56 resultados para Metals mass balances
em Publishing Network for Geoscientific
Stubacher Sonnblickkees (SSK) is located in the Hohe Tauern Range (Eastern Alps) in the south of Salzburg Province (Austria) in the region of Oberpinzgau in the upper Stubach Valley. The glacier is situated at the main Alpine crest and faces east, starting at elevations close to 3050 m and in the 1980s terminated at 2500 m a.s.l. It had an area of 1.7 km² at that time, compared with 1 km² in 2013. The glacier type can be classified as a slope glacier, i.e. the relief is covered by a relatively thin ice sheet and there is no regular glacier tongue. The rough subglacial topography makes for a complex shape in the surface topography, with various concave and convex patterns. The main reason for selecting this glacier for mass balance observations (as early as 1963) was to verify on a complex glacier how the mass balance methods and the conclusions - derived during the more or less pioneer phase of glaciological investigations in the 1950s and 1960s - could be applied to the SSK glacier. The decision was influenced by the fact that close to the SSK there was the Rudolfshütte, a hostel of the Austrian Alpine Club (OeAV), newly constructed in the 1950s to replace the old hut dating from 1874. The new Alpenhotel Rudolfshütte, which was run by the Slupetzky family from 1958 to 1970, was the base station for the long-term observation; the cable car to Rudolfshütte, operated by the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB), was a logistic advantage. Another factor for choosing SSK as a glaciological research site was the availability of discharge records of the catchment area from the Austrian Federal Railways who had turned the nearby lake Weißsee ('White Lake') - a former natural lake - into a reservoir for their hydroelectric power plants. In terms of regional climatic differences between the Central Alps in Tyrol and those of the Hohe Tauern, the latter experienced significantly higher precipitation , so one could expect new insights in the different response of the two glaciers SSK and Hintereisferner (Ötztal Alps) - where a mass balance series went back to 1952. In 1966 another mass balance series with an additional focus on runoff recordings was initiated at Vernagtfener, near Hintereisferner, by the Commission of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences in Munich. The usual and necessary link to climate and climate change was given by a newly founded weather station (by Heinz and Werner Slupetzky) at the Rudolfshütte in 1961, which ran until 1967. Along with an extension and enlargement to the so-called Alpine Center Rudolfshütte of the OeAV, a climate observatory (suggested by Heinz Slupetzky) has been operating without interruption since 1980 under the responsibility of ZAMG and the Hydrological Service of Salzburg, providing long-term met observations. The weather station is supported by the Berghotel Rudolfshütte (in 2004 the OeAV sold the hotel to a private owner) with accommodation and facilities. Direct yearly mass balance measurements were started in 1963, first for 3 years as part of a thesis project. In 1965 the project was incorporated into the Austrian glacier measurement sites within the International Hydrological Decade (IHD) 1965 - 1974 and was afterwards extended via the International Hydrological Program (IHP) 1975 - 1981. During both periods the main financial support came from the Hydrological Survey of Austria. After 1981 funds were provided by the Hydrological Service of the Federal Government of Salzburg. The research was conducted from 1965 onwards by Heinz Slupetzky from the (former) Department of Geography of the University of Salzburg. These activities received better recognition when the High Alpine Research Station of the University of Salzburg was founded in 1982 and brought in additional funding from the University. With recent changes concerning Rudolfshütte, however, it became unfeasible to keep the research station going. Fortunately, at least the weather station at Rudolfshütte is still operating. In the pioneer years of the mass balance recordings at SSK, the main goal was to understand the influence of the complicated topography on the ablation and accumulation processes. With frequent strong southerly winds (foehn) on the one hand, and precipitation coming in with storms from the north to northwest, the snow drift is an important factor on the undulating glacier surface. This results in less snow cover in convex zones and in more or a maximum accumulation in concave or flat areas. As a consequence of the accentuated topography, certain characteristic ablation and accumulation patterns can be observed during the summer season every year, which have been regularly observed for many decades . The process of snow depletion (Ausaperung) runs through a series of stages (described by the AAR) every year. The sequence of stages until the end of the ablation season depends on the weather conditions in a balance year. One needs a strong negative mass balance year