe-added treatments were 152, 394, 791, and 1008 µatm. Changes in the abundance and community composition of phytoplankton were estimated using HPLC pigment signatures with the program CHEMTAX and flow cytometry. A DGGE fingerprint technique targeting 16S rRNA gene fragments was also used to estimate changes in eubacterial phylotypes during incubation. The Fe addition induced diatom blooms, and subsequently stimulated the growth of heterotrophic bacteria such as Roseobacter, Phaeobacter, and Alteromonas in the post-bloom phase. In both the Fe-limited and Fe-replete treatments, concentrations of 19'-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin, a haptophyte marker, and the cell abundance of coccolithophores decreased at higher CO2 levels (750 and 1000 ppm), whereas diatoms exhibited little response to the changes in CO2 availability. The abundances of Synechococcus and small eukaryotic phytoplankton (<10 µm) increased at the higher CO2 levels. DGGE band positions revealed that Methylobacterium of Alphaproteobacteria occurred solely at lower CO2 levels (180 and 380 ppm) during the post-bloom phase. These results suggest that increases in CO2 level could affect not only the community composition of phytoplankton but also that of eubacteria. As these microorganisms play critical roles in the biological carbon pump and microbial loop, our results indicate that the progression of ocean acidification can alter the biogeochemical processes in the study area.


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Rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide and the concomitant increased uptake of this by the oceans is resulting in hypercapnia-related reduction of ocean pH. Research focussed on the direct effects of these physicochemical changes on marine invertebrates has begun to improve our understanding of impacts at the level of individual physiologies. However, CO2-related impairment of organisms' contribution to ecological or ecosystem processes has barely been addressed. The burrowing ophiuroid Amphiura filiformis, which has a physiology that makes it susceptible to reduced pH, plays a key role in sediment nutrient cycling by mixing and irrigating the sediment, a process known as bioturbation. Here we investigate the role of A. filiformis in modifying nutrient flux rates across the sediment-water boundary and the impact of CO2- related acidification on this process. A 40 day exposure study was conducted under predicted pH scenarios from the years 2100 (pH 7.7) and 2300 (pH 7.3), plus an additional treatment of pH 6.8. This study demonstrated strong relationships between A. filiformis density and cycling of some nutrients; activity increases the sediment uptake of phosphate and the release of nitrite and nitrate. No relationship between A. filiformis density and the flux of ammonium or silicate were observed. Results also indicated that, within the timescale of this experiment, effects at the individual bioturbator level appear not to translate into reduced ecosystem influence. However, long term survival of key bioturbating species is far from assured and changes in both bioturbation and microbial processes could alter key biogeochemical processes in future, more acidic oceans.


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Rising anthropogenic CO2 emissions acidify the oceans, and cause changes to seawater carbon chemistry. Bacterial biofilm communities reflect environmental disturbances and may rapidly respond to ocean acidification. This study investigates community composition and activity responses to experimental ocean acidification in biofilms from the Australian Great Barrier Reef. Natural biofilms grown on glass slides were exposed for 11 d to four controlled pCO2 concentrations representing the following scenarios: A) pre-industrial (~300 ppm), B) present-day (~400 ppm), C) mid century (~560 ppm) and D) late century (~1140 ppm). Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and clone library analyses of 16S rRNA genes revealed CO2-correlated bacterial community shifts between treatments A, B and D. Observed bacterial community shifts were driven by decreases in the relative abundance of Alphaproteobacteria and increases of Flavobacteriales (Bacteroidetes) at increased CO2 concentrations, indicating pH sensitivity of specific bacterial groups. Elevated pCO2 (C + D) shifted biofilm algal communities and significantly increased C and N contents, yet O2 fluxes, measured using in light and dark incubations, remained unchanged. Our findings suggest that bacterial biofilm communities rapidly adapt and reorganize in response to high pCO2 to maintain activity such as oxygen production.