at the beginning of glacier measurements to find out the regularities; 1965, the second year of observation resulted in a very positive mass balance with very little ablation but heavy accumulation. To date it is the year with the absolute maximum positive balance in the entire mass balance series since 1959, probably since 1950. The highly complex ablation patterns required a high number of ablation stakes at the beginning of the research and it took several years to develop a clearer idea of the necessary density of measurement points to ensure high accuracy. A great number of snow pits and probing profiles (and additional measurements at crevasses) were necessary to map the accumulation area/patterns. Mapping the snow depletion, especially at the end of the ablation season, which coincides with the equilibrium line, is one of the main basic data for drawing contour lines of mass balance and to calculate the total mass balance (on a regular-shaped valley glacier there might be an equilibrium line following a contour line of elevation separating the accumulation area and the ablation area, but not at SSK). - An example: in 1969/70, 54 ablation stakes and 22 snow pits were used on the 1.77 km² glacier surface. In the course of the study the consistency of the accumulation and ablation patterns could be used to reduce the number of measurement points. - At the SSK the stratigraphic system, i.e. the natural balance year, is used instead the usual hydrological year. From 1964 to 1981, the yearly mass balance was calculated by direct measurements. Based on these records of 17 years, a regression analysis between the specific net mass balance and the ratio of ablation area to total area (AAR) has been used since then. The basic requirement was mapping the maximum snow depletion at the end of each balance year. There was the advantage of Heinz Slupetzky's detailed local and long-term experience, which ensured homogeneity of the series on individual influences of the mass balance calculations. Verifications took place as often as possible by means of independent geodetic methods, i.e. monoplotting , aerial and terrestrial photogrammetry, more recently also the application of PHOTOMODELLER and laser scans. The semi-direct mass balance determinations used at SSK were tentatively compared with data from periods of mass/volume change, resulting in promising first results on the reliability of the method. In recent years re-analyses of the mass balance series have been conducted by the World Glacier Monitoring Service and will be done at SSK too. - The methods developed at SSK also add to another objective, much discussed in the 1960s within the community, namely to achieve time- and labour-saving methods to ensure continuation of long-term mass balance series. The regression relations were used to extrapolate the mass balance series back to 1959, the maximum depletion could be reconstructed by means of photographs for those years. R. Günther (1982) calculated the mass balance series of SSK back to 1950 by analysing the correlation between meteorological data and the mass balance; he found a high statistical relation between measured and determined mass balance figures for SSK. In spite of the complex glacier topography, interesting empirical experiences were gained from the mass balance data sets, giving a better understanding of the characteristics of the glacier type, mass balance and mass exchange. It turned out that there are distinct relations between the specific net balance, net accumulation (defined as Bc/S) and net ablation (Ba/S) to the AAR, resulting in characteristic so-called 'turnover curves'. The diagram of SSK represents the type of a glacier without a glacier tongue. Between 1964 and 1966, a basic method was developed, starting from the idea that instead of measuring years to cover the range between extreme positive and extreme negative yearly balances one could record the AAR/snow depletion/Ausaperung during one or two summers. The new method was applied on Cathedral Massif Glacier, a cirque glacier with the same area as the Stubacher Sonnblickkees, in British Columbia, Canada. during the summers of 1977 and 1978. It returned exactly the expected relations, e.g. mass turnover curves, as found on SSK. The SSK was mapped several times on a scale of 1:5000 to 1:10000. Length variations have been measured since 1960 within the OeAV glacier length measurement programme. Between 1965 and 1981, there was a mass gain of 10 million cubic metres. With a time lag of 10 years, this resulted in an advance until the mid-1980s. Since 1982 there has been a distinct mass loss of 35 million cubic metres by 2013. In recent years, the glacier has disintegrated faster, forced by the formation of a periglacial lake at the glacier terminus and also by the outcrops of rocks (typical for the slope glacier type), which have accelerated the meltdown. The formation of this lake is well documented. The glacier has retreated by some 600 m since 1981. - Since August 2002, a runoff gauge installed by the Hydrographical Service of Salzburg has recorded the discharge of the main part of SSK at the outlet of the new Unterer Eisboden See. The annual reports - submitted from 1982 on as a contractual obligation to the Hydrological Service of Salzburg - document the ongoing processes on the one hand, and emphasize the mass balance of SSK and outline the climatological reasons, mainly based on the met-data of the observatory Rudolfshütte, on the other. There is an additional focus on estimating the annual water balance in the catchment area of the lake. There are certain preconditions for the water balance equation in the area. Runoff is recorded by the ÖBB power stations, the mass balance of the now approx. 20% glaciated area (mainly the Sonnblickkees) is measured andthe change of the snow and firn patches/the water content is estimated as well as possible. (Nowadays laserscanning and ground radar are available to measure the snow pack). There is a net of three precipitation gauges plus the recordings at Rudolfshütte. The evaporation is of minor importance. The long-term annual mean runoff depth in the catchment area is around 3.000 mm/year. The precipitation gauges have measured deficits between 10% and 35%, on average probably 25% to 30%. That means that the real precipitation in the catchment area Weißsee (at elevations between 2,250 and 3,000 m) is in an order of 3,200 to 3,400 mm a year. The mass balance record of SSK was the first one established in the Hohe Tauern region (and now since the Hohe Tauern National Park was founded in 1983 in Salzburg) and is one of the longest measurement series worldwide. Great efforts are under way to continue the series, to safeguard against interruption and to guarantee a long-term monitoring of the mass balance and volume change of SSK (until the glacier is completely gone, which seems to be realistic in the near future as a result of the ongoing global warming). Heinz Slupetzky, March 2014
Large uncertainties remain in the current and future contribution to sea level rise from Antarctica. Climate warming may increase snowfall in the continent's interior, but enhance glacier discharge at the coast where warmer air and ocean temperatures erode the buttressing ice shelves. Here, we use satellite interferometric synthetic-aperture radar observations from 1992 to 2006 covering 85% of Antarctica's coastline to estimate the total mass flux into the ocean. We compare the mass fluxes from large drainage basin units with interior snow accumulation calculated from a regional atmospheric climate model for 1980 to 2004. In East Antarctica, small glacier losses in Wilkes Land and glacier gains at the mouths of the Filchner and Ross ice shelves combine to a near-zero loss of 4 ± 61 Gt/yr. In West Antarctica, widespread losses along the Bellingshausen and Amundsen seas increased the ice sheet loss by 59% in 10 years to reach 132 ± 60 Gt/yr in 2006. In the Peninsula, losses increased by 140% to reach 60 ± 46 Gt/yr in 2006. Losses are concentrated along narrow channels occupied by outlet glaciers and are caused by ongoing and past glacier acceleration. Changes in glacier flow therefore have a significant, if not dominant impact on ice sheet mass balance.
Little is known about the fluxes to and from the ocean during the Cenozoic of phosphorus (P), a limiting nutrient for oceanic primary productivity and organic carbon burial on geologic timescales. Previous studies have concluded that dissolved river fluxes increased worldwide during the Cenozoic and that organic carbon burial decreased relative to calcium carbonate burial and perhaps in absolute terms as well. To examine the apparent contradiction between increased river fluxes of P (assuming P fluxes behave like the others) expected to drive increased organic carbon burial and observations indicating decreased organic carbon burial, we determined P accumulation rates for equatorial Pacific sediments from Ocean Drilling Program leg 138 sites in the eastern equatorial Pacific and leg 130 sites on the Ontong Java Plateau in the western equatorial Pacific. Although there are site specific and depth dependent effects on P accumulation rates, there are important features common to the records at all sites. P accumulation rates declined from 50 to 20 Ma, showed some variability from 20 to 10 Ma, and had a substantial peak from 9 to 3 Ma centered at 5-6 Ma. These changes in P accumulation rates for the equatorial Pacific are equivalent to substantial changes in the P mass balance. However, the pattern resembles neither that of weathering flux indicators (87Sr/86Sr and Ge/Si ratios) nor that of the carbon isotope record reflecting changes in organic carbon burial rates. Although these P accumulation rate patterns need confirmation from other regions with sediment burial significant in global mass balances (e.g., the North Pacific and Southern Ocean), it appears that P weathering inputs to the ocean are decoupled from those of other elements and that further exploration is needed of the relationship between P burial and net organic carbon burial.
Data from sections across the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean occupied by the German Research Vessel Polarstern in 1987 and by the Swedish icebreaker Oden in 1991 are used to derive information on the freshwater balance of the Arctic Ocean halocline and on the sources of the deep waters of the Nansen, Amundsen and Makarov basins. Salinity, d18O and mass balances allow separation of the river-runoff and the sea-ice meltwater fractions contained in the Arctic halocline. This provides the basis for tracking the river-runoff signal from the shelf seas across the central Arctic Ocean to Fram Strait. The halocline has to be divided into at least three lateral regimes: the southern Nansen Basin with net sea-ice melting, the northern Nansen Basin and Amundsen Basin with net sea-ice formation and increasing river-runoff fractions, and the Canadian Basin with minimum sea-ice meltwater and maximum river-runoff fractions and water of Pacific origin. In the Canadian Basin, silicate is used as a tracer to identify Pacific water entering through Bering Strait and an attempt is made to quantify its influence on the halocline waters of the Canadian Basin. For this purpose literature data from the CESAR and LOREX ice camps are used. Based on mass balances and depending on the value of precipitation over the area of the Arctic Ocean the average mean residence time of the river-runoff fraction contained in the Arctic Ocean halocline is determined to be about 14 or 11 years. Water column inventories of river-runoff and sea-ice meltwater are calculated for a section just north of Fram Strait and implications for the ice export rate through Fram Strait are discussed. Salinity, tritium, 3He and the d18O ratio of halocline waters sampled during the 1987 Polarstern cruise to the Nansen Basin are used to estimate the mean residence time of the river-runoff component in the halocline and on the shelves of the Arctic Ocean. These estimates are done by comparing ages of the halocline waters based on a combination of tracers yielding different time information: the tritium 'vintage' age which records the time that has passed since the river-runoff entered the shelf and the tritium/3He age which reflects the time since the shelf waters left the shelf. The difference between the ages determined by these two methods is about 3 to 6 years. Correction for the initial tritium/3He age of the shelf waters (about 0.5 to 1.5 years) yields a mean residence time of the river-runoff on the shelves of about 3.5 ± 2 years. Comparison of the 18O/16O ratios of shelf water, Atlantic water and the deep waters of the Arctic Ocean indicate that the sources of the deep and bottom waters of the Eurasian Basin are located in the Barents and Kara seas.
Hallstätter Glacier is the northernmost glacier of Austria. Appendant to the northern Limestone Alps, the glacier is located at 47°28'50'' N, 13°36'50'' E in the Dachstein-region. At the same time with its advance linked to the Little Ice Age (LIA), research on changes in size and mass of Hallstätter glacier was started in 1842 by Friedrich Simony. He observed and documented the glacier retreat related to its last maximum extension in 1856. In addition, Hallstätter Glacier is a subject to scientific research to date. In this thesis methods and results of ongoing mass balance measurements are presented and compared to long term volume changes and meteorological observations. The current mass balance monitoring programm using the direct glaciological method was started 2006. In this context, 2009 the ice thickness was measured with ground penetrating radar. The result are used with digital elevation models reconstucted from historical maps and recent digital elevation models to calculate changes in shape and volume of Hallstätter Glacier. Based on current meteorological measurements near the glacier and longtime homogenized climate data provided by HISTALP, time series of precipitation and temperature beginning at the LIA are produced. These monthly precipitation and monthly mean temperature data are used to compare results of a simple degree day model with the volume change calculated from the difference of the digital elevation models. The two years of direct mass balance measurements are used to calibrate the degree day model. A number of possible future scenarios are produced to indicate prospective changes. Within the 150-year-period between 1856 and 2007 the Hallstätter Glacier lost 1940 meters of its length and 2.23 km**2 in area. 37% of the initial volume of 1856 remained. This retreat came along with a change in climate. The application of a running avarage of 30 years shows an increase in precipitation of 18.5% and a warming of 1.3°C near the glacier between 1866 and 1993. The mass loss was continued in the hydrological years 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 showing mean specific mass balance of -376 mm and -700 mm, respectively. Applying a temperature correction for the different minimum elevations of the glacier, the degree day approach based on the two measured mass balances can reproduce sign and order of magnitude of the volume change of Hallstätter Glacier since 1856. Nevertheless, the relative deviation is significant. Future scenarios show, that 30% of the entire glacier volume remains after subtracting the elevation changes between the digital elevation models of 2002 and 2007 ten times from the surface of 2007. The past and present mass changes of Hallstätter Glacier are showing a retreating glacier as a consequence of rising temperatures. Due to high precepitation, increased with previous warming, the Hallstätter Glacier can and will exist in lower elevation compared to inner alpine glaciers.
The amount of lead annually transferred from oceanic crust to metalliferous sediments was estimated in order to test the hypothesis that a non-magmatic flux of lead causes the Pb surplus in the continental crust. A Pb surplus has been inferred from global crust-mantle lead mass balances derived from lead concentration correlations with other trace elements and from lead isotope systematics in oceanic basalts. DSDP/ODP data on the amount of metalliferous sediments in the Pacific Ocean and along a South Atlantic traverse are used to calculate the mean worldwide thickness of 3 (+/-1) m for purely metalliferous sediment componens. Lead isotope ratios of 39 metalliferous sediments from the Pacific define mixing lines between continent-derived (seawater) and mantle-derived (basaltic) lead, with the most metal-rich sediments usually having the most mantle-like Pb isotope composition. We used this isotope correlation and the Pb content of the 39 metalliferous sediments to derive an estimate of 130 (+/-70) µg/g for the concentration of mantle-derived lead in the purely metalliferous end-member. Mass balance calculations show that at least 12 (+/-8)% of the lead, annually transferred from upper mantle to oceanic crust at the ocean ridges, is leached out by hydrothermal processes and re-deposited in marine sediments. If all of the metalliferous lead is ultimately transferred to the continental crust during subduction, the annual flux of this lead from mantle to continental crust is 2.6 (+/-2.0) * 10**6 kg. Assuming this transfer rate to be proportional to the rate of oceanic plate production, one can fit the lead transfer to models of plate production rate variations through time. Integrating over 4 Ga, hydrothermal lead transfer to the continental crust accounts for a significant portion of the Pb surplus in the continental crust. It therefore appears to be one of the main reasons for the anomalous behavior of lead in the global crust-mantle system.
Depending on the temperature and the extent of diagenetic alteration of fluid chemistry, fluid flow at convergent margins may transfer important quantities of heat and mass between the crust and seawater, thereby influencing global mass, isotopic and heat budgets. In the North Aoba Basin, an intra-arc basin located at the New Hebrides Island Arc, alteration of volcanic ash to clay minerals and zeolites forms a CaCl2 brine, perhaps in less than 1 to 3 m.y. The brine results from an exchange of Ca for Na, K, and Mg, and an increase in Cl concentrations to a maximum of 1241 mM. The Cl increase is partly due to the transfer of H2O from the pore fluid into authigenic minerals, but water mass balances, d18O-Cl correlations, and Br/Cl ratios suggest that there is a source of Cl in the sediments. Concentration profiles indicate that Li is transferred from the fluid to solid phase at depths <300 meters below seafloor (mbsf), but at greater depths it is transferred from the solid to fluid phase, at temperatures possibly as low as 25°C. In the accretionary wedge extensive fluid flow appears to be confined to highly faulted regions. Although Cl concentrations less than seawater value are common at convergent margins, the New Hebrides margin contains little low-Cl fluid. Br/Cl ratios suggest the low-Cl fluid is from dilution, and d18O values indicate the water may be derived from mineral dehydration and mixing with meteoric water. The New Hebrides margin exhibits few surface manifestations of venting (e.g., sulfide-oxidizing benthic biological communities, carbonate crusts, mud volcanoes) and thus fluid fluxes may be smaller than at many other margins.
This study addresses the problem of diagenetic fractionation of d15N in sedimentary organic matter by constructing isotopic mass balances for the sedimentary nitrogen and pore water ammonium at two Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites, 1227 and 1230. At Site 1230, ammonium production flux integrated through the sedimentary column indicates that >60% of organic matter is lost to decomposition. The d15N of pore water ammonium is <0.7 per mil different from that of the sedimentary organic matter, which implies that very little isotopic fractionation is associated with degradation of organic matter at this site. The constant d15N of the solid-phase sedimentary nitrogen through the whole profile supports this conclusion. Atomic C/N ratios (9-12) indicate that organic matter at this site is primarily of marine origin. At Site 1227, the sedimentary organic matter appears to be a mixture of terrestrial and marine components. Ammonium is ~4 heavier than the organic matter. The observed isotopic enrichment of pore water ammonium relative to the sedimentary nitrogen might indicate either the preferential decomposition of isotopically heavier marine fraction of the organic matter, or possibly, a nonsteady-state condition of the ammonium concentration and d15N profiles. Interpretation of the results at Site 1227 is further complicated by the contribution of ammonium with d15N of ~4 per mil that is diffusing upward from Miocene brines.